• Published 11th Aug 2017
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Vanishing Act - redandready45

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Scraps, Lawyers, and Uncles

Coco sat on the bus feeling uncomfortable. Her discomfort wasn't just from the worn out leather chair she was sitting in. Normally she joined Suri in her limo, but for obvious reasons, that was no longer an option. That reminded her of the fact that, for the first time since she came to Crystal Prep, she was alone.

Oh she knew deep down, her relationship with Suri was unhealthy. She knew she was little more then a minion. She knew she was little more than a slave to what Suri wanted. Her own mom pointed this out to her more then a few times.

But Suri was on top of CPA's food chain, and working for Suri meant enjoying SOME of the spoils. Being next to Suri would at least protect her from ridicule. At least she had a defined role. But the end result was that she had no independence, and she never bothered to find friends of her own.

For the first time in her life, she didn't know what to do, or who to hang out with. Suri's friends-well, former friends, never really noticed her. Working for Suri didn't mean you were part of her inner circle.

The closest thing she ever had to a friendship was with...with...Juniper. Juniper actually noticed how hard she was working and bothered to help. No one, outside her family, actually bothered. For the first time, she thought she had a friend.

But then came Suri's last spiteful act. She tried to humiliate Juniper with a bucket of rotten milk. Coco didn't want to, but as usual, she obeyed. She nearly dumped that slime onto Juniper. If Sunny hadn't stopped her, then Juniper would've been humiliated.

Of course, Suri then showed her true colors. But Sunny showed that Suri, while mighty, wasn't all powerful. She shamed everyone and stood up for Juniper. Her act of courage gave everybody the courage to turn on the pink jerk. It gave her some courage to disobey Suri. Coco was saved from a furious Indigo, which she was grateful for.

But still, that didn't make them friends. At the last hour, when Suri was sent running for the hills, nobody really talked to her. Coco tried to apologize to Juniper, but she furiously told her to leave her alone, and even though Indigo protected her, the athlete bended to June's will..

Coco clutched her purse tightly. She knew she deserved Juniper's scorn for being an accomplice. Following orders meant accepting responsibility. But Juniper was the first person she felt could be a real friend.

Coco let out a tear, thinking about how she ruined that to work for an animal like Suri. And in the end, she had nothing to show for it.

She stepped off the bus, and looked up at the clear blue sky.

"Maybe Juniper will forgive me" Coco thought to herself. "The faint hope was the only thing she could hold on to. She stepped off the bus, and walked to the CPA entrance, only for strong, furious hands to grab her by her shirt from behind.

"Hello traitor," she heard. Before she could do anything, she was roughly shoved onto the pavement. Coco let out a sob, feeling the pavement bruise her ribs. Before she could do anything she felt someone jump on her back, knocking the wind out of her.

"You stupid, little, mousy, bitch," Suri yelled, jumping on her with her sharp pointed heels, each jump hurting Coco more and more. Suri stopped and kicked her several times on her side, knocking her onto her, where could see Suri's twisted, sadistic face. Suri then tackled her.

"I give you everything," Suri yelled, punching her in the face. Coco felt her nose bleed. "I made you my friend," Suri snarled again, punching her. Coco felt tears of pain roll down her eyes, and felt Suri punch her in the eye several times. "Invited you to parties," Suri's voice became more and more demonic, "and this is how you repay me." Coco felt herself pulled up by her shirt, to face Suri's pitiless eyes. She barely noticed because she was in so much pain. "I'm going to enjoy this," Suri said with sadistic glee.

As Coco fell into a daze, she felt a crowd gathering around. But no one was bothering to help, just gawk.

"Help me", she thought to her self as she became in increasing pain. "Someone please help".


Juniper decided to take the bus today. She felt comfortable enough at CPA that she didn't Uncle Canter driving her anymore. For the first time she came to this place, she felt real confidence and joy. Sunny, Sugarcoat, Indigo, and Lemon had called her their her friend last night.

Not in the shallow way those jerks at her old school did. They hugged her and protected her, and they did it without even knowing who she was related to. She could count on them. And that gave her more joy then any gift her parents or Uncle could give her.

She was broken from her blissful thoughts by seeing a crowd gather around. She moved through the crowd and saw what was happening.

Suri, in an even bigger rage then what she had seen last night, was mercilessly wailing on Coco, with everyone watching it like it was a wrestling match. But it couldn't be called a match. Coco was no match for Suri's furious barrage. It was a fury born from being turned into a pariah overnight.

But deep down, Juniper felt no pity for Coco, but some satisfaction.

"Serves her right", Juniper thought coldly "She tried to humiliate me after I helped her". Coco tried to apologize last night, but Juniper had refused to really listen to her, and the Shadowbolts backed her up. Oh, she felt a touch of pity for Coco when Suri tried to attack her that night, but it was not enough to get Juniper to forgive her.

