• Published 18th Aug 2017
  • 2,773 Views, 58 Comments

Impureblood - BioQuillFiction

Prince Blueblood, after hitting rock bottom meets a mare that spends a single night with him that helps him steer himself into a better life.

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Chapter 5: Crowned

On the second day in the Isles Blueblood was scheduled to meet Rosey Piece. This lead him to the throne room. It wasn't like the majestic and luxurious throne in Canterlot or the Crystal Empire. Rather it was more like a large court room, a tall seat where the Judge, or king, would seat, a stand for those who requested an audience, and various other seats for nobility to sit and offer opinions or perspectives. While ultimately, once crowned Blueblood's word trumped majority vote, it did ease him in seeing this set up.

"And here I was hoping I wouldn't be doing something like this…" He sighed bitterly, wishing he could run away with Saffron and their son.

"It is your duty son." Ruby said.

Soon a set of doors opened up as Hopper walked in. A Pegasus mare of a deep bright green coat and rose red mane. Her eyes were a bright yellow, but upon seeing them Blueblood noticed something off immediately.

They were hollow. Like her very soul was absent from her body yet it moved and acted as it should.

She looked up at Blueblood, and her eyes changed immediately. The soulless gaze changed into a bright lively scene of yellow as she elegantly trotted ahead of Hopper and stood before Blueblood with a bow.

"It is good to finally see you in person my love." She said, finishing her bow and looking Blueblood in her eyes. Had he not seen her eyes before she spotted him, and the change upon seeing them, he'd swear this was a different mare. "This day has been promised to me for as long as I can remember and finally it has arrived." She said happily, almost tearfully.

"What have they done to you?" Blueblood muttered sadly. "It's…nice to meet you."

"It's an honor to be your bride, my prince. Father has educated and trained me for this reason alone my whole life."

"She means Strong Jaw when she says father." Ruby said, with enough venom in her tone to poison all the water on the planet.

"So, when is the wedding? I am ready now but my husband has to make the choice of course." Rosy asked.

It genuinely hurt Blueblood how much she was brainwashed.

"It's…going to take a while." Blueblood said carefully. "Like…probably a bit after my coronation. I just met you and…" He trails off, seeing the life in her eyes and knowing it's only there because of the horrible brainwashing.

"Oh, well, should my fiance request my company or services I shall happily fulfill any requests." She said with a smile and a nod.

"Well….let's start with what are you interested in besides me?" He asked.

"Oh, I am trained in sewing, stitching, cooking, foal caring, and nursing."

"Alright…" I muttered. "Is there…anything else?"

"No. If there is something you request of me to learn I am more than willing to learn it my love." She said readily. "Anything to please you."

"Do…you want to ask me any questions?"

"How many foals will we be having my love?" The question nearly threw Blueblood for a loop. "Father always said I only needed to have one foal with you but I'd be lying if I said I didn't desire as many as you care to give me."

"I'd be alright with that." Ruby said with a smirk.

"Shush you." Blueblood huffed to Ruby. "But…that's the only thing you have to ask? Nothing that doesn't involve our wedding or kids?"l

"Why would I need to ask for more than that?" Rosy asked, genuinely confused by Blueblood's question.

"Because you're an actual mare with her own thoughts and feelings." He told her simply.

"I am to be your wife and nothing more, nothing less." She said, her tone of sincerity and dedication to that made Blueblood feel ill. "I will do as you ask of me and never waver, falter or speak against my love til the day we part the mortal coil, or you wish to dismiss me as your wife to which I will remove myself from the mortal coil." The shock from her words put a lead rock in Blueblood's stomach. "Without you, my love, I am without purpose or value, or reason. I am yours, so long as you wish to have me."

Blueblood just stared at her, completely flabbergasted, horrified, and legit sick as he heard those words.

"Well," Saffron spoke up, gaining Rosy's attention for the first time. "I guess that means we are sharing him."

"Oh, are you… his bride also?" She asked.

"Yes, we're married in Equestria but once Blueblood is crowned he plans of making me a noble so we can be married here…"

"Oh that's wonderful. Our darling love should have a herd of mare's at all times." Rosy said, making Blueblood blush.

"They have herds here too?" Saffron asked.

"It's sadly not a popular practice any more but if multiple wives make my love happy then he can have as many as his heart desires."

"I also have his foal…"

"Oh my! You are a fast one. Then again you were with him in Equestria… I'll need your advice on how to please him as a wife should." Blueblood was now crimson.

"Oh I'm more than happy to tell so long as you agree to some… classes."

"It would be an honor miss…"


"Saffron! Oh I envy you. Wed, bed him and birthed his foal… ohh thinking of when it will be my turn is driving me mad."

"Well, he is skilled there so, it will be worth the wait." Saffron said with a teasing poke to the fully red Blueblood.

"Honey please…" Blueblood whined, weakly batting her hoof away like a cat. "Why go there first?"

"Oh this is going to be fun." Ruby chuckled.

Blueblood sighed as sat on the throne. The coronation had been a quick, simple endeavor and now he had a crown to show it on his head.

And before him on the floor we're the remaining rebels. Well, the remaining generals. There were two hundred and fifty rebels left but only two generals left. Storm Eye, and Heretic. Brothers, Storm Eye a Pegasus and Heretic a unicorn. Both had the same dark brown coat and black mane.

