• Published 14th Jul 2012
  • 4,322 Views, 62 Comments

Mare Do Well Meets Her Match - DestinyDecade

A take on an MLP episode changing things around while making things good

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Chapter 6: Heroic Sacrifice

Mare Do Well Meets Her Match

An MLP: Friendship is Magic Fan-Fiction

Chapter 6: Heroic Sacrifice

A few days later…

Celestia’s shining sun marked the start of another day in Ponyville. Rob was trotting about carrying some things in his knapsack. He had recently finished a job and was now assigned to deliver some stuff around. As a favor to the Ponyville Post Office, he decided to deliver the mail to all of Ponyville’s citizens. However, he finds that he has to deliver mail to each of his friends. As if today alone wasn’t bad enough for him. Over the past few days, he has tried hard to fix a mess that he made. He went to see many of his friends for advice on what to do. Some of the advice that was given told him the only rule that should have been done from the beginning… to be you. Despite this, he took their advice well not to mention their support. Now he’s hoping to put it all to work.

“Alright, I only hope this works. I really hope it does.” Rob said, trotting his way to his first stop, the Ponyville Library.

Rob knocked on the door hoping to deliver the mail and be on his way. But no one answered. He knocked again and there was no response. Something wasn’t right so he decided to just simply enter inside. What he finds were two individuals that didn’t want him to be here: Twilight Sparkle and her assistant Spike. All three of them were silent, not saying a word to each other. A silence was seen throughout all of them. It would take someone speaking to break it.

“You. I didn’t think you’d bother to show up.” Said Twilight. Her tone was of anger and disgust. “What brings you here? You should know that you are not allowed here.”

“I take it that you are still angry with what happened a few days back.” Rob replied. He kept his focus on each of them carefully.

“I am. Do you have any idea what you’ve done? Because of you, everypony hates us. All we wanted to do was teach Rainbow Dash a lesson in humility but now you made us the laughingstock of all Equestria!” shouted Twilight. Her face had a look of rage aimed squarely at the blue stallion. Spike stood firm by Twilight’s side.

“I thought you were my friend Rob. Why did you have to do this to Twilight? To your own friends?” Spike demanded. The sight of even his own friend Spike saying this shocked him.

“I am your friend Spike… but Twilight and her friends have done something that goes against what the Elements of Harmony stand for. All I did was teach them that being a hero for the sake of making someone else look bad will carry consequences.” Pleaded Rob.

“But that didn’t give you the right to get involved. If you didn’t pull off this Nova stunt, we wouldn’t even be doing this right now.” Twilight trotted closer to Rob. She was cautious hoping that he wouldn’t do anything careless.

What are you planning Twilight? You know that your magic is useless against someone who carries the power of the universe. Rob had a focus that was as tight as a laser. He was wary of what she was going to do to him.

“Now then… give me one good reason why Spike and I shouldn’t throw you out.” Said Twilight. All Rob had was a bunch of mail he had to deliver.

“What else? I’m doing a favor for the Ponyville Post Office. Here’s your mail.” He places the mail in the table nearby. Spike and Twilight looked at him wondering if he’ll do anything else. “What? What’s your beef?”

“It’s you who is the problem. Since you’re done delivering the mail, please leave the library…” Twilight then pours more salt on the wound by saying, “And don’t ever come back.”

“I guess you still haven’t learned anything have you Twilight?” questioned Rob, “All I know is that Princess Celestia will not be pleased of this.”

“Can you just leave the library already?!” shouted Twilight. Hearing it made Rob filled with anger. “You’re not welcome here. Don’t make us use brute force to kick you out.”

“Go ahead and try. You know full well that I have the power of the Nova Force to make any attack you pull meaningless.” But before he does do anything else, Rob had one other thing to say. “I know that what I’ve done to you was wrong. All I’m going to say is… I’m sorry. I’m sorry for hurting you Twilight Sparkle.”

“That apology alone isn’t good enough Rob Stallion. Please leave the library right now.” Ordered Twilight. But Rob refused to leave. “Guess you won’t listen to reason. We’ll have to do this the hard way.”

Twilight began using her magic to conjure a powerful attacking spell. She unleashed it with all her strength but Rob doesn’t do a thing. Her magic hit its mark and she wondered if it would be enough to convince him to leave. Sadly, it was all a big waste. The two saw Rob already enveloped in a bright light. A circulated shield protected him from Twilight’s magic spell. Rob saw that Twilight would rather use violence instead of words. It wasn’t like her at all.

“So you decided to stoop this low huh?” asked Rob. His eyes were filled with sadness and anger. “You still haven’t learned a dang thing Twilight Sparkle. I begin to wonder why Princess Celestia thinks of you with such regard.”

“You heard Twilight? We don’t want you here.” Spike shouted. He unleashed his dragon breath at Rob. But like Twilight, his efforts were in vain due to the circulated energy shield. “What?”

“I thought of you as my friend Spike… why do this? Why side with Twilight when you know that what she and her friends did was unacceptable?” asked Rob. Spike refused to say a word to him. “Fine. I’m not welcome here anyway.”

Taking the mailbag, he trotted out of the library but not before he slammed the door with a vicious ferocity. The impact was so great that many of the books in the shelf fell to the floor. It was Rob’s response to both Twilight and Spike… and that his effort in trying to reach the two were in deaf ears. He then trotted off to his next location and it was Sweet Apple Acres. Trotting to the farm, he caught the eye of Big Macintosh, Applejack’s older brother. Knowing this to be a good start, he went to see him.

“Hey Big Mac. What’s shaking?” Rob said. Big Mac caught eye of Rob and went toward him. “How are ya doing big guy?”

“Ah’m doing fine Rob. Ah take it you’re having a bit of trouble. Are ya alright?” Big Mac replied. Rob didn’t say a word but then he felt something hit him.

“Huh? What was that?” He said, observing his surroundings. Turning, he finds what appears to be a rotten apple core.

“Where did that come from?” asked Big Mac. Rob looks around and couldn’t find a thing. Suddenly, he was hit again by another rotten core.

“Big Mac, are you doing this?” Rob then goes to say, “Do you hate me Big Mac for what I’ve done to your sister?”

Big Mac responded in his traditional manner. “Eenope, not at all. Applejack got what she deserved for what she did ta Dashie.”

“Are ya out of ya rocker Big Mac? Rob hurt all of us for what he did ta me.” Applejack’s shout had the two colts turn around.

They see Applejack on a nearby apple tree that was carrying around a bucket of rotten apple cores. Since the incident, Applejack had been known as the rotten apple of the family. Everyone at the farm hated her and ended up being the pun of almost every joke there was. It took a toll on her physically and mentally. She was waiting for the right opportunity to get revenge on Rob for his actions as Nova, the blazing centurion.

“You’ve got good aim Applejack… it’s too bad that like Twilight, you haven’t learned anything.” Said Rob. Applejack didn’t take his words rather well.

“And you have no business being on mah family’s farm. Now get out of here! Y’all ain’t welcome!” She began throwing rotten apples at Rob. He did his hardest to evade them. Big Mac however wasn’t pleased due to Applejack’s behavior.

“Applejack, get down from there. Show some respect for our guest.” Big Mac retorted. Applejack didn’t listen and kept throwing rotten apples at Rob.

“No! He doesn’t belong here. Leave Rob. You aren’t welcome here! Now git! Get out of here! Ah don’t wanna see you here on mah family’s farm!” She shouted throwing more apples at him. Big Mac seeing his friend suffer like that decided that enough was enough.

Heading to the tree where Applejack was hanging, Big Mac gave it a good buck with his rear hooves. The force of the hit caused her to fall onto the ground below. When Applejack turned to see, she saw her older brother with a very upsetting look. All Rob could do was look on in worry what would happen next.

“What’s ya problem Big Mac? Don’t you know that Rob didn’t just hurt me but hurt us? Our farm’s in trouble and we can’t even make enough money to keep the place afloat. We’ll go out of business!” Applejack pleaded. Rob continued to hear from her that his actions are going to put the farm in danger. Big Mac didn’t want to hear it.

“Maybe if ya not pulled off that hero thing with your friends, we all wouldn’t be in this situation would we?” Replied Big Mac. Hearing this was something he couldn’t handle.

“Ya think? It’s all his fault!” She then turned to Rob and yelled, “Get out of here. Thanks to you, our family is in trouble. You’re a curse to me and everypony you encounter!” She then threw more apple cores at him. Big Mac got in the way and blocked them.

Rob couldn’t take all of this anymore and decided the only logical option was needed for this. “Forgive me Big Mac but I have to go. Here, you and your family got mail.” He gave the mail to Big Mac and went off.

Before he did, Big Mac stopped him and then gave him a hug out of kindness. At least this was something he wanted to do to show that Rob didn’t need to feel down over his actions. Rob smiled seeing the compassion that Big Mac has given toward him unlike his sister.

“Thanks Big Mac. At least you understand what I’m trying to do.” Rob said. The two brohoof’d afterwards leaving in good terms. Unfortunately, Big Mac had a problem of his own.

“Ah’m really ashamed of you little missy. You and Ah are going to have a little talk back home. Do you understand?” Big Mac questioned. Applejack didn’t listen to what he said. “Ah said, do you understand Applejack?”

“Of course Ah understand!” She yelled. Big Mac didn’t like what she said to him one bit. “Ah’m sorry Big Mac. It’s that Ah really hate Rob for what he did ta us.”

