• Published 26th Jul 2017
  • 15,155 Views, 1,061 Comments

Little Glimpses - Skijarama

An unusual dream graces Twilight's mind on the same day that Princess Celestia returns to Canterlot with a new, adopted daughter named Rainbow Dash.

  • ...

The Day Approaches

The Day Before the 1,000th Summer Sun Celebration...

“I want you to accompany Twilight, Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash frowned in thought while trotting down a long corridor in Canterlot Castle, making her way for an exit that would take her to the observatory yard, where the tall and luxurious tower in which Twilight had been living for the last three years would be found. Her steps echoed around her, as there were no other ponies here right now. A blessing in a way, for she could think freely and without distraction.

“Huh? Why? I’m pretty sure she’s got everything under control.”

Rainbow pushed the doors open as she came to them, warm summer air washing over her face and relaxing her slightly sore muscles. She could hear birds chirping and the smells of lively plants reached her nostrils, prompting her to take a deep breath. The region in front of her was comprised of a large, open courtyard with decorative gardens and, near the wall, a tall, spiraling tower with observation windows near the top floor. Rainbow wasted no time in begining the fairly short canter to her destination.

“You misunderstand. The Summer Sun Celebration needs clear skies, Rainbow, and I don’t know anypony faster or better with the clouds than you. I want you to go with her to ensure that the skies are clear for the sunrise.”

“You sure that’s all there is to it?”

Rainbow sighed slightly as she recalled the somewhat bitter tone that had slipped into her words when she asked that question. She was growing tired of waiting for answers, yes, but that was no excuse...

“Well… I admit, there is more to it. I want you to stick by Twilight’s side if something goes wrong, okay?”

“You mean Nightmare Moon?”

Rainbow felt a chill run down her spine at that thought. She remembered well what her mother had said, and they both knew that Nightmare Moon was due to return tomorrow. Celestia was, as usual, neglecting to drop more details. She was continuously re-assuring Rainbow Dash that everything would be fine, though Rainbow was not so sure she believed her.

“Yes. You remember. If I remember her as well as I think I do, she’ll strike suddenly and with no warning… if she strikes out at me, I want you to keep Twilight safe.”

“No offense, but what does Twilight even have to do with Nightmare Moon?”

Rainbow’s brow furrowed while she ascended Twilight’s tower, trying to figure out what the bookish unicorn mare would have that could link her to a thousand year old alicorn tyrant that had been stuck in the moon for most of her life. And she found her teeth grinding behind her lips in irritation as she remembered Celestia’s answer.

“I’m afraid I do not have an answer for that… not until after.”

Predictable, but still irritating.

Either way, Rainbow at last reached Twilight’s door and knocked several times. For a moment there was the sound of movement on the other side before, after a few seconds, Twilight pried it open, looking at Rainbow with a troubled look on her face. It melted into a genuinely happy smile at the sight of Rainbow, however. “Oh! Rainbow! I’m so glad to see you! Come on and get in here, I need to show you something.” she babbled excitedly before reaching out with her hooves and yanking Rainbow into her observatory.

“Ow!” Rainbow complained from the sudden movement before removing herself from Twilight’s grip, now very grumpy. “What gives?!”

“Sorry,” Twilight apologized, blushing somewhat. “I just found out something really important and I would like it if you could set Princess Celestia straight on it.” she explained while cantering briskly up into upper levels. Rainbow rolled her eyes and followed Twilight up.

“What is it?”

When Rainbow reached the top of the stairs, Twilight shoved a book into her face with a quick burst of telekinesis. “Read this!” she said quickly. Rainbow shot her a look, raising an eyebrow before plucking the book from Twilight’s grip and looking it over.

“Okay, let’s see… ‘The mare in the moon, myth from olden pony times. A powerful pony who wanted to rule Equestria, defeated by the Elements of Harmony and imprisoned in the moon. Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will…” Rainbow stopped with a furrowed brow. Twilight was in on it, now.

“Before I say anymore, I want you to swear to me that you will not repeat any of what I am about to tell you.”

“I won’t say a word, I promise.”

Rainbow lowered the book and looked at Twilight uneasily, the mare in question looking back at her with expectant and almost pleading eyes. “Well? I looked it over in a history book, too. The information lines up and I’m sure that Nightmare Moon is about to come back!”

Rainbow looked at the book again, then up to Twilight, unsure of how to respond. After a moment she returned the book to Twilight, who claimed it with her magic. “I’m not so sure…” she lied, wincing guiltily inside. “Maybe you should check some more sources or something? You know, to make sure you’ve got it right?”

“Rainbow!” Twilight groaned out while procuring the letter Spike had belched out not ten minutes ago and shoving it in Rainbow’s face. “I don’t have time to be checking more sources! I’m going on an assignment!”

Rainbow knew what the letter said. She had been there when Celestia had written it. She lifted a foreleg and pushed the note out of her face. “Uh, yeah, that’s why I’m here, Twilight. Celestia wants me to go with you.”

Twilight leaned back and blinked in surprise. “Huh?”

“Yeah. I’m supposed to be keeping the skies clear or whatever,” she then leaned forward as if to share some great secret. “Between you and me, I’m mostly going so I can show off to the wonderbolts.”

Twilight couldn’t help the small smile that appeared at Rainbow’s almost predictable statement. She then lost said smile and groaned in frustration while turning away from Rainbow to look out of her window and over the city below.. “Ugh… I guess I have no choice but to go on this assignment, huh?”

Rainbow lost her smile before trotting up to Twilight’s side. “Hey, it’ll be okay,” A cocky grin appeared on her face. “If some old evil alicorn stupid shows up, I’ll whoop her butt for ya.”

