• Published 11th Aug 2017
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Vanishing Act - redandready45

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A Sunny Day Helps Junipers Blossom

Sunny Flare normally was very disinterested in her Monday morning biology class. It was a subject she disliked, and doubly so that she had to take it while still dealing with her Monday Blues. But this time, she was very alert, since her schedule told her that chemistry class was where she would find the girl she would end up babysitting.

"Hello class," said Professor Percolate, walking through the door with a goofy smile on his face. He was a bald, bespectacled, blue-skinned man with a very tacky purple suit.

Like a lot of Crystal Prep's professors, he wasn't someone who just taught. He was an ex-chemist from a major biotech firm, who semi-retired to become a teacher.

"Hello Professor Percolate," the class intoned, with varying degrees of perfunctory enthusiasm. The tragedy of last week was making everyone far less enthusiastic.

"Now class," Professor Percolate said with some seriousness, "I know we are all upset with happened, but we have to keep moving forward. The best way to do that is to learn with the zeal Twilight once did."

Sunny Flare and others turned their heads toward the empty, front-row seat at her mention.

"Besides I've got something to lift your spirits," Professor Percolate said, "besides a high-pressure atmospheric environment!" He laughed alone at his science joke. He was one of those teachers who tried to make a subject "cool", but who would end up alienating people from the subject he was teaching in the process.

"We don't want cool, we want to be able to understand it", Sunny Flare thought angrily.

The only one who would laugh with any real enthusiasm was destroyed by some magical energy.

"I never thought I would ever miss that," Sunny Flare lamented privately.

"But enough jokes," Professor Percolate said, "I'd like you to give a big welcome to Juniper Montage."

Sunny Flare perked up at the name, and watched as Percolate open the door.

In stepped this Juniper Montage. She was a bit short and skinny. She had tan-colored skin, her hair was seafoam green with streaks of blue, and it was tied into two pigtails with movie reel-shaped barrettes. She wore a Crystal Prep uniform and purple glasses, and was carrying some notebooks and textbooks. But what stood out to Sunny was her expression and nervous face. Her demeanor just screamed apprehension.

"So Juniper," Professor Percolate said with some cheer, "tell us about yourself."

A painfully bashful look appeared on her face.

"Well," Juniper said, bending her leg and looking at the ground a bit, " I like...um...movies..."

Sunny barely resisted the urge to let her face fall into her hands.

"The girl is making herself into easy meat" Sunny said. She sighed as she heard some of her classmates whispering some not so nice things about the new girl.

"That's very interesting," Professor Percolate said with some enthusiasm, like he watching the World Series. "Is there anything else you'd like share with the class?"

"No," she said.

"Any questions for Juniper," Professor Percolate asked. When there was none, Percolate motioned for Juniper to sit down. She chose to plop herself in Twilight's front row seat, the closest seat she could reach, with an exhausted expression.

"Because of last week's...incident," Professor Percolate said, with some quiet pain on that last word, "I've postponed the Stem-Cell Homework for tomorrow. So before we start our lab, lets do a quick review so that you all can do better." He stood up straight, getting into his usual questioning mode.

"OK, so who can tell me what is the basic idea of stem cell," Mr. Percolate asked.

"Uh," some male student purple hair said sheepishly, "they can, like, become...stuff".

"Yes Turnip," Professor Percolate, sounding less then satisfied with Turnip's inept answer, "but can anyone tell me why they can become...'stuff'." An arm from the front of the class raised itself. "Yes, Juniper!"

"Stem cells are body cells that can become all kinds of cells," Juniper intoned, sounding like an encyclopedia. "They are from where body cells come from."

"Very good Juniper," Professor Percolate said. "Now can someone tell me the two main kinds of stem cells." Juniper raised her hand again. "Yes Juniper?"

"Embryonic and adult?"

"And what are the differences between the two?"

"Embryonic, because they are more of a blank slate, can turn into all the different kinds of cells, while adult cells are more limited?"

"Excellent," Professor Percolate said with a cheerful smile. "And can anyone tell me why people are obsessed with them." Turnip raised his hand.