"You look just like your father." Heretic said

"And I'll never get to know my father because of you all." Blueblood stated simply. "So thank you for working for a genocidal maniac, it must have been so worth it." The unicorn said with acidic sarcasm.

"We have no regrets." Storm Eye said, his tone flat and uncaring. "We did what we believe is best for the Isles. Celestia, Equestria, the world beyond our borders is weak and powerless. Compared to our magic, our technology, world domination has only ever been an order away your highness."

"Yes, yes, have your reasons be about as deep as a foals picture book." Blueblood rolled his eyes. "So, my question is what are you two going to do now?" He inquired.

"Accept whatever punishment you see fit." Heretic said, a grin across his muzzle. "That was the deal, to see the next king on the throne. We only ask that, should you pursue your father's path, please end us. We'd hate to see the kingdom mingle with the… lesser civilizations."

"Oh, then I know the perfect punishment." Blueblood said with a warm smile. "But before I do, are their suppression collars to stop individuals from doing certain actions?" Blueblood inquired.

"Among other things." Ruby spoke up from her seat in the stands.

"And what would these other things be?" Blueblood asked. "Cause death sounds too good for them, do you have any recommendations?"

"Well, they don't want to live once the kingdom opens its borders to the world. Well, they won't. Somepony else can in their place though." Ruby smirked wickedly. "In the Restricted Armory is housed a staff capable of taking away a ponies memories, identity, and replacing them with a completely random set of new memories."

"Oh, that sounds even better!" Blueblood clapped his hooves. "Why make them stew in foalish anger and try to start another rebellion when we can do that," he turned to stare at the two, both flinching at his gaze. "What say you two?"

"We will basically be dead. It's fine." Storm Eye said.

air.” Blueblood shrugged. “You get what you want, even though I would prefer if you two became the end of ‘I have No Mouth, and I must scream’.” Blueblood shrugged. “You two have more use to me alive than useless decoration silently screaming curses at me because they’re a pair of narcissistic, petulant children who think they’re ‘superior’ than everyone else…” Blueblood shook his head. “Funny, here I thought I got past the spoiled Nobles of Canterlot years ago.”

And with that, it was done. A royal mage came in shortly after with the staff. It was an odd item, a strange blue wood that branches out at the top and all the branches circled and held a blue orb of sorts.

The magic Blueblood felt it emit when it was used was like witnessing Twilight cast the spell to move the sun and moon across the sky. In short, powerful.

Storm Eye and Heretic's eyes glowed blue for a while before it fades and they were escorted away. The same would be done to the two hundred other rebels. At last, it was all over.

"So, what next?" Hopper asked as he walked up to King Blueblood.

“We deal with two hundred more fanatic’s…I tell the entire kingdom I’m marrying Saffron and any dissenter’s can kiss my shiny white flank, and then hopefully try to get Rosey to…be less of a completely brainwashed mess…” Blueblood shook his head. “That…entire conversation was horrible…”

"Tell me about it." Hopper sighed. "But hey, when she saw you was the first time I've ever seen her smile. Like, at all."

“That’s incredibly depressing.” Blueblood shook his head.

"You should have seen the room where she was found it. Completely barren, just a bed and a few books about the few topics she knows about. They were worn too so she's clearly reread them a lot."

“Celestia’s tits…” Blueblood groaned. “And they call everyone outside this nation savages…”

"Yeah… so whan you gonna bone her?"

“I mean…technically after we rewrite all the rebel’s minds, I technically don’t have to do anything with Rosey, cause me marrying her was the basis of the rebellion ending.” Blueblood pointed out. “But…considering how she quite literally said ‘I’m going to kill myself if you tell me no’...ugh…” The stallion grumbled.

"My guy, you get two wives and your first one is clearly okay with it. Take the win every stallion wishes they could get."

“I’m sorry that I don’t feel comfortable with someone that was literally born, raised, and taught to be nothing more than my wife and the mere mention of me saying ‘no’ would cause her to go into a suicidal depression.” Blueblood frowned. “Excuse me for having standards and feeling sick and appalled that those savages that dare call themselves ‘rebels’ would sooner turn a beautiful mare into nothing more than a marionette in some weird Neighpon Manga.”

"Alright alright, geeze. We get it, you got the moral high ground. You can work on that you know. The plus side of her never going to say no to you means you can expand her interests and help her develop as an individual. While I doubt she'll ever be free of what Strong Jaw forced her to be, she can at least be more."

“I know I know…” Blueblood sighed. “I thought I was going to get past all the pettiness that Canterlot Nobles thrust upon me, or what I became during my life in Equestria…but these ‘rebels’ took that arrogance and self aggrandizement into full on violence…” Blueblood sighed.

"Hence why the Isles usually has no open boarders policy. We know we're dangerous, they don't. We keep to ourselves and the world will keep having the sun and moon fly over it."

“Fair enough.” Blueblood nodded. “Might need to add that to the list of thing’s I need to speak out on if I ever were to speak to the general public…but what is Rosey doing? Is she spending time with Saffron?” He inquired, having been busy learning about the law’s and dealing with the two bastard generals.

"Yeah. Given Saffron has been with you and loved you first she is idolizing her and hoping to learn how to best be your wife from her."

“Well…if Saffron fixed me, then I know that wonderful mare can fix her.” Blueblood said with a knowing smile.

"Meanwhile you, my King, have other duties to attend."

Blueblood could only sigh.