• Published 14th Jul 2012
  • 4,322 Views, 62 Comments

Mare Do Well Meets Her Match - DestinyDecade

A take on an MLP episode changing things around while making things good

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Chapter 7: Chaos and Consequences Pt. 1

Mare Do Well Meets Her Match

An MLP: Friendship is Magic Fan-Fiction

Chapter 7: Chaos or Consequences Pt. 1

Six months later... on a far away planet

Nobody ever wonders if life exists beyond Equestria. There were many that made theories but no proof was discovered. Since then, it was nothing but wild fantasy. They still wonder if there’s life outside the cosmos. For one however, this theory proved to be right. Life filled this strange world. Plants were everywhere with trees that grew that at times covering the sky. Several animals were moving about and doing their business whether they’re small as an insect or as large as a dinosaur. But they probably wonder if an unexpected guest would come in to ruin their day. Well… they wouldn’t. The sound of someone flying caught the animals’ eye in an instant. It was moving about getting a good view of the environment below. But in his mind, it was all part of training that he was going through. Whatever it was, he needed to be on alert. Suddenly, several beams of light came for him. He then made his move.

“Gotcha.” Firing a few blasts, he was able to blast these beams with little effort. Several more appeared having him unleash his offensive.

Within seconds, the beams of light were taken down. He then saw several more but they were in the thousands and that would prove to be a problem. Looking at the odds, he was ready to take his chances.

“So you want to raise the roof huh? Fine by me.” He then decides to hit high into the air reaching altitudes of more than 40,000 feet. The beams quickly followed hoping to catch up.

He reached past the planet’s atmosphere into the void of space. Turning around, the beams were heading closer. He began to build up energy inside him to prep up for an attack. Once he had enough, he unleashed a Super Nova taking all the beams out. He let out a sigh of relief after that challenge. He got a good view of the planet above and it was a pleasant sight. There were many planets this fellow has seen but none was comparable to this one. So full of life and full of peace, it made him feel quite serene.

“Well done. I never thought you’d be able to complete this test so well. You have improved greatly.” Spoke a voice that carried a tone that was calm, cryptic and omniscient.

He turned to see a circulated orb that was similar to that of a sun but smaller. It then turned into a head of an old man wearing a helmet that had the same rank as the traveler, Centurion Nova Prime. The look they both had toward each other sparked a conversation. It would be anything but pleasant.

“I have. How many more of these trails you plan to give me? It’s been six months now and I feel more than ready to return home. I have learned to control not just the Nova Force but also the powers that are inside me. So tell me Worldmind, am I done with my training?” He asked. His voice contained a bit of concern due to him having to train constantly.

“Judging by your determination, I feel that you are ready. However, I only give you one grave warning.” Worldmind replied. This caught the fellow’s interest.

“What warning? Are you telling me that my home isn’t as it was?” He asked. Worldmind gave him a nod. “Tell me.”

“Your world is not what it once was when you departed. I have sensed something very amiss. The balance has shifted negatively.” Explained Worldmind, “Yes. Almost as if it has been submerged into… chaos.”

“I see. I will keep that in mind. I shall be going. If what you say is true then I must do what I can or my name’s not No-“ He then stopped. Turning to Worldmind, he continued with conviction, “On second thought, I know what I have to do or my name’s not Rob… Rob Stallion.”

Rob (as Nova) flies off leaving the planet he spent training behind. Worldmind simply watched as he flew off. His look contained a bit of concern but was optimistic due to Rob’s desire. Whatever the reason, he only hoped that the one he trained makes the right choice. It turned back into its previous form following his every move. Nova in the meantime hit light speed traveling through the cosmos until he arrived at Earth. When he arrived, he got a look and knew that there was trouble.

What the? Why does Earth look gray? Has something happened? Hoping to find answers, he flew into the planet to get a closer look.

Entering the planet’s atmosphere, he notices several things that were out of place. For starters, pink clouds covered the skies. As he was heading down, one of the clouds latched onto his leg. Another one latched from behind. He struggled as much as possible but to no avail. He sees more clouds coming in hoping to ensnare him.

Crud! I got to do something before these puffballs get me trapped. He gathered energy from within and unleashed a Super Nova.

The attack got all the clouds out of his way but it wasn’t enough. More of them began to gather. Now he really had to move. Dashing out of their path, he was able to reach the ground below. But he was soon dealing with a brand new problem. His world has changed. It has changed for the worst. He trotted for a bit getting a view of his surroundings. Looking up saw the pink clouds that tried to ensnare him saw rain falling. He felt the rain through his mane but one touch made him suspect something out of place.

What the? This rain… it tastes like chocolate. He then looked up again. Chocolate rain? No. No, it can’t be! Trotting at a high pace, he hoped to reach a place he knew all too well.

Instead what he found was his home torn upside down. Most of the town’s foundation was ripped apart. He saw some houses floating upside down, animals were moving about doing crazy things and even the sky had changed colors from blue to a dark gray. In addition to the changes, the town underwent a major change. It had been fortified. Several ponies in armor were seen moving about and keeping watch. Like everything around this land, they also had changed in color. It’s as if someone took away the color stripping it away and replacing it with something that was purely lifeless. This wasn’t the world he remembered when he “died”. It had become a world… a world plagued by chaos.

“Sweet Celestia… what in Tartarus happened here?” Rob whispered. “Ponyville’s torn asunder. Where is everypony?”

He went into town hoping to find answers but due to the amount of guards there, Rob had to be cautious. Getting caught by one of the guards would be a problem so he decided to try a different approach. Seeing an opening, Rob raced for it avoiding two guards that were moving about in two directions. He arrived deep within town getting a first-hand look. As he saw earlier, Ponyville had changed for the worst. It wasn’t just the town but all of Equestria submerged into madness. He wouldn’t have time however to view the sights. Somepony got him in theirs.

“Hey you!” the guard shouted. Rob turned to see him wielding a lance and looking angry. “No pony’s allowed in this town. You’re violating the rules of our chaotic lord.”

“Chaotic lord? What in Tartarus are you talking about?” Rob asked. His words seemed to ire this lance-wielding guard.

