• Published 28th Sep 2017
  • 5,607 Views, 57 Comments

Omega of the everfree - Grey Knight Neltharion

Twilight has awoken the Queen, the god, the mother of the Everfree forest, and she's nothing like what she expected

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THIS CHAPTER ISN'T CANNON TO THE STORY! A.K.A The everfree queen encounters the rainbow factory

Author's Note:

HEY! !WARNING BECAUSE ITS RAINBOW FACTORY! ALSO, FEEL FREE TO NOT READ, YOU WON'T MISS ANY OF THE STORY! ALSO AT THE TIME OF WRITING AND COMPLETING THIS I HAVEN'T SLEPT AT ALL, SO THERES ALSO THAT! alright now I'm gonna say this again, this is not cannon to the story, the rainbow factory isn't even a thing in the cannon story. I was just listening to SylphStorms Pegasus device ( awesome song check it out here!) and this idea popped into my head, and its been bugging me so i had to write it, so, once again, not cannon to the story

The queen of the Everfree was relaxing in her forest among her children, close to the tree of harmony, when something faintly pushed faintly against her mind, she almost didn't notice, but she noticed it just it time to feel its intentions.

And what she found worried her.

Their emotions were frantic, fear, panic, confusion and betrayal were prominent, along with hopelessness, but it was the way the message felt that disturbed her.

It felt broken, fractured. She had only gotten a telepathic message of this like this 2 or 3 times before and in a land like Equestria, there was good reason. The only time someone got a telepathic message like this was if someones mind was so close to breaking, the higher brain functions unlocked, and sent out a message to the one they trusted most and felt would be able to help them.

As she got through the last of the message, her heart froze as she found out who it was.


Her blood slowly started to boil as she processed the information, Scootaloo was a small orange pegasus pony with a purple mane, and being the adventurous little one that she was, was one of the first to come and visit her in the forest after her and the pony's had achieved peace.

She and Scootaloo quickly formed a strong mother, daughter bond, Scootaloo not having parents and her having such a strong motherly nature, and Scootaloo always visited her once a day, telling her about her day at school, or how she had attempted to get her cutie mark today, flowey occasionally scolding her if what she did was dangerous, or telling her to go apologize to somepony if she broke some of their property in the process.

Scootaloo was as much her child as the rest of them, and the last time she had heard from Scootaloo was a day or two ago when she went for her flying test, she thought the test just took a long time, but no, someone had taken her daughter and had done god knows what to her, and now she was at the breaking point.

Her blood was boiling, her screen was glitching from the enraged expression on her face and her mechanical parts were starting to glow red and steam.

She quickly started dragging herself through the dirt, much in the same state as when she had first awoken from her slumber and found the Everfree corrupted.

She was dragging her self in the direction she felt the message push against her mind, and it was in the sky.

It felt like she had been going for hours, but her rage hadn't dissipated, in fact it was stronger than ever as she finally reached the spot under where her daughter, she was shocked to find it was Cloudsdale.

She quickly shook away her shock, her rage crushing it as she started lifting herself up to the city with her vines, the vines as tough as steel and the thorns glowing red.

When she finally reached the location of her Scootaloo, it was in a large, industrial looking building, on the edge of Cloudsdale, hidden behind large buildings.

She glared at the building and slithered up to one of the windows, before staring on in shock in horror at what she was seeing.

There was dozens, possibly hundreds, of pony's in cages, depressed, fearful and confused, conveyor belts holding colorless pony corpses, massive body piles, pony's being strapped to steel tables and being impaled with a large needle, sucking out everything that made up that pony, before being dumped onto the piles of corpses, and latter disposed of by a large steel crusher.

She shook with rage at the sight, before quickly looking around for the sick, twisted pony's doing this, before being shocked that, the one giving the orders was rainbow dash, up on a high steel platform, with a sadistic, psychotic grin on her face.

She couldn't believe it, someone she had grown to call friend, someone she had grown to care about, was a sick twisted psychopath.

Her rage boiled over again, before her heart froze when she saw one particular pony.


She was cowering in the corner of the cage, her hair ragged and dirty, and needle marks all over her body, still bleeding.

She completely lost it, and tore off the roof of the sadistic, torture house.

All the pony's inside looked shocked, and the pony's in the cages look hopeful at the sudden appearance of the queen of the Everfree.
But the most shocked looking was rainbow dash, especially as the queen of the Everfree started tearing down the walls of the factory, roaring in rage, before grabbing the pony's running the factory, who were trying to escape, before crushing them, and impaling them on vines, blood splattering across her body and vines, bits and pieces of pony sticking to the enraged god.

Rainbow tried to get away, but never even got close to escaping.

A vine with extra sharp thorns on it wrapped around her, the thorns digging into her flesh as she was slowly brought up to the face of the enraged mother, queen, god and now executioner.

The expression on her face was cold, hate in her eyes, if looks could kill, she would be so far under, you'd never find her.

The gods face came out just like her expression, cold, fill of hate, but her voice had and effect like to people were speaking at once, one of them the normal feminine high pitched voice, but the other was a male high pitched voice that sounded naturally sadistic.

"You" She explained hatefully "You locked up, tortured and killed hundreds of pony's, but worst of all, you did it to my daughter She said, gesturing to her daughter, who was now looking up at her, still shaking, but she had a disbelieving, hopeful look on her face.