In Juniper's mind, the minion of the bully was a bully herself.

But something in her brain was pushing away the dark satisfaction. Maybe it was the fact that Coco couldn't defend herself and was almost unconscious, maybe it was Suri's snarling face, maybe it was the fact that the crowd of onlookers weren't doing a thing to stop Suri. Maybe it was because she remembered when someone risked everything to take a stand to defend her, even when it was hard.

She thought of getting Indigo but Coco looked really hurt, yet Suri wouldn't stop. Panic rose up in Juniper.

No, by the time she got Indigo, it might too late. Setting her jaw Juniper moved through the crowd.

"Hey," Juniper yelled. Suri stopped blows and glared at Juniper.

"Oh, hello Tulip," Suri said turning toward her with a crazed animal look, still sitting on top of the badly bruised Coco. The crowd shied away, themselves afraid deeply disturbed ex-popular girl. Juniper felt a pang of fear.

"Leave her alone," Juniper said forcefully, trying to bury her terror.

"Or what," Suri said condescendingly. She held up Coco by her hair, who whimpered in pain. "I'm just giving this bitch what she deserves." She gave a sly smile. "I was gonna go after you for ruining my life, but she was closer."

"I didn't ruin your life, you ruined yourself," Juniper bellowed, her fears being buried by her incredulity and outrage.

"I'll tell you what," Suri said grinning, letting Coco go. The beaten girl collapsed. barely conscious and moaning. "I'll let her go if you fight me. After all, you are more to blame for Coco's complete stupidity." The crowd of students stared at Juniper with some reluctance, wondering if she would do it.

"Fine," Juniper said after a few minutes. The crowd cleared a path, allowing Juniper to enter the ring. She looked again at Coco weak on the ground. "Could some of you help Coco," Juniper said to the crowd, "I think she might have a concussion." Two male students eventually stepped forward and carried Juniper away, holding her awake to keep her from falling unconscious. Juniper step forward, trying to put on an air of confidence. Thinking about how Suri almost humiliated her, and hurt Coco, was making her less nervous and more determined.

"OK, we do this on the count of three," Suri said, bracing her fists. "One, two..." she paused and pointed her finger. "Oh my gosh, Principal Cadence!" Juniper and the students turned their heads in a panic.

"What are you talking about," Juniper said, turning her head back. She look to see Suri coming toward and knocking off her glasses.

"Why did you knock my glasses off," Juniper said with a rage. Her rage was exacerbated by the fact that she couldn't see in front of her. She felt being punched in the nose. Suri looked like a pink blur, and she couldn't find her glasses.

"All is fair in love and war," Suri said viciously. Juniper heard the sound of glass breaking. She realized Suri stepped on her glasses.

"I can't see," Juniper said in a panic. She being punched again. This time her nose starting bleeding. She couldn't see where Suri's punches were coming from, due to her being right in front of her. She felt her hair being brutally tugged.

"You should've walked away," Suri said furiously. "But no, you had to mess with my life." She tugged her hair again. Juniper tried to pull Suri's arm away, but she couldn't find it with the blur. "I'm going to enjoy this."


Indigo Zap and Lightning Dust sat together on the bench, wiping sweat off their foreheads with towels. Both of them enjoyed training early before school. The exercise, the smell of morning dew, and the refreshing feeling of water was paradise to the two athletes.

"You're kind of slow today," Lightning Dust said nastily, giving Indigo a critical look. Indigo rolled her eyes.

"Sorry," Indigo said happily. "I think I gained some weight from all the food last night." The food wasn't the only thing she still remembered from last night.

"Yeah, I see the shorts are kind of tight around your waist," Lightning Dust said with a grin. Indigo threw her sweaty towel at Lightning Dust with a smile.

"Hey," Lightning Dust said playfully. Her face got serious. "So when are we gonna be workout buddies again," Lightning Dust asked. "You spend all your time with that Juniper girl."

"When June can do the reps," Indigo said. Lightning Dust gave an annoyed moan.

"No offense Indie," Lightning Dust said,"but that wimp is pretty hopeless." Indigo Zap felt a pang of anger at Lightning's remarks. Before yesterday, she would've been in agreement. She was only June's gym partner because Sunny told her to. But since last night, she suddenly felt the urge to defend Juniper against anyone who insulted her.

"Oh, so you just started running laps when you three years old," Indigo asked with frustration, causing Lightning Dust to jerk her head back. "Or did you have to practice like anyone else? June didn't go to school with strict athletics, so of course she wouldn't keep up." Lightning Dust lowered her head in some shame, silently conceding her point. "Besides June has made a lot of progress. I'm sure she'll have it down in a week."

"I guess," Lightning Dust said idly. "Anyways-,"

"Indigo," a female voice interrupted. Indigo saw a winded Blossomworth run up to her.