“This town is now under the rule of Discord, master of chaos. You’re violating one of the master’s rules and that Ponyville is declared off-limits to all ponies.” The guard grabs Rob forcefully by his hoof deciding to do things the hard way.

But Rob had other plans and with his grip tighter than the guard’s, he pushes in the other direction giving him a blow to the side. The force made the guard reel a bit but his attack got the attention of many who were patrolling. Many encircled around Rob and right off the bat, he was in trouble.

“You violated Order 29AC: Assault on a Discorded Official. The punishment for violating the order is immediate Discordization.” The guard shouted. Rob saw the other guards get ready to use something.

“Sorry but there won’t be one today boys.” Closing his eyes, Rob undergoes a transformation becoming Nova. “This is one of the reasons why I’m awesome. Pony Rocket!”

Nova goes at high speed attacking each of the guards. Many of them did put up a fight but they were unable to handle his ferocity. Within two and a half minutes, the guards were all taken out. He made sure not to inflict any serious harm upon them. Seeing how Ponyville looked made Rob very sad. This wasn’t what he wanted to see. Powering down, he trotted for a bit getting a look at what was once his home. It wasn’t a pretty sight. He got a look at some of the buildings that stood. They weren’t in good shape. Letting off a sigh, he continued onward. At least with the guards incapacitated, he wasn’t worried of a counteroffensive.

“Huh? What’s this?” Rob said, getting a look at a cloth nearby. “Maybe this can help me.”

He used the cloth to cover himself hoping not to attract attention. But someone did get his attention. Far away was somepony watching… waiting. What was it doing? Only it knows. As it was about to walk away, the pony made a noise. Now it caught Rob’s attention.

“What was that?” He turned to see someone moving. A chase ensued. “Hey you! Get back here!”

Rob went after the pony that spotted him. A chase ensued between the two leading them out of the abandoned Ponyville and into an unknown location. But though Rob was curious, he wondered why was that pony there. So many questions were flowing through his mind. Even if he got one answer, he’d be getting a lot more. The two traveled past the Everfree Forest reaching the ruins. Rob continued on despite his attempts to catch up.

Whoever this pony is must know something. The sooner I reach him, the sooner I can find some answers. Rob thought. He continued on trotting past an open field and into uncharted territory.

Of all the lands in Equestria, there was one place that was deemed hard to explore. Far from Ponyville, far from any town was a swamp-infested forest called Haysead Swamps. Thick trees and brush covered the land, the aura was horrendous and the water there was messy filled with germs and bacteria. This place was a hive where life especially insects and animals were at a major high. Even the most experienced of travelers will have a hard time with a place like this.

“Oh god, why here?” I let off a sigh because I know this is going to be a pain. “But this is no time for complaining. I got to keep going.”

Rob ventured deep within the forest hoping to find the one that spotted him. His only problem is trying to contend with the swamp’s wildlife because every animal wanted to get a piece of him. They were vicious. It was their playground. Seeing an outsider like Rob is like an open meal to them. They don’t care if he fought back because he’ll end up becoming lunch. One gator tried going after Rob. All it got was a hoof to the kisser and it packed a wallop. More of them began to swam and now Rob was in real trouble.

Guess angering the gators really wasn’t a good idea. He held his ground and took them on. Seeing that there was too many of them, Rob jumped grabbing a nearby vine. He used it to swing past the chomping gators.

In just a few seconds, he was able to reach the other side. He let off a sigh of relief before continuing. When he got a look around, the pony he was chasing was already gone. This wasn’t good. He could be anywhere in this swamp. Rob looked hoping to find any leads but all it ended up were dead ends. He took a chance and went strange ahead until he felt like his entire body was struck. A trap had stopped Rob in his tracks striking him with a powerful jolt. It affected him from head to toe. When it was over, Rob hit the ground collapsing.

“Hook, Line and Sinker… we got another one.” Spoke a blue pegasus pony. He got a look at Rob who was on the ground.

“Must be another one of Discord’s troops. Be cautious you two.” Replied a khaki unicorn pony.

The two ponies along with one other got a look at Rob. He was still lying on the floor but the three had to be careful. One of them got a look at him. His look went from concern to hopeful.

“Guys, you’re not going to believe this. Do you have any idea who we caught?” A crimson earth pony asked. The other two listened. “It’s him. The hero of Equestria, Rob Stallion! Thank Celestia that he’s back.”

“Are you still thinking about these stupid tales again?” The unicorn pony said coldly. This made him shut up. “Everypony knows that Rob is dead. What if he’s a Changeling?”

“Changeling? No. I don’t believe it! This is it. I think there is hope for us. Hope for Equestria.” He reclaimed. He had conviction in his words.

“I begin to wonder why we recruited you in the first place.” He retorted. ”Come. Let’s take him back to base. Maybe a little interrogation will help us find out whom this ‘stallion’ really is.”

“Right. Come on, let’s go.” The pegasus ordered. Their compatriot nodded and helped carry the knocked-out Rob.

The three ventured deep within the swamp reaching eventually a long patch of grass. One went closer taking out a radio from his knapsack. He made sure no one got a look before he went through with it.

“It’s me. We caught another one. We’re going in.” The feed was cut. Within seconds, the three saw the long patch split into two smaller ones.

The three ponies ventured inside, the split closing behind them. For a few minutes, they trotted carrying the unconscious stallion with them. After a few minutes, they reached their destination. Exiting the tunnel got the three to see a large base up ahead. It was a fortified base that looked like it had been blended with the swamp. Much of the base was made out of wood such as the buildings along with the wall that covered the base. Several towers were made for observation. Around the base were piers so that ponies can bypass the thick swamps. Much of the swamp helped cover a lot of the area protecting the base from the torrential chocolate rain. Alec along with his two compatriots saw the wall open up letting them inside.

“Good to be back in HQ. Alright, let’s take him in.” He ordered.

The three took Rob inside of the buildings in the base. Entering another room inside, they put Rob in a chair. Rob was still knocked out so they had to try a method to get his attention. Finding the nearest item in the room, one of them took a glass of water and threw it across his face. It woke him up good.