"Yes Turnip," Professor Percolate said.

"Uh, they can be used...for medicine," Turnip, tried, going out on a limb, and falling into a chasm.

"Yes, but why?" Juniper raised her arm again. "Yes Juniper."

"We can program cells to become certain kinds of tissue, we could use them to cure, like, degenerative diseases, like Alzheimer's or Lou Gehrig's Disease." She paused, feeling nervous at the attention before continued, "or we can use them in medical research to test out drugs without resorting to animals."

"Outstanding," Professor Percolate said, acting like he watching the Super Bowl, Juniper let out a small smile. Percolate turned to the audience. "I ask that all you try and focus as much as Juniper."

Sunny Flare felt a chill go down her spine when she started hearing mutterings of "Egghead" from everyone else.

"Now that we've gotten that out of the way," Percolate continued, "let us start our lab. We will all be studying cell osmosis. Take notes on what you find. OK, so find your lab partner, and get out the microscopes."

Everyone got from their seats, and started shuffling around, looking for a lab partner, usually a friend to hang out with. Sunny watched as Juniper wasn't rising from her desk, not moving. She wasn't even trying to find a lab partner.

Sunny's eyes lowered in sadness, as she remembered a not-too-proud memory.

Sunny and Suri sat together in study hall. While they should've been preparing for an exam or essay, they were instead gushing over a fashion magazine.

"I would look so cute in that," Suri said.

"I don't think that really is my color though," Sunny said. A shadow loomed over them.

"Hey girls," a nervous voiced asked. The two looked up, and saw the Nerd looking over them, a giant encyclopedia in her hands.

"What do you want, Nerd," Suri replied with annoyance. The lavender skinned girl rubbed her arm.

"Well..." the Nerd stammered, pushing her loose glasses up the bridge of her noses.

"Wow, you've learned to use one-syllable words for once," Sunny said, a nasty grin on her face.

"I, don't, uh," the Nerd continued to stammer.

"In fact," Sunny continued, letting her teeth show, "I think you'd be better off if said NO syllable words."


"Your voice causes more brain damage then football," Suri said, the two girls let out a chuckle at the Nerd's expense.

"I just wanted to ask you girls if you wanted to study together for our biology exam," the Nerd said meekly.

"Sure," Suri said. Sunny looked at her in confusion.

"Really," the Nerd said. Suri shared a certain look with Sunny, and gave her a small wink. Sunny smiled in silent understanding.

"Yeah sure," Sunny belted out almost enthusiastically. She pointed with her thumb. "Just walk toward the corner there, uh, where there's more space, and we'll join you."

"Great," the Nerd said, and started walking toward there, her backed turned away from Suri and Sunny. When she looked back, she saw that the two girls were gone. She let out a sad sigh.

In the hall nearby, the two girls peered into the study hall, and saw the Nerd sit down in the corner table, looking over the massive book.

"Sparkle can take a hint, for once," Suri said with disdain.

"If she's smart, she would just shut up and stop acting like a goody two-shoes", Sunny grumbled. Maybe if Sparkle acted less smart, then Cinch would get off her back.

"Don't worry," Suri said, a cheerful grin forming on her face. "I'm going to make sure of that."

"What is it," Sunny asked, curious.

"Don't worry," Suri said, acting like a parent who was hiding a surprise, "you'll see it at the party tonight."

"Hey Sunny," Suri said.

Sunny was brought back to Earth by Suri's voice, and turned to see her friend there, microscope in hand.

"Sunny, you were drifting off a bit," Suri said, concerned, "are you OK?"

"Yeah," Sunny said with less-than-full conviction. She turned away from Suri, looking at the sad girl sitting alone in the front, as a wise man's words echoed through her brain.

"Turn away from evil. Turn away from selfishness. Turn away from cruelty."

Sunny's jaw set, and she got up from the table.

"Sunny, I thought we were-," Suri asked.

"Sorry Suri, we can't be partners today," Sunny said. "I'm going to work the new girl."

"What," Suri asked, somewhat hurt. "Why do you want to work with the New Girl," she said in a nasty tone.