Rainbow dash spat at the god and laughed " So what? They don't deserve the wings they bare, why not put them to a better use?" She asked, a sadistic insane grin on her face.

She grew angry, tightening her grip on rainbow as her rage started to reach its limit, she slowly reached her vines towards all the doors on the cages and crushed them into scrap metal, before turning to the pony's looking up at their savior.

"get out of here, leave and never come back, go to a doctor, get better, tell the princesses, the guards, somebody, and please, take care of my daughter while I deal with this..." she slowly turned back to look at rainbow, who was glaring at her with a insane smile on her face "filth".

The pony's nodded, praising their savior and rushing out, one of them taking Scootaloo with them on their back, who was looking back at her and rainbow, still shaking and had a conflicted and hopeful expression on her face.

She turned back to the leaving Scootaloo quickly and sliced a finger across her throat, in a gesture everyone knew, before gesturing to rainbow, who was still glaring and smiling.

The last thing she saw of Scootaloo, was her with a sad expression, before slowly nodding and closing her eyes, before she was carried out of the remains of the building.

She turned back to rainbow dash, and started imitating a certain spirit of vengeance.

"Your soul has been stained by the blood of the innocent, look into my eyes" she growled in a low tone, before bringing rainbow dash right up to her eyes, which had become black voids.

Rainbow laughed, though she could tell rainbow was nervous by how it sounded "what, that supposed to do something? You don't scare me!" she yelled, before looking around in confusion when the god had just disappeared, she looked around, and noticed she was no longer in the remains of the factory, but in a black abyss.

Suddenly from nearby she heard a bone chilling laugh, and turned around, and saw something terrifying.

It had appeared in a flash of blood red light and on it screen was a simple smiley face, before the lines for eyes split open in eyes with red sclera and green iris.

It looked like the god, but what was terrifying about it was the aura it gave off, instead of the normal motherly aura, or how she was when she was angry, this thing felt like it was nothing but sadism, blood lust and greed.

Suddenly, hundreds of red bullets appeared around her, and shot towards her.

The last thing she heard it say, was in a demonic mockery of her own voice

"you don't deserve those wings you bare"

Then, she was gone, dead, killed by the embodiment of her own soul.

The rainbow factory was no more.

Comments ( 32 )

Am I the only one that is laughing and crying at the same time

Why? It's not bad but why?

I have no real reason, the idea popped into my head and it wouldn't stop bugging me until I wrote it

Plus I hadn't gotten any sleep at the time

First of all, well done... even if albeit random...

Second of all, you and the recent glitchtale episode 4: LOVE part 2 have given me... inspiration for something

Thank you, I'm glad I could inspire you, but if its okay, can I know what part of this has inspired you?

Mainly, the SOULS being linked to the Elements, I might have an idea with that in mind, implementing it however... hmm...

Interesting, well I look forward to whatever you have planned :twilightsmile:


And yeah, I may get excited when I finish a chapter and post it right away...Sorry? :twilightsheepish:

Maybe you can do non-cannon mini series in your story, I always love that kind of stuff.

I Like it.

Good story can't wait for the next chapter

Shrug» imagine if rainbow dash was hooked to the rainbow machine as punishment....causing it to go atomic.Destroyed by her own awesome. Her last words when she she's the glowing ,shaking storage unit.."Aw Crud."

This is good, I like the idea, and I really hope this story doesn't die before this story is complete. Also 😆 the rainbow factory one made me laugh.
P.S. I'ma favorite next chapter if that's okay?

That's a good idea ^w^ I hope to see you get better

It really sucks to be Tirek right now.

no, I'm just not in the right mood for writing at the moment, you have to be in the right state of mind to write or it just becomes a chore

I know how it is, I was just looking to know the status

Will there be a flashback chapter that will explain how "Queen Flowey" became Displaced? Cause if not, well, I guess that will only leave your readers clueless to her origins in terms of how she came to Equestria, where she was at prior to coming to Equestria & how she acquired the item/items that sent her there.


This is such a good story already! I love it! Keep up the good work!

Do you plan on continuing this?

HOORAY FOR OMEGA FLOWEY! I must say that this story is one of my new favorites because Flowey is one of my new favorite villains and you made him (or her in this case) into a heroic savior. The concept of a good-natured Omega Flowey as an all-powerful creator and guardian of the Everfree forest is most intriguing! But it doesn't look like this story will be continued. It's too bad really, the first few chapters were so promising.
I would have LOVED to see this heroic Omega Flowey go toe-to-toe (or vine-to-hoof) with Discord during the Return of Harmony fiasco! Like make Discord the one who corrupted the Everfree Forest and have Flowey fight to avenge her creation as well as the ponies. He IS the spirit of chaos after all.

Man I really want an update for this

As an Undertale fan, I am deeply offended by how you characterized Flowey, and got the gender wrong (unless that was intentional which would be even worse). Flowey has a more sinister and diabolical characterization and not a misunderstood and caring one. If you have ever even played Undertale you should know that Flowey has no feelings because he has no soul which is how monsters feel. This is totally inaccurate to the Undertale lore and is why I am deeply offended. I’m sorry but this is one of the worst Undertale crossovers. And if you think this is too harsh just remember, this is the internet.

(You probably never played or finished Undertale)
(Also it’s photoshop Flowey, not omega)

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