“Huh? What? Where? Where am I? What is this?” Rob looked and saw he was tied up. “What’s going on? Why are you holding me hostage?”

“Calm yourself. I take it you liked out little trap that we set up.” His captor replied. Rob wasn’t in a good mood. “Silent? This could be difficult. I have a few questions I like to ask you.”

“Like what? Before you do, I have two. First, who are you guys?” He asked.

“I guess a proper introduction is needed. I’m Smart Alec.” Smart Alec said. “The one on my left is Turquoise Sky. On the right is Blitz Inferno. He still thinks that there is hope for this place.”

“There is. I know it and I see it right here.” Blitz said. The other two weren’t impressed.

“Blitz, Sky, return to your posts. I will handle this interrogation.” Alec ordered.

“But Alec, what if he isn’t a Changeling?” Blitz asked. Alec looked at him with anger in his eyes.

“Only when I find out the truth will we know. For now, head to your post… that’s an order!” He barked. Blitz and Sky left the room.

“You have a knack for barking orders around these parts.” Rob said. Alec took the compliment rather well. “Where the buck am I?” He asked.

Alec was kind enough to answer. “You are in the headquarters of the Equestrian Resistance. We’re all that remains after Discord plunged our world into eternal chaos.”

“Eternal chaos? How can this be? What happened to the Elements of Harmony?” Rob asked. Hearing Alec brought cause for concern.

“They are no more. Not after the death of… him. But that is not why we’re here. I need to know. Are you a spy working for Discord?” Alec asked.

“A spy? What are you talking about! I’m no spy.” He struggled to get out but wasn’t successful.

“Really now? Did anyone order you to come to the swamps? Hmmm? Tell me!” Alec shouted.

“I don’t need to tell you anything. Do you have any other questions?” He asked. Alec was determined to do this.

“Trying to change the topic will not make this interrogation easy. Many I dealt with broke under the pressure. You are no different. Tell me. Are you a spy for Discord? Are you a Changeling perhaps? Did you think that imitating him would fool the likes of me?” He continued to ask question after question to Rob.

Rob doesn’t say anything. He continued to take the brunt of Smart Alec’s abuse even going as far as getting smacked in the face. He didn’t care. He tried to compose whatever thought he had going through with this. But because of Alec’s constant offense, he couldn’t. At this point, he was tired of it.

“Now then I will ask you again… are you a spy for Discord? Are you a Changeling? Answer my question!” Alec smacked him again. That was the breaking point for Rob.

“You want an answer…” Rob replied. “You got it!” And just like that, he responds in his usual manner. Using energy gathered inside, he unleashed a wave of energy that sent Smart Alec to the wall knocking him out.

Rob was able to free himself with the energy he expunged. Looking around, he saw Alec knocked out. He didn’t mean any harm to him but knew that sacrifices had to be made. Looking around, he opened the nearby door and was able to get out. He went outside and got a good look at the base. What Alec said had turned out to be the truth. The world he left behind was gone and the promise he made to his friends couldn’t be kept.

Alec was telling the truth. I got to do something. Rob then got to work looking around hoping to find answers.

Blitz was nearby continuing his look around when he saw him. Guess he knew all along that this was the real deal. He went to Rob hoping to find out more.

“Rob! I knew it was you!” Blitz said. He gave Rob a hug. Rob unfortunately wasn’t in the mood for one. “Dude, what’s wrong with you? Are you alright?”

“I’m not okay. What the heck is this place? Where am I?” He asked. Blitz tried his best to keep him composed.

“You’re in the Resistance Base. We’re all that’s left after Discord returned six months ago.” Blitz replied. Rob remained silent, listening. “This all happened months back. Everything was peaceful with Rainbow Dash being our #1 hero. But then… he appeared.”

“You mean Discord right?” He responded. Blitz gave him a nod. “Continue. Tell me everything.”

“Okay.” Blitz took a deep breath. “Anyway, Discord appeared and then turned Equestria upside down. Everypony was in a panic. They all hoped Rainbow Dash would be the one to save us. She tried her hardest against him… but failed. To make matters worse that monster corrupted her. Discord now uses her as his personal enforcer. No pony is safe man!”

Rob didn’t want to hear anymore. Hearing that his world had fallen apart took its toll. But it was about to get worse. The alarm was heard all throughout the base. He was in trouble.

“Crud! I’ve been found out. Sorry Blitz but I have to go. I’ll only bring more problems with me around.” Rob said, heading off.

“Rob, wait!” Blitz shouted. It was too late. He was already on the move. “I got to do something and fast.”

Rob continued to move about but was soon encircled by several soldiers. He was trapped. There was no way out. Blitz raced to where he was. Something had to be done.

“Guys, stop! Don’t you see? This is the real deal! He’s no Changeling. There’s no reason for us to fight! We have to work together to save Equestria. This is what Discord wants.” Blitz pleaded. Smart Alec then showed up. He wasn’t very pleased.

“I’m impressed you were able to escape Stallion. But as long as you are here in this fortress… there is no escape. Take him to a cell! I will deal with him later!” Alec shouted.

“No! I won’t let you do this to him.” Blitz shouted. “He could be a Changeling for all I know but even so, I believe that there’s still hope for this world and he’s it.” Rob smiled seeing his friend’s determination.

But Alec knew this would happen. “Still stuck to those stupid fairy tales Blitz? I regret having you out on patrol today. Perhaps you can join him then! Take them both to a cell!”

“That’s enough!” somepony shouted. Everyone looked to see who said that. Rob knew who that voice was.

He looked up and saw Shining Armor on the roof of a building. Shining Armor was wearing military gear that was different from the others. His suit was designed to help him blend with the swamps. It had the various colors of the jungle such as brown and dark green. On his chest was the royal mark of Equestria. Anyone who saw that knew he was part of royalty just like his fiancée, Princess Cadence. His mane and tail were a little overgrown and unkept due to the continued conflict.

“S-sir! We weren’t expecting your return. We just caught the intruder. He tried to escape.” Alec said. Shining Armor looked at the situation and saw some of his troops ready to take both Blitz and Rob away.

