• Member Since 7th Jul, 2017
  • offline last seen May 4th

Grey Knight Neltharion

I am a part of the grey knights chapter, and all will bow before my creative skills!...i-if you want to that is


When Twilight Stumbles upon a cave on her way Zecora's, she awakens something ancient, in fact its the reason the Everfree forest exists in the first place, so when she wakes up an enormous monstrosity half the size of Ponyville, she isn't expecting it to whine at her for waking it and saying it didn't want to go to school today.

[displaced, tags may change]

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 57 )

The thing in the picture is Photoshop Flowey, right?

You are most certainly right this is definitely a thing

thank you! :pinkiehappy:, first time doing a mlp story, truth be told

Tell me you jest?


...You aren't kidding... *presses audience applause button*
You sir, have me even more impressed, if this story becomes available with crossovers I would like to do one whenever possible, for you are a great writer. Here is a link to the story I would like to have yours crossover with (AKA my displaced story).


Also, that was one helluva quick response... nice job...

Sure I'd be up for it, though I want to get a few more chapters into the story first and have everything settle down a bit before I start doing crossovers with anyone

Alright, just PM me whenever you are ready, m' kay?

(P.S. cookie to anyone who can guess where that is from)

Thing? I like a thing! I can like this thing!


Suggestion, have the Elements reveal to her of the past and how they wanted to stay with the ponies they bounded with.

Heeey? This is mildly entertaining!

Heeey? This is very entertaining!

... *slow clap*
I'll give credit where credit is due, I'm liking this story so far, keep up the excellent work.

This story is great hope to see more of it

Might I suggest having the elements wish to stay with Twilight and her friends because they bonded with them as they actively represented the elements? And explain why Celestia and Luna took the Elements in the first place. And maybe add a little backstory on how she became Flowey (if she can remember how that is).
other than those suggestions great story

And all that weight came crashing down. Though a bit much, it was good narrative wise. I wish to see more!

I have no real reason, the idea popped into my head and it wouldn't stop bugging me until I wrote it

Plus I hadn't gotten any sleep at the time

Second of all, you and the recent glitchtale episode 4: LOVE part 2 have given me... inspiration for something

Thank you, I'm glad I could inspire you, but if its okay, can I know what part of this has inspired you?

Mainly, the SOULS being linked to the Elements, I might have an idea with that in mind, implementing it however... hmm...

Maybe you can do non-cannon mini series in your story, I always love that kind of stuff.

Shrug» imagine if rainbow dash was hooked to the rainbow machine as punishment....causing it to go atomic.Destroyed by her own awesome. Her last words when she she's the glowing ,shaking storage unit.."Aw Crud."

This is good, I like the idea, and I really hope this story doesn't die before this story is complete. Also 😆 the rainbow factory one made me laugh.
P.S. I'ma favorite next chapter if that's okay?

Do you have an editor yet? your story could be improved a lot grammatically wise. If not, a few tips for paragraphs. 1: There should only ever be one person talking in a paragraph, even if that means a paragraph is only one-two sentences long. 2: A paragraph should have one focus, if you need to change focus you make a new paragraph. 3: Paragraphs lend themselves to be expressive. You don't need to shove thirty words in there to describe one thing, but 2-4 words to describe one thing is good which makes a paragraph less bloated.

For the story itself, it's interesting. Give some thought into how Flowey came to be the mother of the everfree and maybe make a prelude. I was kinda confused when I read this and I felt that Flowey's anger was kinda out of nowhere. It makes it harder to sympathise with her and makes her seem more of a villain. The last thing is the conflict was too quickly resolved. Where paragraphs shouldn't be bloated, adding a few extra is fine. A story should be engaging and should draw someone in. This is why one chapter fics and long chapter fics are popular, one uses a quick narrative or a simple character to tell a powerful story, and the other uses a story to create powerful characters. "Discord's Library" and "Shattered Skies" are two very well done stories, one is completely with canon characters and the other has many original characters. Discord's Library uses Discord masterfully and tells a powerful story about Discord. Shattered Skies uses a story to expand its characters into fully fleshed out... characters. My point is to really delve into what makes Flowey, Flowey in this fic. This really is an interesting fic. And I have high hopes for it ^w^ You just need a little help and I hope you get it

No I don't have an editor, but I try my best, I apologize when I miss things

Also, thank you for the advice, I'll keep it in mind when I get around to the next chapter, I'll probably get into the flowey prelude, backstory thing next chapter, and I'll see if I can turn around how quick the conflict was solved next chapter as well, maybe have some disagreement between the mane six and celestia on what they should do

no, I'm just not in the right mood for writing at the moment, you have to be in the right state of mind to write or it just becomes a chore

Will there be a flashback chapter that will explain how "Queen Flowey" became Displaced? Cause if not, well, I guess that will only leave your readers clueless to her origins in terms of how she came to Equestria, where she was at prior to coming to Equestria & how she acquired the item/items that sent her there.

I like this a lot more than I thought I would. :moustache:

There was a low whirring noise that lasted a few seconds before a blinding white light came from the glass face of the device, causing twilight to slam her eyes shut and stumble back onto her haunches. When she opened her eyes she shrunk back in shock and fear, in front of her was a colossal creature that looked like a mish mash of plant life, metal and flesh. With horror, she realized, the device she had turned on was at the center of it, the glass glowing bright white, a simplistic smiley face appearing on it, before the lines it had for eyes split open, revealing red sclera and bright green iris, before it let out a bone chilling laugh and she screamed, frozen in fear at the monstrosity.

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