"Well," Sunny stalled, trying to find an excuse and suppress her annoyance, "I really need an 'A', and that girl could get me that."

"I guess that makes sense," Suri said. "Just don't let her Nerd rub off on you," she said with some disdain.

"Sure, sure," Sunny said, trying to mask her disdain by clenching her teeth slightly, "I'll make sure of that."

'You were crying tears about Twilight,' Sunny though with annoyance. 'But now you want to spit on another girl. Were you sorry, or were you trying to look good?'

Sunny suppressed her anger, and tried to put on her happy face as she approached Juniper, hoping she didn't come off too strong.

"Hey," Sunny said. Juniper jumped a bit, and turned around to see Sunny approach her. "You're Juniper right," Sunny asked in a somewhat enthusiastic tone.

"Yeah," Juniper said confusingly.

"I'm Sunny, welcome to CPA." She outstretched her hand. Juniper look a bit confused at the gesture, but took the hand, getting a somewhat hardy handshake from Sunny.

"Thank you," Juniper said meekly.

"Want to be lab partners," Sunny asked. Juniper titled her head a bit.

"You want to be lab partners, with me," Juniper asked, as if the concept violated the laws of physics.

"I mean," Sunny said, thinking of a reason, "you really tore up those questions there. I am very... impressed."

"Really," Juniper replied, sounding somewhat hopeful.

"And, uh," Sunny stammered, trying to find an excuse. "I just love meeting new people, especially really smart people like you," Sunny said in a tone of feigned enthusiasm. Juniper let out an honest smile.

"Well, uh, OK," Juniper said excitedly, "lets get started then. I'll go get the microscope!" She got up. Sunny looked at Juniper walking toward the supply closet with happy confidence, and felt a bit of the edge taken off her.

She even felt a little joy.


Gym class was the one class where Indigo Zap felt at home. It had three of her favorite things exercise, competition, and the outdoors. She looked around as other fellow students started approaching, clad in their gym shorts and T-shirts.

"OK, girls," the gruff voice of Coach Squats said. The woman was over 6 ft tall, with red skin and shoulder-length brown hair tied into a bun. She wore a plain white shirt, black shorts, and a cap. She looked like a sumo, but everyone knew she was built like a tank. "Let's do our warm-up. 4 laps around the trac-,"

"Wait!" Someone shouted. Everyone turned to see the person who shouted. They saw a tan-skinned girl, running with the panic of someone who was late.

"I'm sorry I'm late, please don't start without me," the blue-haired girl said, panting after reaching the field.

"And you are," Squats asked, sounding unimpressed with the late girl, coughing her breath.

"Juniper Montage." Indigo flinched when she heard the name.

"I have to watch out for THIS girl," Indigo thought with dismay.

"Well Miss Montage," Squats said, sounding serious. "Let me make one thing clear! You don't get an A for just showing up! I'm not saying you have to make it to the finish line, or win the most points, but you have to put in the effort!" Squats paused, and stormed over to the short girl, who cringed as the massive women loomed over her. "That includes being on time. You get one warning today, but next time you're late, you're gonna do 40 push ups! AM. I. CLEAR!"

"Crystal," Juniper said fearfully. Everyone chuckled at that unintentional pun.

"Now then," Squats continued. "Start running!" And with that, everybody in class was running around the track. Indigo, who enjoyed exercising in the early morning, was ahead of the crowd. Even though it was just a the usual warmup, she still took pride in her ability. She felt exhilarated by the heat, the feeling of the breeze in her face, and the thumping of her chest.

She looked behind her, and to her frustration, she saw Juniper well in the back of the group, running and looking winded.

"I know I promised Cadence, but there's got to be something else I can do", Indigo thought with some frustration.

After a few minutes, Indigo and her class ran their four laps. They finished, feeling mildly exhausted. Behind her, Indigo saw that Juniper looked utterly exhausted. She was collapsing onto the asphalt track coughing.

"Oh man look at that girl," Lightning Dust said with a laugh to Indigo. "My grandma could run faster then her, and she's a wheelchair," Lightning continued to laugh.

