• Published 26th Oct 2017
  • 1,053 Views, 8 Comments

Sympathy Series Side Stories - Ckat_Myla

Interesting alternate or deleted scenes from my Sympathy Series

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Letters to Twilight

Author's Note:

You'll definitely recognize these if you follow my Tumblr blog. These were written during NaNoWriMo I wanna say either 2013 or 14. They were a series of letters from one character to another (usually to Twilight) that describe some of the chaotic goings-on that Twilight would not have witnessed. I also wanted to give some idea of what each of the main six were up to while the story was going on without them.

Ultimately however, it seemed that the story could have gone on without these, because they just reiterated what I could have just shown or what could have been told by just a few lines of dialogue.

These are semi-canon to the series.

Letters to Twilight


Applejack and Big Macintosh had only just managed to load the spare tills (or other some such farming equipment) onto the cart to take down to the train station when their cousin Braeburn brought them yet another dozen apple pies for them to take home with them. It wasn’t like they didn’t have plenty of apples and apple pie fixins back at Sweet Apple Acres, but Braeburn was insisting, and in their family it just wasn’t right to turn down a gift… even a gift that wasn’t quite helpful.

The townsfolk or Appleoosa recalled how AJ and her friends were able to help with the whole incident with the buffalo - although Applejack didn’t think they’d been that much of the difference - so when they heard she and her brother were coming to town to visit with Brae and Bloomburg they apparently couldn’t hold off on the hospitality.

Even the buffalo had gotten in on it, Rainbow’s friend Little Strongheart had been there to greet them at the station along with AJ’s relatives. Apparently she’d become a regular staple about town… and about Braeburn’s place too. AJ didn’t wanna say anything about it to her cousin, not unless he brought it up. Which he didn’t, in typical Apple stallion fashion.

It was going to be a long trip, and Applejack decided she might as well work on the letter she told Twilight she would write if she saw anything strange while she was away. The earth pony didn’t know why Twilight would think there would be something strange going on, and when she asked the unicorn had only said ‘You know…just in case,’ in that way that obviously meant that there really was a chance of it.

And if there was something that was gonna happen, Applejack had three guesses as to the cause, but of course she’d only need one. Now she didn’t wanna jump to conclusions about Discord after he’d actually helped out the towns and Spike and all, but it was still pretty hard for her to not automatically think of the draconequus when ‘strange things happening’ were mentioned. She knew Equestria was full of magic and odd things, but it didn’t take a unicorn math-magician like Twilight to put certain pieces together.

AJ had heard tell of some things happening since the Cloudsdale incident - crazy weather and off looking plants and the like - and it didn’t matter if the stuff disappeared after, Twilight had to know something that wasn’t all that well known to every pony yet. She was trying to cover for Discord, and the earth pony understood why, even if she wasn’t that big a fan of it, or him.

Big Mac had surprised her when he’d actually said some nice things about his time spent with him. It wasn’t much, just that when they had worked together on the farm that Discord had done a good job, and he might not be so bad. Simple words, but she knew that - coming from her brother of few words - it was fairly high praise. Especially if those words were talking about some pony like Discord.

Appleoosa was on the opposite side of the Mohoove Desert than the town they’d flown over in the balloon to seek him out, but if Applejack was high enough, she could see out in that direction. About halfway to the nearest town in the desert’s heart she knew Discord had carved himself out a little space. She hadn’t been back since that one time, but she knew it when he was there. Every so often she would look out at the horizon line, and a pinprick in the distance would flash, or pop, or sparkle. A pop or even a small wizzing or explosion would sound from that area and AJ knew it had to have something to do with the spirit of chaos.

At least he was keeping to his word, she hadn’t seen anything come closer to Appleoosa than that… least not untill now.

Dear Twi,

Big Mac and I are on our way back from Appleoosa, and I reckon by now y’all are on your way to the Crystal Empire to see your brother and Cadance. Be sure to send ‘em congratulations from the Apple family on their new upcoming family.

I’m writing because you said to if I noticed anything amiss while I was gone. As you know we’re within sight of Discord’s desert section here, and every now and again he’s doing something over yonder that we can’t help but notice. Don’t worry though, I haven’t seen anything comin’ from that area towards us. That’s not why I’m writing.