"Blossom, what's wrong," Lightning Dust asked.

"Suri is beating up Juniper," Blossomworth said, sounding scared.

"What," Indigo said with a snarl on her face.

"Suri knocked off her glasses, so Juniper's fighting blind," Indigo's rage was soon replaced by something else. The righteous urge to protect. Indigo grabbed Blossomworth by her shirt, surprising Lightning Dust.

"Where. Are. They," Indigo growled.

"Front of the school," Blossmworth said fearfully. Without another word, Indigo let Blossomworth go and sprinted there.

"Hold on June," Indigo thought to herself. "I'm coming".


Juniper felt everything hurt, and knew she had more than a few bruises. Suri had rained blow after blow, while Juniper had barely grabbed her. If only she could see her, she might have a chance.

"Don't push me," Juniper said with inflection. She felt herself seized by her uniform.

"Don't push you," Suri's voice said. With her bad eyes, Suri's voice felt like an evil specter. She felt herself being shoved quite far back to the edge of the crowd watching.

"I'll push if I want to," Suri said sadistically, not noticing Juniper's eyes narrow or a small smirk form on her face. She ran forward, to deliver one last brutal blow.


Indigo's sprinting took her to the crowd. She knew in the middle of it was Juniper, facing Suri at horrible odds.

She heard Juniper let out a horrible scream. Panic shot up inside Indigo. She pushed her way through the crowd that gathered.

"Don't worry Juniper," Indigo yelled. "I'm coming!" She finally reached the middle of the crowd, and looked in shock, her panic dying down.

The image before her was something that seemed to violate the very laws of the universe.

Indigo knew Suri was a tough girl. At Crystal Prep, working out was a requirement to pass to gym, not optional like at a lot of public schools. Underneath her prissy exterior was a girl who could hold her own. Juniper, meanwhile, was pretty much a toothpick who needed a lot of training to get in shape.

Which is why she was utterly flabbergasted when she saw Suri lying on the ground in agony, with a bleeding and bruised Juniper furiously jumping on the once-popular girl's body. Juniper's glasses were broken, and yet her eyes sharply focused on Suri like an animal closing in on its prey. She screamed and screamed as she squashed Suri, who sounded like she was begging for mercy. The whole crowd too looked stunned.

After a few minutes, Juniper stopped and let out deep, furious pants. She then pulled Suri up by her shirt, giving her a furious glare.

"If you ever mess with Coco and me again, I'll twist you like a pretzel," Juniper warned. She pulled Suri close. "GOT ME!"

"Yes," Suri said tearfully, in a voice that all but pleaded for mercy.

"Good," Juniper said. Juniper let Suri go, who was apparently too injured to rise up. Juniper then noticed Indigo in front of her, but narrowed her eyes.

"Who's that," Juniper said with some frustration.

"It is me, Indigo," Indigo said. Juniper "What happened," Indigo asked in a daze.

"Suri was beating Coco up," Juniper said, her face twisted into a dark satisfaction. It was then that Indigo noticed Coco. She was sitting on the ground, being propped by two boys. Her face was bleeding and bruised. She was moaning and crying at once. Indigo felt her heart break.

"Hey," Indigo said soothingly to Coco, who was weeping in fear and shame. Indigo bent down and pulled Coco into a hug. "Its going to be OK," Indigo cooed into Coco's ear, rubbing her back as the girl wept. She heard Suri's moans, and turned to look at the downed bully. Suri whimpered in terror at Indigo's glare.

"The only reason I haven't smashed your stupid face in is because Juniper took care of that for me," Indigo growled with some pride. She looked up at Juniper with a profound amount of respect.

"How did you do that," Indigo asked in awe. "Fight her blind." She noticed other kids were given Juniper looks of awe as well.

"I'm not completely blind, I'm just far-sighted," Juniper said with a proud smile. "I got Suri to shove me so far back, I was able to see her from a distance". She let out a deep breath. "She had to run toward me to get at me, but she didn't realize I knew where her hands and feet word. I just put my leg out, and she tripped to the ground." Indigo and the crowd looked even more impressed.

"That was incredible June," Indigo said ,"I didn't know-,"

"What is going on here," the voice of Principal Cadence sounded. Everyone turned around to see their panicked principal running up. She looked at Coco injured and crying, Juniper bruised, and Suri lying on the ground in agony. Cadence's face twisted into a cold fury.

"What. Happened," she asked in a tone that brooked no argument.

"Coco and Juniper ganged up on me and beat me up," Suri said first, using her injury and fear to play the victim.

"What," Cadence asked.

"She's lying," Juniper bellowed in dismay, Cadence was a bit far away from Juniper, thus Juniper tried finding Cadence with her voice. "She was beating Coco up. I was trying to save her. She even broke my glasses." Cadence, however, was giving Juniper an odd look.