“It’s not what he did ta us but it’s what he did ta you. Now come on. We both need ta talk.” Big Mac replied and the two trotted off to the house. It wasn’t going to be a very pleasant talk for sure.

Reaching outside the farm, Rob took a deep breath. Despite his efforts, he was unable to reach Applejack. Two failed efforts. It was something he couldn’t handle. He looked on a sheet of paper he had and saw that he had other ponies to see. Next up was Rarity at the Carousel Boutique. The only thing he hopes is that she doesn’t pull something that would make him go nuts. Reaching the boutique, Rob knocked on the door.

Rarity… I beg of you, please don’t be like the others. All I want is forgiveness from you. Your friends wouldn’t listen to me. They’re too stubborn to understand… and they haven’t learned a thing. He continues to wait hoping to see if someone would answer.

Fortunately someone did. It was none other than Rarity’s sister Sweetie Belle. Seeing this startled Rob but he wondered if Rarity was nearby. Sweetie Belle simply smiled letting him inside. He had to keep his guard up because if Rarity did show up, it would get difficult.

“Hey Rob, what are you doing today?” asked Sweetie Belle. Rob simply provided mail for both her and Rarity. “Oh, I see. You’re doing mail delivery today?”

Rob simply nodded, “Yep. Derpy got injured doing delivery work… again. So, the guy in charge wanted me to do some delivery for everypony in town.”

“Derpy may be a bit strange at times but she has a good heart.” Replied Sweetie Belle. “You are doing a nice thing for her by doing mail delivery.”

“I know.” But then, Rob had something to ask. “Sweetie Belle, where’s your sister anyway? I haven’t seen her in town.” She thought about it for a minute. Rob in the meantime sat on a nearby chair.

“Rarity went to see mom and dad today. She won’t be back for a while. Is there anything you want me to tell her?” questioned Sweetie Belle.

“There is.” He takes something from inside the bag and hands it to Sweetie Belle. “Can you give this to her? It’s a letter I made for all my friends except Dashie.”

“Rob, I know you are trying to fix things with my sister and her friends but I think they really don’t want anything to do with you. They all still hate you for what you did.” Sweetie Belle said. Rob felt down after hearing that.

“I know. I just want to set things right before it’s too late. Listen, I got to go. Make sure your sister sees the note okay?” He asked. Sweetie Belle nodded, smiling.

“Take care Rob and remember, me and my friends trust you.” Sweetie Belle added on by saying, “Remember to take our advice and be yourself.”

The two hugged and Rob was already gone. At least here, he was able to complete a part of what he intended. Sweetie Belle then went with letter in tow to Rarity’s room and placed it on her desk. She looked out the window getting a view of Rob already on the move. Though she is his friend, Sweetie Belle felt a hint of worry. He had much to do if he is to set things right.

At least here, it wasn’t so bad unlike with Twilight and Applejack. Rob now focused on his next location, a cottage that was located in the outskirts of town.

Before he did though, he went for a bite to eat. Everyone at the restaurant saw him and within seconds, they cheered. It was something he had been used to for a while. Many ponies (especially the young ones) went to him asking for autographs. Although he provided autographs, he gave many of them helpful advice teaching them how a true hero should act. They all listened well. It was something that Rob felt really appreciative for. After enjoying a meal, he continued to trot toward Fluttershy’s cottage.

Okay, let’s hope that she will at least listen to what I have to say. Rob continued on his way. But as he walked, he noticed something completely out of the ordinary.

He saw a flock of birds flying toward him. Getting a sight was something to behold. But those birds weren’t here to say hi. They were here to make Rob’s life a pain. They raced toward him and began their attack. Like jets, they attacked and Rob quickly evaded. But more birds attacked from behind. One of them struck him on the back. Rob felt some pain but it didn’t matter. He then sees several animals trying to attack him using various objects.

What the heck’s going on? Why do these animals have a beef with me? What did I do? Rob simply ran evading whatever they threw at him.

He kept running for a little bit until he reached Fluttershy’s cottage. Rob was breathing heavily. He got nervous wondering who else would attack him. Suddenly, Angel was on top of Rob and he looked angry. Still nervous, Rob didn’t do a thing. He watched as Angel went in and attacked him. It was his way of telling Rob that he hurt Fluttershy and that he needed to pay. As if getting pelted by various animals around the field was bad enough.

“Look Angel. I haven’t done anything bad to Fluttershy. She decided to get involved with this Mare Do Well stunt and look what it got her.” Rob said, struggling to get Angel off of him.

Angel kept biting him and attacking him with bunny kicks. It was enough to drive him mad. Hitting the door with his back, he hoped to see if someone was inside. He kept moving while Angel continued his offense. But then the door opened revealing to be Fluttershy. Getting a sight of the animals attacking Rob, she trotted to some of the attacking wildlife and stared straight at them.

“You leave this stallion alone.” Her voice and stare stopped every animal in their tracks. Rob looked on seeing all of them looking and watching her silently.

Cool. I always love seeing Fluttershy do that. Rob thought with a smile, but became a cautious stallion.

Within seconds, Rob saw the animals back away and leave him alone. He wondered if something was going on. Once she was finished, she returned to her normal self. The two then shared a look toward each other. Rob wondered if Fluttershy would do anything out of the ordinary. Fluttershy was more into what Rob would do. They were both cautious as well. It would take something to break the silence between them.

“Um… What brings you around here Rob?” Fluttershy asked. “Did you come to apologize?” Rob simply nodded silently. “I see.”

I only hope she lets me do this. Rob wondered what Fluttershy would say next. Rob then followed Fluttershy inside the cottage. He was cautious but also nervous. Since Twilight and Applejack treated him harshly, he knows he’ll expect the same from her.

But in something that even he didn’t expect, Fluttershy gave him a smile. Something wasn’t right. He decided to find out why she would do something like this.

“What are you planning Fluttershy? Do you still have hate for what I’ve done to you and your friends?” He asked.

“Um… no. I don’t. Although you did something terrible by hurting them.” She replied. He was shocked finding out about this.

But his surprise went to worry due to the sins Rob committed. “I know. Why do you think I’m trying? Your friends weren’t as kind as you.”

“Really?” Fluttershy wondered. “Tell me Rob… what did they do to you?” She saw him try to find the right way to express his feelings. It wasn’t easy… even for him.

“Twilight and Spike threatened to hurt me because I was only there to drop off the mail. They didn’t want me in the library. I can tell that she hasn’t learned her lesson on what a hero really means.” Rob explained, letting off a sigh.

“I have.” Whispered Fluttershy. Rob looked as she explained. “Um… I know what a hero does. They… they do things not for themselves, but for others. Isn’t that um… what you do… as Nova?” Her timid demeanor was something that Rob had a hard time convincing.

But he decided to speak to her regardless. “Yes. That’s how a hero should act. At least when I did it, I didn’t do it for myself. I did it for others. But my actions in making Mare Do Well look bad proved that I’m no different than you guys were.”

“I know. Twilight was really upset with what you did. Everypony was.” She said. Rob wasn’t surprised. He knew this would happen.

“That’s why I’m here to set things right. I’m here to say sorry for my actions as Nova. I only did it to show you that your actions as Mare Do Well doesn’t make a hero.” But Rob begins to choke up as he speaks. “Now I feel that my actions make me no different. Fluttershy… I’m very sorry for my actions against you and your friends. I hope you can forgive me.”

Rob wiped the tears from his face. He tried to keep himself composed but all the emotions that swelled inside him took over. Fluttershy saw a side of Rob that no pony had ever seen. He was on the floor weeping and being overflown with so much emotion. Everything that has happened over the past few days drove Rob to the breaking point. He wanted to set things right with his friends. He didn’t want to be a hero. But when his friends pulled this Mare Do Well stunt for the sake of not only teaching Rainbow Dash a lesson but also making her look bad, he knew what needed to be done. Even when he exposed them for their actions, there was a massive amount of guilt that hung in his heart. It was all too much to bear… too much to handle. What she saw was the immediate result of all the emotion boiling inside Rob Stallion’s tormented soul. Heading closer to him, she gave Rob a hug. She understood his pain, his struggle. For the Element of Kindness, she showed no anger toward him, only concern.

“Rob… I forgive you. I know you’re hurting. I really do.” Whispered Fluttershy. She tried her best to soothe the tearful stallion but saw that his emotions were too much to bear.

She comforted him for a while as he wept. All the animals outside the cottage had no clue what was going on. For a few brief minutes, Rob let out all his feelings. He felt the turmoil collapse all around him and fading away. When it was over, he saw that Fluttershy had forgiven him. This gave him a sense of hope although he can’t say the same for his other friends who have treated him harshly.

“You’re the only one who has forgiven me. For the Element of Kindness, you are as good as they say.” He then smiled seeing he accomplished at least one goal of his. “Here’s your mail. I have to go now. Hopefully I know that someone has learned their lesson.” Fluttershy nodded seeing that she did. “I must go. It was a pleasure and thanks.”

She waved as Rob prepped to leave the cottage. However, he was concerned with the animals and that they would attack him again. The two went outside. Fluttershy saw the animals ready to attack Rob again but she unleashed her stare to stop them in their tracks. It gave Rob plenty of time to leave without difficulty. As he trotted off back to town, something was creeping in his mind. It was the fact that he would have to confront the only pony left, Pinkie Pie. So far some of his friends have expressed hate toward him for his actions. Fluttershy was the only pony that had shown kindness instead of anger. Even better was that she forgave him for his actions as Nova. Arriving at Sugarcube Corner, he checks to see if anyone was around.

