• Published 14th Jul 2012
  • 4,322 Views, 62 Comments

Mare Do Well Meets Her Match - DestinyDecade

A take on an MLP episode changing things around while making things good

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Chapter 4: From Hero to Zero

Mare Do Well Meets Her Match

An MLP: Friendship is Magic Fan-Fiction

Chapter 4 – From Hero to Zero

The day was still going strong in the town of Ponyville. A few minutes ago, Nova and Mare Do Well were forced to form a truce in order to evacuate a building’s inhabitants from a deadly fire. With their combined efforts, the two heroes saved the day. But the townsfolk became divided over who deserved the most praise. Nova tried to keep things under control saying that if it weren’t for either of them, it would have ended badly. But hearing the sound of somepony screaming had Nova be on the move. He rescued Rainbow Dash but not before he heard a shocking revelation.

“If you were with Mare Do Well helping out in quelling the fire and I saw Mare Do Well watching me then…” said Rainbow Dash, finding out the truth.

“There is more than one Mare Do Well here in this town. Looks like the truth behind this masked heroine is getting more interesting by the minute.” Replied Nova, putting two and two together.

Rainbow Dash was ready to warn her friend Rob Stallion of this but Nova had a better idea in mind. The two then fly off to the Daily Equestria because the blazing centurion had a plan up his sleeves. Entering inside, the two reach Front Page’s office. The look he had on his face seeing Nova in front of him was of complete shock.

“N-N-Nova? What is Nova doing here?” He presses a button on the intercom. “Cancel all my meetings. I have an important visitor. No one is to disturb me. Got it?”

“Was it really that necessary to do that? You know everypony can hear you.” Said Rainbow Dash. Her face was of dull surprise.

“Sorry. Anyway, what brings you around to the Daily Equestria? You know my best pony Rob Stallion is on the move getting good shots of you. I pay him big to bring the best!” shouted Front Page.

“I’m… honored but I am not interested now in photos. I request the aid of your newspaper company. I wish to issue a story of my own to the public.” Asked Nova.

“A story? Well, I’d be more than happy to.” Chuckling, Front Page took out a pencil and notepad. Front Page listened to what Nova had to say. “Tell me, what do you have in mind?”

“Ma’am, please wait outside. What I’m about to tell him is classified and must not be released to the public.” Both men looked at Rainbow Dash who was nearby.

“Alright then. I’ll see you later. I promise I won’t tell anyone what I found out.” Rainbow Dash replied. Before she left, Nova had one last thing to say.

“Wait. Before you leave, is Princess Celestia around?” Nova asked. “I wish to ask her something relating to what you have told me.”

“Yeah, she is available. If you want to see her, just head to Canterlot. I have to go now. It’s a pleasure meeting you Nova!” Rainbow dash ran off to meet with her friends. Keeping her promise, she decided not to tell a soul.

“Now then, let us begin with what I want you to put for tomorrow’s paper.” Front Page got to work taking notes. “I’m issuing a challenge to the Mysterious Mare Do Well. Tomorrow at 3pm, Ponyville will witness what I consider to be a day that no pony will ever forget.” Nova continued telling Front Page what he wishes to be put for the papers.

Nova’s talk with Front Page lasted for a couple of minutes. Everyone pondered what was going on inside the room. The door suddenly opens revealing to be the blazing centurion. Everypony saw him walk off, not saying a word. Front Page then shows up seeing most of the workers standing there.

“What are you all standing around for? We have a story to make and a deadline to reach. Get to it! Now!” barked Front Page. Everyone was then back at work but doing so at a faster pace. “This story is going to hit the big time. I want it in tomorrow’s paper! I want to make sure that everypony reads it. Tomorrow is where everypony will see… the challenge of the century!”

Front Page felt motivated due to him getting access to a story that would net him big. He was going to let everyone know what Nova had told him. Outside town, Nova flew off at high speed toward Canterlot. The townsfolk that did get to see him let off a cheer seeing that he would help another in need. Things were different however. He arrived at Canterlot getting a view of the Royal Castle.

Haven’t been here since the Gala incident. Now I need to pay a visit to a certain alicorn. He then flew off to a room at the highest floor.

Reaching inside, he was able to get a look around. It seemed quiet with no one there and the room was very neat. He saw a bed that had the quilt folded, the pillow in its place and the sheets straightened. Nova had to be cautious. His presence was an uninvited one.