"Yeah, funny," Indigo said with some fake jest, not feeling particularly happy.

"OK girls," Squats bellowed. "Now time to do your daily calisthenics. 30 push ups, 50 sit ups, and 20 squat jumps. Find your partner, get on the grass, and get going."

All the girls in class started to look for their partners. Indigo stared at the winded girl lying on the asphalt, and started to think of another girl.

Twilight stood in the middle of the grass field, lying down, trying to do 30 push ups. Squats wasn't gonna let her leave until she completed her sets. She lifted herself off the ground, feeling like she was carrying a ton of bricks on her.

"Hey Sparkle," Twilight looked up, and saw Indigo leering over her, with Lightning Dust and some other girls. They were giving her teasing stares.

"Hey, uh, Indigo," Twilight stammered, "what do you-"

"Are you in love with the grass," Indigo asked, trying to hold back a chuckle.


"Either you can't do a push up, or you just love kissing the dirt," Lightning Dust said. Indigo, Lightening, and every other girl started laughing. Twilight looked down in shame.

A thunderbolt struck, and it started to rain.

"Oops, we better get out of this rain," Lightning Dust, as the first drizzles started to pour down.

"Catch you later, Sparkle," Indigo said. "Enjoy your boyfriend, the dirt." The girls left as the downpour started. Twilight continued to do push ups in the dirt, her hands becoming muddy and her clothes becoming soaked. She hoped that the water falling down her face wasn't tears.

Indigo stared at the girl, and with a sigh, began walking over to her.

"Indigo," Lightning Dust said, "where are you going?"

"I'm gonna be advising the new girl," Indigo said.

"What," Lightning Dust said with annoyance, "why do you want to waste your time on her?"

"Well," Indigo said. She then put on an angry, resentful look, "I don't want that loser to drag us down. If she doesn't shape up, Squats will end punishing us! She'll either get in shape or die!"

"Good thinking Indigo," Lightning said. "But, well," she said shaking her head and letting out a contemptuous chuckle, "Not even a miracle will help that loser touch her toes."

"I'll do my best," Indigo said with some smothered anger, turning toward the somewhat hapless girl trying to do a push-up and failing.

The girl grunted, and fell when she saw a shadow looming over. She got up onto her knees, and saw a girl with yellow-ish skin and blue hair standing over her with annoyance.

"What are you doing," Indigo Zap said, voice dripping with contempt.


"What kind of push up was that," Indigo Zap said.

"I'm not good as sports, OK," Juniper said with some exasperation.

"Don't care! You are in my class, so you're gonna learn how to do it properly!" Indigo bent her neck to glare at the kneeling Juniper. "Got it!"

"OK," Juniper said.

"Now lie down, and get to work!" Juniper obeyed the athletic girl, lying down on her stomach. "Let's go, we don't have all day!" Juniper tried to do a pushup,

"Stop!" Juniper obeyed the order. "Get on your hands, your toes facing down, and your back flat." Juniper tried-and failed-to get in the right position. Indigo did a face-palm in exasperation, and awkwardly tired to make Juniper get into the proper position.

"Now go down," Indigo instructed. Juniper did so, straining. "Back straight". Juniper straightened her back as she went down. "Now rise up." Juniper did, let out several grunts.

"Yes, I did a straight push up," Juniper celebrated, as if she won a gold medal.

"You still gotta do 30 more," Indigo said with some exasperation. Juniper let out a tired sigh. "I'm just a toothpick with a flesh wrapping," Juniper lamented.

Indigo felt the urge to just leave this pitiful girl to herself.

"No", Indigo thought to herself, furrowing her brow, " I promised Cadence I'd help her out. Sunny said we should try and be better for her".

"Will you stop with the self-pity already," Indigo said, sitting down next to Juniper, who proceeded to move into a sitting position with her legs crossed. "Look, don't feel bad that you aren't athletic now," Indigo said with an encouraging tone. "You can get better with enough practice. Do you think I got to where I am just by sitting around?"

"Well," Juniper replied.