Strange. Nobody is here. My guess is that they’re upstairs or busy in the kitchen. He trotted carefully hoping not to attract any attention. Too bad he ended up making it.

“Hello Robbie…” Somepony’s voice caused Rob to turn around and see. He saw Pinkie Pie, who was angry seeing him inside Sugarcube Corner.

Rob was cautious for she was the most unpredictable of the group. “Hello Pinkie. I take it that you have learned your lesson on humility right?” He asked, keeping a straight face to her.

“No, I haven’t. Why are you here?” She then went on saying stuff that gets Rob a bit ticked. “Tell me, why are you here? To have me plan your victory party? Or is it that you want to tell us on your last great deed?” But then she went into his face and said, “Or do you want to blab on how great you are? Huh? Tell me!?”

Seeing Pinkie like this surprised Rob. However, his face tells him that he was in no mood for anything of the sort. “I’m not here for that Pinkie. Not at all.” He took out some mail and dropped it off at the table nearby.

“Then what Robbie, tell me! Tell me what it is that brings you here anyway? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you’re nothing but a meanie pants. ” She had a look of anger in her face and her eyes just spelled out disgust at the sight of seeing Rob.

“Is that so? Well I’m here to deliver the mail… and to say this.” He took a deep breath, trying to keep himself composed. “I’m here to say sorry for my actions as being Nova. I didn’t want to be a hero but when you and your friends decide to pull this stunt, it told me I had to intervene. I did and I ended up hurting you… the one I treasure. The one I love. I regret doing it and now I must make amends for my actions. That’s why I’m here. I’m here… to say sorry. That’s it.”

Pinkie listened to him talk and wondered if he was doing it all for the sake of attention. She continued looking on and wondering if he was. “Why should I forgive you? Hmmm? You were a meanie pants trying to hurt us. I don’t think you deserve my forgiveness.”

“Like your friends had done?” He shouted. Pinkie wasn’t aware of this. “I guess you didn’t know.” She was silent as Rob continued. “Twilight and Spike tried to harm me when I went to drop mail for them. Applejack threw rotten apples at me and she said that I'm not welcome on her farm. I don’t know about Rarity because she wasn’t there. At least Sweetie Belle was there and I did what I had to do.”

“Maybe because they don’t want you near them. They all hate you for what you did. We wanted to teach Dashie how a hero should act but you… YOU! You ruined it!” Her shout was heard throughout the room.

“So what if I did. I regret doing it. Why do you think I’m trying to fix this anyway?” Shouted Rob. Pinkie wasn’t amused. “The only person who has forgiven me was Fluttershy.” But the anger turned to sadness. “She understood my pain.”

“You’re just feeling bad because of what you’ve done to us. It won’t work with me!” retorted Pinkie. “I hate you Robbie! I really hate you for what you’ve done! You may live here with me and the Cakes but don’t think you’re getting any goody-goody special treatment… especially from me.”

“I don’t need special treatment.” He responded. “Why do you think the Cakes don’t want to be near you?” He asked her, “Because they know what you did was wrong. I thought you of all ponies would know better that your actions have consequences. Like your friends, you’ve learned nothing.”

But Pinkie didn’t want to hear anymore of what Rob tells her. He then sees her getting her party cannon ready. The Party Cannon is Pinkie Pie’s preferred item of choice. One push of a button turns any area into a place for partying. But this cannon had an added feature and that it doubles as an offensive weapon as well. Pinkie was ready to press the trigger hoping to hurt him. Rob knows that she wouldn’t do it… if she cared for him.

“Do you really want to do this? Twilight, Spike and Applejack tried that already and they can’t even hurt me.” Warned Rob. Pinkie didn’t care. “What makes you think you’ll try?”

Pinkie simply gave him a response. “Because you don’t deserve everything you get. You’re no hero! Not to me or my friends!” He stood there wondering if Pinkie was going to pull it off.

“So what are you waiting for? Do it! If you really hate my guts, then you fire that party cannon at me. We’ll find out what happens from there.” Said Rob.

Both of them were silent not making any moves. Pinkie had her Party Cannon aimed squarely at him. She wanted to make him pay for what he did to her friends. Unbeknownst to the both of them, Mrs. Cake was trotting downstairs to get some sweets ready. Rob, sensing her presence turned to check. This gave Pinkie the opportunity to fire it and she did. But the sound of the party cannon firing caused Rob to turn and see. He didn’t expect this to happen but was prepared anyway.

“Gravimetric Pulse!” Gathering energy, Rob activates a circulated shield that completely absorbs the Party Cannon shot.

Mrs. Cake looked on in horror seeing Pinkie Pie doing something like this to Rob. Seeing her face, she went from afraid to angry in a matter of seconds. This wasn’t going to go well for either of them.

“Well… I never thought you would go and do something like this Pinkie Pie.” Mrs. Cake said. She looked at Pinkie with a serious stare. All Pinkie could do was look in disappointment because of what she did. She then turned to Rob with a normal expression. “Is everything alright, Rob?”

“I’m fine Mrs. Cake. I thank you for your concern. Sadly however, I feel that my presence has made things not very good.” He responded, giving the mail to Mrs. Cake. “I’ll be back tonight. I’m going to head off to Canterlot.”

“Okay. Take care of yourself.” Mrs. Cake gave off a smile as she left. But that turned into disappointment seeing Pinkie with her Party Cannon nearby. “And as for you, I suggest that you clean this mess up. We’re closing for the night and I recommend that you not use that contraption around me. Do you understand?”

Pinkie gave her a nod. Mrs. Cake then went into the kitchen to do some cleaning. Seeing her bark out orders made Pinkie bitter and upset. Rob was treated with a great amount of respect while she wasn’t given anything. It was enough to make her rage but orders are orders.

Darn you Robbie. Darn you! Pinkie saw him trot off hoping to avoid dealing with her. The look she had seeing him leave was filled with hate and repulse.

Rob on the other hand had a much bigger issue at hand. Despite his valiant efforts, almost all his friends have shown nothing but hatred. It was this hatred that made him realize that his friends have learned nothing. Not of humility. Not of what a hero should properly act. Instead, they decided to teach him a lesson of their own. He took their lesson well… to the point where they crossed the line by trying to harm him. After dropping off the mailbag at the Post Office, Rob went Nova and flew off to Canterlot. Reaching the highest floor, he quietly went inside unmasking himself in the process. But something wasn’t right. They weren’t around. He had to be cautious.

I sense someone here. It isn’t Luna… or Celestia. Who is it? Rob kept his bearings. His eyes darted off in different directions. He wanted to see who else was in there.

But his ears caught wind of a light turned on. He quickly turned aiming his hoof at whoever was there. To his shock, he sees a female Pegasus unicorn (or alicorn) that was scared of what he might do. Rob took a deep breath calming him down. He didn’t want her to think that he was an enemy. What Rob saw was a mare who had wings and a horn. She had eyes that were purple with a bit of gray and a mane that was dark violet containing streaks of moderate rose and pale gold. Her coat was cerise that was pale and had a bit of light gray. Her cutie mark was of a teal crystal heart contained in a gold lace. She was startled by Rob’s previous actions. He knew what he had done caused a problem.

“Sorry… I didn’t know you were there. Do I know you?” asked Rob. The mare simply didn’t say anything. His actions somehow startled her. “Have you seen Princess Celestia or Princess Luna? I want to have a word with them.”

He waited for a response but she didn’t get one. This made him feel a bit unease. Seeing that no one was around to hear his plight, he gets himself ready to leave. But then the mare starts to speak. It would soon eventually get his attention.

“W-wait! Don’t leave.” Her voice made him turn around. “Celestia and Luna are at the gardens right now enjoying a view of the stars.”

“They are? I see.” Rob replied, feeling disappointed. “I’m sorry, I forgot to make my introduction. My name is Rob Stallion. It’s a pleasure to meet you miss… ”

“Cadence, Princess Cadence. I’ve heard all about you Rob from my fiancée. Never thought I’d get to meet the hero of Equestria in person.” Cadence chuckled after responding.

“I never thought I’d get to meet the best foalsitter in the history of foalsitters.” He replied. “Twilight told me about that and how much her good times meant to her and you.”

But Rob begins to feel sad. Having heard of this reminds him of something he always remembers. “Is something wrong?” Cadence asked. Rob doesn’t say a word. “You don’t have to be shy. You can tell me. I’m here.”

Rob takes a deep breath and tells Cadence everything. He told her of how Twilight and her friends became Mare Do Well for the sake of teaching Rainbow Dash a lesson on humility. When he found out about it, he took matters into his own hands by becoming a hero himself. As the Blazing Centurion Nova, he was able to outperform Mare Do Well. After uncovering a shocking revelation about Mare Do Well, he decided to issue a challenge to her hoping that she would go for it. She took the challenge and the two heroes ended up facing the Hydra. Nova was victorious. Mare Do Well wasn’t as lucky. He then exposed them and seeing the disgust revealed his identity and giving them a piece of his mind. However, Rob’s actions ended up getting the crowd irked up to the point where they began to hate his friends for what they did to Rainbow Dash. Although everyone in town treated Rob as a hero, he felt guilty due to the actions he committed to his friends. So he took it upon himself by confronting each of them in the hopes that he can fix the troubling friendship he has. But sadly, each of them has expressed disgust toward him making things a lot harder. He has tried for more than a week and despite all the advice he has received, Rob is in a rut. He’s on the verge of giving up and feels that his actions carried huge consequences.

