• Published 26th Jul 2017
  • 15,155 Views, 1,061 Comments

Little Glimpses - Skijarama

An unusual dream graces Twilight's mind on the same day that Princess Celestia returns to Canterlot with a new, adopted daughter named Rainbow Dash.

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Twilight Sparkle has been one of only three ponies in Canterlot aware of the fact that Princess Celestia is now legally the mother of an athletic pegasus filly named Rainbow Dash. The two young ponies have smoothed over their rocky first impressions and, with Rainbow now housed in a personal room, life is regaining some semblance of normalcy for young Twilight. She spends her mornings organizing the day ahead. Her afternoons attending the primary classes of Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. Her evenings are then spent either learning directly from the princess herself or working towards a project she has been tasked with completing in her own time.

But the time is fast approaching when Rainbow Dash is revealed to the public of Canterlot; her new status as royalty, no matter how much she doesn’t care for it, cannot be ignored.

Needless to say, she is not happy.

“Wah!” Rainbow yelped when one of the two mares making sure she looked nice accidentally pulled a hidden strap a bit too tight. “Watch it! Pegasi wings have hollow bones, you know!”

The mare blushed sheepishly but was unable to voice any response through the brush in her mouth. She went back to adjusting Rainbow’s mane with a quick stroke. Celestia stood not far away, wearing a dress of her own and gazing out the window the dressing room they were in. She had a perfect view of the plaza where the golden statue of her cutie mark resided.

“I still don’t see why I have to be there for this stupid announcement thing…” Rainbow grumbled irritably, shifting uncomfortably in the dress she was wearing. “I also don’t see why I need to be wearing this!” The dress was a bright white for the most part, with some spots of colors matching her rainbow mane in the trail. It had been designed to obstruct Dash’s ability to fly as little as possible while still looking good and complimenting her colors. Dash was not fond of the flamboyance of it, no matter how much Celestia tried to get it to work.

“It’s a formality more than anything else. Besides, Equestria isn’t aware of your status yet. We don’t want to wait too long for them to be aware of it,” Celestia assured Dash with a warm smile, turning from the window to face her daughter. “Imagine if word suddenly got out that you were my daughter if we waited two years. The scandal that ponies would make it out to be would be a disaster to manage. Also, the dress is mostly for your initial public presentation. First impressions are important.”

“Yeah, about that. I thought you said my status as ‘royalty’ wasn’t going to intrude on my time?” Rainbow quipped with a deadpan frown.

“I will keep as much as I can out of your daily life, but I won’t be able to have everything avoid you and stay out of your mane, Rainbow Dash.”

“Pfft. Okay, cool,” Rainbow grumbled sarcastically before swinging one of her back legs into the trail of her dress. “I still don’t like it…”

“Just let me do the talking. I’ll give you your cue and you can just wave and that will be that.” Celestia said reassuringly before stepping over and glancing past the curtain leading into the large ceremony chamber. “It’s almost time. Finish up, you two.”

The two mares tending to Dash nodded quickly before retreating from the room. Rainbow shifted swiftly under the dress once more. The filly in question glanced up to Princess Celestia with an uneasy look coming over her eyes. “Is it bad that I feel nervous about this?”

“Why would it be bad?” Celestia asked with a mildly amused smile on her face. She trotted over to Dash and knelt down to be at her eye level.

“‘Cause I shouldn’t even really care? I mean, I never gave any thought to any of this kinda thing. Was never really my thing, ya know?” Dash mumbled, poking the floor with a hoof. “I should be more antsy just wanting to get this over with.”

Celestia nodded before replacing her smirk with a sympathetic smile. She nuzzled Dash comfortingly atop the head. “I think I know why, but we can discuss it after we’re done here.” she then stood and signaled to the pony standing by the dressing room door. He nodded before stepping a little ways off to get everything in order. “It’s time. Ready?”

“I mean, what’s there to get ready for?” Rainbow said, trying to put on a confident front. To her credit, it was fairly convincing. Celestia tittered behind her hoof before guiding Dash to follow her. Together, the two stepped out into the ceremony chamber.