Twilight snorted in response before looking at Rainbow with an incredulous expression. “Uh, I don’t think that’d be a very good idea. Alicorns are kinda-”

“Powerful as heck, I know,” Rainbow interrupted her before jabbing Twilight in the shoulder playfully. “But I’ll also have you to watch my back. We’ll be fine. Trust me, okay?”

Twilight recoiled from Rainbow’s jab before play-punching her back, giggling slightly. “I mean, I guess… seriously, though, don’t do anything reckless or stupid.”

Rainbow gasped in mock shock while holding a hoof up to her chest. “Moi?” she asked in the cheesiest canterlot noble accent she could.

Twilight laughed.

“You’ll be fine, Twilight,” Shining Armor assured before adjusting his captain’s armor a bit. “With your management skills you’ll have your duties done in no time at all.”

Twilight nodded before reaching out and pulling her big brother into a warm hug. “I hope so…”

Rainbow smiled at the two from where she was standing not far away. She then turned to look at the two pegasus royal guards that would be carrying the chariot. “You guys all set to go?” she asked, to which they both nodded sharply. Rainbow nodded and then looked out at where they were. One of the landing yards of Canterlot Castle,reserved for important arrivals and departures only. She took a moment to look and could see a lot of Equestria sprawling before her, given their altitude.

Her eyes trailed a bit and soon rested on Ponyville, the small town at the base of the mountain. She then turned her eyes to Twilight, who was presently looking over a checklist with Spike to make sure they had everything that they needed written down. Finally, Rainbow turned and looked up to see Princess Celestia looking down to them from a balcony some distance away, looking… sad.

Rainbow furrowed her brow before looking back at Twilight. “Go ahead and get ready. I need to check something really quick.” she said before shooting up into the air. A second later, she slowed to a stop in front of Celestia, who had taken a step back to make sure Rainbow had room.

“...Rainbow Dash.” the princess greeted simply.

“Before I go on this trip, I just need to ask you two things… is there anything else I should know right now, and… are you crying?” Rainbow’s words started off simple and blunt, but soon shifted to something far more gentle.

Celestia nodded and wiped a hoof across her eyes to remove the tears. “Yes… I am.”

“What’s wrong?” Rainbow asked softly before drifting forward and putting a hoof on Celestia’s shoulder.

“Nothing is wrong, per se… I’m just…” she glanced at Rainbow with a longing look in her eyes, then past her to Twilight. Rainbow followed Celestia’s gaze and frowned.

“You worried about Twilight?”

“About both of you,” Celestia corrected, earning Rainbow’s gaze once again. She shuddered and continued. “...I’ve been meaning to send Twilight away from Canterlot to Ponyville for quite some time. Even if you have helped draw out much of her potential, she is still… she is still hiding in a shell, so to speak. She needs more friends to draw out what she is truly capable of,” Celestia then lowered her gaze slightly. “I just don’t want her to go, ultimately…”

Rainbow sighed slightly but nodded in understanding. “Hey, if it’s any consolation, I’ll still be here.”

Celestia looked up to Rainbow with an appreciative smile, but there was something in her eyes that made Rainbow’s smile falter. Still, Celestia straightened herself and pulled Rainbow Dash into a warm embrace. “...Thank you for saying that.”

Rainbow returned the hug gladly, basking in Celestia’s warmth for several moments. She then glanced back down to where Twilight and Spike were now sitting in the chariot, waiting on her. Shrugging out of the hug, Rainbow smiled at Celestia confidently. “I gotta go. Don’t worry about us. Twilight will do fine and Nightmare Moon won’t hurt her. I’ll make sure of that. I promise.”

Celestia nodded in thanks. “I know. Thank you, Rainbow…”

Rainbow grinned before flipping back and shooting for the chariot, leaving Celestia to watch after them with her smile gradually fading.

Below, Rainbow came to a landing in the Chariot, only breaking her speed back at the last possible second to avoid crushing it. A gust of wind ruffled all manes present, earning a disgruntled frown from Twilight. Rainbow chuckled sheepishly and, while Twilight was fixing her mane, tapped the front rim of the chariot. “Okay, boys; Let’s go!”

The two stallions nodded in affirmative before spreading their wings and beginning the journey. As the chariot went, the two were mostly silent. Twilight leaned forward and rested her forelegs on the side of the chariot so she could look down at the ground below as they sped by. Rainbow simply chose to lounge a bit with her back to one wall of the chariot, deciding to relax until they arrived.

Unbeknownst to Rainbow, Twilight’s eyes twitched sporadically for several moments. She gasped softly, the sound lost to the rush of the air. Memories were battling for supremacy in her mind, and she found herself sitting bolt upright. She glanced back at Rainbow. She felt like yelping in alarm, but she didn’t. For several seconds, she thought she was remembering a life where Rainbow had never come to Canterlot, where she had never had the flashes, where she was anti-social even among her study group.

But when she really focused on Rainbow, reality reasserted itself. She shook her head to dispel a slight throb that had entered her head and looked back down at the world below.

“You okay, Twilight?” Rainbow asked, having noticed Twilight staring.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just… a little dizzy.”

Rainbow frowned, unconvinced, but decided to not push the issue for now. They were on their way to Ponyville, now. Nightmare Moon would be returning this night and, hopefully, Princess Celestia would finally have answers when all was said and done.

Author's Note:

And Thus Begins the Final stretch of this story. Thus begins the

Answers Arc

Okay, fast forwarding to the very end here. My only question is whether or not everyone is okay with this move? If enough people are not happy with this choice than I will retroactively add in a plot-arc to bridge the gap between 'Unwaking Twilight' and 'Answers.'