• Published 18th Aug 2017
  • 2,774 Views, 58 Comments

Impureblood - BioQuillFiction

Prince Blueblood, after hitting rock bottom meets a mare that spends a single night with him that helps him steer himself into a better life.

  • ...

Chapter 3: Future and Past

"I had no idea the castle had its own restaurants inside." Saffron said as we walked down the Castle's private restaurant hallways. It was mainly for visiting royalty or ambassadors, but it's all still quite good and high rated.

“Not many do, it’s mostly used for Royalty and Ambassadors.” Blueblood answered readily. “Many a day I have spent here enjoying it’s high rated foods…and then your cooking blew it all away.”

Saffron chuckled at that. "I'm sure all the life long five star chefs must have hated that."

“Oh you have absolutely no idea how it pissed off many high class chefs, and ruined some food critics.” Blueblood chuckled. “Honestly, I think more restaurants opened because of what I said, or at least helped others diversify their choices…looking back I will never understand how I only ate those tiny bits of scraps and called it ‘fine dining’.”

"Conditioning and maybe some brainwashing from a young age?" Saffron offered with a giggle.

“Some would say those are one in the same.” Blueblood shook his head, unable to hold back a smile at hearing Saffron’s giggling.

"Well, which here would you recommend? This is your… I wanna say backyard but this seems more like just part of your house."

“Hmm…” Blueblood hummed, looking around the many restaurants to see which one he should take his mare to. “Well, there is my favorite, it’s over here.”

Blueblood walked her over to the place, a Prench Cafe well renowned for their teas and pastries. The two sat down and waited for the waiter. "So, what would you recommend?"

“Hmm…how are you with pastries and tea?” Blueblood inquired. “Cause both can be…very finicky with the pony as I’ve learned through my many run in’s here.”

"Well, I like both to be fairly sweet."

“Alright…then I’m sure you would like Chamomile Tea and…well there should be a list of what pastries there are cause there’s honestly a lot of ‘sweet’ pastries.” Blueblood explained carefully.

"That's good, though some of these looks like a lot of what other Pastry stores sell. Is there a difference?"

“They’re made with more care, better ingredients, and…well at least with this store, enough ‘love’ it could put a Changeling into a Food Coma.”

"I imagine many visit here then?"

“Only place I heard that’s on par or better is Sugar Cube Corner…so yes, many visit.” He nodded.

"So… been up to anything in the last few years?" Saffron asked.

“Sobering up, getting my life back together… searching the entirety of Canterlot for you.”

"So, no hobbies? Darn, I was hoping you put that tongue of yours to good use at wine tastings." Saffron stated, earning a blush from Blueblood.

“I will have you know my taste has not dulled in the slightest my dear.” Blueblood said in mock offense. “In fact it is even better than before.”

"Well, then we'll have to put it to the test at some point." The waiter came and the couple ordered.

They talked and talked about, honestly, everything and nothing. Small meaningless things to desires and such. Saffron spoke to Blueblood about Blue Spice, his apparent muteness and some stories about his upbringing so far. It was… nice, but also saddening. He had missed so much.

“Curses…” Blueblood muttered sadly. “There’s…so much I missed in all that time…”

"There's more than enough time to make new memories Blueblood. Spice is still young and odds are he might not even remember you weren't present for those first few years of life."

“The fact that I wasn’t there to begin with will still haunt me, my love.” Blueblood sighed out bitterly.

Saffron blushed. She smiled slightly, being referred to as Love was a new experience, and one she found she enjoyed. "The past can not change but the future is ours to shape. Father says that is what my mother used to say."

“Well…that does sound apt for my current situation.” He shrugged.

"So… all that… stuff, Princess Celestia said about your… heritage. You never knew?"

“No.” He shook his head. “I never knew any of it…”

"So… what was your thoughts on your family, before knowing?"

“Auntie Celestia was kind and…very clingy originally, auntie Luna, after she showed up and bothered to show herself to me a few times…while socially awkward due to the literal generational gap between the two of us…she’s a lot more blunt than Celestia.” He said. “Then Cadence…she’s nice.” The unicorn shrugged.