“All of you return to your post. I will handle him myself. Come.” He looks at Rob giving him a nod.

“But sir? He was the intruder who fell into the trap. He escaped my interrogation. He deserves to be locked up!” Alec shouted. Shining Armor wasn’t convinced.

“Only when I found out from him that I’ll decide his fate. Until then return to your post. That’s an order!” He shouted. Alec didn’t say anything and trotted off.

Rob just didn’t say anything. Shining Armor trotted inside leaving Rob and Blitz to wonder what to do. The two looked at one another before looking back at Shining Armor.

“Blitz, you head back. I’ll have a chat with your boss. Maybe he has all the answers.” Rob said as he trotted off.

“Okay Rob. But remember what I told you okay?” Blitz replied. He then returned to check up on the base.

Rob meanwhile went inside following Shining Armor. The two went into his personal quarters. Shining Armor’s room was much different than the others. Due to being a high commanding officer, he has access to several things such as a restroom, bed and space where he can read or plan stuff. He closed the door behind Rob and the two looked with fierce focus. But the focus died down and in a second, Shining Armor hugged Rob. Everything turned around in a heartbeat. Rob was confused by this.

“I really don’t believe it. You really are back. You have no idea how long it has been.” Shining Armor said, hugging Rob.

“Yeah… I know.” Rob replied, hugging his friend. “I want to know. What has happened here? Why is Equestria like this?”

“I guess Blitz told you huh?” Shining Armor said. Rob nodded. “But he only told ya half of it. Time I tell you the other half.”

“I hate to say it, but I think I already know what happened.” Rob said with a grim expression. “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna failed to stop Discord as well?”

Shining Armor nodded and said, “They really tried to keep Discord at bay, but his power soon overwhelmed them. Realizing they were running out of options, they turned to Twily and the others. And it went as well as you thought it sounded.”

It didn’t take Rob long to figure out what they were. Shining Armor remembered it all too well.

Flashback – Six months ago

“Ah’m sorry Princess. Ah don’t wanna do it. Count me out.” Said Applejack. She was still saddened after what happened on that day.

“Forgive me but after everything that has happened… I can’t do it. It was our efforts in being heroes that ruined everything… and it also took Rob away from us. Please understand.” Spoke Rarity. Being responsible for designing the outfits carried a high amount of guilt for her.

“No way! Not doing it! I don’t want to be a hero! It’s cause of that we lost Robbie. Robbie’s the reason I’m always smiling but now I’m not. Not anymore!” shouted Pinkie. She suffered the worst out of all this hence why her hair isn’t as puffy as it used to be.

“Um… I can’t do it. I’m sorry Princess but…” Fluttershy couldn’t say anything else. Celestia and Luna were saddened seeing that they couldn’t be able to do it.

Not even Twilight was interested. Since the incident, she has secluded herself from society isolating her deep within the library. To make matters worse, there was a force field encasing the library to prevent anyone from getting access. Seeing this made the two alicorns realize that they meant by their words and actions. Turning to see the oncoming chaos approaching, they knew what needed to be done.

End flashback

“Celestia and Luna took on Discord by themselves. Their efforts were in vain. He used his magic to turn them to stone and since then, they’re found inside his fortress…” Shining Armor tried to keep focus. “At the ruins of Canterlot.”

“Canterlot?” Rob said. “Guess things have changed.” He was sad. He found out the world he left behind had changed.

“Yes. I’m sorry that your friends couldn’t keep the promise you gave to them.” Shining Armor replied. Rob had one other thing he had to say.

“Do you still feel bad for Twilight after what happened?” He asked. Shining Armor thought about it for a bit before he gave his response.

“At first I didn’t because she got what was coming to her. But now, I feel bad because of my actions. Even now I worry for Twi. I worry for her a lot.” Shining Armor replied. Rob shared his pain.

“I worry for Pinkie…” But he uttered something under his breath. “And I was going to ask her to marry me.” He looked at Shining Armor with a serious stare. “Shining Armor. I’m going to save my family.”

“How are you going to do that?” He asked. “The Elements of Harmony are no more. I always said that when you died, they went with it. They no longer have their power.”

Rob didn’t say anything. He then used his powers to summon the seven Elements of Harmony. According to legend, the Elements of Harmony were once a set of artifacts that contain an extremely powerful force. Originally, they consisted of six gems; red, orange, green, blue, pink and purple. But due to an unexpected event, a seventh gem was uncovered carrying the color white. Legends spoke that individually, they possessed great power but when united, they can bring harmony back to the world. After seeing that from Rob, Shining Armor was convinced.

“Alright. I’ll see if I can help you.” Using his magic, he gave Rob a piece of paper. He looked puzzled after receiving it.

“What is this?” He asked, “Will it be able to help me find my family?”

“Yes. This paper contains a list detailing where your friends are. We spent a lot of time keeping tabs on them. I figure that it would be necessary.” Rob became silent. “I know what you’re thinking. You’re going to find ‘her’ first.”

“Pretty much. You know me full well Shining Armor.” Rob retorted. “Where is she at?”

“She’s at Manehattan. If you plan on heading there, it’s heavily fortified with Discorded troops.” He explained. Rob let out a smile. “I’m serious. There’s no way to get in there and once you’re in, there’s no way out.”

“All the fun for me. I’ll take that chance. How do I get there?” He questioned. Shining Armor saw that Rob was crazy as heck.

“You’ll have to ask Trixie. She knows a way to get into there.” Shining Armor said. “I forgot to mention that I’m not the only pony in charge. There are four others.”

“Who are the others?” Rob questioned. He turned to look at Shining Armor.

“I am Commander in Chief of the Resistance. My fiancée, Cadence is second in command. She oversees the Refugee Camps and is in charge of the Orphanage at the School. There’s also Fancy Pants. He works as a spy not to mention in charge of finance. As I said before, Trixie is Captain of the Resistance in Manehattan. Months back, Discord led his army to attack our base. It ended with our defeat and we were forced to relocate. She’s at the moment planning to take it back. I figure your help can make it happen.” Shining Armor explained.