“And that’s about it. That’s what I’m going through right now Princess Cadence.” Rob tries not to cry as he speaks. “I’ve tried. I’ve tried so hard to fix a mess I’ve made… and now I feel that I can’t save the friendship I have. I really can’t.”

Princess Cadence then saw Rob trying to speak but the emotions built up inside him have hit the breaking point. What she saw was something he went through before. He was on his knees crying. The emotions inside him took over making him enter into a depressed state. He smacked the floor with his front hoof. Cadence saw him weep and act like a spoiled child. He was throwing stuff, he was screaming, he was enraged. Everything that he experienced today made him cry even more to the point where he wanted to use the Nova force to tear the room apart. Princess Cadence then went and gave him a hug. Rob had no idea but he felt something strange. It made him stop crying. He then had his hooves around Cadence sharing in the hug.

“Cadence… why?” asked Rob. She didn’t say a word but her hug gave Rob all the answers he need.

A few seconds later, Princesses Celestia and Luna arrived seeing the two in their warm embrace. They stayed quiet hoping not to intrude on them. With their hug over, the two turn to find some very unexpected company. Everyone was quiet not saying a thing to one another. But all of them had smiles seeing that there was an atmosphere filled with happiness. Feeling relieved, Rob went to the two princesses and explained his situation. Within seconds, he provided all the details of what Twilight and her friends have done to him. He saw the looks they had went from happiness to disgust in seconds.

“Are you two alright? Did I say anything wrong?” He asked. Their expressions returned to normal. It worried Rob greatly.

“No, it’s nothing. We are just upset that your friends would shut you out. Despite your efforts, I believe that you have done the right thing. It takes an amazing amount of courage for someone like you to do this.” Replied Celestia. Hearing it made Rob a bit happy.

“I agree with Tia on this Rob. You followed your heart and despite your failed efforts, you have done some good. We are both proud of you.” Luna said.

Rob was pleased after hearing both princesses praise him. However, he is faced with the situation of how his friends have treated him today. His happiness was thrown aside and replaced with a hint of depression. This concerned the three princesses greatly but then one of them had an idea in mind.

“I have a suggestion. If I may, would it be nice if I can foalsit him for a while?” suggested Cadence. Rob was curious by this.

“Foalsit me? In case you haven’t noticed, I’m no little foal. I’m a grown stallion.” He replied.

“But I’ve heard that you don’t have any family. Does it feel hard for you seeing other ponies with their families?” Cadence asked. Rob simply nodded. “Don’t worry. We’ll have a great time.”

“I appreciate it Princess Cadence. However, it’s getting late and I have to return back to Ponyville.” Replied Rob. He then looked at the three princesses taking a deep breath in the process. “After much time and thought, I know what I need to do. I hope that this decision I make will be for the better of Equestria. Adieu Princesse Celestia… Princesse Luna.” He then looked at Cadence and said, “Adios Princesa Mi Amore Cadencia.

Rob gently kissed her hoof and then took a few steps back. Carrying the red starburst in his right front hoof, he placed it on his head transforming into Nova. Heading outside, he flew off into the night hoping that the choice he makes is a good one. The three princesses look on wondering what he’ll do. They only hope that the decision he does is the correct one. Flying to Cloudsdale, he heads to the spare room Rainbow Dash prepared for him. Taking out a quill and a sheet of paper, he got to work on a letter. His eyes showed a sense of determination. He wanted to put an end to this mess he’s in… and he knows how to do it in the only way possible.

To the citizens of Ponyville,

Over the past few days, my heroic endeavors have brought me more than simply praise. My actions brought about shame to several ponies I know. Even as I write this, I am wrought with grief over the sins I’ve committed. Sins that have been caused by my own front hooves. I have thought long and hard about this decision I plan to make. I have sought advice from every pony I knew whether young or old. They have helped me make a decision that I feel is the right one.

Tomorrow at high noon, I, Rob Stallion will make this announcement be known to everyone in Equestria. The only thing I hope is that my decision will make things better not just for me but also for all of us. This is something I must do. Something I feel I have to do. I will see you all there.


Rob Stallion

With his letter done, he becomes Nova once more and travels to Town Hall. Once he delivered it, he flew off once more into the night. Everything was in place. The stage was set and he knew the audience would be there to hear his words. He only wished that his friends would be there to see it. Reaching Cloudsdale once more, he went back to the spare room to get some shuteye. Tomorrow was a big day not just for him but also for everypony in Ponyville, maybe even everypony in Equestria.

The next morning… 11:55 AM

“Mayor Mare! Mayor Mare! You need to see this.” Spoke an assistant. “We got a letter from Rob Stallion. I think that you may want to read this.”

Mayor Mare takes the letter and begins to read it. The assistant nearby looked on wondering what it said. A few seconds had passed and the Mayor’s look was of shock. Her assistant wondered what was going on.

“Is everything alright ma’am? What does it say?” He said. Mayor Mare was simply silent, having read what was said.

She then looked at her assistant and replied, “I believe what I’ve just read is going to shock everypony in town. No not just Ponyville… but all of Equestria. I want this announcement made. Everypony outside at Town Hall at high noon today.”

“But ma’am. Why at high noon? Does it relate what Rob plans to say?” He replied. The mayor was silent nodding at him. “I… I understand. I’ll get to it right away mayor.”

Her assistant was already at work getting things set up. The mayor however, was more worried about Rob. Since the past week, he wasn’t feeling as happy as he used to be. Was it his actions by exposing his friends the cause of it? Only he knows the answers. All Mayor Mare tried to figure out was what he plans to do.

Rob. I had no idea your actions would bring about displeasure? Whatever it is you plan to tell everypony… I hope you know what you’re doing. Mayor Mare thought, letting off a sigh.

Celestia’s sun was shone over Equestria reaching what appears to be the afternoon. In the town of Ponyville, everypony was talking about the sudden announcement Rob had planned. No one knew what it was going to be except for him. Twilight was entering Sugarcube Corner to get something to eat when she encountered Pinkie Pie. The two looked to see if he was around. Fortunately, he wasn’t. He had other plans in mind.

“Hey Pinkie Pie, what’s up?” Asked Twilight Sparkle. “I’m here to get some sweets for me and Spike. Think you can help?”

“Sure thing Twilight. I’d be happy to help.” Replied Pinkie. She happily bounced her way to the kitchen getting to work on making some sweets.

Twilight then sees a newspaper nearby on another table. Taking a look, it had the words “Shocking Announcement at High Noon! What Does Rob Stallion Plan to Say?” The sight of seeing even his name made Twilight feel bitter with disgust. Since the challenge that occurred more than a week ago, everypony hated Twilight and her friends for their actions. They were humiliated in front of the entire town because of him. As a result, everyone all over town treated Twilight and her friends harshly. Many of the citizens showed their disrespect by doing a variety of things such as name calling, throwing random stuff and even the silent treatment. With an angry look on her face, she took the newspaper, tore it up and threw everything in the nearby garbage bag. At least for her, she didn’t want to have anything to do with Rob. Pinkie Pie then came by with a bag full of baked goods ready for her friend.

“Here ya go Twilight. Some delicious sweets made for you and Spike that’ll make you happy all over. Oh and that’ll be 6 bits please.” Pinkie said. Twilight handed her the bits.

“Thank you Pinkie Pie. Spike and I will really enjoy it for sure.” Replied Twilight. Before she leaves, Pinkie had one other thing to say.

“Oh, by the way. You heard on the newspaper that something big is happening? I’m going to Town Hall and see. Want to come?” asked Pinkie. Twilight turned around turning her smile upside down.

“I’m not interested Pinkie. If it has to do with him, I want no part in it.” She replied. This made Pinkie a bit sad. “But if you really want me to go, I’ll do it. I could care less on what he has to say.”

“Awesome. Everypony is going to be there… but whatever he has to say, I still think of him as a big fat meanie. A meanie to the end.” Pinkie retorted. She was angry as well like Twilight.

“I agree Pinkie. We all do.” Twilight said giving Pinkie some needed comfort. “I got to go. Thanks for making these. Spike and I will really enjoy them.” She waved at Pinkie as she trotted off.

But Pinkie’s sight was now seen on several ponies heading to Town Hall. The announcement that Rob had planned would finally be revealed. Within seconds, all of the townsfolk had been gathered. But what was noticeable was that many of them including the young colts and mares were wearing Nova related merchandise. Since Nova became the hero of all Equestria, retail relating to him was made to please the youth. The kids simply obtained whatever they could get their hands on. In addition, a Nova fan club was created where young fillies and colts talk and reminisce about Nova’s great exploits. They looked up to him. They idolized him. They follow his example. But would they be able to look up to their hero after today? Everypony became silent for Mayor Mare took up the podium.

“Citizens of Ponyville, I thank you all for coming to this event. This is really hard for me to say because I can’t find the right words for this.” Mayor Mare took a deep breath before she continued. “Last night, I have received a letter stating that our great hero wishes to make an important announcement. I don’t know what it is but I feel I want to address this with everyone.”

