• Published 26th Oct 2017
  • 1,053 Views, 8 Comments

Sympathy Series Side Stories - Ckat_Myla

Interesting alternate or deleted scenes from my Sympathy Series

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More NaNo Fun

Author's Note:

These are more fun or interesting bits that I wrote during NaNoWriMos 2013-2016. Just some scenes or funny bits I thought you might enjoy. The Spike/Discord scenes were cut for changes to the story, but I just liked them.

It was harder for Spike to really get a sense of Twilight’s possible feelings for Discord than the other way around. When it came to Discord, Spike had suspected there was something extra going on - at least on his end - since he risked getting a magical taser to his entire body multiple times just to see her.

At first he had been very much in the same way of thinking as Rainbow dash. He figured that Discord had only agreed to Twilight’s plan and given up that portion of his power as a selfish thing, something more to do with his own sense of self-preservation than any connection or fondness for the purple unicorn.

Now though, after all the visits, and the whole trying to teleport in to her thing, and then there was what he’d observed and at least tried to talk about with him while he was a pony… Spike was forming a different conclusion.

This was why he’d said what he had said to Discord. Why he felt they were sorta alike in that way. In the way that they both had these feelings towards mares that they knew they couldn’t do anything about. Maybe they were never meant to be, and maybe neither Spike nor Discord would or should ever act on them, but they were in the same predicament. The draw those mares had was undeniable. Well, Rarity’s allure sure was, he had no idea about Twilight’s. Honestly he couldn’t see it - she being like a big sister and all to him - and he frankly didn’t want to get into too much detail thinking about it. But Discord must have some inclination, something similar to what it was that caused Spike’s knees to weaken and his face to morph into that dumb expression he always seemed to get whenever she was around, or even if he thought about her too hard.

Huh, did Discord ever feel like that? Did his knees ever weaken at Twilight’s presence, and did he ever have to smack the stupid grin off his face to keep Twilight from seeing that he had been staring at her? Yeah… this was the type of weirdness Spike probably should not be thinking too hard about. Weird enough that he knew these hypothetical feelings were directed at his live-in best friend, even weirder to think that he--- that a being like him could ever develop those same feelings.

But Spike knew that Discord wasn’t all that bad, and that essentially he wasn’t even all that different from every pony he’d met. Sure yeah, he had powers way way above those of the ponies of this world, and Discord was not shy about boasting that fact or showing it off (even if he reigned it in more now), but the more time Spike had spent with him the more he’d begun to consider Discord less of the manipulative monster he’d first appeared to be.

He was the same spirit being who had harmed Twilight’s friendships, but he had also been willing to stick by Twilight with that whole power thing. He’d been arrogant, whiny, and fairly unhelpful as a pony during most of his time in Ponyville, but he had tried in the end to fix things… even if it meant his death (whether or not he would have really died, Spike wasn’t sure he would have.)

Spike found himself absent mindedly resting a clawed hand on his hip just above where the symbol of the starry scroll was. Discord was also the one who’d given him this, his very own cutie mark. Something completely unique to him as a dragoon, but something that every pony was allowed to enjoy receiving, and an experience that Spike had always envied.

He’d been on a better path, more of a selfless streak than Spike figured he’d ever had in his long, long life. He didn’t doubt that Discord was still pretty much out for himself, but that what constituted as ‘for himself’ had at least grown to helping those he deemed a friend. Amazingly he had helped every pony with Cloudsdale, saying it was out of some newfound respect for them. Spike accepted it, because it was probably… mostly true. Twelve percent maybe. An argument could be made for fifteen.

He was trying now, and Spike could respect that, and him for it. Maybe Twilight could do better - scratch that, Twilight could do way better - but… Spike guessed she could also do a lot worse.

“You know,” he spoke up after a very long silence. Discord had already finished forming tiny sculptured of each of the six bearers of the elements, himself, Spike, and a Princess Celestia with a misshapen nose and wonky eyes out of peanut butter

“If you wanted some help with her, I could - I dunno - put in a good word for you.”

Discord paused from his lumpy blob of peanut butter that was slowly taking the shape of Princess Luna to raise his eyebrow at the dragon. He clicked his tongue derisively and shook his head.

“Yeah, so we can play the whole ‘close friend tries to help the unfortunate but devilishly handsome male get the girl?’ scenario? No, we are not doing that.” He raised his paw to halt the crazy idea. “Let’s not resort to tired clichés worn out by all of your dog earred pony romance novels.”

Spike raised an eyebrow of his own. “How do you know about romance novel clichés?” he asked.

At this Discord frowned and looked away, muttering quickly under his breath, “you spend a few millenia with only one other being for company. One who doesn’t let you have any fun, you get bored. You find some other way to spend your time.”

“It was more interesting than some of the books Twilight had lying around my castle.”

“So.. why aren't you telling Twilight you're back in the Everfree Forest again?” Spike asked as he toasted five marshmallows at once on his stick before the floating ball of flames in Discord's main hall. The draconequus had skewered twenty on his horns and was giving them the toasting treatment while hovering over them himself. He didn't look like the flames were harming him, and Spike didn't know why he'd expected them to.