“I’ll make sure to do that. Anypony else you know whose part of this thing?” Rob asked.

“There’s one more. Big Mac. He’s leader of Special Ops and a really good stallion. His hit and run tactics never fail and we were able to succeed in a variety of missions. I think you know now what to expect aren’t you?” He spoke.

“You leave things to me. I will find my family and set things right. You just need to make sure you do the same with your sister. She means a lot to you and finding out that losing her BBBFF really hurts. I’m off.” Replied Rob. Before he left, Shining Armor had one last thing to tell him.

“You be careful Rob. Discord has eyes everywhere and if you use your powers, he’ll find you and it’ll be the end of all of us.” Warned Shining Armor.

Rob gave a nod and he was already off. He remembered that Trixie has all the answers in regards to getting into Manehattan. Fortunately she was still at the base so finding her was pretty easy. Heading into the second floor, he spots Trixie right now planning something. Entering inside, he hopes to get some info.

“Uh… is Trixie here?” Rob spots her currently trying to come up with a new plan but it was of no avail. She spots him and the two went into a stare for a couple of seconds.

“Is there anything you like to tell Trixie?” She said. He just took a deep breath and decided to be out with it.

“I do. Do you know a way to get into Manehattan?” He asked. This made Trixie wonder if the plan she had would help.

“There is but…” She looks at Rob again, wondering. “Are you? Could it be?” She went closer to him delivering a sharp stare.

“What? Why are you looking at me like this?” He questioned. This is really starting to freak me out.

“Trixie didn’t think you would be alive. Come with me.” He ordered. Rob went inside. “Trixie has been planning for weeks on end trying to regain Manehattan from that vile fiend.”

“And you haven’t had any luck have you?” He said. Trixie wasn’t amused by his remark. “Sorry.”

“Fortunately, Trixie has discovered a way to get into Manehattan but it is a risky endeavor.” She explained. “There is a cargo ship that passes through the Manehattan harbors every two weeks. It gets thoroughly inspected for anything and everything. If the check is cleared, then it enters the harbor.”

“Basically this ship can help me get into Manehattan right? What’s the risk?” He asked.

“The risk can be if they catch you, you’ll be imprisoned and our chance for victory is lost. Trixie can’t accept failure. Do you really want to do this?” Trixie asked.

“I’ll take that chance. Where’s the nearest ship that’s heading for Manehattan?” Rob questioned.

“Trixie believes this next one is heading to Manehattan within an hour. If we can reach the ship, we should be able to get in the city.” Trixie explained.

“I think we should take that chance right now. The more we wait, the less chance we have.” Rob replied. Trixie gave him a nod.

Trixie went to gather some of her squad while Rob went to meet her at the pier. The wait lasted a few minutes but by then, she had gathered things ready. With no time to waste, they were on their way using a boat to reach the cargo ship. During their travel, Trixie reviews things with Rob.

“Here is Trixie’s plan. We need to reach the cargo ship as it passes through the ocean. There is only a limited time before it reaches Manehattan Harbor so we must work fast. Once in the ship, we will hide inside the cargo crates until the ship arrives. Important thing to know is that we must not make a move until after the crates enter the city. Any mess-up that occurs and it can be the end for all of us. Understand?” Trixie ordered. Everyone nodded including Rob, who caught a look at the oncoming cargo ship.

Showing it to Trixie had most of her forces redirect their boat to the ship’s current location. Reaching it from the rear allowed them to enter in undetected. Trixie showed Rob where the cargo was located. Entering any crate or container they can find, they hid until the ship reached its destination. It arrived after a long travel that took a couple of hours. At Manehattan Harbor, several Discorded guards were keeping an eye on things. They were to check for anything suspicious. A cargo ship’s arrival caught their eye so the two went to check.

“Hey! You up there! This is Discorded territory. State your business or you will be forced to leave the harbor.” One of the guards said.

“I’m here to deliver goods to the city under orders by your governor. The name’s Cargo Ferry. I got clearance.” An Earth Pony named Cargo Ferry said. He wondered if the guards were convinced.

“We’ll need to do a check and see if it’s true. Anything out of place will have you detained. Understand?” The guard replied.

“Yeah, I got you. Just check and let me go through all right? Sheesh.” Cargo Ferry retorted. He waited as they went to check and see.

Trixie along with Rob and her squad were still in hiding. The guards’ arriving to check forced them not to make any careless moves. Rob simply kept his guard up as he was out of sight hiding in a crate. He was watching, waiting. He wanted to knock them out so his allies can escape the boat but he couldn’t risk on account of jeopardizing the whole mission. So for now, he did nothing. After the guards did their check, they went outside giving the captain the good news.

“Alright, it’s clear. You’re clear to drop off the cargo.” One of the guards said. He then nodded at the other guard allowing several more to come in and take the cargo out of the ship.

In only a half hour, the cargo was exported out of the ship and into the warehouses within the harbor. The ship was already off to another location. Things returned to normal but for Rob and his allies, they made their move.

“Good thing you know your way around this place.” Whispered Rob. “Now then, what’s the next phase?”

“Getting into the harbor was the easy part.” She leads Rob outside getting a good view of Manehattan. “Trying to get in there is the hard part.”

The two got a good look at the city of Manehattan. It was a sight that was very unpleasant. After Discord submerged Equestria into Eternal Chaos, Manehattan became a fortified city. It was under marshal law with nopony allowed in or out. Guards patrolled the city while civilians lived in constant fear of being arrested and discorded. Rebels once took over the city but the enemy forces were able to find a weakness and took over in a matter of days. No skyscrapers were seen due to them being torn down except for one. The one skyscraper that was seen held the governor who acts as the city’s ruler.

“Trixie has tried many times to see if the city can be retaken but every attempt ends in failure. No matter what Trixie did, it was all for naught.” She said.

But then Rob had a suggestion. “I have an idea and if it works, you guys can go in undetected.”

“What sort of trickery are you planning?” She asked. Rob then trotted off toward the city. Trixie wondered if he was making a mistake, so she followed.

Two Discorded guards were keeping watch making sure nopony is allowed access. Rob then shows up putting his little plan to work.

