• Published 11th Aug 2017
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Vanishing Act - redandready45

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The Past Still Lingers

Juniper looked in the mirror. It was still hard to reconcile that she was, in fact, the pony that was staring back at her.

But the pony had the same familiar color on her coat, the same familiar eye color, the same familiar hair color, and the same familiar pigtails. It was a struggle, but eventually she accepted that pony and her were one and the same.

"Don't worry," Princess Twilight assured her. "I had the same sense of disassociation once I woke up as some...clothed ape. You'll get over it."

Juniper snickered. "I wondered how another intelligent species would see us." Juniper's smile got wider. "Clothed ape is...not what I expected."

"Anyways," Twilight said, "let's start teaching you how to use tools with your hooves." The AV clubber followed the lavender alicorn to some room.

"So what do...regular ponies do..."

Princess Twilight was confused. "Regular?"

"You know," Juniper muttered, "not having a horn and..."

"Juniper," Princess Twilight interrupted. "Earth ponies are anything but normal. Many of them have incredible strength and can bring productiveness to any soil they trot upon."

"Really," Juniper wondered. She looked to a wall of crystal. She tapped on it with her front hoof....

Only to break the wall down completely, revealing a bathroom where Spike was showering.

"Oh Rarity, the mare for me," the purple dragon sang while lathering his spines, "Rarity, come stand with-," he turned around and he realized some other pony and his surrogate sister were watching him bath.

"Do you mind?!" A scandalized Spike bellowed, his cheeks blushing. He angrily pulled a purple curtain in front of him.

"Sorry," Juniper said sheepishly.

"Don't worry," the pony princess said. Her horn glowed and suddenly the wall that Juniper accidentally destroyed was repaired, much to her astonishment. "How did you...?"

"Juniper, when Earth ponies grow up, they often cause property damage because they underestimate their strength," the pony princess said. "We have long learned to be prepared to deal with such damages."

The film-lover turned pony let out a relieved sigh. "Well, that's good," Juniper said.

"This is why you need a little training," Princess Twilight said. "If you need to be doing the work here, you need to practice not breaking things with your Earth pony prowess."

"OK! So how are we practicing?" The lavender being gestured with a forehoof to some room.

It was a small dining room with fancy silverware. It looked like a two person version of the fancy banquets Uncle Canter went to during high level business meetings. She hadn't gone to any of them in person, but she was vaguely familiar with how they worked. Especially with how they were always dozens of courses and more spoons then people.

"Let's start with just eating," Princess Twilight said. "Dining is not just for etiquette, it is a good way for ponies to learn how to discipline their powers. And if you feel overwhelmed," Princess Twilight said with a wide grin, "it took me a while to use my hands rather than just pick things up with my mouth."

"Sure," Juniper said excitedly. She looked around. "By the way, where's Sunset."

"She had to go Canterlot on some...personal business," Princess Twilight said, the tone indicating the business was more than a bit personal.

"Alright, so lets do some...ettiquetting or...whatever."

"Let us begin with the yogurt spoon," Princess Twilight said. "So how are your friendships going?" Princess Twilight asked while the olive-colored former human struggled with her tiny spoon.

"Good." The tone was pretty abrupt and straightforward.

"Just...good." Princess Twilight wondered.

"Well..." Juniper said, "Sunny and her friends haven't been hanging out with me...as much as they used to. I asked them to come with me, and they told me they wanted to meet with their Twilight's family to come up with a way to find her."

"They have been putting a lot of time into finding their Twilight," the pony princess pointed out.

"Yeah but," Juniper expressed, "they haven't had much time to hang out with me."

Princess Twilight looked concerned. "Do you have other....people you can spend time with." Juniper looked down. "June, I know you feel left out, but Sunny and her friends have their own lives and their own needs, and you need to have friends beyond them. Is there anyone with whom you could have a potential friendship with."

"Well, I joined the mixed martial arts team," Juniper said. "They kind of...begged me to join."

"And how is that going?"

Juniper got uncomfortable. "Well...I kind of feel...a burden."

Princess Twilight looked concerned. "Burden? Why would you feel like..."

"Well, these girls have been training for years, and I've only been training for...a couple of months, and I haven't really caught up with them in terms of-,"

"Juniper, I want to ask me this question?" Princess Twilight said in a serious tone. "Have they ever said anything to make you feel like a burden?"