“Halt! Who goes there!?” The voice of a loud alicorn was heard. It caught Nova completely by surprise.

There was an alicorn that was tall having a dark sapphire blue coat, a mane that was moderate cobalt blue and moderate cyan like eyes. Her cutie mark was a splotch of night with the crescent moon showing brightly. The two looked at one another with different glares but had the same focus.

“I said, who goes there?” The alicorn named Luna shouted. Her shout was loud causing Nova to wonder if it’s how she speaks.

“It is I, the blazing centurion. You can refer to me as Nova ma’am. I wish to have an audience with Princess Celestia. Is she around?” asked Nova.

“Princess Celestia is at a meeting at the moment. If you wish to address your concern, you can do so with me.” Luna replied.

“Luna, what’s going on?” The sound of Princess Celestia was heard from a distance. Heading closer, she asks, “Is anyone in my quarters?” She turns to find Nova, calm and waiting for her. “Who is this?”

“He claims to be Nova, Tia. He wishes to have an audience with you.” Said Luna. Celestia went inside her room to confront Nova.

“To what business do you request my presence Nova?” asked Celestia. “You don’t need to be afraid. If there is anything you wish to tell me, please say so now.”

“Before I do that…” Nova begins to take off his helmet. The two princesses got a good look at who was behind the mask. “I figure that this would be best.”

“So this Nova is actually Rob Stallion?” questioned Luna. Celestia became silent. “What brings you to Canterlot Rob? It has been a while.”

“It has. I need to address something to you Princess. It relates to your faithful student and it is of great importance.” Rob’s tone became serious.

Celestia then went to her sister, “Luna, close the doors.” Luna nods and closes the doors to her room behind her. “I wish for this to be a personal discussion. Now then Rob, what is it about Twilight Sparkle that you wish to tell me?”

“This is really hard to say but I feel that now is as good as ever.” Rob goes on to explain everything that had happened over the past two days.

The two princesses listen to Rob who went into detail on the situation. He explained that Twilight and her friends formed a plan to teach Rainbow Dash a lesson on how a hero should act. They formed the identity of the Mysterious Mare Do Well and using their different talents, they were able to outperform Rainbow Dash. He saw the princess’s expressions change from concern to disappointment.

“Is something the matter you two? I’ll stop if you want.” Asked Rob. The two looked at him with serious looks. It made the blue stallion nervous.

“Continue. Tell us all you know. I wish to know anything and everything.” Spoke Celestia.

Rob reassured himself and continued. He overheard Twilight and the others boasting on how good Mare Do Well is causing Rainbow Dash to be angered with jealousy. When he discovered their true intentions, he decided to get involved by being a hero himself. So as Nova, he performed heroic tasks but he did it for the sake of making Mare Do Well look pathetic. He wanted to teach Twilight and her friends a lesson of his own. He also went on to say that he admitted to boasting just like they did. But after he teamed up with Mare Do Well to quell a fire in an apartment complex, he learned that there was more than one. Putting two and two together, she discovers that there was more than one.

“I’ve heard enough Rob. I didn’t think that my faithful student would be this bold to perform such a thing.” Celestia said. Hearing this got her very upset.

“Tia, why would Twilight and her friends do such a thing?” asked Luna. “Do you have a clue?”

Rob didn’t hesitate to answer. “All of that will be revealed tomorrow. I’m issuing a challenge to Mare Do Well. Only then will the truth be out.”

“I only hope you know what you’re doing. If what you tell me is true then I may have to intervene.” Reassured Celestia.

Rob nodded as he put his helmet back on and flew off. Knowing of the information, Celestia and Luna begin pondering the situation. Regardless of the risks, they know that everything will be exposed tomorrow. All Rob hopes is to find out who’s behind the mask and why would they do this. That would be all that matters.

The next morning…

“Twilight! Twilight, you got to read this!” shouted Spike. He showed her a newspaper that had the title Nova Challenges Mare Do Well.

She reads the article to herself hoping to get more information. According to the article, it states that Nova has issued a challenge to Mare Do Well telling her that if she fails to show up, he’ll reveal her secret. Twilight had a look of shock pondering if Nova knew the truth. With a look of anger, she decides to do something.

“Spike, I want you to stay here. I’m heading to Sugarcube Corner.” Said Twilight. The young dragon never got a reason why.

