• Published 28th Sep 2017
  • 5,630 Views, 57 Comments

Omega of the everfree - Grey Knight Neltharion

Twilight has awoken the Queen, the god, the mother of the Everfree forest, and she's nothing like what she expected

  • ...

The Rage of a grieving mother

She tore up the earth underneath her as she dragged herself towards the town in a blind rage, her mechanical parts steaming and her screen flashing and glitching violently, between expressions of rage, sorrow and confusion.

Pony's were already running and screaming about the giant monstrosity that had come to destroy their town, while the rare one or two were staying behind to try and fight the monster, be they brave, stupid or both.

She didn't pay attention to any of that, she was too blinded by emotion to do anything but destroy to the best of her ability, and she wouldn't be stopping anytime soon.

*Meanwhile in Canterlot*

You know, Celestia had been having a good day so far (bar the half of the day dealing with greedy nobles) up until now.

She had been sitting in the dinning room, enjoying some cake, when she felt a massive burst of energy coming from the direction of ponyville, and it was what the energy felt like that worried her.

She got the same feeling from it that she got whenever the elements of harmony were used, but, somehow, it felt...angry, angry and full of grief over somepony lost, somepony very dear to them.

The Implications behind that worried her to no end, and she quickly stood up and set off for ponyville, hoping she was wrong.

*Back to rampaging flowey mother a short while later

She had already destroyed part of the town, she think she backhanded a few Pegasus as well, she wasn't sure, she was too consumed by her anger, which was slowly wearing down, being replaced by sorrow and grief.

She felt her hand smash through another pony's house, and only realized what she was doing, when she heard crying.

Her gaze drifted down to the house she had just destroyed, and the what she saw made her heart sink with guilt as her eyes widened.

There was a foal, no more than a baby. it was sitting in its crib, crying loudly, with a brown hoof sticking out from some rubble nearby, twitching occasionally.

Her rage quickly gave way for guilt as her eyes drifted across the rest of the destruction she had wrought in her rage.

Destroyed homes, pony's running and screaming, pony's buried under ruble and injured. Tears ran down her screen as guilt flooded her heart at the sight of the destruction, destruction she had caused.

She slowly brought up her hands in front of her face, they were shaking. she had hurt innocent pony's, pony's who had nothing to do with what happened to her children. she had terrified and probably traumatized foals.

She suddenly felt a strong presence nearby, the closest thing she could compare it to was the sun, she turned to look at whatever had arrived, her guilt still very much present.

In front of her was a beautiful sight, a large pony who had large majestic wings, a long horn on her head and a beautiful mane that billowed in non existent wind, her aura was like that of the sun and was immensely powerful, she could probably give her a run for her money if they fought, which it looked like the way it was going if the steely expression on her face was anything to go by.

"Creature, you have no right to hurt my little pony's, leave, or you will face the consequences" the white alicorn said in a cold tone of voice.

She slowly turned back to the small part of town she had destroyed, and silently started to repair the town to the best of her ability, large bright green vines with red thorns sticking out of them sprouting from the ground and pulling rubble off of pony's and rebuilding the houses out of vines and trees that sprouted from the ground and quickly grew into the shapes of walls and roofs, rebuilding the houses in a matter of seconds, and all of the injured pony's gathered in the center of town, quickly healed by her healing magic.

She silently dragged herself back towards the Everfree, while the white alicorn started in shock at how quick all of the destruction had been undone, when she heard something nearby, it sounded like...crying, she turned towards where it was coming from, and saw something that made her blood boil, and her guilt and sorrow grow even further.

She quickly dragged herself up to the white alicorn, a enraged expression on her face, the white alicorn getting into a defensive stance in the air, her horn starting to glow.

She stopped in front of the alicorn, before speaking "And what gives your ponies the right to defile my children's body's?!" She screamed, tears flowing down her face from cracks in her screen, before dragging herself towards her suffering child, missing the look of shock and disgust at the accusation that her ponies would do such a thing, before watching where the large plant being was going.

She slowly laid a hand on the hollowed out tree turned into a library, she softly spoke to it, like one would a child "shh, shh, its going to be okay, mamas here now" she softly spoke to the tree, trying to comfort it "...it hurts so m-much, she heard her child say, and rage filled her.

"it's okay now, mamas gonna be back in just a minute" she said, holding back the rage in her voice for the sake of her child.

Her child panicked "no! please don't leave me! you've been gone for so l-long... her child said, making her feel even guiltier, before wrapping her arms around her child, "and I'm sorry for that" she started sobbing, resting her head against her child gently "I'm so...so...sorry" she quickly pulled herself together, for the sake of her children "but mamas gotta make things right" she said, a steely expression on her face.

She turned back to the white alicorn, who had a confused and a small, well hidden dread in her expression.

She spoke out loudly, her voice booming across town, getting the attention of everypony in town, just as a certain six galloped into town, the purple one looking up in dread at what she had caused.