"OK, Coco, Juniper, Suri," Cadence said coolly, "I want you three to go to the nurse's office. Suri and Juniper, I want you three in my office." Several students started protesting.

"But Principal Cadence," Indigo protested in consternation ,"Juniper was-,"

"Everyone shut up," Cadence bellowed. The crowd shut up, knowing that Cadence was not someone to cross when she was angry. "Everyone else get to class." She pointed to the two boys.

"You two, help Suri up," Cadence ordered. The boys helped Suri up. Before today, boys often fought to be the one to escort Suri, but it was clear these two boys did so reluctantly, giving hidden glares at Suri. Suri gave Juniper a taunting smile, even though the blue-green haired girl probably couldn't see it. Two other girls, without Cadence asking them to, gently picked up Coco to walk her to the nurse's office. The girl was not crying, but no longer upset. "You said your glasses were broken." An upset Juniper nodded. "Someone please help her to the nurse's office," Cadence asked.

"I'll do it," Indigo said, grabbing Juniper's tan-skinned arm.

"Thanks," Juniper said, in a voice of fear. Several students gathered her Juniper's broken glasses, and handed them to her with some reverence. "Thanks," Juniper said again, unable to keep her dread out. Indigo led her along to the nurse's office.


Juniper sat silently in front of the reception desk, waiting for Principal Cadence to arrive, crossing her arms. Despite having been triumphant in the fight, and having gotten bandages for her wounds and bruises, she had this bad feeling in her stomach that wouldn't go away that wasn't the pain she felt. Only one of her lenses remained unbroken, forcing her to look out of her left eye. All she heard were the clicks of the key made by the receptionist.

"So," the old woman asked. Juniper looked up. The woman was giving her a sly look, similar to a charming con artist. She had grey hair and her skin was rose red. "What are ya' in for," sounding like an prisoner.

Juniper usually avoided talking to school secretaries. To her, having pleasant conversations with the receptionist was a sign of being a loser, because you only talked to them went no one else wanted to talk to you.

"Uh, jumping into a fight to save someone," Juniper said. The woman looked surprised.

"Oh really," the woman said narrowing her eyes. The lilt of her tone was playful. "You seem like the person who's been swiping all my mints. That to me is deserving of death." Despite her frustrating situation, Juniper was a bit amused.

"Well, I guess if you had been the secretary in my elementary school, I would've been executed 100 times over," Juniper said. The woman started laughing, and Juniper followed along.

"My name is Juniper," Juniper said, "what's yours"?

"Rose Thorn," the woman said.

"So, how long have you worked here?"

"45 years."

"45 years!"

"Yep," Mrs. Thorn said. "I've been working here when they still used typewriters."

"You look like you've been working here since people drew on caves," Juniper snarked. Rose chuckled at that. "Anyways-,"

"Juniper," Cadence said firmly. "Can you please come in?" The uncomfortable feeling returned again. Juniper walked in, not noticing Rose looking at her with the eyes of someone watching a good show.

"Please sit in that chair," Dean Cadence said. Juniper's frustration boiled within in her as she sat down.

"Dean Cadence, it was-,"

"Juniper I don't want to hear anything from you. You aren't an unbiased party," Cadence said, looking at her like she was an out-of-sorts child. "And I'm not happy with you for jumping into a fight." Outrage bubbled within Juniper.

"What was I supposed to do," Juniper almost yelled. "Suri was-,"

"Juniper, if you read the contract signed, you know we have a zero-tolerance policy on fighting," Cadence said in a disappointed tone. "If you see a fight, you're supposed to talk to a teacher."

A new rage boiled inside Juniper as she heard that insipid advice of "talk to your teacher". There was a reason that never worked. The teacher's either didn't care, were too busy, were completely useless, or in the pocket of the bullies' parents.

"What was I supposed to do," Juniper yelled. Her bookroom nature made her disinclined to talk back to a teacher, no matter how bad or incompetent the teacher was, but everything that had happened since last night was making her care less and less. "Suri looked like she was going KILL Coco, was I-,'

"I don't want you to think violence is OK," Cadence said. Before Juniper could protest further, Suri stepped, also covered in bandages and with a triumphant smile. Juniper's annoyance with Cadence was displaced by her sheer rage at Suri. How could she be calm, despite being an outcast and losing a fight.

"OK Suri," Cadence said, giving her another glare, "I want you to be-" to her shock, three adults burst in. One of them was some old fat guy with a grey skin and a grey suit. Another was some light-blue man in a luxury brown suit and red hair. The third person was some woman with light pink skin, red hair with purple streaks, and wearing a luxury mink coat. Juniper met a lot of snobbish ladies in the movie industry, and almost all of them seemed to love these fancy coats.