But the sound of someone flying at light speed caught the Mayor’s eye. The townsfolk look up to see Nova, the Blazing Centurion arriving. Everypony was cheering for him showing the appreciation that a hero deserves. Nova saw all the young ponies wearing things relating to him. He couldn’t help but smile. However, he had something that needed to be done. Landing on the stage near Mayor Mare, the two shared a brohoof.

“Here he is everypony. Give a big round of applause to the Blazing Centurion, Nova!” Everypony continued cheering for Nova. It was something he liked to see.

“Thank you. Thank you everypony. I appreciate the praise. I really do.” The crowd got silent. Nova was nervous doing this but feels that he has no choice. “Before I make my announcement, I like to say thank you to everypony here who has been there and supporting me in my endeavors as Equestria’s protector. However, I wish to address something to everypony here.”

Nova took off his helmet revealing himself to be Rob Stallion, Equestria’s freelancing pony. The look in his eyes was one of confliction and regret. Mayor Mare noticed this right away. She knows that this was going to be big trouble.

“Even though my heroic efforts brought me praise, it has also caused controversy. There are a group of ponies here that hate what I’ve done. Ironic because it’s the same that I have humiliated almost two weeks ago. My own friends who you now show hate towards. I am to blame for all of this.” Everypony wondered what he was saying. Suddenly, somepony got a chance to speak hoping to make Rob ease off his pain.

“You shouldn’t worry about them. Those losers don’t know how a true hero like you should act.” A stallion said. Others agreed with him causing Rob to get really nervous.

“Even so, those ponies were people I’ve hurt. I hurt them because of my actions and everyday, this eats away inside me. Even as I talk, I feel guilty for the sins I have committed against them. I have spent days seeking advice from many far and wide hoping to find a solution to this mess. Many who I spoke to gave me proper advice and I take their advice to heart. Whether it be someone as young as this fellow here…” He got a look at a young colt named Featherweight who smiled. “Or to even someone as esteemed as Princesa Mi Amore Cadenza, they all helped me out very much. Unfortunately, I have made my decision on this matter.”

Everyone wondered what his decision was. Rob then got a look at Twilight and the others who had just arrived. Rainbow Dash wasn’t there. This worried him greatly. He then had a calm look on his face and was ready.

“And so it is with great concern that I, Robert Lightning Stallion…” His face went from worry to seriousness in a split second. “Am calling it quits. I’m sorry but I’m done. I can’t do this anymore.”

In an instant, everyone in Ponyville was at an uproar. Rob Stallion quitting? They thought it was a bad dream. It’s a shame that it’s real. He walked off with helmet in tow hoping not to deal with this anymore. But he soon got the attention of Twilight and her friends. It was something that he wanted to avoid but couldn’t.

“You think that quitting your job is going to make us forgive you Rob? You really are pathetic.” Said Twilight. Everypony next to her had looks of anger. They wanted to get a piece of him. Even Spike wanted a piece of him too.

“You really don’t understand Twilight. None of you do. I didn’t like humiliating you guys. I really didn’t. When you pulled that Mare Do Well stunt, I had to do something. I didn’t like what you did to Dashie!” He replied. His face began to shed tears. Everyone in town heard the conversation between both sides.

“We did what we had to do. We wanted to teach her that a hero should act with humility and grace, not with boasting like a complete jerk.” Said Twilight. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you’re the jerk around here.”

“Yeah! You don’t deserve forgiveness from anypony. Not even us.” Spoke Applejack. “You’re not welcome on mah farm no more!”

“I heard everything from Sweetie Belle. As much as I want to forgive you… I can’t. I really can’t Rob. You really did something that is hurtful to everypony.” Replied Rarity. Hearing this was going to make things worse from Rob.

“You’re a meanie. I hate you! I really hate you! You won’t be going to my parties anymore!” shouted Pinkie Pie. “I don’t even want to see you ever again. We’re through.” This struck a chord through Rob’s torn heart.

“We’re not friends anymore Rob. You hurt Twilight and I hate people who hurt my friends. You’re lucky I can’t hurt you because if you didn’t have those flashy powers then I would make sure you would pay.” Replied Spike.

But there was one who didn’t say a word. It was Fluttershy. Rob knew very well that he had gotten forgiveness from her. Twilight went to her and gave a nudge. She wanted to make sure Rob would pay for everything he did to them.

“Go on Fluttershy. Tell Rob what you have to say.” Told Twilight. Rob was prepared for whatever she had to tell him. All he could do at the moment was gulp.

“I… I… I forgive him.” Twilight and the others looked on in shock hearing this. Rob knew because she was the one who gave him forgiveness. “I forgive Rob for what he did to me and all of you.”

“Fluttershy… why of all ponies do you forgive this stallion? Do you know that because of him, everypony hates us? They don’t want to be near us! They humiliate us! Why oh why would you do that?” shouted Twilight. This wasn’t going to go well for Fluttershy or Rob.

“Because… um, because I have felt his pain. I saw him hurt badly by this. I… I had to do something. I did what I could do. And because of that, I forgave him.” Fluttershy replied. She knew what she was doing.

“Well we haven’t. We hate Rob for what he did and we’re happy he’s quitting. Maybe this way we don’t have to deal with his stupid heroics.” Twilight said. The others except Fluttershy agreed with her.

“Then I have nothing to say to you all. Nothing. Maybe this is for the best.” Rob said, getting ready to trot off. But the sound of a rainbow making Pegasus prevented him from moving any further.

“What are you doing Rob!? Quitting!? No! Don’t quit!” Rainbow Dash shouted. She made it in the nick of time but was too late to hear the announcement.

“I’m sorry Dashie but I have no choice. Your friends (save for one) made me feel uncomfortable. Though I am a hero to the eyes of everypony, I can’t do this if my friends decide to act like this to me. That’s why I’m quitting. I’m done. I’m sorry.” Rob said.

Rainbow Dash tried her hardest to dissuade him. “But you can’t quit! You’re a hero to everypony here! You don’t need them! You can be a hero without them! We all believe in you! Please! Don’t do this.”

Before Rob could say anything else, a sound was heard throughout the entire town. It was a terrifying sound… a sound that would drive anyone to run and hide. Everypony became silent while at the same time, afraid. Rob knew who or what it was that would do something like this.

“You got to be kidding me. Not again.” He whispered. It was then the hydra appeared. There was something different about it.

It was stronger than ever. It’s four heads felt like they were in unison attacking whatever in its way. It’s tail attacked viciously like a whip tearing apart a few buildings. Rob thought that sending it flying far away would help protect the town. Guess he was wrong… very wrong.

“It’s back! The hydra’s back!” shouted a mare. Everypony was scared of what it would do. Rob was more concerned with the hydra. It has gotten vicious meaning this isn’t going to be like last fight. This time it was real.

“I guess I have enough for one more fight.” He puts the starburst on his head and in an instant transformed into Nova. “But after this, I no longer wish to be a hero.”

He then dashed straight for the hydra hoping for an opening gambit. He succeeds but the hydra retaliates with a vicious swipe. The force of the blow sent him flying to a nearby house. Rob felt pain all over his body as he tried to get himself back up. He felt a crack in his back as he stretched and boy, it hurt really well.

Dang that hurt! Could it be that the hydra has gotten stronger? This can’t be good. Nova got himself ready to attack again.

Dashing straight toward the hydra, he fired a few energy blasts at it. They forced it back a bit but he was unable to drive it off completely. Everypony in town saw the hydra attack viciously with its four heads. Nova evades some of its heads but one hit its mark striking Rob on the side. The recoil from the hit forced him to move off balance. It gave the hydra what he needed to attack. It used its other three heads to strike back. Nova suffered each blow left and right. The pain was intense, he knew his body may not be able to handle it but continued to fight on. With one more blow, Nova was sent flying and he landed at Sugarcube Corner. The force of the impact caused most of the top portion to crease over and collapse hitting the ground. Everypony was horrified seeing Nova get taken out by the enraged hydra. He got up reeling from the pain. His armor was taking damage and his helmet had cracks. Blood started coming out of his mouth but he used his front hoof to clean it off. He was breathing heavily hoping that whatever energy he had would be enough to take out the hydra.

Got to keep going. I can’t let it destroy the town! He then raced at the hydra going for his signature Pony Rocket attack. It lets him hit light speed in a matter of seconds giving him the strength to do damage.

But the hydra was smart. It knew he’d pull it off but wasn’t expecting him to do it so soon. Nova was able to get a few good hits but it retaliated with a combined head attack. Using all four heads, he was able to veer Nova off course having him crash on a nearby house. The town wondered if he would be able to beat the hydra but judging how the fight was going, it wasn’t going to last much longer.

“Come on Nova, you can do this! Don’t let that hydra push you around!” Rainbow Dash shouted. Her single shout started to bring motivation to the citizens.

Within seconds, voices were heard from everypony from the young who idolize him to the old who respect him. Even though he knew that it was a losing battle, something inside was telling Nova to keep going.

Can’t… give up. I can’t… I can’t give up. I have… so much worth fighting for. Nova struggled to get up but the pain was too much for him to bear.

He tried getting up using every ounce of strength he had. Nova succeeded but his body was unable to keep going. The pain was intense. It drove him crazy. Whatever energy he had was keeping him from collapsing. Nova saw the hydra heading straight for him. It wanted to finish the job. The hydra then smacked him again. He was sent flying to another building… this time, it was Town Hall but the damage was pretty minor. Because of that last strike, Nova was on the verge of collapse. He had no energy to fight back. Not even to fire a blast to drive the hydra off.