What’s up with Twilight? Ever since Nova showed up, she’s being different. Could it be that Nova knows something about Mare Do Well? Spike then got to work putting stuff away.

Twilight reached Sugarcube Corner where her friends (save for Rainbow Dash) were chatting. They got a look at her and knew it was something serious. The five of them went upstairs to the room at the 2nd floor and had their usual meeting. Throwing the paper on the floor, Twilight let the others see what was on it. They then got a look at her who was really mad.

“Can you guys explain to me why we didn’t get Nova yesterday?” asked Twilight Sparkle.

“We had no idea that Nova would be there when the fire happened.” Replied Applejack. “We thought he would get it done fast until you showed up Pinkie Pie.”

Everyone looked at Pinkie Pie who tried to provide an explanation. “Um… the fire was too big… big and scary. Nova said that we should work together to get everyone out of the scary fire. We did and we became heroes.”

“You did what?” Twilight let off a sigh and felt really ticked. “So how did Rainbow Dash got into the trap?”

“We don’t know. I heard she was looking for Nova but when Applejack decided to move about, that was when she decided to look.” Rarity replied, putting the blame on Applejack.

“Me?! What the hay Rarity? Why ya gotta blame me for? Fluttershy was just standing there on the rooftop not doing a thing.” Shouted Applejack.

“Well I… I couldn’t do anything. Twilight told me to wait until Nova was in the trap. Um… I’m sorry.” Whispered Fluttershy.

Suddenly, the meeting went into an all-out argument with everypony blaming each other for what happened yesterday. It was all Twilight could take and so she responded in the only way possible.

“ENOUGH!!!” Twilight’s yell silenced everyone in the room. They all looked at her breathing heavily, her mane was ruffled and her face had a look of extreme anger.

“Are you okay Twilight? You seem to be really angry right now.” Asked Pinkie Pie. Twilight didn’t waste any time.

“Am I okay? NO! I’m not okay! Our whole plan is in ruins and it’s on the verge of being a total failure! If anyone is going to deal with Nova, it’s me! I will deal with him myself!” Twilight trotted off in anger slamming the door on the way out.

“What just happened?” queried Pinkie. Everyone else wondered the same thing. “I’ve never seen Twilight so meany before.”

“It’s cause of Nova. Nova is the reason why she’s mad. Our whole plan is going bad and that mare decided enough’s enough. Ah hope she knows what she’s doing.” Said Applejack. The others agreed and decided to leave the room as well.

3:00 PM… Outside Ponyville Town Hall

Many ponies began to gather around the middle of Ponyville. The Mayor, an Earth pony named Mayor Mare went up to the podium and began to speak. All the townsfolk were silent, ready to listen to what the mayor would say.

“Citizens of Ponyville, it has come to my attention that our fair town has two heroes. They are known as the mysterious Mare Do Well…” She sees some ponies that supported Mare Do Well cheer on. “… And the Blazing Centurion, Nova.” The mayor sees the others who support Nova cheer as well.

“But on this day today, there will only be room for one hero. Nova has challenged the Mysterious Mare Do Well today. We don’t know what it is but I can assume it has to do with a recent discovery.” The sound of someone flying at high speed was heard. The Mayor gets a look to find that Nova has arrived. “There he is!”

Everypony got a look up above and saw Nova. He descended gently and hitting the ground shook hands with Mayor Mare. The crowd went wild seeing Nova appear making an entrance. But then everyone went silent as Mare Do Well made her appearance. But Nova was quick to see that something was different about this heroine.

Mare Do Well has arrived… but she’s got wings. Look like someone else is taking the role here. Nova kept himself firm. The crowd that was there became divided over both heroes.

“Please everypony, settle down. I’m sure there’s a reason why they’re both here.” Mayor Mare turned to Nova who waited. “Now then, is there something you like to say?”

Nova nods and takes the podium. “I thank you all for coming. I’ve come here today to issue a challenge to you, Mare Do Well!” His sight was on Mare Do Well. She didn’t say a word. “You say that you’re the one hero that Ponyville needs right? I think of you as unimpressive. Why is that? Because you do it for the sake of making another hero look pathetic!”

Everypony was in shock finding out this revelation. Even the mayor was surprised. Mare Do Well simply stood there and watched. She heard the accusation Nova had made.