Twilight hummed to herself contentedly. Spike was nestled up on her back, snoring peacefully, despite Twilight’s brisk canter jostling him around slightly. Her horn was alight with lavender magic, carrying about six different books on dragon physiology and biology behind her in the air. She had finally gotten a suitably certified adult to assist her with her search into the restricted areas of the archives. Cadance had been quite pleased to go about it, given that the two hadn’t spent as much time together since Twilight was now more or less a resident in the castle.

She wasn’t quite expecting a very disgruntled Rainbow Dash to be trotting by at this point, Celestia not far behind, failing to stifle the amused snickers slipping out from behind her forehoof. As Twilight wasn’t exactly paying attention, and neither was Rainbow, frankly, the two ploughed right into each other in the hall.


Both fillies blurted out upon their sudden, unmitigated collision. Celestia was able to put away her laughs long enough to ensure the two were alright. She swiftly trotted up to the two and, satisfied that the only injuries were to their collective pride, gave a warm smile to Twilight. “Ah, Twilight! My faithful student, what are you up to?”

Twilight was instantly on her hooves and bowing deeply to the princess, nose touching the floor. “Oh! Your majesties! I’m so sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going!”

“Twilight… you do know that you don’t need to call me by any sort of title, remember?” Rainbow snorted out, though she did find the sight of the bookish unicorn groveling like this quite amusing.

“I… right, sorry.” Twilight blushed slightly and stood back to her full height. She looked to Celestia and smiled tentatively.

“Books on dragons, is it?” Celestia noted, approval in her voice. “A good thing to research, Twilight, given your, ahem, latest addition,” she gestured to Spike.

“Pwintheb Felchstowa!” Spike spoke out, trying to mimic pony speech. Much like an infant foal first learning to speak, he didn’t have the pronunciation down yet.

“Yeah, mostly I kinda want to know how it is he knows what we’re talking about, even though he can’t formulate his own responses yet,” Twilight replied, lifting the books in her magic once more.

“Oh, is that a thing?” Rainbow asked, looking to the baby dragon, who was now once more being nestled onto Twilight’s back. “Nod if you understand me.”

“Bwah!” Spike nodded at Rainbow, a hint of curiosity coming into hi eyes.

Excellent…” Rainbow smirked, rubbing her hooves together. She then lifted into the air and drifted over so she could look Spike directly in the face. “Wanna know a secret?”

“Rainbow, what are you doing?” Twilight asked suspiciously, turning to face Rainbow, only for the swift pegasus to maintain her position in Spike’s face.

“Heah!” Spike babbled out, trying to say ‘yeah’ and failing. Rainbow smirked and then leaned down to whisper something in Spike’s ear.

“Princess Celestia, please make her stop.” Twilight pleaded, looking up at Celestia with a worried expression.

“Boo-wah!” Spike proclaimed, swiftly bro-hoofing with Rainbow Dash, who now wore a victorious grin.

“Princess Celestia! May we have a word?!” came the voice that destroyed Rainbow’s confident glow. Her disgruntled appearance magnified and her pupils dilated.

“Igottagookaythanksbye!” she suddenly splurged out in rapid succession. Her wings buzzed and, with no other words, she shot down the hallway so fast that Twilight blinked and missed it.

“Huh?” Twilight mumbled, rubbing the back of her head in confusion.

Celestia sighed in mild exasperation. “Journalists…”

One pony, a unicorn mare, galloped up to Princess Celestia, short of breath. In her light brown magical aura, she carried a notepad and quill. Behind her, a tall, fit unicorn stallion came to a stop with a camera swinging around his neck. “Truepoint, ya gotta slow down a bit!” he wheezed, clutching a hoof to his chest. “I’m about to have a heart attack…”

The mare shot a glare back at him. “Oh, hush!” she then turned her look back to Princess Celestia, quickly bowing respectfully. “Oh, a thousand pardons for forgetting my manners, your highness. My name is Truepoint Quill, I’m a journalist and writer for the Canterlot News Network. I was in the crowd at the announcement and was wondering if I could get an interview in regards to Princess Rainbow Dash?”

