• Published 26th Oct 2017
  • 1,053 Views, 8 Comments

Sympathy Series Side Stories - Ckat_Myla

Interesting alternate or deleted scenes from my Sympathy Series

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Trixie wants Discord's Power

Author's Note:

This was a weird one, to say the least. I think I was listening to a podcast that told me to 'just start writing something' and this is what came out.

I think my original thought was, 'How would a different pony who wasn't Twilight approach Discord if they stumbled across him? Why it was Trixie and why the thing about drinking his urine I still don't know. It was random and silly and just gross enough to remember.

Trixie cackled as she levitated the small corked vial into her outstretched hooves. She did not lift her gaze up to the others until the mysterious tiny bottle and its equally mysterious contents were safely being caressed in her gentle hold.

It took several minutes of her cackling and tender bottle-stroking before the ponies assembled actually said anything. Most were frozen with shock at Trixie's sudden appearance, and struck with complete what-the-buckery wondering what this was all about.

“It's funny how dumb you are,” she said once she was finally done cackling for a few minutes.

“Ok, so... I guess that's important?” Rainbow Dash said flatly, the fastest to recover from the various shocks.

“Oh, that it is, that is is. The Great and Powerful Trixie has collected before your very eyes a substance that has never before existed!” The blue unicorn monologued in triumph. “something so powerful that I will surely become the most powerful unicorn who ever lived!”

The liquid substance inside swirled with different colors. Yellow mixed with green mixed with pink. All swirled around in a way not unlike a candy cane.

“It looks delicious,” was Pinkie Pie's obvious response. For it did look delicious, but what Trixie said next would kill any pony's curiosity to give it a sip.

“In the eons of history since this world was created, never has there been any sort of tangible essence exuded from a being of infinite spiritual power. Many the power-seeking pony has sought something from these beings. Their tears, their blood, something from them – of them – etched from their own spiritual code.”

“But, the only spirits to have forms are Harmony and Discord, and they've never bled or cried anywhere near ponies, how did you come across something 'from' them?” Twilight wondered. As outrageous as her claim was, there was that little flash of curiosity at Trixie's words. When did she get it, how it she get it?

“I mean, I assume Harmony cried at one time, but that was millennia ago. There's no way you would ever have something of hers, and Discord has never cried or bled to my knowledge. I don't know if he can.”

“Perhaps, but wasn't there a time fairly recently when the spirit of Chaos was made mortal? When he ate, slept, and lived among us?”

“If you're referring to when he was a pony during the Cloudsdale Crisis, my friends and I were with him the entire time, if any sort of 'essence' was exuded like that, we would have noticed. In any case, since he was a pony any part of him would be pony as well.”

At least, Twilight assumed so. It wasn't as if she had actually analyzed Discord's inner workings while in pony form. Her head shot up with new-found suspicion as she realized something.

“And how do you even know about that, Trixie? No pony except the bearers of the elements knew he was here, and we never saw you.”

Trixie ceased her petting of the bottle momentarily to explain without words how she came to be undetected in Ponyville. Whipping her cape around herself in a swift, spiraling motion the cloak enveloped her, and she disappeared.

The six others gaped in an entirely new round of shocked. When she reappeared again, all Twilight could do was stammer.

“Invisibility cloak, just something I picked up from some pony outside of Trottingham,” she hoof-waved away the special effects before using her magic to dramatically un-cork the vial. “That was nothing to what will happen once I have absorbed the power of this essence of Chaos!”

Once she was able to overcome her new fascination with that bit of impressively skillful magic, Twilight racked her brain once more for something that would explain, so that she might know what they were dealing with. Surely, that couldn't really be the 'essence of Chaos'. Why, the only thing Discord ever exuded in her presence was...

“Oh, Trixie...you didn't,” the purple unicorn said with an edge of disgust in her realization. “I know power can be seductive, but think – just think – about the implications of what you are about to use before you start pouring it on your horn.”

“Pouring?” Trixie asked with a mirthless laugh. “Oh no, the best method would be to drink it.”

Twilight's face twisted in more disgust as her stomach turned. “Come on Trixie, I didn't think you would be that obtuse. Such power... shouldn't have to come from drinking another being's urine. No matter how powerful.”

“Try and stop me.”

Before any of them could react, Trixie downed the mouthful of multi-colored liquid in one gulp. Immediately her eyes flashed all three colors that had made up the fluid. Her horn crackled with electricity, and her body was forcibly shot into the air as an odd glow began to emanate from her very core. The mare screamed in pain... or possibly delight. It was hard to tell at this point because she was also cackling again.

When the light became so intense that the watching ponies needed to shield their eyes, Trixie screamed again and two giant somethings ripped their way free from her shoulder blades. Enormous wings that were almost alive with the same electricity, somehow made of equal parts lightning, acid, and Pepto-Bismol.

“So that's what happens when you drink... that,” Twilight's revulsion was slightly softened by a scientific wonder. “I guess we should have been more careful with his fluids.”

“Wait, she just drank Discord piddle?” Pinkie Pie asked. “THAT was what that stuff was?”

“Grossest evil power-up ever,” Dash said with an equally grossed-out face.

“Hey Trixie, what did it taste like?” Pinkie asked. The others were too busy trying not to gag to say anything.