“Excuse me gentleman but I wish to enter the city. I have some clearance to get inside.” Rob said. He kept a straight face hoping not to let his guard down.

“Unless you have proper proof, nopony is allowed within the city. Governor’s orders.” Replied the guard. They had their weapons ready in case something happens.

“Don’t worry, I have your proof.” He heads closer to them and presented his proof. “Right here!” He uses a Gravimetric blast to knock them out.

Turning around, he nods at Trixie and they all enter inside. But immediately upon entering, there was trouble and it forced Rob to make a tough choice. Heading on ahead, he went and diverted the attention of one of the guards. Within seconds, he was picking a fight that brought in more guards. Trixie and her crew look on and see Rob get apprehended by them without any effort. She wondered if what he was doing was right but since they’ve made it this far, it was right.

“This stallion didn't put up much of a fight. What a fool. I think the governor will love meeting him.” Spoke one guard.

“Agreed. Take him to the tower. I think he’ll be in for a very long punishment. The rest of you, back to your posts.” Responded another.

Several guards took Rob away while the rest went back to patrol the city. Trixie meanwhile was now faced with a very big problem. With Rob captured, it could mean the end for the Resistance. But she had to continue her mission regardless of the risks. Meanwhile, the Discorded guards had taken Rob to the tower where the Governor was located. After a long trot and a longer trek up several floors, they arrived.

“Governor, we brought another one. This one’s lively so we’ll leave things to your hands. Remember your end of the agreement if you don’t want to suffer the same fate as all the others.” They dropped off Rob and left. The jolt woke the stallion up and he was in full view of the governor’s room.

Rob saw the place and it looked like a traditional room for a governor to be in. Nothing special other than seeing a table, somepony sitting on a chair, several windows providing an excellent view of the city and several memorabilia. Rob wondered who was in that chair. What he would find wasn’t a pleasant one. The chair turned revealing a very familiar sight.

“You… Blueblood. Never thought you’d be the governor of this place.” Rob said. Blueblood had a very cocky smile.

“Well, who would have guessed you’d still be alive.” He gets off the chair. Keeping a straight face, he continues talking. “This is my city now under the rule of the emperor of chaos Discord.”

“I thought it was under the hands of the Rebels. Since when did you decide to betray Equestria?” he questioned.

“I’m not. I’m doing it for the sake of Equestria. The rebels are too shortsighted to even comprehend what really matters.” Blueblood responded. “You know I would have you locked up and discorded right?”

“I know that but you’re way too smug to even pull stuff like that off.” Rob jeered. “What are you offering?”

“I’m giving you a chance to join the winning team… my team. The Elements of Harmony are no more. There is no reason for this foolish fighting. Together we can rid Equestria of these impudent rebels and Discord will bring forth a new age for all ponykind.” Blueblood proposed.

“With a draconesque ruling over a world filled with fear and disorder? Forget it. Not interested.” He replied. Blueblood didn’t seem pleased.

“Guess convincing you isn’t good enough. Don’t you understand? You’re the cause of all this. You’re the reason why all of this has happened. Mare Do Well stealing Rainbow Dash’s thunder, you become Nova to teach them a lesson, your actions causing them to be hated and then split up. Don’t you see? You are the cause of all this. Why do you think Discord has returned? It’s because of you!” Blueblood said.

Rob was then filled with doubt. Doubt because of his actions as Nova and how his sacrifice caused them to be split up. Blueblood looked at him with such glee. He trotted closer hoping to see if Rob can join their cause.

“So… why don’t you rid the façade and open your eyes. The world has changed. Join us. Join the rule of chaos for we can bring back order by creating disorder.” Blueblood offered once more as he saw Rob clouded with doubt.

“As much as I appreciate this offer… and even though I am guilty what I’ve done…” He looked at Blueblood with a serious stare. “The answer… is NO!” He socks Blueblood in the jaw hurting him.

Blueblood was shocked seeing Rob do something like that. It’s then he realized that the easy way didn’t work. His face became serious but also nervous. Since Discord gave rule of this city to him, he had something to expect. But to find that he wouldn’t is driving him to fear. He didn’t want to suffer the same fate as his aunts. He had to do something.

“Guess the easy way isn’t working. If that’s the case then prepare to be Discorded, Rob Stallion.” Blueblood said.

Rob raced straight at him ready to deliver a hit in the jaw like before. Seeing a nearby potion, Blueblood teleported out of the way and grabbed it. He saw the impudent prince drink it down. His guard was still up. He had to be ready for anything Blueblood sent his way.

“Funny, I thought the potion would work. Am I missing anything?” he shouted. Rob was ready to go at him again but something did happened.

Luna’s moon was seen in the corrupted night sky. Blueblood saw it and began to sweat rapidly. He was feeling nauseous almost to the point where he wanted to throw up.

“What’s happening? Why do I feel like this? It’s rather hot.” He then looked at the moon and things went to Tartarus in a flash.

His body underwent a radical change. He became bigger, his hooves began forming sharp claws, the horn on his head grew longer, his eyes began to glow red and his face had the look of a wolf. All the while, the voice of him screaming and yelling in agony was heard throughout the room. Rob looked in horror seeing Blueblood turn into some kind of monster. It’s as if he became a werewolf or in this case, a werepony.

“Holy Celestia… what is this?” Rob said. He didn’t have any time to react because Blueblood was on the assault.

He dodged his first attack but Blueblood was lucky to deliver a second strike. The hit sent Rob flying but he kept his ground. However, he didn’t want to use his powers on account of what this monster could do. Blueblood was vicious attacking Rob at every opportunity. He didn’t stand a chance. Grabbing Rob by his neck, Blueblood was ready to deliver the final blow.

“If you can’t join by choice then you’ll join by force! Farewell Rob Stallion.” Blueblood said.

He got ready to deliver the final strike. Rob in an act of desperation began to quickly build energy from within. The energy he gathered was expelled out forcing the werepony to back away. Breathing heavily, Rob felt drained but he knows he won’t last against something like this. Blueblood, reeling from the energy backlash begins to act strange.