I can’t move… the pain is too much. I can’t do this! He tried to turn slightly causing him to be on his back.

He lifted his front hoof using whatever energy he had left. His body was beat, his armor was damaged and his helmet had cracks due to the damage he sustained. For only a brief second, he heard the cries of everypony in town. For some reason, it was giving him the energy to keep going. However, it wasn’t enough. Not enough for him. He needed something

“Power… I need more power.” He closed his eyes and began to build up power inside him. I must stop the hydra… I must protect my home… I must SAVE… MY… FAMILY!

It was then that his battered body was suddenly engulfed in a bright aura. Instead of pain, he felt something different… something calm and serene. But then the aura began to pulse out a strange energy. Responding to Nova’s cry, the pulse began to intensify in strength. In Canterlot, Princess Celestia was trotting through the castle. As she was going to reach her room, her sister Princess Luna appeared. The look on her face tells that something big was happening.

“Sister, something is happening in the Elemental Chamber.” Luna said. This had Celestia concerned with worry.

“What do you mean? Is something happening to the Elements of Harmony?” Celestia replied. Luna nodded. This wasn’t good. “Let’s go sister.”

The two head to the Elemental Chamber where the Elements of Harmony were stored. Although Rob and the Mane Six wield brooches that represent their spirits, the Elements were actually seven colored gems. Each gem represented a specific element. For example the white gem represented the Element of Will. As the two sisters arrived at the chamber, they saw the seven gems reacting violently. The look on their faces saw that it was a bad sign all around.

“What’s happening Tia? Why are they acting like this?” Luna asked. Celestia was silent as she saw the seven gems moving about erratically. “Sister?”

The Elements shouldn’t act like this. I sense rage, anger and sorrow coming from them. Whatever is happening out there, I don’t like it. I don’t like it at all. She continued watching the Elements act strangely.

But what they saw changed everything. Suddenly, the Elements of Harmony disappeared. Celestia and Luna looked on in shock seeing them vanish out of the blue. Luna was left speechless while Celestia saw it in a serious manner. Back at Ponyville, Nova was still engulfed in the aura of light. He then saw the seven Elements of Harmony appear before him. One by one, they encircled him. They heard his plea and have gathered ready to hear his beck and call.

Sacred Elements of Harmony, give me the power… the power to save my family. I need it now more than ever. Rob spoke mentally inside the suit. The Elements responded by glowing brightly. But there was a bigger problem at hand. The hydra was heading close and his body may not be able to withstand much more.

“Warning. Nova Force is incompatible with unknown power source. Recommendation: Deny interaction. Warning. Nova Force incompatible with unknown energy.” The sound of a computerized voice was heard inside Rob’s mind. Was it an omen? Rob didn’t care about it at all.

“Computer. Override warning. I can’t… I can’t let something like this stop me. I need more power.” Nova said. He was ready to take this chance.

“Warning. Power levels critical. Interaction with unknown source will decrease survival rate. Probability of survival after battle: 5%.” It responded. Rob was ready to take that catch.

“Override warning. Time to show this monster true harmony.” He then closed his eyes as the Elements of Harmony went to work.

The seven gems glowed in a bright light transforming into brooches carrying the cutie marks of all 7 wielders of harmony. With a pulse from his mind, they turned into pieces of armor. Honesty and Loyalty became the shoulder parts, Generosity and Kindness became the knee parts, Laughter and Will became the arm parts and Magic had turned upside down forming the chest. All of the armor connected with his and he underwent a glorious transformation. The transformation engulfed his body and a second later he raced at high speed toward the hydra. It continued tearing the town asunder and everypony was running for their lives. But one who continued to believe was there watching and praying.

“What are you doing Rainbow Dash? You got to run! It’s not safe for you or anypony!” shouted a stallion. She kept watching and hoping.

I’m not running away. Nova told me never to run away. To be a hero is to never run from a threat like this. Thought Rainbow Dash. She got a look at the hydra having a determined face.

The hydra saw Rainbow Dash looking at it as if she wanted to fight it. It went closer to her ready to give her a beat down. Before it could however, something came out of nowhere delivering a fatal blow. The blow forced it back making the monster yell out in pain. Another blow forced it back even more. The hydra was already in pain from two powerful strikes. Rainbow Dash got a look at who did it and was shocked at what she saw. It was Nova but he was also wielding a sacred, legendary armor. There were many legends relating to the Elements of Harmony and how a power like this could exist. But there was a rumor that when the seven Elements of Harmony are gathered around somepony who carries will in their heart, they would turn into a sacred armor that gives them the power to protect those that matter. This was the Harmony Armor, a sacred armor that is powered by the seven Elements of Harmony. Rainbow Dash looked on seeing him in this state. It was something that got her curious.

“Is… is that you Nova?” Rainbow Dash asked. He didn’t say a word. She got a good look and saw he was filled with power. “My god… what are you?”

“I am a warrior that carries the power of both harmony and the universe.” His voice was deep due to the massive amount of energy inside his body. “I am Prime… Harmony Nova Prime!”

The look of anger coming from Nova scared Rainbow Dash. It’s as if he was on his last legs and he pulled something out of the blue. Turning toward the hydra, Nova raced toward the hydra and delivered two strikes. The first strike was for its chest and the second, at its head. It reeled in pain beginning to lose his balance. He realizes that the Hydra would return and cause more trouble for everypony. That’s when Nova decided that something needed to be done.

I don’t have much time. I can only sustain this form for about a minute. After that, I need to expel out both energies. He then realizes that there’s only one way to deal with this menaced monstrosity.

He races toward the monster but in an unexpected twist, he goes under the ground and reappears holding onto the hydra from the bottom. Grabbing it by its tail, Nova goes full throttle hitting 0 to 180 in 6.5 seconds. There wasn’t much time for him. Every second wasted leads one step closer to the inevitable. He kicked it into high gear going faster all while dragging that monster higher into the sky. Everyone in Ponyville wondered what would happen next. Even Rainbow Dash wondered. Reaching high enough, Nova threw the hydra way up reaching the outskirts of space. He then quickly followed and got a good look at the monster. At this point, it was ready to roar out at Nova again. But he wanted to make sure it wouldn’t hurt Ponyville or anypony again.

“Now you’re on my battlefield… time to end this!” Gathering all the energy inside of him, he prepped out in his mind the strongest attack he can think of. “Power of the Nova Force… Super Nova!!!” Shouting loudly, he expels out all the energy he can muster striking the hydra.

The Super Nova came in the form of a large circulated orb that covered Nova but pushed the hydra back. Due to its large size, it was able to easily withstand the Super Nova. Nova realizes that a Super Nova of that size won’t be able to send it away. He decides instead to amplify the Super Nova causing it to increase in size. But even though he was using every ounce of power he had to strength his attack, it was soon going to take a toll on him. Within seconds, the Super Nova that he unleashed was amplified almost to the size of a planet. The screams of the hydra flying off into the cosmos were heard in the vast emptiness that was outer space. Seeing his job done, he let out a smile. It was something that made him pleased.

Good. Now it’ll never bring harm to my home again. But then things began to sink in. He was being pulled into the planet’s gravitational field.

The Harmony Armor began to fade due to the limitations of Harmony Nova Prime. He felt weak, drained of his power and now all that he’ll find when he hits home would be nothing but a painful one. He didn’t care. He was happy to complete what he did. He had no regrets. Back in Ponyville, everyone was cheering as Nova did it. Nova had saved the town yet again from the hydra. Rainbow Dash cheered like there was no tomorrow. It was a moment of happiness, a moment of reprieve. She went airborne and pulled off a Sonic Rainboom celebrating this epic occasion.

“Nova did it! Nova is the true hero for all Equestria!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she flew off into the sky above.

As she did though, she catches the sight of something falling. Looking at it hard enough, it was Nova. Her look of happiness was replaced with fear. She saw that he was heading down at an alarmingly fast pace. Racing with everything she had, Rainbow Dash hoped that she could save him. Unfortunately, he was heading down like an asteroid hitting Earth’s atmosphere. She wouldn’t be able to save him.

“Hang on Nova! I’ll save you. I know I will!” She hoped to keep up but wasn’t able to. But then, something happened.

Out of nowhere, a chariot flew over the Ponyville sky. It reached out and grabbed Nova before he hit the ground. Rainbow Dash was relieved seeing him safe. The cheers that covered the town were replaced with silence as they saw it land nearby. What they saw was Princess Celestia who used her magic to save Nova. Everypony saw him as he was now. His uniform was damaged. It had rips all over and some of them showed serious bruises. His helmet had already been split open revealing a beaten Rob Stallion. Rainbow Dash raced to where Celestia was. She wondered if he would be okay.

“Princess Celestia.” She bowed before the Princess as a show of gratitude. “Is Rob going to be okay?”

Celestia couldn’t say anything. Her only response was that her eyes closed and looking displeased. This wasn’t good. Rainbow Dash got to see Rob and saw the damage that affected his entire body. It was a sad sight to see. Everypony got a look as well. They were horrified by what they saw.

“Rob. Please tell me you’ll be okay. Please.” Asked Rainbow Dash. Water began to come out of her eyes.