He also didn't know why he expected Discord to actually give a real answer to his question. He'd asked him that when Discord had shown up while Twilight was visiting Pinkie Pie a few weeks ago. If Spike hadn't caught him, he doubted Discord would have said anything. He'd obviously been attempting to check in with her, but out of all the places the spirit of chaos could have just popped back to after being caught, he'd chosen the place closest to town.

Spike had been pretty sure Discord wouldn't go far, and his instincts paid off. He had been bribing the dragon with treats (such as the marshmallows) in exchange for his silence about Discord returning to the area.

Every time Spike had tried asking him why, Discord had either changed the subject, or given some kind of non-commital vague response.

“Oh you know, was just in the neighborhood, don't want to be a bother,” he answered, turning his head around and around to properly brown his 'mallows.

Spike sighed. Vague and clearly untrue answer time it was, then. “Yeah, you really hate to be a bother, don't cha?”

If the draconequus picked up in his sarcasm (most likely) he was ignoring it. Spike continued though, since this whole avoiding the question thing was getting kinda old.

“I mean, I guess I can sorta understand after the first few days but... it is going on over a week now. Don't you think she'd want to know?” Spike thought back to his friend's near laser-focused attempts to translate that book for him – something he didn't even know about yet – combined with her sudden interest in leaf collecting, it wasn't a big stretch to assume that Twilight did miss him. It was kinda weird to think about still, but not out of the question.

“it is not like she doesn't want to see you. Are you avoiding her?”

Discord gave no response to that, but it was his lack of response this time that made Spike raise an eyebrow. Huh, he must be getting better as speaking 'Discord' than he thought.

“Seriously? You are? Why, just a few months ago you were doing all you could to keep her around as much as possible. What changed?”

There wasn't much Spike could read from the glance Discord threw him, he was clearly not going to explain completely. “it is not something you should be concerned with, Pony Boy. You probably couldn't even comprehend it.”

“Hey, don't talk down to me, you know I understand stuff. Try me,” he tried to sound more encouraging and less defensive, but Spike wasn't a fan of being told – even so back handedly – that he wasn't smart or mature or whatever to understand something. “I understand plenty, thank you very much”

“Oh it is not that – well, not entirely – only this sort of thing might be something a little dragon could not possibly hope to keep to himself. And some pony might not want him accidentally sharing this information with a certain unicorn. At least... not till I have a chance to figure out how to bring it up to her.”

“Not only did they make me a lead pony, but since I am a second tier recruit now, I get to be a junior captain of my own fleet of newbies,” she smiled so broadly Twilight figured it must hurt her face to do so, but then Rainbow seemed to realize how extremely excited and therefor -not as cool – she was being and set her face back to normal, taking on a casual expression and waving her hoof to show her cool indifference. “But ya know, it is no big deal. They just have to listen to whatever I say. And I don't mean to brag or anything, but my recruits are doing the best out of their class.”

“That is amazing Rainbow. Congratulations,” Twilight said, she retained her smile even if it wasn't as 'cool' as acting like it didn't matter. She knew better than to think Rainbow Dash wasn't completely ecstatic about this, even if she had not given herself away.

“Thanks,” Rainbow said. “I'll be back there in another week to see how they did, and then I get an evaluation on how I trained them. Preeetty sure I'll be passing that with flying colors to. Oh yeah, did I mention I named my group the Flying Colors? So, what's new with you? Or have you been pretty much here all this time,” Dash made a cursory and slightly ribbing glance about the room, obviously assuming that the unicorn had indeed spent her time in the library with her books. Well... that was partially true...

Twilight honestly still wasn't certain how to approach the question. She had planned on getting every pony's attention at once to tell them all at the same time, so they could all know and react together. Now however, Twilight was finding that choosing the right way in which to tell them was not entirely coming to her.

She could hardly say, Oh yeah Rainbow. Actually, the world's sort of been going haywire due to Discord's chaotic influence being too darn high – even though he isn't meaning to do it – and Cadance (who is pregnant by the way) and I had apparently been chosen years ago by Princess Celestia as candidates for taking over the balance between herself and her sister with Discord. Then I came up with the idea of taking on Discord's side of it and become the new chaos being, so now I am subjecting myself to excruciatingly painful sessions of scary chaos magic so I can learn to control it and – eventually – absorb the whole lot of it. And I am doing all this because I sorta kinda have feelings for the spirit of all chaos. But your thing sounds really big too.

(Aaand Twilight is gonna sing now because I want to go to bed.) Twilight did know that singing a song (even if it was a nice song done as a sad piano cover) was probably not the best way to explain her actions. Especially not a Britney Spears song. At least it wasn't Lady Gaga.

[Then I painstakingly typed out the lyrics to Criminal]

[random fun line for Cady to Discord:

“Well, it’s nice to meet you… officially,” she said. “I sort of met you before, you know, while you were---”

“Stoned?” he replied, filling in the end of her sentence as she had paused before it could be completed.