"No!" Indigo interrupted. "I got up every morning, trained, exercised, practiced. Oh there were times when I wanted to quit, times where I felt I wasn't good enough. But I didn't let fear drag me down! I kept climbing, and climbing, and climbing! And that's what you are going to do if it kills me!"

"Why are you trying to hell me," Juniper asked.

"Because..."Indigo said, trying to look for an excuse. "Because I see potential in everybody. And because I know that when you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.

"No offense, but you sound like a third-rate self-help book," Juniper said, with some jest.

"Am I good self-help book," Indigo asked with some jest.

"Ah," Juniper said. "I'll give you 2 stars out of 5."

"For that you are gonna do 700 pushups," Indigo bellowed facetiously. The girls let out a light chuckle at the joke.

"Look," Indigo said. "The point is, you don't get good overnight, but with some help and some faith, I think you'll get good."

"You sound like my uncle," Juniper said with some annoyance. She let out an appreciative smile. "But he's a good guy, and so are you." Indigo felt touched by those words. Juniper lied down and started to do pushups. again The strain on her remained, but it felt a lot less painful and she had a bit more confidence.

Indigo watched the girl try. Her form wasn't perfect, but she was at least trying without despair. With that, Indigo let out a small smile of pride.


Lunch time had arrived at Crystal Prep's cafeteria. All the students were sitting among their various cliques, chatting about all kinds of subjects over their meals.

The Shadowbolts sat at their own table, making all kinds of small talk, except for Lemon, who was lost in her headphones and rock music, as they awaited the arrival of their guest.

"So, how was everybody's day," Sour Sweet asked in a kind tone. No one bothered to answer her, expecting one of her mood swings. "Well, mine was lousy! I only got a 79 on Mr. Digit's math test!"

"You did better then I would've," Indigo muttered. Sunny's attention wasn't to the small talk being made by her friends, but toward the door, as she awaited her guest.

"A spoon would've done better then you," Sugarcoat snarked at Sour, who responded to the barb with a growl.

"Look," Sunny said, as the blue-haired, bespectacled girl burst through the doors looking a little lost, "she's here".

"Hey," Sunny said, waving her hand, trying to get the girl's attention. Juniper noticed, and began marching over. Sunny tapped Lemon on her shoulder to get her attention.

"OK girls," Sunny said to her friends, "let's give her our warmest Crystal Prep welcome".

"You want us to get life in prison," Sugarcoat snarked.

"Just be nice," Sunny pleaded. She saw Juniper close by.

"Juniper," Sunny said, "how are you?"

"Good, good," Juniper said cautiously. She spotted the budding athlete nearby. "Hey Indigo."

"Hey Juniper," Indigo said, "you keeping in shape," she asked in a warning tone.

"My sides still ache," Juniper said.

"Good, it means you are doing a good job." Juniper turned to Sugarcoat, Sour, and Lemon

"So," Juniper said, awkwardly trying to break the ice, "who are you three?"

"That's Sugarcoat," Sunny said, pointing to the stoic girl.

"Nice to meet you," Juniper said, extending her hand. Sugarcoat said nothing and stared at Juniper making her feel uncomfortable.

"Sugarcoat," Sunny whispered to Sugarcoat, who continued.

"Ow," Sugarcoat said, feeling Indigo's boots on her shin. She sighed and reluctantly extended her handshake.

"Do I do something wrong?" Juniper asked Sugarcoat.

"No, no Juniper," Sunny said. "Sugarcoat just isn't used to small talk or handshakes," Sunny glared at her, "but it would be nice if she didn't act like a sourpuss." Sugarcoat brushed off the taunt with a wave of her hand.

"And this is Sour Sweet," Indigo said, pointing to the rose-haired girl.

"It is really nice to meet you Juniper," Sour said happily.

"Well," Juniper said happily,"it is nice to meet you-,"

"Don't you dare touch my fries," Sour bellowed, protecting the fries on her plate like a hen protecting her eggs.

"I wasn't gonna," Juniper said, before sighing and said ,"sorry if it looked like I was diving for your fries."

"Don't worry about it," Sour said kindly, before screaming "just don't do it again!"

