• Published 26th Jul 2017
  • 15,156 Views, 1,061 Comments

Little Glimpses - Skijarama

An unusual dream graces Twilight's mind on the same day that Princess Celestia returns to Canterlot with a new, adopted daughter named Rainbow Dash.

  • ...

Into The Everfree (Part 1)

The Everfree Forest loomed in front of her threateningly. The leaves adorning the twisting and crooked branches of the trees waved and rustled, like a hungry predator anxiously awaiting it’s next meal to walk within range. A soft breeze rolled over everything, including Twilight herself, sending a frighteningly cold shiver down her spine. It may have been the cold, or it could have been her own anxiety. She couldn’t tell, really.

Fluttershy stood off to her left, pensively prodding at the ground and nervously toying with her mane with her hooves, her eyes darting around at every little noise. In the distance, an owl hooted, drawing a twitch from her. Applejack was right next to Fluttershy and took a moment to pat her back encouragingly.

Pinkie was there, too, looking at the group with a big smile and wide, happy eyes. Twilight had no idea how she was able to stay so perky despite everything that was happening, but she decided not to question it, mainly because she didn’t want that cherry optimism to go away. It was pretty much all that was keeping them all focused and alert at this point.

There was still one pony missing.

“Dag nabbit, where’s Rarity?” Applejack groaned restlessly, shifting on her haunches and glaring off down the path towards ponyville. “She’s costin’ us a lotta time.”

“If she takes too long we’ll have to go on ahead without her,” Twilight said with a surprising amount of composure. If one had a hoof on her, though, they would be able to feel her shakes without any doubt. “We can’t waste any time.”

“I heard that!” Came the somewhat fatigued voice of the mare in question. Rarity came cantering up the hill with fanciful saddlebags slung across her back. “Don’t leave without me!”

Twilight glared at her. “What took you so long?” she asked more sharply than she intended, though her current frustration prevented her from apologizing.

“I’m terribly sorry for the delay,” Rarity panted when she came to a stop, the rest of the group gathering around her. “I just wanted to make sure we had something specific for this mission of ours. Here…” her horn lit up and removed the saddlebags from her back. The pouches were opened and, with a bit of an unnecessary (bit pleasing) flourish, five cloaks and scarves were procured and presented to each member of the group.

“What are these for?” Fluttershy asked curiously, though instantly wilted. “Oh, um, no offense. Thank you for the, uh, cloaks.”

Rarity smiled softly at the timid one before clearing her throat. “Ahem. We are going into unfamiliar territory with minimal resources and an evil angry alicorn awaiting us, I fear. Away from the comforts of Ponyville, we’ll be cold and without protection from nature. I brought us these to help keep us warm and shelter us in case a wild raincloud passes over us or something. Plus, if we need to stop and rest for whatever reason, they can serve as blankets.”

Twilight smiled while putting on hers. A simple enough piece of attire, colored a dark blue, but it covered most of her body and already she could feel her body temperature increasing. She nodded to Rarity. “How thoughtful, Rarity. Thank you.”

“Think nothing of it. A simple act of generosity can and will go a long way, I’ve found.” Rarity rebuffed before looking at the Everfree. Her confident smile faltered somewhat.

“Ah like ‘em. Simple, not obstructive, warm. Nice.” Applejack added with an approving expression.

Before long, everypony had their cloaks on and were ready to go. Twilight looked into the forest and grimaced apprehensively. “Alright… we aren’t going to get anything done just standing here. Let’s go, everypony.”

“So… none of you have been in her before, huh?” Twilight said fearfully, her eyes looking towards the branches on the trees that swayed and bent slightly in the breeze. The way they curled and moved reminded her of claws, reaching out to snatch her and the others away.

“Oh, heavens no! I mean, just look at it… it’s dreadful.” Rarity replied, her voice shifting from almost offended to quietly terrified as she spoke.

Applejack cast a weary glance over her shoulder. “And it sure as heck ain’t the same as the rest of Equestria.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Twilight asked, not entire sure if she actually wanted to know.

“Ah’m not totally sure, to be honest,” Applejack shrugged slightly. “Ah just know that the plants grow without anypony to help ‘em, same with the animals and weather. It’s all… on it’s own, Ah guess.”

A metaphorical light bulb clicked on in Twilight’s head. “Oh, I see!” She said, some of the fear in her voice leaving to be replaced by a more scholarly and level tone. “It’s a ‘primal zone.’”

“Say what now?”

“A primal zone,” Twilight went on, smiling slightly at the opportunity to distract her mind and share knowledge. “Is a region or area in the world that hasn’t been ‘tamed’ by ponies or other cultures. It acts the way it did before Equestria was founded. Wild, untamed and largely self sufficient. Ponies tamed most Equestria’s land to obey our methods and actions. Most of the weather across Equestria, for example, was artificially made in Cloudsdale a long time ago, I think. The moisture that makes up the clouds and the rain that falls from it had special properties woven into it that made it ‘moldable’ to pony designs. I mean, pegasi can interact with clouds no matter where they come from, but they will have an immensely harder time controlling a wild cloud than an artificial one.”

“...Say what again?” Applejack said, her muzzle scrunching up in confusion. “No offense, sugarcube, but Ah ain’t super familiar with, uh, history and magic and stuff.”

Twilight shrugged. “Fair enough.”

Suddenly, the ground beneath them lurched. Everypony immediately went still, save for Fluttershy, who hopped into the air and hovered their on reflex. For a moment, all was silent. Then a crack appeared in the dirt not far ahead, where a sharp drop off was visible.