"Well, I haven't let me compete officially yet," Juniper admitted. "They say I'm not ready."

"Then ask them for a try," Princess Twilight pointed.

"But, what if I screw up," Juniper dreaded, "and then they'll ditch..."

"Juniper, I know putting yourself out there seems scary, but you can't let your fear dictate what you do or don't do," Princess Twilight said. "Unless they SAY something to you or do something that shows they don't like you, then don't be afraid to try and be their friend. Ask them if they want to hang out or something."

Juniper pursed her lips. "And then there's...this Coco girl. For the last few weeks, she's meekly come up to me, asking me to hang out with her."

"Well, do it," Princess Twilight pointed out.

"Well, she nearly humiliated me at this party," Juniper said with some discomfort. "I mean, she was kind of the lackey to this girl-,"

"Was it Suri?" Twilight interrupted.

Juniper cocked her head. "How did you..."

"I wanted to see if Sunny and her friends were worthy of a second chance," Twilight said. "Hearing how they defended you proved to me they were."

"Anyways, she worked for Suri to try and humiliate me. Then Suri...out of revenge...beat her up, and I dove in to help her," Juniper pointed out. "She knocked my glasses off, and I took her down anyways. That was the reason I got invited to do the mixed martial arts."

Princess Twilight was more than impressed. "Juniper, I am proud of you for defending your classmate, despite your dislike-."

"But, I kind of avoided her. I was still mad at her, and she was still...guilty. Now she's been offering to hang out with me, but..." Juniper set her jaw, "I'm still...a little mad."

"Juniper, I know it's natural for you to feel angry," Princess Twilight pointed out with a look. "But if she's wanting to make amends, and several months have passed, maybe you should give it a try. You did protect her, so she doesn't have much of a reason to try and hurt you."


"My human friends gave Sunset forgiveness for what she did, and know they're closer than ever. They gave forgiveness to your friends for what they did, and now they've become better people. Maybe you can be the one who can try and give someone a chance."

"I know I've been learning a lot about forgiveness," Juniper began with a sad expression, "but what if... Coco stabs me in the back."

"If she does, then you know for sure," Princess Twilight, as if saying the sky was blue.

"But if she humiliates me again, then everyone will think I'm a loser," Juniper muttered.

"June, if she humiliates you, then everyone will be mad at her," Princess Twilight stressed. "I don't think Sunny and her friends will be that petty."

Juniper thought this over, and smiled. "Your right," she suddenly exclaimed. "Let's learn how to dine with hooves."

"OK, so let's begin again with the yogurt spoon," Princess Twilight repeated. Had she been not paying attention to the silverware, Twilight would've noticed while Juniper's smile seemed confident, her eyes were laden with uncertainty.

Sunset never felt this much anxiety and fear since the human Twilight went up in smoke, or after she came back from suspension after the Fall Formal. She was going back to the pony she abandoned. The pony she betrayed. The pony she tried to overthrow for such a...such a...

Looking back, Sunset realized her reasons for everything were childish. She had been angry over being denied princess, and she realized her reasons weren't all that lofty. It was less about becoming a princess and more about not getting she want.

In the grand scheme of things, she done nothing but act like a foal upset she didn't get the toy she wanted over a position that carried responsibility and required wisdom.

Twilight insisted in this meeting, and while Sunset had tried to use a number of excuses to get out of it, she realized she had to cross this bridge eventually. With a tried sigh, Sunset strode into the visitor entrance of the castle.

Her anxiety grew when she saw who was guarding the entrance to the castle.

A familiar white-coated stallion. The one she knocked out in order to go through the mirror.

Time seemed to slow down as Sunset felt her heart beat rapidly into her chest. With a heavy sigh, the yellow unicorn finally crossed that bridge.

"Welcome to Canterlot Castle," the stallion said with professional courtesy, "how may I help..." his eyes narrowed when she saw who it was. He soon regained his composure, but he couldn't hide the rage in his face.

"Hey Ram," Sunset said with a forced smile. "How...are...things?"

"Sunset Shimmer," Ram said with a frown. "I see that once again your command of language matches your mental capacities." The swipe made Sunset feel like she was slapped in the face. Weirdly enough, her anxiety ended. It was obvious the stallion still despised her, but at least she knew that.