Celestia rolled her eyes with a resigned expression. “You may, but only on one condition.”

“What would that be, your highness?” Truepoint asked eagerly.

Celestia craned her neck down in order to look Truepoint in the eye. “Rainbow Dash is very new to this city and the ponies and customs within. I would be deeply appreciative if you don’t pester her by trying to interview her after you're done with me. Make sure you mention that in your article so that everypony knows to respect her personal space. Do that for me and I will be most grateful.”

Truepoint nodded enthusiastically. “Oh, b-but of course your majesty! I swear, here and now, to not bother Rainbow Dash in any way shape or form!”

“Very well, then. You may proceed,” Celestia smiled before rising again and looking at Twilight. “Run along now, Twilight. I’ll come find and check up on you when I am done here.”

“Okay. Bye for now, Princess.” Twilight gave a quick bow before scampering off once more, her books in tow.

Rainbow Dash was almost hyperventilating when she finally stopped. She ducked around a corner and held a forehoof up to her chest in an effort to calm herself. After a few seconds she peeked out from her hiding place. “Oh boy… that was too close.” she whispered before easing back out into the hallway.

The announcement had been okay at first. She’d mostly just stood there with the occasional flash of a camera from the crowd, but nothing overly exciting.

Then Princess Celestia had ‘dropped the bomb’ as it were.

Rainbow would be seeing spots for weeks. She was pretty sure her ears were still ringing from the madness that had abruptly erupted. Her wave had died before she had even started it.

“Oh man… I was not ready for that.” She mumbled before trotting down the hall again, making her way for her own room.

“Princess Rainbow Dash?” came a curious stallion’s voice.

Rainbow froze up. She slowly turned around, ears flat against her head. She saw the undeniably eager faces of news ponies. Oh, horse apples…

“If it’s not too much trouble, may I ask-”

“NOPE!” Rainbow squeaked before zipping away again. The journalist was rather slow to close his suddenly limp jaw.

“I… guess that answers that.”

Meanwhile, a long ways up the hallway, Rainbow skidded to a halt before the double doors that would take her to her new room. It was right next to Celestia’s, so finding help with something at night was only ever a door away. She quickly hurled open the doors and sprinted through, not even bothering to close them behind her.

“Please! Privacy!” She muttered to herself over and over again before once more sliding to a stop before the entrance to her room. She pulled on the handle, then frowned when it remained shut. “Oh, come on!” she growled.

“Uh, Princess Rainbow Dash?” came the mildly alarmed, deep voice of a stallion behind her.

“GYAAAAAH!” Rainbow shouted, covering her head with visibly shaking forehooves. “My room, too?! Is nowhere sacred?!

“...You forgot your key.” the stallion said, setting it down next to her, the armor on his barrel clanking somewhat from the movement. Rainbow turned and looked, recognizing him as one of the solar royal guard. He let the typical routine slide long enough for a smile to appear on his face. “If you want to be left alone, I’ll be more than happy to turn any over-eager ponies away."

Rainbow blushed slightly from her mistake. “Oh, uh… yeah, that sounds awesome. Just, uh, you know… uh, thanks,” she quickly scooped up the key, unlocked the door to her room and then sealed herself within. The guard chuckled softly before allowing his blank, stoic expression to fall back into it’s practiced place. On the other side of the door, Rainbow buried her face in her hooves, back to the door. “That… was so… un-cool…”

Author's Note:

And thus begins the scond plot arc! The way I am planning on handling the plot from here on out is through short-ish plot arcs that last around 4-8 chapters each. The last 4 chapters would be the firstm plot arc or, the 'introduction' to the rest of the story. The prelude, setting the stage, etc. Each plot arc will cover a certain chain of events and explore specific elements about where things are going. Right now, I have two currently in my head; the one we started with this chapter and the one that comes after.

I have other ideas, but I am making this story up as I go, more or less, so some suggestions and ideas would not go unwelcomed. All that said, I hope you enjoy.

Also, music for this chapter.