“Get ba-” Twilight began to cry out in alarm before the ground beneath her, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Applejack gave away and fell, taking them with it. Frightened cries and exclamations of surprise were all that anypony could hear over the sound of falling, rolling and crumbling stones. Twilight looked around frantically, looking for anything she could use to stop her descent. Small stones and chunks of loose dirt rattled her body from all sides for several long moments. Finally, she was able to get her bearings enough to see that she was sliding down at a steep angle towards a ledge that, if she fell, would almost certainly be the end of her.

Acting fast, she was barely able to grapple the ledge when she came to it and clung to it for dear life. From where she was she could see Fluttershy holding Rarity’s tail firmly in her teeth, guiding her down a section of the ledge that would let her down to the ground below without risk of hurting herself. Applejack was holding onto a loose root with her teeth, looking down at Twilight uncertainty. Then, Applejack let go of the root and slid down the hill once more, bracing her hooves as she went. ‘Hang on, Twilight!”

Applejack’s hooves grasped Twilight’s and held her there, keeping her from falling. However, there wasn’t enough leverage to help her back up and already the tension was building. They wouldn’t be able to hold Twilight up like this for long. “Applejack! What do I do?!” Twilight shrieked in a panic, her eyes squeezed shut to block out anything that might distract her from holding on.

“Ah Dunno!” Applejack admitted through clenched teeth, her eyebrows twitching from the strain. “Gah! Fluttershy, Rarity! Get down below and see if ya can get into a position to catch Twilight!” she called out in a strained voice.

“On it!” Rarity called back, still approaching the slope.

“I don’t know if Rarity’s magic can hold my weight, Applejack,” Twilight started before gasping in shock when a piece of the ledge broke away from under her forelegs, almost jarring her loose. “Wah! And Fluttershy isn’t strong enough to catch me either!”

“Well, do ya have a better plan?!” Applejack grunted, her grip starting to loosen slightly. “”Cause if ya do, now would be a mighty fine time to share!”

“I don’t!” Twilight said, her voice cracking.

“Well, Ah ain’t gonna lie to ya!” Applejack said before taking a deep breath and looking Twilight in the eye. “We’re short on options. But even if they can’t catch ya, we’ll all do our darndest to make sure you’re alright, ya hear me? You’ll be fine! Ah promise!”

Twilight closed her eyes and nodded. The ledge then jerked down slightly and one of her forelegs came loose. Applejack tried to reach out for it, but the momentum caused by Twilight being dislodged caused her other forehoof to come free. She screamed, long and loud as she fell. Her voice fell still when, in her eyes, the world doubled. She saw a similar scene panning out alongside the one she was in now. Falling down through the everfree along a cliffside, about to hit the ground below. In one of the two scenes she was seeing, she was caught before she hit the ground by Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

Then reality reasserted itself once more and, to Twilight’s despair, she was still free-falling. She was upside down, now, and could see the ground coming up to meet her face at dangerous speeds. She screamed in terror and covered her eyes with her forelegs.

Twilight gradually began to wake up with a severe ache burning on the side of her barrel. She winced and gasped sharply before her eyes snapped open. She was at the bottom of the cliff with her cloak draped over her like a blanket. Not far away she could see Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy sitting around a small campfire, which Twilight felt relaxed by.

Applejack looked over and her eyes widened. “She’s awake!” she said simply, standing up and galloping over before sitting down before Twilight. “Whew… ya had us all worried sick there, sugarcube.” she muttered in relief.

“Ow,” Twilight groaned before sitting upright, wincing as she did so. “What happened?”

“Um… you were about to hit the ground… but, um…” Fluttershy began before poking at the ground, seemingly unsure of herself.

It was then that Twilight realized what was missing.

“Where’s Pinkie Pie?”

“Uuh…” Applejack drawled out while rubbing the back of her head. “The, uh… see, the thing about Pinkie is…”

Everypony went silent for a second, all of them looking like they were trying to figure out what to say.

“Where. Is. She?” Twilight repeated, not in the mood for beating around the bush.

“I’m right here, silly filly!” Pinkie chirped from behind Twilight, causing her to yelp, gasp in discomfort and whirl around. Behind Pinkie, Twilight could see what looked like a pile of… popped balloons? “You’re heavier than you look, you know that?” Pinkie chirped teasingly before pronking by, singing ‘las’ to herself.

“Wha… what- HEY!” Twilight snapped after Pinkie when she realized that she had basically just been called fat.

“The thing about Pinkie Pie is that she saved your life and we have no idea how she did it,” Rarity finally clarified after clearing her throat. “We all lost track of her during the rockslide, so I guess she had some time to, well, ‘gather supplies’ to catch you with.”

“...Balloons?” Twilight huffed in disbelief.

“Yeh. Dunno where she got ‘em, but she brought, like, thirty of the darn things and set up a nice big cushion for you to land on.” Applejack continued with a relieved smile on her face.

“You popped all of them on the way down, but they slowed your fall enough that you only got a big bruise on your side.” Fluttershy added with a slightly amused smile.

“...Right.” Twilight muttered, still not quite sure if she believed what she was hearing.

“It’s like Ah said,” Applejack said more softly, settling down next to Twilight and resting a hoof on her shoulder. “We’re lookin’ out for each other. Don’t ya ever doubt that, not even fer a moment, sugarcube. Long as we keep on doin’ that and stick together, Ah reckon we’ll all be fine.”

Twilight smiled warmly and felt herself relax a bit more.

“If yer able to move, we should probably get back to it. You were out for almost an hour.” Applejack said reassuringly before nudging Twilight encouragingly and standing tall.

Twilight felt a warm smile cross her face before nodding and standing up. “Alright. Let’s go.”

Author's Note:

A slightly different take on being honest. Dunno if I conveyed it very well, but the idea was 'Yeah, you might get hurt, I won't sugarcoat it, but we're here for you.'