"Anyways," the stallion said, glancing at his clipboard, "you are due to see the Princess." He held up a jewel that glowed. Two other stallions were summoned. "Gentlestallions, please escort her to the throne room," he said, "and I advise you to keep the gift shop open, because she might knock you out if she doesn't get a souvenir."

Sunset flinched again, seeing how this stallion saw her as a pathetic child. Thankfully some of the guards didn't seem to show her animosity and so she followed them.

The trot to the throne room was equally uncomfortable. Some of the servants from when she was a student were still here, and based off the cold looks she was giving them, they were still angry over how she treated them like serfs.

After a few minutes of this, Sunset finally reached the throne room. Celestia loomed over her on her throne, her royal face stoic and mysterious. Sunset felt the urge to turn around and was only stopped from galloping away by the guards behind her.

"Gentlestallions you are dismissed," Celestia uttered, not taking her eyes off of Sunset. The two guards trotted away, leaving the unicorn and the alicorn staring at one another.

"Princess," Sunset began, each letter feeling like a fork stabbing her in the tongue, "I...I..." Sunset looked down shamefully. She felt something block her vision. Something white.

When Sunset looked up, she saw Celestia was standing over her, wings open. Before Sunset could say anything else, Celestia pulled her into a hug.

Sunset wept and wept, all the while Celestia pat her on the mane and told her it was going to be OK.

Sunset trotted into the guard's cafeteria, her body filled with relief as she realized her mentor didn't hate her. She needed this for her next assignment for today.

She found Ram sitting at a table alone and enjoying a daisy sandwich. His helmet was off, revealing a greying orange mane. With another sigh, Sunset trotted to him.

"Hey Ram," Sunset said. The pony looked at her with some annoyance.


"I wanted to say how sorry I am."

"OK." The stallion said. "I don't forgive you."

"Look, the way I treated you was wrong. But I was in a really bad place, and if there anything I can do-,"

The stallion threw away his lunch, put his helmet began and started trotting away from her.

Sunset started following after her. "Look, Ram, I know I-,"

"You don't know anything!" Ram barked at her. "You couldn't begin to understand the damage you did."

"Then help me!" Sunset begged.

"And I don't give you as you asked, your majesty, are you going to report me to the Princess?" Ram asked with sarcasm.

Sunset frowned with some annoyance, but realized she was being demanding. "Help me, please."

"Congratulations," the stallion replied with extreme contempt, "you learned to say please. Now I could care less about what you did to me. If I wasn't expecting to get attacked, I wouldn't have chosen this profession." Ram frowned furiously. "No I am angry for her Majesty herself and how you took her for granted."

Sunset flinched at the accusation.

"You see, there are nobles out there who are even more badly behaved then you. Prince Blueblood is even more of a nuisance. But even he would never have abused the trust of a Princess, much less the opportunity to study with her."

The words struck Sunset like a hammer to the ribs.

"You did the impossible: you brought out the worse in her, complaining and complaining like a spoiled brat, no matter what nice thing she did for you, even when it was clear you how hopeless you were. Never before did other ponies even see a hint of her anger. And though she never took her frustrations out on us, many ponies began she would fear her. How did that make her feel, being treated like King Sombra?"

Sunset felt sick to her stomach and looked down at the ground in shame.

"Despite her appearance of grace and strength, she bears a great load to ensure the happiness of everypony, and that doesn't include having to raise the sun and moon. And instead of appreciating this, you chose to work her last nerve and antagonize to the point where she had to expel you from her castle." Ram stormed up to the guilt-ridden unicorn. "Look at me in the eye." Sunset did, and saw two cold eyes that gleamed without any sympathy for her. Just sheer disgust.

"And yet, despite having every reason to celebrate your departure from her existence, she cried over your disappearance."

Sunset felt her eyes moisten. "I didn't-,"

"You were in a bad place?" Ram parroted mockingly. "Try wondering whether or not the pony you see as your daughter is even alive or not."

Sunset felt tears about to burst from her eyes.

"And let me be clear: I believe Celestia erred in her choice to let you back into her domain. Even when you've tried to be repentant, you've still behaved like the same spoiled, self-centered brat you always were."