What these three adults had in common was the nasty looks they were shooting Juniper, which began chilling her bones. Cadence looked confused at seeing these people here.

"Mr. Memo," Cadence said to the bald man, "Mrs. Polomare," Suri's smile became even more wide. Juniper glared at the woman, starting to get an idea of what was happening. "May I ask with this about?"

The fat guy, named Memo, seemingly ignored Juniper and gave her a condescending look.

"Ms. Montage," Memo said in a tone that made it sound like he was speaking to a child, "if you just tell the truth about how you attacked Suri, we can make your expulsion much easier." Juniper's fury re-emerged.

"Expulsion?! Suri attacked me," Juniper practically bellowed.

"Young lady," the red-haired man said in a tone that made it sound like a warning, "first of all, my name is Saul Summons, and as a lawyer, I must remind you anything you say will be used against you in a court of law."

"Lawyers," Cadence asked with incredulity. "Mr. Memo, Mrs. Polomare, surely we don't need to elevate a discipline problem to this?"

"Of course not," Mr. Subpoena said with a smile. He pulled a form out of his suitcase and showed it to June. "Just sign this confession for breaking the school's zero-tolerance policy, and you'll avoid being charged for assault."

"It was self-defense," Juniper bellowed. The three adults and Suri looked at her like she was an insignificant roach.

"Juniper," Cadence said, warning her to stop her outbursts,"Mr. Memo, surely we can deal with this reasonably."

"No we cannot," Mrs. Polomare said in a haughty tone. The woman's voice and appearance screamed egomania. "I want my dear Suri to go to school without fear." She covered her eyes and gave a fake cry, affecting the appearance of grief. "When she told me some wretch was bullying her, I knew I had to do everything in my power as a trustee to defend her."

"Yes Mommy," Suri said, also crying crocodile tears. "That was the mean girl who made everyone hate me."

Mrs. Polomare removed her hand from her eyes and gave a Juniper a cruel glare. "I'd rather my daughter not have to put up with such delinquents."

"No wonder your such a bitch," Juniper yelled at Suri with fury, "your mommy always protects you." Juniper felt her fists clench, seeking to attack the rich snob.

"I wouldn't try anything," Mr. Summons said. "Any attack on Suri, and you'll be charged with assault and sent to juvie."

"Although I personally believe she should be charged with insanity dumped in a lunatic asylum. After all, she shows all the signs of being mentally defective." Mrs. Polomare said with a grin that matched Suri's.

"Mrs. Polomare," Cadence said with frustration. "I understand your upset, but that does not give you a right to talk to Juniper that way! Know as principal, it is my job to deal with discipline-,"

"But as Board President, I can have the final say over discipline," Mr. Memo said proudly. Cadence herself began subtly glaring at Memo for upstaging him. "Even though this power is rarely exercised, I must intervene for this...transgression."

"Mr. Memo," Cadence almost yelled. "Let me administer discipline."

"She is to be expelled," Memo said with finality, "or she will be charge with assault and sent to juvenile hall". Suri looked at if she was about to stick her tongue out. Juniper felt like she wanted to cry, but would not give these monsters the satisfaction.

"Mr. Memo, please," Cadence said.

"Nothing personal Cadence," Memo said. He then gave a conniving smile toward Mrs. Polomare, which she returned.. "The Polomares are proud...friends of this institution, and CPA always listen to its friends."

"You mean, they stuff your money with pockets," Juniper yelled. Cadence didn't admonish her. However, the pink-skinned principal instead stared strongly at the door, as if she was expecting someone to arrive.

"Sign the form," Mr. Summons repeated, handing her the document and a pen. "Or we can take this to court." Juniper stared dumbly at the form, confused and hurt by what was happening.

I am finally accepted somewhere," Juniper thought sadly "And now I am about to lose my chance at having real friends to these jerks." Before she could sign, however, someone burst in to the crowded room.

"Hey June," a male voice said. Cadence smiled slightly. June looked up and saw the reassuring image of her uncle.

"Mr. Canter Zoom," Ms. Polomare said with an opportunistic smile. "The famous director? To what do we owe this visit?"

"Hey, Uncle Canter," June said, putting emphasis on the word "uncle." "How are you," she asked in a cute voice. Suri, her mom, Mr. Memo, and Mr. Summons were broken out of their reverie, their faces

"Uncle," Mr. Summons said with incredulity, his shock breaking the smug mask he wore.

"Yes, Juniper is my niece, and there isn't anything I wouldn't do for her," Canter said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"Uncle Canter," June said in a little girl voice, "That lady called me 'mentally defective' and those two men were threatening me with juvie." Canter's smile became even more brittle.

"Mr. Zoom," Mr. Memo said in a tone that sounded like a condemned man pleading for mercy. "I was only trying to provide a safe environment for the students," he held out a hand to Canter, who regarded it oddly. "Surely we can forgive one ill-advised overreaction. Surely you and your...associates," he said, his euphemism for all the famous people Uncle Canter knew, "can become good friends of Crystal Prep." Canter took the hand, giving Mr. Memo a firm handshake.