“So… Did I… did I do it?” He asked her. Dashie responded with a nod and a smile. Rob let off a smile as well. “Good. Then… it’s done. Finally.”

Rob’s body was at a battered state. Using the power of Harmony Nova Prime had drained him considerably. Made worse were the injuries he suffered because of the Hydra made it life threatening. He couldn’t even move a muscle. He was at least able to turn to see his friends’… friends that he hurt with his own actions. He hoped that he had enough to tell them something of great importance. The five went closer hoping to see him. All of them had looks of shock and worry on their faces. Pinkie felt the worse seeing that the person she loved might end up gone from this world.

“Listen… I didn’t want to do this. I really didn’t. But I ended up doing it anyway. All I… I want… all I want to say… is that I’m sorry. I’m sorry… for hurting you.” He then slightly turned to Pinkie. “Especially you. I’m very sorry Pinkie. Can you all… forgive me?”

The five couldn’t say anything. All they could do was nod at him. It was a sign saying that they forgave him. Although it was way too late, to Rob it was something that made him feel relieved. He then turned to a tearful Rainbow Dash who was trying not to let out her emotions. Seeing her like this was something Rob didn’t like to see.

“Don’t cry Dashie… it’s alright. Listen to me.” She stopped crying and listened. “A hero is someone… someone that does deeds out of the… goodness of someone’s heart. And they do it not for praise… but for kindness. The kindness of others.”

“I… I know that. You told me so. You told me how a hero should act. You told me everything.” Rainbow Dash replied, trying not to cry.

“But you forgot… forgot two important r-rules. A hero is not afraid… to risk their own life to save others. And last but not… least.” He coughed a bit and started feeling weak. “A hero shouldn’t let things like friendship get in the way… of what things really matter. Things like friendship should be saved… for other things. Remember it well.”

“I will. I promise that if I do become a hero again, I… I will take your advice. We all will. So please… let us help you. We can get you back on your feet.” Asked Rainbow Dash. Sadly, it wouldn’t happen.

“It’s too late for me… my body is too weak. I feel… I feel at ease. I see a light… a light at the end of this road. Promise me everypony that you’ll… protect this world. Will you?” He asked them. The six nodded despite the tensions that they all have. “Good.”

He then looks up to Celestia and smiles seeing that his time has come. Suddenly, he felt the last of his strength draining away. And then... he let out his last breath and that was it. Everypony was silent seeing this happen. Made worse was that the young fillies and colts watching this. They all saw Rob Stallion’s last words and his passing. The emotions boil over as Rainbow Dash let them out. She cried next to Rob’s lifeless body hugging it tightly. Within seconds, everypony joined in. Pinkie especially hugging Rob’s lifeless head and yelling out ‘I’m sorry Robbie.’ Celestia tried to hold back her tears but couldn’t. She joined in. It became a moment filled with tragedy. What started as a day where a hero would finally put his helmet away for good ended in the worst day ever for all of Equestria. It would be a moment that no pony would ever forget or ever will forget.

A few days later…

Days had passed since Rob’s passing and everyone was still filled with grief. The news of Rob’s death spread throughout Equestria like wildfire. Everyone was heartbroken over this loss. Ponyville suffered the worst because it was the moment where he risked his life to save everyone. The town had begun the slow process of recovering but it would take them a very long time to heal. A funeral was held to honor his memory. Many ponies that knew and befriended him provided their thoughts on how great he was. Even ponies like the Great and Powerful Trixie provided a eulogy. Although she barely knew him, she had a high amount of respect toward him. After everything was done, Rob was finally laid to rest. It was a sad yet tearful moment for everypony in Equestria. Princess Celestia looked upon Twilight and her friends. All of them including the twin princesses had looks of anguish looking down in sadness. What caught her eye was Pinkie. She suffered the worst for a good reason. Celestia knew of the relationship between Rob and her. She felt like she got a look into true despair. It made her shudder.

“Girls…” said Princess Celestia. “This is hard for me to say but I want you all to know that none of you are to blame for what happened. Rob did what he felt was right for Equestria. His sacrifice saved Ponyville.”

“My sister has a point.” Princess Luna affirmed. “Rob’s… ‘passing’ is not the fault of any one of you. I’m pretty sure you all would’ve done the same if you were in his position.”

They all were silent, nodding dejectedly at Luna’s words. But Rainbow was muttering something under her breath. It caught Celestia’s eye.

“Is something wrong Rainbow?” asked Celestia.

The sky blue Pegasus looked up at her. She carried a mix of sorrow and anger on her face. “Yeah, you got that right.” She then began to yell in a broken voice. “If it wasn’t for those ponies!” She then pointed to Twilight and the others. “If it wasn’t for them, Rob wouldn’t have to die like that and everything would be alright!’

“Rainbow, I know you are hurt but like I said, they are not to blame for…” Princess Celestia said.

“Let me finish!” Rainbow ordered. “It’s because of them… what my so called ‘friends’ have done that has got Rob killed! If they would have came and told me about my boasting instead of pulling this garbage, none of this would have happened. Their ‘lesson’ now got the greatest hero of all Equestria taken from us! Rob is never coming back. NEVER!”

“Calm thyself Rainbow Dash.” Said Princess Luna. “We all are feeling sorrow from this loss. Twilight and her friends didn’t really kill him.”

“Yeah but they drove him to do it!” Her feelings were reaching a fever pitch. “Ever since they did this Mare Do Well act, everything went downhill! Not just for me but also for him! I was humiliated… I was backstabbed… but when Rob revealed the truth and humiliated them, he was hurt. Hurt because he felt guilty for his actions! And now he’s dead! I don’t need friends who do this to me or anypony!”

The rest of the Mane 6 were shocked after hearing this from Rainbow Dash. For simply a few seconds, they saw her at her worst state. But one of them decided to get some words out and they weren’t gong to be good.

“Is that so? Well if it wasn’t for you and your bucking boasting then none of this wouldn’t have happened!” The lilac unicorn shouted tearfully. “You’re still no better than when you were when you acted like Trixie!”

But hearing that caught the attention of the Great and Powerful unicorn. “Trixie would never do something like this!” Trixie exclaimed in anger. “You dare to call Trixie a jerk? You all should take a look in a mirror!”

“I agree with Trixie!” A stallion shouted. “She at least has the decency to not resort to this!”

“I’d rather have Trixie come help me out then deal with you jerks again!” Another stallion shouted.

Suddenly, everypony that was in the funeral began to express disgust toward the Mane 6. Name calling, item tossing, anything they did ended up making them look worse.

Rainbow responded to Twilight in a manner that wasn’t pleasant. “So what if I was?! At least Trixie knew when not to boast. You… you’re nothing more than a hypocritical little... ” The look on Celestia’s face was filled with shock after she heard Rainbow say that. “In fact, all of you are hypocrites for doing this! Doing this to not just me but to Rob too.”

Hearing this shocked Twilight and her friends to the point where she was angry with Rainbow Dash. Angry that she would stoop this low and say it in her face no less. The tension between the six was reaching a fever high pitch and it was about to get worse. Twilight had the backing of her friends who looked at Rainbow Dash in anger. Now the friendship that all six of them had was about to break apart really fast.

“I don’t need you or anypony. I don’t need you guys anymore. I’m done! As of right now, this friendship is OVER!” She then looked at Princess Celestia and Luna, still carrying tears in her eyes. “Princess Celestia, Princess Luna… forgive me but I don’t want to be with these lame ponies anymore! They make me sick!”

Twilight and the others were all taken aback after hearing this. They hadn’t heard somepony call another pony lame since Gilda came into town more than a year ago.

“You all can go to Tartars for all I care! I don’t need you. I never needed you and I regret making that Sonic Rainboom! We’re done! I don’t want to see ANY of you ever again!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

Before any pony could say anything else, Rainbow Dash flew off to parts unknown. Her emotions took over seeing that her friends have hurt not just her but Rob in the worst way possible. She wanted to honor his memory by being a hero. However, she didn't need her friends to do it. She no longer felt loyal to them and decided to be loyal to herself. What she didn’t know was that after she left, Twilight and her friends began to insult her. Many names were called and they even cursed out her name.

“THAT’S ENOUGH!” A voice boomed out.

Everypony was silent after hearing that. Twilight and the others turned to see a rather frightening image. It was Princess Celestia that had a very stern yet terrifying look. Her eyes narrowed looking upon everypony. The five felt something inside their stomachs twist as they looked on.

“I’ve heard more than enough out of all of you. I didn’t want to get myself involved for I thought you all would settle this peacefully. But now I have no choice.” Princess Celestia said in a tone that was harsh, brutal and commanding. “I’ve heard about what you all had done over the past couple of weeks!”

“P… Princess, what do you mean?” Twilight asked. She said so in a small yet whimpering voice.

“Rob has told Luna and I everything. He told us about your ‘lesson’ to Rainbow Dash and how you all acted after he revealed himself to be Nova. You threatened him, shut him out and even went as far as injure him!”

Twilight and the others bowed down looking on in fear and carrying looks of regret. They realized that they were in the wrong all along.

“All of you were chosen as the Elements of Harmony for a reason! You each represented the elements and maintained harmony throughout Equestria. This is NOT how I ever expected the elements, especially my faithful student, to act in this manner!” shouted Celestia.