“I know it. Thanks to an anonymous tip, I have figured out who you really are. I know who’s behind the mask.” Everyone wondered the same thing that Nova wanted.

But before Nova could say anything else, the sound of a loud stomp was heard. They all turned to find a large monster heading this way. It was a creature that had four heads and each of them with long necks, a big body, two feet and a destructive tail. It then used its heads to attack the town bringing destruction in its wake. Everyone was in a panic trying to run from the monster’s brutal assault. It used its heads to reduce a house to nothing letting off a roar signifying its arrival. The two heroes however stood there wondering who would take it down.

“I guess this is why I brought you out here. If you are as good as they say then prove it. Take on the hydra. I’ll be watching.” Nova said, giving Mare Do Well the honors.

Mare Do Well started off by flying straight for the hydra dodging its four heads. The town saw her use magic conjuring up a powerful spell. She then fired it striking the hydra. It moved back a bit but held its ground. The hydra responded by letting off a powerful ear-deafening roar. Mare Do Well dodged the incoming fireballs and responded by using its wings to evade. Getting on top of its many heads, it fired a spell at close range stunning one of them. She kept moving using her magic to strike the Hydra on its legs. They made their mark causing it to lose its balance and hit the ground hard. Everypony cheered for Mare Do Well who succeeded. However, Nova wasn’t impressed one bit.

“It’s not over yet!” Everyone stopped cheering. “The hydra isn’t finished. You only knocked it down making it angry.” They all then saw the hydra lashed with its tail striking Mare Do Well.

It was sent flying a few feet before it hit a house. The force of the impact knocked Mare Do Well out making things serious. Everypony ran for their lives. The hydra used its heads to tear the town apart. Far away from the destruction, Rarity and the others see the hydra causing trouble.

“Twilight! We have to do something girls and fast!” Applejack shouted. The others agreed and they went into their Mare Do Well costumes.

Nova simply watched as the hydra continued its destruction throughout the town. But then he gets the sight of another Mare Do Well flying in mid air getting the hydra’s attention. If that wasn’t enough, another one used its hind hooves to strike from behind. But then he sees another one use its magic to strike it with a boulder.

“What is this? One, two, three… four Mare Do Wells?” question Mayor Mare. “What is going on here?” Nova knew all the answers. He was silent.

He saw the hydra being attacked by four Mare Do Wells. But due to earlier, it became violent using its brute strength to knock each of them down effortlessly. Although one of them evaded everything due to its senses, it eventually got knocked aside as well. Seeing this knew that Mare Do Well didn’t have what it takes to defeat an enraged monster.

“Looks like it’s up to me now.” Nova hits the ground and gets himself ready. But before he does, something was missing. “Hey you two!”

“Uh yes?” said a blue unicorn named Snips. His friend, a yellow unicorn named Snails also got his attention.

He handed them a large boom box with a CD. Nova only had one thing to say to the two, “Play my theme song.”

“Sure.” Replied Snails. They put the CD in the boom box and pressed the Play button. Within seconds, a song was heard and Nova was ready to kick some serious hydra butt.

Nova, never backing from action he’s

Nova, the protector of galaxies

Justice and honor – hero of the Nova Corps

Nova, wields a power you’ve never known

Nova, with his armor his power grows

Evil won’t stand a chance against the Nova Force

Nova raced for the hydra delivering a multitude of punches striking it in the stomach. Each blow he delivered made the hydra roar in pain. It responded with a volley of flame blasts causing him to evade rapidly. He then went from behind and struck him with a blast of cosmic energy. Turning around, it yelled out and used its heads to attack. Nova immediately went on for another round of evasion.

A Super Nova, heroic light in the dark

No matter where is, the fight - he won't be far

A Super Nova, the Pony Rocket will soar

We have a New War-ri-or

A Super Nova, see the Centurion might

Winning the battle, he'll leave - a streak of light

A Super Nova, Secret Avenger of peace

Whenever needed, bring it - and lead to victory

Nova continued his offense but the hydra was persistent. Mare Do Well’s previous assault got it riled up turning the whole town into a warzone. If that wasn’t crazy enough, the two ponies began to gather everyone in town and they all were singing his theme song. It was downright crazy. Even Rainbow Dash and Blitz joined in on this whole mess.

Those two really gathered a crowd for this. But I have bigger problems. The hydra struck Nova with its tail sending him flying.