"Blueblood… I mean what did you think about your parents? You said some… rather harsh things about your father, for having never met the stallion."

“Because what few times I’ve heard of him and known him he’s been a rotten bastard.” Blueblood stated simply. “I believed he just abandoned me and my mother, and my mother could only send me to Auntie Celestia…I…didn’t know anything about all of that.”

"And what of your mother? You were younger than Blue when she left to continue ruling after…"

“Honestly, I thought she left me here for Auntie to take care of me because of some business.” Blueblood answered nervously. “I knew I was royalty, I wouldn’t be a Prince otherwise…but I didn’t know it was like this…”

"It is quite… surreal, that's for sure. Like a strange fantasy novel almost."

“Considering all the nonsense that’s been going on…a little yeah.” Blueblood nodded.

Blueblood's dinner date with Saffron ended sweetly. She was every bit as kind and exotic as he remembered, and she informed him that the next date was on her.

Before heading home, he arrived at the throne room, Princess Twilight seated on the throne and many scrolls and books surrounded her.

“Twilight…” Blueblood started to the new princess. “I see your back to old habits.”

"I'm actually reading up on the Sheepland Isles. Ya know, your rightful kingdom. There's so much political red tape and paperwork, it's no wonder Celestia rarely got to visit, especially in recent years."

“What’s the absolute mess going on now?”

"That's just it, I have no idea!" Twilight cried in frustration. "The newest of these reports on news from the Isles is over ten years old and it's just a news paper clipping talking about some potato harvest! Nothing from after your mother returned to the isles is relevant or useful in any way!"

Blueblood rubbed his temple. “Did you send a letter to my mother for any political things we should know? Or did you just ask for every single piece of paper that held some news happening there?”

"I did, but to even send mail there it's got to first have a submission request with must be approved and evaluated by the Isle’s own postal service, and that only takes some months… then if it gets approved I get sent a parchment that I can write and address a letter to that has to be sent via courier chosen by the Isles postal service to deliver it, and to fly or run takes forever!" Twilight groaned, rubbing her own temples. "Communication between Equestria and the Isle was never this bad until after your mother returned, so either these rebels are alive and strong, sabotaging stuff or your mother wants to keep Equestria out as much as possible."

“That’s…rather confusing…what the buck is going on there?” Blueblood frowned.

"I wish I knew. All the information I do have dates to just before and during the initial civil war and copies of texts and records and legends from long ago, back when the Isle was founded."

“Sweet auntie…” Blueblood groaned.

"On the bright side the Isles are home to a rich history and mythology. They even have their own religion, and a unique government that's a cross between monarchy and totalitarianism."

“Well…” Blueblood started. “Horse apples…”

"You are going to have to learn about this at some point Blueblood. Sooner rather than later given if news about your son reaches the isles, it means an instant move back there that I have no authority to delay or stall."

“But…there’s already a lot of problems just from a business standpoint for Saffron!” Blueblood said quickly, thinking if she was forced to move to the Isle’s then her business, all her hard work would be going up in smoke to a totalitarian mess!

"She can stay, she isn't the one that has to go but you and Blue Spice would be the two living heirs to that crown. Course then that also means you'd really be forced into a marriage with a random noble from there and I'm not helping." Twilight said as she saw Blueblood on the verge of a panic attack.

“NO!” Blueblood snapped, trying to control his rapidly increasing breathing. “I wasn’t there for the first few years of my son’s life, I’m not letting that damned Isle take him away from his mother!”

"Which is why it would be best if we can manage to have you three go. For one, you three would be the first impression these ponies get of Equestria, and if trade and such can be opened up, travel and business can happen. It will be a rough and long time before that can happen but I'm trying to help you. And to help you you need to learn about your heritage."

“My heritage…” Blueblood growled, taking a deep breath. “If my ‘heritage’ actually mattered, my ‘mother’ would have sent someone for me years ago.” He stated. “Or at least sent a letter…but heritage means nothing when I have been a Prince of Equestria, a royal made and remade in my home for all my life…”

"I know, but you have to try. If you don't and this resistance takes over, it could let them declare war on Equestria."