"Anyways," Lemon Zest but in, "I'm Lemon Zest, and I love to ROCK! So what do you think of CPA, Junie?!"

"Well," Juniper's eyes looked down a bit. "It is nice." She stared down at her lunch tray and toward the Shadowbolts. "But there is something I've been wanting an answer to."

"What is it," Indigo asked.

"Did your old principal really make that Twilight girl ride a faulty motorbike," Juniper asked with sadness. The Shadowbolts all looked down at their plates, their eyes full of sadness. "Uh," Juniper said, "so it did happen? Every time I've asked someone about, they all just looked sad and walked away."

"Yeah," Indigo said, her eyes feeling heavy, "Cinch...got Twilight killed," repeating the half-truth that everybody at CPA, student and staff alike, was to repeat as the official story. Juniper looked really horrified.

"I'm so sorry you had such a rotten principal," Juniper said sadly. "I mean, what monster puts a stupid contest above a girl's life!"

"A real...monster," Sour Sweet said, her eyes also feeling heavy. Juniper looked especially taken aback by Sour's sadness.

"Man, you must've really like her if you feel so down," Juniper asked. "Was she popular here."

"Well, uh," Lemon started.

"You couldn't count the number of people you liked her," Sugarcoat replied in a quietly pained tone.

"I heard that Cinch lady got fired," Juniper said, feeling upset, "but if you ask me, she should've been locked up for what she-," Juniper paused her rumination, as she saw the Shadowbolts were on the verge of tears. "I'm sorry for bringing up bad memories," Juniper said, feeling horrible. "I wasn't trying to beat a dead horse." She looked down, feeling terrible, "I should probably go for ruining your lunches."

"No Junie," Sunny said. "It wasn't...your fault. A lot of people," she paused, trying to hold back tears. "would feel the same way." She wiped her eyes on her blouse. "Let's move on to a much lighter topic, like uh-," she paused. "During our chemistry class, June told me how she wants to work in broadcasting, and that she has an invention she thinks will change the world," Sunny said, her smiled sounding strained. "Tell them June."

"Well," Juniper said. "I planning on this weather balloon that could bring radio signals to underdeveloped nations," everyone put on forced smiles as they prepared to absorb this info dump. Juniper continued. "Through proper global positioning and adequate but cheap infrastructure…"

Juniper continued her encyclopedic explanation for two minutes, not even pausing to take a breath, as the other Shadowbolts patiently listened. After two minutes of pumped full of a science lesson, Lemon Zest finally managed to pull them out of it.

"Yeah, cool stuff Junie," Lemon interrupted, which caused June to stop her lecture. "Anyways, I hear Bloodstorm's lead guitarist Stringmaster might star in the upcoming movie Rivers of Death."

"Really," Indigo said. "Can the dude act?"

"Well," Lemon said. "He really tore it up at the concert last month, so that's giving him an opening."

"I wouldn't count on it," Juniper interrupted. "I hear Stringmaster is dealing with a nasty divorce, and he's likely out of acting until his personal life. Underneath that punk rock exterior is a real prima donna," Juniper continued. She paused as she saw the Shadowbolts staring at her. "What? What did I do?"

"Well," Sunny said carefully. "I never pictured you as a celebrity gossiper." The girl seemed to be in love with science, like a certain "friend" of theirs had been. She didn't seem to be the kind of girl who would care

"Well," Juniper, "I have this...friend, who is in deep in the movie business, and he usually compla-, I mean, tells me all about celebrity turmoil and its effects on the movie industry."

The girls leaned their heads toward her, genuinely interested.

"So what is going on with Stringmaster?" Lemon Zest said, unusually focused.

"Well," Juniper said, a confident expression on her face appearing. "I hear his girlfriend might be seeing another guy, of course if might be jealousy talking but..."

Sunny looked at Juniper with awe. In a few seconds, Juniper went from shy girl to smooth, celebrity gossip. She felt a bit of joy that she might have something in common with Cadence's charge.

"I thought I was going to be this girl's babysitter. But...this might not be so bad after all,", Sunny thought as she listened to the girl share some juicy celebrity info.

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