What’s going on? Are my powers causing him to act like this? Uh oh. Rob used his strengths to move out of the Werepony’s way.

It had gotten violent and due to Rob’s powers, it was now making things very difficult. Seeing the window behind him, he held his ground. Blueblood raced toward him hoping to rip him apart. Rob moved out of the way and in a blind rage, Blueblood ran right through shattering the window leading him through a major fall. All Rob could do was look on in horror seeing him fall all the way down letting out a wince when he hit. It was scary and the force of the fall shattered every bone he had in his body. He wasn’t the only pony who saw him fall. Trixie did and seeing that nearly made her sick. But he had no time to waste. Finding a loudspeaker on the table, he got to work.

“Attention all civilians of Manehattan. Your governor Prince Blueblood has just been… impeached. This city is now back in rebel hands. There’s no need to be scared anymore!” He shouted.

“You did it Rob, Trixie never thought you’d do it. All right, time to take back this city! Let’s go! Trixie commands!” She shouted. Her squad was on the offensive ready to attack.

Things in Manehattan were in complete disarray. Canterlot Guards trying to figure out what’s happened. Many of the folks in Canterlot were ready to rebel. Trixie and her squad were on the move ready to take the town back. Meanwhile, Rob was at the moment looking for something. Reading the paper Shining Armor gave him tells that one of his friends was at Manehattan known as “Mental Institute”. Looking at the map of Manehattan, he hoped to find it. Thankfully, he did.

Found it… now to get over there and find her. Rob then went toward the broken window and jumped.

Transforming into Nova, he flies off to the Mental Institute. Since it was at the city, he didn’t fly far. Reaching it, he saw the Institute in complete disarray. He wondered if anypony would be in there. Heading inside, he finds the place rundown and beat up but finds several ponies in straitjackets. He kept moving keeping his guard up for anything. The cloak he had also shielded him from their sights.

“Is anypony here? I’m looking for someone.” Rob said. One of the workers caught his attention.

“Yes? Can I help you?” A mare wearing nurse’s clothes came closer to check. Seeing the horrid sight of this place made Rob depressed.

“I’m looking for someone very special. She goes by the name of Pinkie Pie. Can you tell me where I can find her?” He asked.

“I think you should check at that room over there.” The nurse replied, showing Rob where it was: Solitary Confinement Room X25.

“How is she? How long has she been here?” He asked.

The nurse mare tried to find the right words to say. “She’s been here for almost six months. I’m afraid it’s a lost cause for her. Every doctor that tried to help her was scared off. All we could do is give her food.” Before he heads off, she had one more thing to say. “If you plan to head there, just know you may be the one who can help her. I have faith in you.”

Rob nodded as he went deeper into the Institute. The sight of many ponies trying to grab him from their cells was horrifying. His cloak helped shield him from the many who caught eye of him. Reaching the door, he found it locked. He tried the traditional way but it didn’t work. Using a Gravimetric Blast, he was able to destroy the lock and head inside. What he sees is a very unpleasant sight.

“I said I don’t want visitors. Don’t you dummies read?” She said. Her voice was filled with anger and disgust. Rob looked on in horror seeing her like that.

She was tied to a straitjacket and her mane and tail weren’t as puffy as usual. Her coat was of a dark pink representing the darkness inside her heart. Rob has seen this many times. This was a part of her that was filled with anger, betrayal, duplicity and isolation. She kept looking at him who stood there in shock.

“Are you stupid? I don’t want any visitors!” She grabbed something nearby and tried to throw it at him but no avail.

“Pinkie… this isn’t like you. This isn’t like you at all.” He said. Seeing her like this in anger saddened him.

“What do you know? There’s nothing left. Nothing!” She responded angrily. Rob remembered what Shining Armor told him earlier.


“Each of your friends have suffered in a different way ever since you died. The one you love, Pinkie Pie has suffered the worst. After you passed away, she wasn’t like her normal self. She quit her job in Sugarcube Corner. She no longer does parties and has grown from being happy to angry.” Shining Armor said.

“Anything else? I need to know so that way I can find a way to fix this.” He replied.

He continued. “Turned out there was something that caused her to suffer an emotional breakdown. Due to a recent suicide attempt, she admitted herself into the Manehattan Mental Institute. So far, there hasn’t been any known way to get her cured.” Shining Armor didn’t say anything else. It was all Rob needed to hear.

End flashback

“Pinkie…” He said. This got her attention. Her look scared him greatly.

“What? What do you want?! Tell me!” She shouted. He needed to find a way to snap her out of it.

“Pinkie, please stop this. There’s no need for you to be angry. Whatever happened to when you were always smiling and bringing joy.” Rob asked.

“That’s over with. I don’t want to be happy. Being happy stinks! I hate parties too! I hate everything that has to do with being happy.” She responded.

“Could it be the reason why you’re not happy is because of somepony?” Rob questioned.

“What are you talking about? I never loved anypony. Never! Love is just gross!” said Pinkie, “But… there was somepony that did.”

“Really? Was he blue? Was he always there for you?” He continued to ask hoping to see.

“He was…” But then the anger died down into sadness. “But he’s gone now. He’s the reason why I’m not happy anymore. Why do you care? He’s dead. He ain’t coming back!” She then returned to being angry.

“Is that right? Let me ask you this… do you know he’s alive?” He spoke. Pinkie was curious by this.

“What do you mean? Is this some kind of stupid party trick?!” She responded violently. Rob had to tread carefully.

“It’s no trick Pinkie. Why don’t I show you?” He asked her. Pinkie wasn’t looking at him. “Please… look at me. I tell you the truth. He… is still alive.” Pinkie then turned to see him. “In fact… He’s right here.”

He removed a portion of the cloak revealing him to her. His long blue hair was seen but due to it being too long, it was held into a ponytail. Pinkie got a look at him. It was then that reality began to sink in for her. Seeing him like that made Pinkie Pie remember. Many memories began to flash through her mind of how she first met Rob. Was it fate? Was it coincidence? No. It wasn’t any of that. It began when she saw a pony who was struggling with a lost memory but it led to something more. Then other memories began to flourish through her mind. From their encounter with parasprites, understanding how she acts, how he rescued her at Appleloosa, his decision to confess the truth to his friends, their first kiss after he saved Equestria and so forth. So many memories, all of them were good times. It was then she finally realized what she was seeing all along.