Blueblood sighed. “Alright…fine…”

Twilight gave a small smile, using her magic to open a scroll. "Well, let's start with the beginning. Fifteen years after Equestria was founded, Princess Platinum had five children. Each one was granted a formal status as a baron or baroness, and gifted land owned by the Unicorn tribe to oversee. This is how your ancestor, Prince Blueblood the first, came to the Isles."

“That makes absolutely no sense if my father is Prince Blueblood the Second then.” Blueblood said quickly, extremely confused of the timeline of things. “My grandfather would have to be well over a thousand years old, and my father at least a thousand…”

"Well, the name wasn't used for many generations. So technically given the time gap he could still be Blueblood the second, and you the third. Given those titles are only given when a direct child inherits the name immediately after birth and not many generations later."

“Well…I suppose that makes sense…” Blueblood said carefully.

"In any case, this Prince Blueblood… prime, traveled to the isles with a legion of Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth Ponies to settle and build upon the land." Twilight continued as she read. "The land was a marsh, but despite that was very rich and fertile. Crops were bountiful, the ley lines above them gave a potent boost to the unicorns magic, and the humid area let the Pegasi rapidly set up cloud factories for weather management. It was a promising colony, until Platinum's death. When she passed, many in the unicorn tribe felt the need for independence, given the isles provided everything they needed. And so, Blueblood Prime announced the Sheepland Isles an independent kingdom."

“Right…” He muttered. “Cause way back when, Unicorn’s thought they were still rulers of everything…”

"The prejudice was still fresh in the generations but working on the isles, it faded with the generations. Anyway, your family has been ruling the Sheepland Isles for generations, and there's a legend and story for each ruler."

“And what are these legends and stories?”

"They vary from ruler to ruler. Like Prince Fire Blood, he was said to have slain a demon lord some necromancers summoned in a ritual, using it's own hellfire."

“Wow…” Blueblood said in surprise.

"And Raging Blood was a half earth pony and used his horn to channel excess mana into his muscles. Legends say the tunnels between the nearby mountains were how he trained his body and magic all at once."

“Sweet Luna.” He said in awe.

"And your great, great, great uncle Bone Blood summoned demons to slaughter and turn their flesh and bones into weapons and armor that let him tank ancient dragon fire and hack through their scales like melted butter."

“So why hasn’t my family taken over the world?” Blueblood asked carefully.

"Well, Bone Blood took his armor to the grave… inside an active volcano, Fire Blood died shortly after that stunt and Raging Blood, well he only cared about two things. His 'work outs' and his wife which is why you and Bone Blood we're born generations later."

“Alright…” Blueblood nodded, taking a deep breath at hearing three of his ancestors were somehow extraordinarily strong.

"Point is, most every ruler had these abilities thanks to something they called the Gift of Nobility. It's a legend saying only those of Blueblood Primes bloodline could accomplish these feats as Prime was said to be able to tap directly into the ley lines themselves at will."

“Huh…” Blueblood muttered. “Would have loved that when I was trying to figure out why my cutie mark was a compass…”

"Putting aside the old family tree, let's talk about your kingdom's religion. It's actually… really strange."

“Goodie…what’s going on in that department?” He inquired.

"Well, the story reads like this." Twilight started, opening up a scroll and clearing her throat. "In the early years of the Isles founding, a being from the stars fell down onto the land. When first spotted, she appeared as a strange alien being, unlike anything known to Equis. She then supposedly took pony form, and was convinced to come before Blueblood Prime. She said her name was Link Heart, and she fell to the world by accident while traveling by."

“That’s…really weird.” Blueblood pointed out.

"The story goes that she ended up choosing to stay on the land, because it reminded her of her own home and family from long ago. In her time amongst the ponies, she taught the Kingdom how to smelt steel and use magic to rapidly farm gemstones, and even how to use the swamp to their advantage and grow rice."

“Huh…you’d think there would be more news about the Isle’s if their technology and smithing was ahead of many others…” The blonde unicorn hummed.