“But Princess… you don’t understand.” Twilight replied. She still was afraid but had to explain her reason. “Rainbow was acting way out of control with her boasting. To make matters worse, Rob ruined our plan with what he did! We just wanted to teach Rainbow Dash that being a hero doesn’t mean you could boast!”

“What about each of you? Rainbow Dash may boast because of her heroics but you all boast because of how good your talents are. For example… Rarity, you boasted on how elegant your wings were during the young fliers competition. But when you were in trouble, who was there to save you?” Celestia asked.

“It… it was Rainbow Dash who saved me.” Rarity replied, looking on in embarrassment over the incident.

“As I thought. You all are no different than Rainbow Dash when it comes to showing off your endeavors to others. All of you should be ashamed for your actions!” said Celestia, speaking in a disgusted and upset manner.

“So thy plan was to humiliate Rainbow!?” spoke Princess Luna in her Royal Canterlot voice. “We heard from Rob about your taunting toward Rainbow for she was angered by this Mare Do Well! Tell me this Twilight Sparkle, was she laughing along or not!?”

The group didn’t say a word. They cowered to the ground shaking violently and forming tears in their eyes. Princess Celestia looked down at each of them hoping to get their attention.

“I want all of you to look at me… right now.” The white alicorn said in a cold tone.

The group look up to see her giving them a very cold glare, filled with anger and disappointment.

“All of you should be ashamed for what you’ve done. You all decided to put your friendship aside for something as pathetic as pride. This is not how I ever wanted to see any of you act. You all turned your friendship into a competition for foolish pride… and you all destroyed it. You destroyed it all by yourselves!”

Princess Celestia then looked at Twilight, who was on the verge of crying. It was hard for her to say it but felt that she had little choice.

“Twilight Sparkle…” She spoke carrying a mix of coldness and disappointment. “I’m afraid I have no choice for what you have done.”

“Huh? What… what do you mean?” She asked in a cracked voice.

“Your plan to do all of this and your poor judgment has cost us the death of Rob Stallion and Rainbow Dash leaving you all. For your actions…” Princess Celestia tried to compose herself as she said this. “I have no choice. Twilight Sparkle, as of this moment on, you are hereby expelled as my student.”

Twilight felt her heart stop and her jaw drop after hearing Celestia say this. The thought of being expelled has left her in a state of shock. Her knees buckled and collapsed toward the ground. The others didn’t say a word looking at each other in complete disbelief.

“I can’t believe I’m telling you this Twilight.” Said Princess Celestia. She had a look on her face that was filled with pain. “But you have failed me. You have done more than just fail me… you destroyed my trust I had to you. It would be best that you never come to me or my sister ever again.” She then looked at all five of them with anger. “You five as well as Spike are banned from entering Canterlot grounds… I can’t trust any of you to even be around me ever again.”

She then walked over to her sister who was also angry. Shedding a tear, she looked at Twilight once more and whispered, “I’m sorry Twilight… but this is for the best.” She then looked at Luna. “Come along now Luna. Let’s find somepony to be your faithful student along with mine.”

The two alicorns’ horns glowed, and in a flash, teleported off back to Canterlot. Twilight looked on in pain as she took in the words said by her now former mentor. She began to realize that all of this was her fault. Everything that had occurred was all her fault. Mare Do Well, Ponyville being angry towards them, Rob’s death and Rainbow’s desertion. To make matters worse was her betraying everything Princess Celestia taught her about friendship. Now she was alone… but then things were going to get worse.

“You really let me down Twilight.” The voice of her brother, Shining Armor was heard. Twilight turned to see her brother and Princess Cadence looking on in anger. “You really did. I never thought you’d stoop this low to do this. I don’t think you deserve to be my LSBFF anymore.” Hearing that got everypony in town curious as to what that meant.

Shining Armor reassured everypony by saying, “If you don’t know what that means, its Little Sister Best Friend Forever.” The town responded by saying “Oh, okay. It’s cool.”

Hearing that from her own brother made her experience a bigger shock. She saw her brother looking toward her in anger. Cadence was there as well and didn’t like what she was seeing. He then looked at Spike who also felt saddened by this.

“And I’m disappointed in you Spike. You knew what Twilight did yet you didn’t take Rob’s side. Why?” He asked him. Spike refused to say a word. Though he wasn’t involved in the Mare Do Well incident, he felt guilty for not listening to Rob, his own best friend. “You all deserve every bit of hate for what you did to him and Rainbow Dash. Twilight, you are my LSBFF no more. I don’t ever want to see you ever again.”

He then turns to Cadence and nods. The two already trotted off hoping to never see Twilight or the others again. Twilight buried her head in her hooves and began to cry hysterically. It was all too much for her to take. She wanted to think of it as a bad dream but couldn’t get out of it. Her world began to collapse around her. Nothing mattered anymore.

“Don’t worry Twi… it’s going to be okay.” Applejack whispered.

She tried to comfort Twilight but saw her friend get up and turn around. She then bolted past her friends with her crying echo throughout the graveyard. With tears falling down her face, she ran off into town. The group watched her head to town to most likely lock herself in the library. Along the way, the sounds of Ponyville’s townsfolk were heard as words of hate and disgust were said toward them.

“Murderers!” shouted one stallion.

“Monsters! All of you are monsters!” Shouted a mare.

“Elements of Harmony? No! You all are the Elements of Disharmony!” shouted another stallion.

Many of them threw things at them in response. In just seconds, they all became the most hated of all Ponyville, no Equestria no less. All of them took in words from the princesses and looked down in disappointment. None of them could find the words to say anything to each other. They all looked at one another merely nodded slowly. All six of them head out of the graveyard and went their separate ways back home. Many days had passed since the funeral and things in Ponyville have changed for the better as well as the worst. Due to Twilight’s depression, she has locked herself in the library and not one pony has seen her since. As a result, Spike was staying over with Rarity. Ponyville now had a new hero for that was Rainbow Dash. She had become the one that everypony relied on. No matter the situation, she was always there to help. However, she wasn’t as boastful as before because she wasn’t letting anything stop her. She honored Rob’s memory and the people had faith in her and believed in her.

“Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash!” The sounds of everyone in Ponyville were heard chanting her name. Rainbow Dash felt happy hearing it.

Rob, I’m going to make you proud. I promise you that. I will be a better hero. A better hero than Mare Do Well. She got a look at the Nova Statue that was erected in the center of town.

The statue showed Rob Stallion as Nova flying off. But what surprised her were the words engraved on the statue. It stated “Rob Stallion – Freelancer, Hero, Centurion”. Rainbow Dash remembered the words that Rob said to her and is taking his advice very well. But with this positive, there was also negative. Twilight Sparkle and her friends were treated with extreme hostility. They were hated and reviled by everypony they knew. They were called names, thrown stuff at them and at times wouldn’t even be allowed to attend anything. If that wasn’t enough, each of them felt disgust from their respective families for their actions. Those ponies now began to realize the reality of the situation and the consequences that have occurred because of it. So on that night, Rarity along with her friends met up near Rob’s gravestone. They all were filled with emotions of sadness due to their actions relating to not just the tragedy but also the actions they committed as Mare Do Well.

“I take it you all got my message didn’t you?” asked Rarity. The others nodded silently. “I believe that this brought out the worst in us.”

“Ah agree Rarity. Twilight being expelled, Rob gone and Rainbow Dash ditching us… everything that happened was our fault. All our fault and ah feel guilty for doing it.” Applejack replied.

“I know. We all did something that I think we’ll never ever take back. I’m now staying over with Rarity because Twilight hasn’t come out of the library.” Spoke Spike. “The door is locked, the window’s are covered and when I left, she must have placed a force field around the library to prevent anyone from getting in.”

“I know…” Fluttershy whispered. “We all hurt everypony… and they all hate us because of it.”

“That’s why I believe it’s better darlings if we… we end our friendship. It was our disharmony toward each other that we lost two good friends. Rainbow Dash…” They got a look at the gravestone that has now been covered with flowers, gifts, and balloons all for the sake of remembering how great Rob was. “And him that has brought about this tragedy.”

The others nodded including Pinkie Pie who at this point has suffered the worst. All of them have suffered in different ways because of the Mare Do Well incident and the tragedy that followed.

“Then ah think it’s time we say goodbye. Ah don’t know if ah’ll ever see y’all again. Maybe it is for the best.” Applejack suggested.

Rarity and the others nodded and they decided to share one final hug before they head off on their separate ways. Their hug was joyous, tearful and above all else very depressing. Once that was done, each of them went in different directions. Each of them knew they wouldn’t see one another again but it didn’t matter. All of them brought about a tragedy that they couldn’t repair. Now being hated by almost everypony in Equestria, it was time for the friendship and harmony they all carried to come to an end. But whereas this friendship ends, something else was about to begin.

In the Canterlot gardens, there was a statue that showed a figure of a draconequus (or dragon-horse) looking in horror. It stood there for some time as a reminder of its defeat at the hands of the Elements of Harmony. But suddenly, the statue began to move about slowly. Cracks began to come about on the statue. The movement increased causing portions of the statue to break revealing hands and feet. Within seconds, the statue broke apart completely revealing a sinister creature. With a smile on his face, he saw that it was his time, his opportunity to bring chaos once more to the world.

“Today is going to be cloudy, with a big chance of chaos!” The sound of his echoing laughter was heard in the empty gardens. Equestria… was going to be in for a disaster of epic proportions.

To be continued…