He then hit the brakes and then dashed straight at the monster with a furious tackle attack. But it didn’t do any good. This forced Nova to try a different tactic after seeing its four heads. Hitting at high speed, Nova moved all over the place. The hydra moved its heads trying to keep up. Everyone got to see how fast Nova was going… a bit too fast.

“Is it me or is Nova going too fast? I can’t keep up.” Said Blitz. “What about you Rainbow Dash? Can you keep up?” He saw Rainbow Dash still looking. Her eyes moved all over keeping up with Nova’s high speed.

Come on Nova. You can do it! Show them. Show them how awesome you are! Rainbow Dash continued watching. Blitz did the same.

After more than a minute, Nova was able to outwit the hydra to the point where it’s four heads were tied in a knot. Seeing it at a disadvantage gave Nova the opening he needed. The crowd cheered to find the Hydra unable to do anything but was still dangerous because of its tail.

“Nova! Go for his tail! Give this hydra a wild swing!” shouted Rainbow Dash. He turned giving a nod.

Everyone saw Nova go after the hydra’s tail grabbing it in the process. He went into the air reaching a high enough height where no one would be harmed. Once he was high enough, they all saw Nova spun it around in a cyclone. The crowd wondered what he would do next.

“Okay, that should be enough. Now to send this monster back where he belongs.” Nova lets go causing the Hydra to fly off. But he needed to make sure that it wouldn’t come back. “Feel my power… Gravimetric Blaster!” Building energy inside his body, he fires a blast of cosmic energy.

The blast strikes the hydra sending it far away from Ponyville hoping that it wouldn’t bring harm to the town or its civilians ever again. He turned to find everyone cheering. They were all loud knowing full well who their town’s hero is. Mayor Mare trotted to Nova sharing a brohoof as an act of kindness.

“There you have it everypony! We have our new hero! Three cheers for Nova!” shouted Mayor Mare. “Hip hip hooray!”

Everyone cheered for Nova whose actions in defeating the hydra have earned the praise of the entire town. But Nova was in no mood to celebrate. There was something he needed to do and after quieting the crowd, he went to work.

“I thank you all for your praise. At least the damage to this town isn’t severe so much work is required. However… there is the matter of Mare Do Well.” Nova heads closer to one of the Mare Do Wells who was still knocked out from the hydra’s enraged attack. “Now to find out everyone. Who’s behind the mask? No turning back now.”

He pulls the mask off Mare Do Well revealing it to be Twilight Sparkle. Everyone was in shock finding out about this. Rainbow Dash flew closer to see and one look seeing this threw her into a major loop.

“What!? Twilight is Mare Do Well? What’s going on Nova?” shouted Rainbow Dash. But he was far from finished.

“Twilight isn’t the only pony behind this little ploy. Plus, she used some kind of spell to give her pegasus wings. That’s kind of clever. Bring me the others.” Asked Nova. Within seconds, the other Mare Do Wells were gathered.

Nova took off their masks revealing the Mare Do Wells as Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie Pie respectively. Twilight regained consciousness and saw Nova who was upset.

“You! You ruined everything!” Twilight raced at Nova but was quick to move out of the way. Rainbow Dash saw how angry she was.

“What do you mean by that? I want to know Twilight. Why? Why did you decide to be Mare Do Wells?” demanded Rainbow Dash. She was upset. All Nova could do was watch.

“It’s simple Rainbow Dash. Y’all kept on boastin’ and braggin’ ‘bout being a hero. We figured that we’d teach ya a proper lesson.” Explained Applejack.

“We thought that being Mare Do Well would help teach you how to be a proper hero.” Said Rarity. “Oh, I made the costumes for all five of us. They really are fabulous don’t you think?”

“Yeah, they’re fabulous but that doesn’t give me a good reason why you guys would do this.” Rainbow Dash said, not convinced of their reasons.

“Rainbow Dash, I have to agree with Applejack. You went on and on saying how good you were but it ended up being something that was just annoying.” Twilight replied.

“Yeah Dashie, you were being a braggy pants.” Said Pinkie Pie, “But Nova here is the bigger braggy pants. He’s a meanie pants!”

“At least Nova didn’t need to gloat about how awesome he was. He’s everything that Mare Do Well isn’t and more.” Shouted Rainbow Dash.

“We wanted to show you that there’s a difference between being a hero and being a jerk. Heroes act with humility, not with their ego.” Twilight said.