"I said sorry," Sunset argued feebly,

"You don't see my forgiveness as a personal matter, but as a prize you feel you must like collect to feel better about yourself. This shows me that despite your pretensions of maturity, the little brat bubbles beneath the surface. You still are selfish. The desire for power has merely been replaced by the desire for followers to remind you of how great you supposedly are."

"Look maybe I can help you with-,"

"See," Ram muttered in an acidic tone. "I choose who I let into my existence. Not you. The only reason why you haven't gotten the beating you deserve is, unlike you, I don't let my personal frustrations get in the way of duty to the Princess, and you happen to be useful to others. But let warn you, Shimmer: you keep up this self-centered attitude, and you will get the beating you deserve one day by somepony who isn't fooled by you."

He trotted away in disgust, leaving behind a weeping and crying Sunset.

The Shadowbolts knocked on the door of Cadence's home. The door opened, only to find no one there. They heard a cough, looked down and saw a familiar dog glaring at them, holding the door open with one of his paws.

They hadn't seen Spike since Cadence invited them over to learn about their Twilight. Based off his mood, he was not happy with their presence.

Lemon tried to be friendly. "Hey Spike, how's it-," The door was slammed in their face, much to the shame of the Shadowbolts.

"I don't get it," Sour said softly.

"How Spike would still loath us for our constant taunts and mistreat of his owner followed by nearly causing her premature demise," Sugarcoat remarked.

"No," Sour said. "How a dog that small can open and close a door that thick!"

They rang the doorbell. The could make out the silhouette of Cadence. She paused bent down, and they began hearing some loud words being exchanged. "Cadence and Spike are arguing," Sunny remarked uncomfortably. They felt bad for being a source of conflict, and seeing Cadence defend them despite their slights against her. Eventually, the arguments ceased, and the pink woman opened the door.

"Hey girls," the woman said cheerfully. "Sorry about Spike, he didn't mean it."

"Yes I did!" The purple puppy threw back. Cadence struggled to maintain her composure. "So what can I do for you? Please come in."

"Hey," Sunny said, plastering a smile on her face, trying to pretend she couldn't feel Spike's searing hatred for her, as were her friends. The Shadowbolts walked in. Spike immediately wandered away from them, but not before giving them one last growl of disgust.

"We have an idea for trying to find Twilight and we need your help," Indigo asked.


"We think that maybe Twilight changed her name," Sugarcoat asked. "We were wondering if she had any past aliases or nicknames growing up."

Cadence gave this serious thought, before a happy smile formed on her face.

"I have an idea," Cadence expressed.

"What?" Sunny asked.

"Midnight Sparkle," Sour parroted. The five girls stood around their pink-skinned principal while she sat on the couch, looking at some photo albums.

"Yes, when she was young, she played this game where she would be this evil wizard called Midnight Sparkle and Shining would always have to defeat her." Cadence opened one of the albums, showing a picture of young Twilight wearing a tinfoil hat. A teenaged Shining Armor was in the picture, wearing a hat made from newspaper. Both of them were "dueling" with brooms.

The Shadowbolts, despite being pompous rich girls, couldn't help but smile cutely at that.

"Aww," Sour cooed. "She's so adorable....I'M GONNA THROW UP!"

"Anyways," Cadence said with a wistful smile. "If you need another name to try and find her, that's it."

"Thanks," Sunny said.

"So do you have time to stay," Cadence offered, "I've got some tea and cookies-,"

"Actually Cady," Shining said, coming into the living room, "we, uh, ran out of tea and cookies."

Everyone could see Shining was telling a fib. "But Shining-," Cadence objected.

"Ran out," Shining said with a look. "In fact, we have to do some...renovations and can't have company, so-," he winked at the Shadowbolts. The Shadowbolts immediately took the hint, and began walking out of the room with morose understanding that they weren't welcome.

"Girls don't leave," Cadence pleaded. They stopped. "Shiny, come on, let them-,"

"No Cady, we really have to do those...reservations," Shining said forcefully. The girls continued to leave the room, much to Cadence's anger.

"Shining," Cadence muttered angrily, once she knew the girls were gone. "Why did you do that? You promised me you'd give those girls a chance."