"I know that look in your eye Mr. Memo," Canter said with the grin of a shark. "I will not give CPA one cent. The tuition my sister and...brother-in-law pay to CPA should be enough." Mr. Memo frowned, like a kid sent to his room without supper. Juniper flinched a bit at her uncle's coverup of her parents' divorce.

"Mr. Zoom, perhaps what I said was out of line," Mrs. Polomare said in what sounded apologetic, but the deep richness of the voice sounded seductive. Suri looked with dismay at what her mother was doing. "Perhaps we can...solve our differences over dinner." Canter's bitter smile became a frown.

"I am happily married, thank you very much," Canter said, unimpressed with Mrs. Polomare. "But since you've brought lawsuits, I can tell you now you don't stand a chance in court, and I don't even need to call my lawyer to tell me that this case is pretty open and shut." Mr. Summons looked like he was slapped in the face, and regained his nerve.

"Oh yes, there is quite a leg to stand on," Mr. Summons said boisterously. "There are clear signs of-",

"My niece told me that Suri held a grudge against her, and tried to humiliate her at a party," Canter Zoom said. "Not only that, but she tried to get violent as well. At the party were about 20 witnesses to this." Canter paused from his legal lecture to give a warm glance at Juniper. "20 girls who, in June's words, sided with her against Suri, and five girls who she says would stand by her no matter what." Juniper felt a warm smile form on her face, and she remembered that beautiful memory of the Shadowbolts hugging her. Suri, meanwhile, gnashed her teeth in a jealous rage over last night.

"But," Mr. Simmons objected.

"Not to mention there were many, many witnesses to this fight, a fight that my niece won despite her glasses being broken," Canter finished with a proud smile. Suri's rage was undeniable. "Who do you think they will side with?" The color drained out of Mr. Summons face, and he look defeated.

"Oh by the way June," Canter Zoom said, pulling out glasses from his vest ,"here are your spare glasses."

"Thanks," June said, taking the specs and removing her mangled glasses.

"OK, Mr. Zoom, we promise we won't press charges against you."

"That's fine, because I'm looking to press charges against you," Canter Zoom said, her eyes looking like they could kill a person with a blink. Mr. Memo looked pale. "There is quite a good case here for obstruction of justice, and other charges that could drag the good name of CPA through the mud. I should only repay you for how kindly you've treated June."

"Mr. Zoom," Cadence said with a panic, "please, there's no need for that, we can settle this like adults."

"Oh don't worry Madam Principal," Canter Zoom said, some mercy returning to his voice. "I am a fair man. I won't press charges," he turned to look directly at Suri, who responded with a whimper. "Provided a certain someone tells the truth of what happened." Suri looked to Mr. Memo, her mom, and Mr. Summons for help, but they gave her grave looks, as if to tell her "you're on your own." "Well Suri," Canter Zoom said again, "if you got something to say, say it know, or you'll be saying it in juvenile court." Suri let out a sad sigh.

Suri let out a confession of everything she did the night before and today. How she bullied June, how she tried to humiliate her, and how she picked a fight. In the middle of it, she broke down in tears. Whether it was out of remorse or self-pity, or an attempt to get mercy, no one knew. By the time it ended, Mr. Memo and Mr. Summons had left the room, or perhaps the better word was walked out with their tails between their legs. Mrs. Polomare looked utterly defeated, and Canter and Juniper sported triumphant grins. And Cadence was giving Suri a severe glare.

"Mrs. Polomare," Cadence said in an even, but seething voice, completely unsympathetic toward Juniper's tears. "I am deeply, deeply disappointed. To come here is a privilege, and you have wasted that by picking on and abusing your classmates." She pulled out a form. "You are suspended for the rest of the year," she said with a grim tone. "If you wish to make it up, you must attend summer school."

"This is shameless," Mrs. Polomare practically yelled. "My late husband's money helped build this school, and we will not be disrespected. Principal Cinch knew when to show proper respect!"

"Cinch is no longer here," Cadence said in a dangerously quiet tone, but she couldn't help but growl at the mention of her ex-boss. "If you wish to withdraw your donations, I assure you Crystal Prep has many friends who can pick up the slack, but do not think your contributions make you principal." Mrs. Polomare looked like she was about to explode, but instead cooled off to retain some dignity.

"Very well Suri," she said, taking her daughter by the arm. "We can always send you to another boarding school. We don't need to be here." While Mrs. Polomare tried to maintain her composure, Suri looked utterly broken as her mom led her out by her arm. She didn't even bother to stare at Juniper anymore as she was led out the door.