“They don’t brag… and they do their actions with kindness. That is what a true hero should act.” Followed Fluttershy.

“Yeah. Nova may be all super goody-good but he’s all super baddy-bad. A meanie to the end!” shouted Pinkie Pie.

“If only you had any idea who’s behind this mask. You wouldn’t understand what a hero truly is.” Replied Nova.

“What do you mean Nova?’ asked Rainbow Dash. “Is there something you want to tell us?”

“As a matter of fact, I do…” But then his voice began to change. “In fact, I do have something to say. You five really disgust me with what you’ve done!”

Everyone was speechless when they heard the change in Nova’s voice. But they weren’t prepared for what happened next. In front of an entire crowd, Nova took off his helmet. What they saw was revealed to be an irate stallion that is not happy with what his friends have done. The Mane Six were shocked to find that someone they trusted pulling something behind their back. Pinkie suffered the most shock out of all this. Finding out that the pony you love ended up doing something like this started taking a toll on her.

“You… you’re Nova?” asked Rainbow Dash. Rob didn’t say a word for his face spoke for him. “But how? Why? What’s going on?”

“Yeah! Why do this Rob? This isn’t like you at all to do such a thing. We only wanted to teach Rainbow Dash a lesson but then you screwed it up. Do you have any idea what you’ve done?!” shouted Twilight. The others were also angry for what he did. Rainbow Dash however was curious.

Rob didn’t waste any time stating his reasons. “Of course I know what I did. It’s called giving you a taste of your own medicine. Or to put it blunt, it’s karma.” He shouted.

“Never thought ya stoop this low to do this.” Said Applejack. The others nodded angrily. “I’d say you’re no different than Rainbow Dash.”

“I’m afraid I have to disagree. You guys really don’t know what a hero is. Despite teaching her humility, what you did only made your friend feel very uncomfortable.” Rob said. Rainbow Dash looked at them in anger with her hooves crossed.

“But we had to do it. We wanted to show Rainbow Dash what happens to those who brag about their endeavors.” Replied Rarity. “We had no idea this would happen with you getting involved. Although I do have to say, you look really smashing.” The other ponies looked at her angrily causing her to feel ashamed.

“I appreciate the compliment Rarity but it isn’t enough. Now who is to say that you guys brag about your endeavors huh?” questioned Rob.

“That’s different. This is about Rainbow Dash right here. What do we have to do with all of this?” replied Rarity.

“It’s that simple. You guys brag on how good you guys are every day. You Rarity brag about how awesome your dresses are. Applejack brags about how delicious her apples taste. Twilight brags about being Celestia’s faithful student and all that junk. Pinkie really brags on how astounding her parties are not to mention how she keeps telling about her delicious sweets. Flutershy… uh, I got nothing on her. She takes care of pets real well so she gets an exception.” After hearing this, the five Mare Do Wells began to show signs of anger.

“So you became Nova to steal Mare Do Well’s thunder right?” asked Rainbow Dash. Rob nodded but the response he got was something no one saw coming. “Oh my god! You are awesome! I don’t believe it!”

Rainbow Dash was already airborne yelling out how awesome her best friend was as Nova. It was something Rob didn’t expect but his friends think otherwise. With looks of anger, they were ready to lash out at him in a matter of seconds.

“Are you finished Rob?” asked Twilight Sparkle. Rob was persistent because he was far from being finished.

“No! I’m not finished!” yelled Rob. The crowd got a look at Twilight and her friends. They weren’t pleased one bit. “I figure it’s high time you five learn a lesson of your own.” Looking at the angry crowd, Rob took a deep breath and continued talking. “A hero does their job for the sake of helping others, not for making others look bad. What you five did was purely unacceptable and goes against everything that a hero stands for!”

He saw the anger building up within the crowd. Something inside this stallion’s gut tells that it’s going to get worse from here. But then Twilight decided to give him a piece of her mind.

“But what about you? You’re no different!” shouted Twilight, “You came in because you wanted to teach Mare Do Well a lesson. If I didn’t know any better, you’re just like her!”

“That’s right! You’re the bigger meanie pants here Robbie. You did a really bad thing by being a hero.” retorted Pinkie Pie. Everyone else nodded in agreement. Pinkie’s eyes shed a tear.