"I promised I would let them search for Twilight," Shining replied coolly, "be polite to them, and help them make it up to her." He narrowed his eyes. "I never said anything about giving them the family friend treatment."

"Shining," Cadence said, "there is a different between punishment and taking swipes at people."

"And there is a difference between giving someone a chance and indulging them," Shining threw back. "Giving them sweets and telling them family stories makes them think everything is still cool between us, when it is isn't."

"Shining, they're trying to change," Cadence pleaded. "All I'm doing-,"

"All you're doing is giving them the same entitlement complex!" Shining threw back. "They want the family friend treatment, they have to earn it: first by bringing Twilight back, and then earning her trust back."

"And that's what I'm trying to do," Cadence pointed out. "By treating them well and showing them pictures, there's a good chance they'll be nicer to Twilight."

"Or maybe they're just taking advantage of your trust," Shining replied.

"Shining, they're trying to change," Cadence expressed.

"Why because you say so?!" Shining asked rhetorically. "Because you're Mi Amore Cadenza, and everything you assume is right because you say so!"

"Shining, that's not-,"

"That's the same attitude that led us to assume that our sister would make friends just because we did!" The words gave Cadence pause. "That's the same attitude that allowed you, the dean of CPA, to be in the dark about the fact that your precious students were taking advantage of your trust, and sending our sister on twisted little goose chases. The same attitude that led you to assume your boss would take Twilight as her surrogate daughter, when in truth, all she cared about was your parents' donations to the school, her anger at the world for losing her family, and her stupid reputation." Shining paused in bitter thought, while Cadence looked to the ground in shame. "The same attitude that made us ignore the fact that our sister was basically hiding from the world because she was scared of everyone."

"Shining," Cadence muttered remorsefully after a long bitter pause. "You're right. We-I did screw up. But I'm not giving these girls a chance for no reason. They have tried to better themselves and are much nicer-,"

"Again, because your Mi Amore Cadenza, because you say so!" Shining threw back. ". Just because they want to be better doesn't mean they will be. You so want to be proven right, you're ignoring the damage they could still do, or the fact that kissing up to the woman who controls your transcript doesn't mean they'll befriend the school outcast."

"And you maybe you just want them to be awful, you're bullying them so you can be proven right!" Cadence yelled defensively. "I know you still have a grudge-

"A grudge is me stopping them from trying to search for my sister," Shining replied somewhat defensively. "I'm listening to the part of my brain that told me, when my sister came home from her first party covered in paint and crying, to pull her out of school. That part of brain is reminding me as nice as those girls are now, they weren't nice to our sister, and they lied and hurt her, us, Spike, and the rest of our family and nearly got her killed!"

"Shiny, they didn't want this to happen," Cadence pointed out. "And they even told the truth when Cinch didn't."

"Maybe they didn't want it to happen, but it happened because they had zero respect for her! Imagine if they had been on, like, a ski trip. In the same situation, they could've gotten her hurt or killed by, I don't know, pressuring her to go skiing. And they only told the truth after they completely shit the bed!"

"They regretted doing those things," Cadence said.

"And they could still hurt her again simply because they might do something they think is funny without thinking about the consequences!" Shining yelled. "And if they do, it is because you're indulging them BEFORE they've earned her trust back."

Cadence thought over her words. "Shining, I already agreed with you that we're not gonna force Twilight to forgive them. That's going to be her choice and her choice alone. And if Twilight gives them a chance and they hurt her, then I will come down on them hard and I will put Twilight out."

"Before or after our sister hurls herself out of a window."

Cadence was not amused. "Shining, please don't joke-,"

"I'm not joking!' Shining bellowed miserably. "I know I sound harsh but..." Shining was on the verge of tears. "I remember the last time I saw Twilight. She...she couldn't even look me in the eye when she told me goodbye. I saw so obsessed with the Moron Games, I didn't think about it." Shining sat down heavily on the couch.


"Then I remember all the things Twilight went through, and how I was telling her to loosen up and," Shining paused. "What if our sister was on the verge of doing something drastic like...suicide...or going postal...or self-harm."