"It's part of what made them such a fierce kingdom to be enemies with. At the time, the Isles has steel, Equestria and other kingdoms were still using bronze and iron. Anyway, apparently she and Blueblood Prime fell in love, and had a child. Your ancestor, Godly Blood. Despite being a supposed demigod, he aged like any other pony. When Blueblood Prime passes, Link Heart bid her son fair well, promising to visit him, his father and all the descendants in the world after. She then left, but gave him the Gift of Nobility."

“Huh…” He muttered. “So…I’m technically an alien.”

"Well, it is a story and I've seen your bloodwork and there's no anomaly's in there. You're 100%."

“Alright…” Blueblood nodded. “But we’re also talking about a story where we have a shapeshifter from the stars…so there’s that.”

"You just want to know if you'll develop some weird power or ability don't you?" Twilight asked with a smirk and a raised brow.

“I’d be an idiot to not believe that after everything you just told me.” Blueblood said, trying to play off Twilight’s thought on him being super eager about having super powers…and his inner child was currently staging a very aggressive coup in his mind at how awesome it would be for him to have super powers.

"Well, they call the religion worshiping Link Heart and your family bloodline Star Mortality. It's part of why the Government there is a mix of Monarchy and Totalitarianism. Only those with the bloodline to Blueblood Prime directly and Link Star can inherit the throne, unless the next heir is too young, like yourself at the time. Any word spoken by your kin and yourself there is taken as, well, law. Your voice is in full authority with your followers and loyalists."

“Oh…so that’s why…” Blueblood muttered.

"Yup." Twilight said with a nod. "The rebels largely consist of disbelievers of the religion, and your dad brought up unification with Equestria, that's when they went into civil war. They all believe these stories are just that, stories. That your family uses them as an excuse to stay in power."

“That’s…fair.” Blueblood nodded.

"Any other questions before I have all this delivered to your house for you to study?"

“Why do I have to marry someone else?” Blueblood asked.

"That part plays into the religion. Both your family and the worshipers believe the Gift of Nobility can only be passed down so long as the child is born from both parents being of noble blood. It's why I was saying if you married Saffron, which I am rooting for by the way, your marriage would be legal here in Equestria, but ignored and illegitimate in the Isles."

“Well there marriage system can kiss my taint for all I care.” Blueblood snapped. “Saffron is my one and only, and I will never give her up.”

"And I respect that, but unless Saffron can become a noble I doubt even then the issue will be solved. These are old and well respected traditions Blueblood. Flat out ignoring and refusing them will just fuel the rebels fire."

“Of course…” Blueblood grumbled.

Twilight sighed. "I know how you feel Blueblood, I really do. If there's one thing I've learned since taking over as ruler is that what you want to do and what you need to do rarely ever align."

“Damn it…” Blueblood grumbled. “Well…I’m going to have to change it myself…make it actually make sense.”

"Yeah. Well, all this depressing news aside, I did find this." Twilight said, levitating an aged letter in her magic. "It appears to be from your mother and looks like she left it when she left for the isles."

“Let me see.” Blueblood said quickly, wanting to see what his mom had to say.

Carefully, Blueblood opened the letter and read the contents.

Dear Blueblood.

By the time you read this, either you'll be on your way here, to the Sheepland Isles, or it's fallen to the Rebels and I am dead. Whatever the case, I pray to Link Heart for the prior.

It pains me to leave you, so young, barely talking, barely able to stand, and you'll never know my face, never hear my voice. If you are coming back, coming home… We'll be strangers, and that hurts most of all to me.

Despite not being stable, the rebels are still vast in numbers and that stallion, Strong Jaw, the stallion who killed your father and leader of the rebels is still alive and I will see his head on a pike atop the throne one of these days.

If you are returning home, I know the isles will be a strange, alien place to you. If you wonder why no news has reached you until recently, well, for your safety, I had all ties cut with Equestria. The rebels would use and manipulate you to more easily take over the isles and declare war on Equestria and I will not let your father's death be in vain.

If you aren't, if you are reading these words after being told the truth and this letter is all you'll have of me… I'm sorry. Your father and I love you so much. We loved you enough to send you away and keep you safe.

Sincerely: Princess Ruby Bark - Mother.

“Sweet Celestia…” Blueblood muttered, tears forming in his eyes at his mother’s pain and confession.