"Now Juniper," Cadence said, her voice no longer as severe as she addressed the pig-tailed girl. "I want to say that what you did was brave, but you're still getting detention for a week." Juniper's mouth twisted into

"Wait," Canter protested. "Your gonna punish her for defending a friend?!"

"Mr. Zoom," Cadence said. "We have a strict no-tolerance policy. I don't want June to think that violence can solve everything." Canter Zoom let out a deep frown at that. Mrs. Thorn, who was listening in, rolled her eyes at her bosses words.

"Oh, yeah, you certainly solved everything," Canter Zoom said in a bitterly sarcastic tone. "Your tolerance certainly prevented violence. That Suri brat was certainly deterred from violence."

"That was one incident-,"

"Let me tell you something, Madam Principal," Canter Zoom interrupted. "In my day, as today, teachers didn't really care about bullies. Whoever, if you wanted to defend yourself, that wouldn't lecture you about how 'fighting is wrong'. That's like punishing someone for defending someone against a mugger."

"Mr. Zoom, I'm trying to prevent future-"

"Do you live in some kind of fantasy world," Canter Zoom replied. "Because here on Earth, the reality is bullies don't care to follow the rules. They find ways around them, or as this Suri girl proved, they have connections that can help them get around the rules. That is what a bully is," Canter Zoom said.

"She'll be in detention for a week," Cadence said. "I will not argue this further." Juniper looked dismayed, and was about to protest, but Juniper was stopped by her uncle's raised hand.

"Don't worry about it," Canter whispered to her niece. "Tonight, I'm taking you to a buffet." Juniper smiled gratefully, with the two walked out of the principal's office.

"Well June, I'll see you later," Canter said. Juniper didn't walk alongside her uncle, not wanting to expose her relationship to the famed director yet. He walked up to Mrs. Thorn.

"How did I do," Canter asked Mrs. Thorn. She nodded her head and gave Canter a fist-bump of approval.


Juniper ran quickly to her gym. She didn't want to be late again, fearing that her brutish gym teacher would grind her into dust.

She ran into the field, where she saw the other girls, just as class started.

"June," Indigo called. June saw Indigo to her right, standing at the edge of the crowd, and ran up to the blue-haired athlete. "Are you OK? Where did you get new glasses?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Juniper said, though wincing. "My uncle dropped them off."

"What happened with Cadence," Indigo asked with full sympathy.

"She gave me a weeks detention," Juniper said. Indigo looked displeased.

"What," Indigo said with some exasperation. "Cadence gave you detention for helping Coco? That is so un-,"

"Don't worry about it," Juniper said with a shrug. "The good news is that Suri was suspended."

"Good," Indigo said with some grim satisfaction.

"How was Coco," Juniper asked. Indigo looked a bit sad.

"She..could be better. Nothing's broken, but she was so upset, her mom took her home for the rest of the week."

"That's too bad," Juniper said. "Anyways, lets get to-," Juniper and Indigo stopped to notice that every girl in class was forming a circle around her, and giving her an odd look.

"Uh," Juniper asked. "What's going on." Her confusion deepened when Indigo gave her a sly grin.

"You don't get it, do you," Indigo said with a small chuckle.

"No," June protested. "Why is everyone-,"

"Is it true you beat Suri up while blind," one girl asked.

"I heard Suri dangled Coco from a ledge, and June jumped on the ledge to save her," another girl said.

"I heard you ripped out Suri's heart and ate it while blindfolded," Lightning Dust asked Suri. "What did it taste like?"

"I didn't eat anyone's heart," Juniper protested.

"Everyone heard how you beat up Suri to save Coco, and did it without your glasses," Indigo said with a proud smirk. "Needless to say, you've become the talk of the town, or school."

"Really," said Juniper. "I was trying to help Coco".

"And that's just the icing on the cake," Indigo said.

"Did you steal Suri's hair, and keep it as a trophy," another girl asked.

"These girls think I'm some kind of savage", Juniper muttered with amusement.

"Embrace it," Indigo advised.

"EVERYBODY," Coach Squats bellowed. The class ended their endless questions about Juniper. "You all can talk to Juniper later. Right now, it is time to find your gym partner."

"OK Indigo let's get started," Juniper said, albeit with more conviction then she had showed before.

"Alright," Indigo practically roared, but soon everyone started swarming around Juniper.

"Pick me to be your gym partner," said Lightning Dust.

"No pick me," said Blossomworth.

Juniper was astonished by the fact that someone wanted to be her partner in anything related to gym. But eventually she got tired of being fought over like a prize, her astonishment giving way to amusement.

"Uh, I'm going to be with Indigo," Juniper said. The crowd looked a bit downcast. "Sorry," she said, a sly grin forming on her face. "But, uh, Indigo needs my help. Even her grandma says she's slowing down."

A chorus of "ooh's" and shocked laughter echoed.