"PONY'S OF THIS LAND! I AM FLOWEY, CREATOR, GOD AND MOTHER OF THE EVERFREE!, I HAVE LAID DORMANT FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS, AND I HOPED TO RETURN TO A PEACEFUL LAND! BUT NAY! YOU HAVE DEFILED MY CHILDREN, AND CORRUPTED THEM TO THERE VERY CORE!" she laid her hand against the the trunk of her suffering child, letting her voice play clear across the town through her speakers, constant cry's of pain and agony, coming from a small child, pony's around town looked mortified at the noise "DO YOU HEAR HER PONY'S?! DO YOU HEAR HER CONSTANT SUFFERING?! IT WAS CAUSED BY YOU, YOU TOOK MY PRECIOUS CHILD, AND HOLLOWED OUT HER INSIDES!, BUT THAT WASN'T ENOUGH FOR YOU! INSTEAD OF LETTING HER DIE, YOU FORCED HER TO STAY ALIVE! CONSTANTLY SUFFERING IN PAIN AND AGONY!, AND YOU HAD THE GALL TO LIVE IN HER!, I'M ASHAMED OF YOU!" all the pony's looked mortified and ashamed at what they had been told, she turned to the white alicorn, who looked much the same with much more guilt mixed in "AND YOU!" she pointed at the princess, rage present in her expression "YOU SAID YOU RULED OVER THESE PONY'S! I KNOW HOW LONG ALICORNS LIVE FOR! YOU LET THIS HAPPEN! YOU LET THEM DEFILE MY CHILDREN!" she dragged herself right up to the princess, and felt new energy beneath that aura, its was very faint, but all to familiar, and it made her realize who was responsible for the corruption of the everfree.

In her rage, she grabbed the alicorn and held her up to her face, tears still streaming down her face "YOU! YOU TOOK THE ELEMENTS OF HARMONY! YOU CORRUPTED MY CHILDREN!" she screamed at the alicorn, who looked severely confused.

Celestia was very confused and scared right now, she had arrived, fearing something had happened to the elements of harmony, only to find a great abomination, who had attacked the town.

Now it turned out that this thing had created the everfree and ponyvilles library, who it turned out was sentient and suffering, caused by pony hoof! something she felt immensely guilty about, that she had let a child suffer for hundreds of years.

But now the being was even more angry, saying she had taken the elements of harmony and corrupted her children, did she mean the everfree?.

Suddenly a horrifying though came to mind, one that made the energy spike from earlier make sense.

She hesitantly looked up at the brooding mother in front of her, dread filling her voice "did you... create the tree of harmony?" she didn't want it to be true, it couldn't be.

The beings expression grew nostalgic and sad "She was my first child, I crafted her with care and all my heart and souls, I made her a protector, so she could protect all my children, and embued her with all the elements of my being"

"honesty" an orange glow appeared appeared behind her, along with a small orange heart, Celestia's eyes widened when she realized what she was looking at, a soul, a pure soul, made entirely of honesty.

"Kindness" a green glow lit up on the other side of her as another soul appeared.

"laughter" a blue glow lit up, and another soul appeared.

"generosity" a purple glow lit up, another soul.

"loyalty" a red glow lit up, and another soul.

"and finally, magic" the last glow was a bright pink, and a pink soul

They all suddenly disappeared, and floweys expression turned back to rage " but then, THEN! YOU CAME AND TOOK THEM FROM HER! SHE COULDN'T DO HER JOB ANYMORE! AND NOW, MY THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN HAVE BEEN CORRUPTED!" she swept her other other arm towards the everfree, as the pony's, and especially the new bearers of the elements of harmony, looked on in shock, at the creator of Equestrias main source of protection from villains and tyrants.

Celestia looked out at the forest with immense shame and guilt at the sight, before turning back to the angry, brooding mother.

Celestia slowly started speaking in a soft voice "I know there is no way I can make this up to you, to apologize for the fate of your children, but I would like to try" she said, guilt filling her voice.

Flowey continued to glare at her, before slowly putting her down and snorting in annoyance "you can start by returning the elements of harmony" Celestia's guilt was overriding her sense of reason, for she just silently nodded.

Flowey nodded, before turning around and dragging herself towards one of her children, hoping to ease her pain, and heal her.

Celestia slowly took to the air, flying in the direction of the elements of harmony, guilt heavy on her mind.

This guilt would hang with her for the rest of her immortal life.

Author's Note:

HEY, IMPORTANT THINGS!Hi! heres another chapter. bit to heavy?, leave constructive criticism. also because of this chapter, should I add a drama tag or sad tag? I'm not sure.

Also, a couple things to say, before you call flowey a hypocrite for repairing houses with trees, then getting angry for the pony's turning one of the trees into a library, when flowey grew the trees and vines into new walls and houses, they were grown into the shape of walls and houses, whereas the pony's carved out a normal tree, then kept it alive with magic, where as it would have normally died.

And Undertale fans, yes, I know those aren't the attributes of the souls from undertale, these are a diffrent six souls, technically seven, and each soul is made up of one of floweys main attributes from when she was human, turned into souls, so please don't complain at me about what attribute is what.

Now that thats out of the way, I hope you enjoyed!