“Is that so? If I was then how come you five couldn’t beat the hydra? Hmmm? Well?!” Rob waited for a response from any of them. Sadly, he didn’t get one. “I thought so. Looks like Mare Do Well has just went from being a hero… to a zero! Your lesson on what a hero really means… begins now.” His shout of anger now got everypony jeering at them for their actions.

“You ponies stink! You call yourselves heroes!” shouted one pony. Rob turned to find the crowd at its peak.

“But please, let us explain. We only did it to teach Rainbow Dash that-” Twilight clarified. But was interrupted by somepony throwing something at them.

“Shouldn’t you talk about it instead of pulling this ploy? You all are despicable!” another pony shouted. Within seconds, they started yelling at them. Rob watched as everything fell apart.

“Mare Do Well stinks!” shouted an irate mare. She threw a Mare Do Well poster to the ground tearing it up in the process.

“Heartless jerks! You deserve nothing! You don’t deserve the respect you get. Down with Mare Do Well!” In an instant, the phrase ‘Down with Mare Do Well’ was chanted through the crowd. The five ponies were pelted with rocks, signs and even merchandise relating to Mare Do Well. Rob simply stood there as the crowd continued expressing their animosity and disgust toward them. He then sees Rainbow Dash giving them a piece of her mind.

“You guys did something that’s totally not cool and lame! I don’t even know if I should even forgive you besides, Rob is the new hero now!” shouted Rainbow Dash.

Rob however had something in mind for Rainbow Dash, “As for you Rainbow Dash, I think it’s time you are in for a lesson of your own. You and I are going to have a little talk after this. Do you understand?” Rainbow Dash nodded. “Good. At least with this, you’ll learn something. You are a hero in your own right but there’s a time and place for everything.”

“You’re right. At least talking about it will help me learn… unlike them!” The two check to see the five jeered at by the irate crowd. For some odd reason, Rob doesn’t feel happy with the outcome.

Mayor Mare takes the podium and calms the unruly crowd. “Alright everypony, that’s enough.” With the crowd calm again, she continued. “Our challenge has ended in victory for Nova… or should I say Rob Stallion. Three cheers for our new hero!”

Her shout caused everyone to cheer for Rob who had a look of worry on his face. If that wasn’t enough, they lifted him up and paraded through town celebrating his victory. All five of them watch as Rob was paraded through town. Pinkie however felt like someone stabbed her in the back. Her face was about to burst into tears seeing Rob get all the glory while they ended up with nothing.

“Come on girls, let’s get out of there. Let him enjoy his victory.” Said Twilight coldly. They all went off, save for one. “Pinkie, come on. Let’s go!”

Twilight went to check on Pinkie finding that she’s already crying. Crying because the colt that had a lot of feelings for her ended up doing an act that had them humiliated by everyone in town. Seeing Twilight, she ran to her in an embrace. The violet unicorn watched the celebration continue on. It was enough to make her sick.

“Let’s go Pinkie. At least you’ll always be friends with us.” Twilight said, comforting Pinkie. They all left taking their Mare Do Well costumes with them.

It was a happy time for everyone. Rainbow Dash was airborne pulling off a Sonic Rainboom while yelling out how Rob has achieved a new level of awesome. Rob smiled through and through but got a look at how angry his friends were. He let off a sigh and wondered if this was the right thing to do.

“What’s wrong Rob? You should be happy you’re a hero not just to me but everypony here in town.” Said Rainbow Dash.

“How can I be when I ended up doing this to them? Look.” replied Rob. He showed Rainbow Dash her friends trot off in anger.

“Leave them! They deserve everything they got for that they did to me.” Said Rainbow Dash. Rob disagreed.

“I only did this so I can teach them a lesson on what a hero should do, not like this. This isn’t what I wanted.” Rob said. He felt guilty for what he did.

Rainbow Dash however dissuaded him. “Just forget about it. You should be happy that you’re a hero now. So come on, let’s celebrate!”

“Maybe you’re right. They have a lesson they need to learn.” Rob said. But inside him, he felt like he did more than just expose his friends. He hurt them bad. Pinkie… I’m sorry. Please forgive me.

Rob then saw her fly off and leading everypony in town to a big celebration. He didn’t feel happy despite proving himself against the hydra. Looking at his friends who were fuming mad, he knew that something needed to be done. But for now, he smiled and waved. Something in his gut tells him that he had to do something. At the rate things are going, it was going to get worse.

To be continued…