Cadence's eyes twisted with worry and she thought morosely. "Shining, that wouldn't-"

"BECAUSE YOU SAY SO?!" Shining threw back angrily. "Us thinking our sister wouldn't go crazy is one of the reasons she got so miserable. Because you so wanted to be proven right, you didn't care about how she felt. I made that mistake too, I will not make it again. Our sister met all the criteria of a potential school shooter, and that was BEFORE the Moron Games and those girls and that old bitch gave her more ammo." Shining' face fell into his hands. "And I can't even fix it. Because our sister is stuck in some magical unicorn world, and we have no idea what other things she might be going through."

Cadence tried to be optimistic. "Shining, Princess Twilight said the magic would never harm her. Maybe she's making so many friends and having so much fun-,"

"And what if she isn't," Shining replied. "What if she can't adapt to that other world. What if she's homeless, or a a criminal, or in a mental asylum?"

"Shining, you can't think that way," Cadence replied.

"I have too," Shining said. "Again, I lived on faith that our sister would do well at CPA and it made me overlook fact that my sister was being abused by them...and that I was...neglecting her." Shining frowned and clenched his fists in self-loathing. "I have to expect the fact that my sister might be alone and full of hate at the world around her. I'm not thinking about vengeance. I'm thinking about Twilight," Shining said furiously, "and how she'll feel if she sees those girls again, or if she finds out you've been giving the girls who bullied her and nearly got her killed special treatment and access to her personal life." A guilty frown appeared on Cadence's face. He leaned toward the table in exhaustion. "Or...what if she likes it so much, she won't even come home, and we give her one more reason not too."

. "Shining," she said with some remorse. "You're right. Maybe I was letting my ego get the better of me. But...I am also afraid of us ending up like Cinch. She was so full of hate over what happened, and look what it turned her into."

"I'm glad you want to be the forgiving soul," Shining said in a more sympathetic tone. "I want those girls to be better, but my sisters' feelings have to come before them, and they need a little reminder about what they did if they want to grow up. And if they can't accept a little punishment," Shining said with contempt, "they don't deserve to be searching for her."

"Fine," Cadence said. "You're right. I won't give them the family friend treatment unless Twilight wants them in her life. But again, if worst comes to worst, we have the resources to help her. We can bring her to Dr. Lobe. If she doesn't want to go back to CPA, we can bring her to Dusk Alternative School."

"The retar-," Shining caught his words, "The special needs school," Shining said with dismay.

"I read about the place Shiny," Cadence replied. "It isn't some asylum. It's a good place full of teachers who understand Twilight's issues and will help her, kids who've been where she's been, and a curriculum she'll enjoy. And if that doesn't work...CHS."


"Sunset Shimmer told me she'll look after her and be the friend she needs."

"The unicorn girl?" Shining asked with confusion. "How do you know-,"

"She beat Cinch up for what she did to Twilight," Cadence replied with fiery eyes. " She's helping Sunny and her friends grow up too. She's a good girl who believes in what's right. If there's anyone who will help Twilight, it's her."

A satisfied smile appeared on Shining's face, as he imagined Sunset beating the old bitch up. "She can come over for tea and cookies any time."

Unbeknownst to them, a purple haired girl with pink streaks was eavesdropping on them were a morose frown through an open window. With a sigh of frustration, Sunny shut the window and stormed away with a bitter expression.

"By the way," Shining added. "If she does want to come back, how do we get around the fact that she was declared dead?"

"Simple," Cadence said. "We say she ran away and faked her death. My staff agreed to go along with the motorcycle story, since Twilight was their favorite student. I can get them to go along with that."


"I even have a whole amnesia scenario in order to quell any awkward questions," Cadence replied.

"Or maybe we'll say she got kidnapped by pirates and joined a pirate band," Shining said with a smile. Cadence herself chuckled.

In a darkened room, a few ponies in simple red hooded robes gathered around their leader, who was clad in a flowing mauve robe and staring at a pentagram drawn into the wooden floor.

"Our liege," one of them whispered in a snake like voice. "Shall we begin the...process."

"Yes," their leader declared in a voice full of hate. She pulled down her hood. Her face was purple, beautiful and immaculate, save for the glass eye and scar and ran along it. "My vengeance against them shall..." Her horn lit up, "begin."

The pentagram also lit up, and glowed an early purple. The red hooded ponies cheered, while Midnight Sparkle just smiled the smile of a calm but bloodthirsty wolf.

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