"Just for that," Indigo said in a jokingly stern voice, "You'll be doing push ups while I sit on you."

"HAHA," Juniper said. Then she let out a sob of pain." Seriously. I'm still hurting from Suri's attack. Let's take it easy today."

"You've earned it, champ," Indigo said with a happy smile.


"So Squats gave you a high five after class," Sunny asked Juniper. Juniper and the Shadowbolts walked down the hallway toward the cafeteria.

"Yes," Juniper said happily. "She told me 'even though I can't condone fights on campus, as an athlete I salute you' and she gave me a reward of 20 pushups. The rest of the Shadowbolts chuckled.

"Squats thinks exercise is the best reward," Indigo said.

"Thank you guys so much," Juniper said.

"For what," Lemon asked with all sincerity.

"For what," Juniper asked. "For being my friend, for standing up for me." Juniper saw some guys giving her a wave. "If it weren't for you guys being my friend, I don't think I would've ever been popular on campus."

"June," Sugarcoat said sternly but tenderly. "We only opened the door for you. For it to matter, you've go to walk through it. Everything you have is because of the things you do." Juniper's eyes moistened. "For us to like you, you have to be likable."

"Thank you," Juniper said in a voice full of gratitude. She turned toward Sunny. "Sunny I know this might not mean much, but your my best friend here." Sunny looked surprised, but touched.

"June" Sunny said sternly, "don't get sappy on me, you have too much dignity for that." Juniper smirked and let out a respectful nod.

"Wait a minute," Sunny said, and pulled out her phone. "Guys, Sour wants to talk to us," Sunny said. "About the...project." The other Shadowbolts silently nodded.

"Sorry June," Indigo said. "We have to meet with Sour during lunch."

"For the embroidery thing," Juniper asked Indigo.

"Yeah, sure" Sunny said, rubbing the back of her head.

"OK guys, do what you gotta do," Juniper walked to the cafeteria, but felt a chill. For the first time since she came here, she wouldn't being eating with Sunny. She was nervous about finding a table, wondering who she could sit with. She was so lost in her anxiety, she barely noticed a tap on the shoulder.

"Excuse me," a gruff, female voice behind her said. Juniper turned around and saw two girls behind her, giving her odd looks and smiles.

"Uh, can I help you," Juniper replied.

"Are you Juniper Montage," the other girl asked, speaking with an odd accent.

"Yes," Juniper said. She looked at the two girls before her. Both of them wore the CPA uniform, but that where their similarities ended.

One girl had pigeon blue skin, with white hair curled at the top (almost in the shape of a cloud) that went down to her neck, with a nasty scar running along her eye. She was similar to June in both height and build.

The other girl was one of the most intimidating people Juniper had met. She was almost as tall as Coach Squats, towering at 5 ft 10 inches, with thick, well-developed muscles that could seen through her uniform. She had piercing yellow eyes, a stern, boyish face, tanned skin, and white hair that looked almost like feathers.

"Name's Gilda", the tall girl said.

"I'm Rolling Thunder," the shorter girl said, extending her hand.

"Nice to meet you," Juniper said. "Are you from Australia?"

"Yep," Rolling Thunder said. "All the way from Alice Springs, anyways-,"

"Is it true that Suri blinded you with mace," Gilda blurted, drawing a stern look from Rolling Thunder that the white-haired amazon ignored, "but using your scent, you were able to tackle her to the ground, and tear her throat out with your teeth?"

"What," Juniper said. "If I did that, don't you think I would be in jail?"

"Sorry," Rolling Thunder said. "Rumors and all that. But the way people have described you, you sounded like a giant."

"I was just trying to save my friend", Juniper said modestly. "All I did was trip her. And I wasn't completely blind either, just nearsighted."

"Well, it was still incredible," Rolling Thunder said, a look of admiration on her eyes.

"And you finally put that bitch in her place," Gilda said. The sadistic glee and fiery eyes were unmistakable. "Not bad for a newbie."

"You hated Suri," asked Juniper, "I thought Suri was popular here."

"Well, she was more powerful then popular," Rolling Thunder said with the roll of her eyes.

"Because her mommy wrote checks to the school, the school board let her do what she wanted, the lazy old bastards," Gilda said with sheer disgust. "If you touched her, the school would come down hard on you after one phone call." She smiled. "But this time, she finally got her ass handed to her and expelled."

"Well I did get detention," Juniper said.

"Anybody else would've been expelled," Rolling Thunder said. "Anyways, Gilda and I are co-captains of CPA's Martial Arts club."

"And were goddamned impressed with what you did without even glasses," Gilda said gleefully.

"We would love it if you would come eat with us and tell us the story," Rolling Thunder said, "Maybe you could join the club if you're interested."

"Sure," Juniper said, a happy smile forming on her face. "I'd love that."

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