“No… it can’t be…” Her eyes began to build tears from the shock. “Robbie… Robbie…” And then, it all happened in an instant. “ROBBIE!!!”

She raced to him crying loudly. Tears were flowing out of her face. All the emotion that was built up inside her was unleashed. Rob was able to free her from the straitjacket she was in. She then immediately hugged him tight all while bawling like a baby. But she wanted to know if it was really Rob. To prove it, she gave him a passionate kiss. It lasted for a bit but it felt much more. Once they broke off their kiss, she knew straight away it was him.

“It is you… it really is you.” She then kissed him again but this time, Rob responded in his own way.

The two kissed for more than a minute filled with an embrace that brought happiness back to a certain pink pony. Once it was over, the two shared a strong stare. Though she was happy again, there was one thing that bugged her.

“Your face… what happened? How did you come back?” She said. It was only fair that Rob would at least tell her how it occurred.

“It’s a long story. I may as well tell you. This all happened the day after the funeral. One minute I felt my body was still. Lifeless. I thought my time here came to an end. The next thing I knew… my body was then filled with energy.” He took a nearby chair and sat down. “I felt like I wanted to scream. The pain was unbearable. Next thing I knew, I was able to see. I could think, feel, and move around. It was crazy.”

“Crazy? So something happened that brought you back?” Pinkie asked, curiously.

“Yes. Something did happen. Then I felt like I was buried alive. I was able to get out of there and saw things as they were. Next thing I knew, I saw something looking at me. It went on to say that I have much to do.” Rob said. The moment that occurred was still fresh in his mind.


“Huh? What the? What’s going on? And… why am I at a graveyard?” He asked trying to figure things out. He looked up and saw Worldmind, looking at him.

“You are not ready to pass on yet. There is much to do.” He replied, speaking in a tone that was mysterious and omniscient.

“What do you mean by this? Who are you?” Rob ordered. Worldmind simply didn’t say a word. It used its magic to lift Rob up the ground.

“I will help you control the power that is within you. If you choose to accept this, it will help you in the trials to come. So do you accept?” He asked. Rob simply nodded, not saying a world.

Within an instant, Rob along with Worldmind flew off away from Earth to an unknown location. Where they went, nopony knows. Only these two knew where they would go and with a universe as big as this, they could be anywhere.

End flashback

“And that’s about it. I’ve spent six months out there training and mastering the powers I had. Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to control not just the Nova Force but also the Elements of Harmony?” He asked.

“The Elements?” Pinkie wondered. “I thought they were gone forever.” Rob nodded negatively, disagreeing.

“They aren’t. All seven Elements are within my body right now and at this point, it’s driving my insides crazy.” He then trotted closer to Pinkie. “Time I return them to their rightful owners.” He placed his hoof on her head.

“What-what are you doing Robbie?” She asked. He didn’t say a single word. He let his actions speak for him.

Pinkie then felt a massive amount of energy surging inside her. She didn’t know if he was doing something good or bad to her. All Pinkie could do was stand there wondering what next. Her straight mane and tail became puffy once more and her coat returned to her usual light pink. Suddenly, it was over and Rob finished what was done.

“It’s done. I returned what’s rightfully yours Pinkie.” Rob said. She had no idea what he meant by that. When she looked at a nearby mirror, she saw that her Element of Harmony has been imbued into her.

“Robbie… what-what did you do?” She asked, carrying a look of utter confusion.

“Simple. I infused you with your Element of Harmony, the Element of Laughter. However, I didn’t just infuse it within you, I enhanced it so that way Discord’s magic can’t affect you.” He explained, “I figure it’s the only way in order to fix this mess.”

“What? Discord… Discord’s back?!” She shouted. Rob nodded and the two realized that they had a job to do.

“Come on. Let’s get out of here. We need to rendezvous with Trixie. I’ll explain everything on the way.” Rob said. She nodded and the two left the Manehattan Mental Institute.

The two saw several Discorded guards run off in defeat. Many of them were already captured and being un-discorded. Rob knew that Trixie had everything to do with it. At this point, the rebels have brought back up and have reclaimed the city. They saw Trixie giving orders to some of the troops.

“Huh? Trixie figured you succeeded in your objective.” Said Trixie. “What do you plan to do now Rob?”

“I’m now off to find the others. I already found one…” He plants a kiss on Pinkie’s cheek. “But my journey is far from over. Will you be alright Trixie?”

“Yes. Trixie will be fine. We’ve regained Manehattan and plan to use it as another base of operations. Be careful you two for chaos will strike you at every turn.” Trixie spoke.

“Before we leave, you got a look at Blueblood?” He asked. Trixie simply had a look of disgust. “I thought so.”

“Apparently Blueblood was creating a potion that can boost a unicorn pony’s magic and strength. He had no idea that it had a side-effect causing him to be a werepony.” Trixie replied. “Trixie knows this because this potion was outlawed.”

“Will he be alright? I mean, he didn’t suffer that bad of a fall. Even now, seeing that makes me want to vomit.” Rob said. Pinkie gave him a warm hug.

“Don’t worry, he’ll be alright. Trixie has the cure that can help him but he’ll be interrogated. We need info on him in regards to Distopia.” Trixie explained.

“Distopia?” He questioned. “What kind of name is that?”

“When Discord took over Equestria, he fortified Canterlot as his own personal fortress. It’s now known as Distopia, the center of his new world where he watches everypony.” Trixie said.

“I was afraid of this. We’re heading off Trixie. We hope to meet again.” Rob said.

“It was a pleasure for Trixie to meet you again. Don’t worry. Trixie will be fine. Find your friends for it is together you all will be able to save Equestria.” She replied. Rob and Pinkie nodded, knowing the two were ready for whatever comes their way.

To be continued...

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust
Rob Stallion belongs to me
Blitz Inferno belongs to dA user Inferno111
Nova Corps, Worldmind belong to Marvel Comics