Well, Applejack wasn’t sure whether or not it was the reason for what she saw, but she wasn’t about to write that to Twilight. She didn’t want to sound like she was accusing him. She reckoned she couldn’t know for sure yet, and she assumed Twi was still keeping an eye on him anyway.

I’m writing because the buffalo have been paying the town a visit while we were here too, and they noticed some things not too far from their grazing lands. Ya think there might have been a chance that Discord maybe… forgot some of his cactus balloons? I ain’t accusing him or nothing, but they found a few already exploded ones out west, not exactly within his borders. That’s not all though, Braeburn has a few new apple trees growing in his orchard along the route the buffalo take though it. But they’re zap apples. I didn’t know they grew anywhere outside of the Everfree Forest, and I don’t recall sending Brae any seeds or cuttings or saplings, Twi. Big Mac can’t account for them either, Braeburn hadn’t never seen them before either, ‘cept at our farm. That was one of the reasons he wanted us to come by when we mentioned we needed some parts. Again, I know Discord isn’t allowed to come outside of his places to the rest of Equestria but… I just can’t think of any other way zap apple trees made it into the desert to Brae’s farm.

Hope things are going alright for you, Sugarcube. I’ll see y’all when we get back to town.



Dearest Twilight Sparkle,

I do hope you appreciate what I have gone through for you, Darling. I felt so completely out of place at that observatory, you have no idea. I could not understand a thing our tour guide was talking about, going on about different observations in the constellations and the shifting in gravitational some such nonsense. I am certain you would have had a much more enjoyable time. It was surprisingly busy for being such a small space, and you would think that the tourists visiting Canterlot would enjoy seeing the castle or some of the more historic places during their visits than looking at all of this blocky magical equipment. It all seemed a bit on the drab side too, but I know it must have been built more for function than form.

Anyway, I do believe you were right about something, those falling stars that you said you saw a few nights ago? The ponies here in Canterlot saw them as well, and they have confirmed that Princess Luna did not create them. So far they haven’t been recovered, and there haven’t been any others of the kind since, so they might have been a fluke. This was told to me by a very knowledgeable unicorn stallion who works at the observatory – Silver Streak, I think his name was. He was a lot nicer than our tour guide, for he did take a little time to try and explain some of the terms to me and what some of the equipment did. He was the one who gave me the information that conformed your theory. He was quite nice, and had very lovely green eyes. He did ask me about my dinner plans, but I wanted to be free to send this to you tonight (perhaps tomorrow night ;)

In any case, dear Silver told me about seeing the shooting stars that night, and how every pony who saw them were running around in a tizzy, thinking they were going to crash into the city. The other pony scientists could have told them there was no danger since Canterlot is protected by magical barriers as well as the princesses, but you know how mobs of scared ponies can react, even in the face of obvious common horse sense.

I did have to miss a few very key meetings for this little trip you put me on, but I hope to make up for that by attending some shows tomorrow, a few of the top designers that were to attend the meetings yesterday will be at the shows, so I do indeed hope I can catch them there. I have been hearing some interesting buzz about incorporating more paisley, and I will most defiantly have to voice my opinion resolutely in the negative about that. I don’t know what pony in their right mind would actually enjoy wearing paisley. Well, perhaps our neighbor in Ponyville named Paisley… but she probably has more taste than that as well. Who is the pony that invented paisley in the first place? I don’t know what sort of fevered dream they had to make it up, but I would never even think that it would make a fashion trend.

…But I was writing to you about the falling stars, wasn’t I? Silly me. Yes, Silver Streak told me that they did indeed appear different from any normally seen shooting stars – or meteorites as he referred to them, he was quite intelligent, did I mention? - meaning they were not like the ones seen when Luna or even Celestia brings (or brought) them around. So it really was just like you thought, wasn’t it? I do wish I had more information for you, but they have been searching for the debris as you have and sadly come up just as empty hooved.

There was one piece of interesting information that I thought you would want to know about. Have you noticed something strange about the (and I do hope I am spelling this right because Silver only told me its name by mouth) ‘Slape neer’ constellation? He showed it to me – and an illustration of how it is supposed to look – but it appears to be missing some stars. There are at least four of them, and that leaves the supposed eight legged horse the constellation is supposed to make without one of its legs. Perhaps I just don’t have the right amount of imagination for star gazing Darling, but I did not see any shape to the image these stars he showed me are supposed to make, but I did notice the ones that were missing. (And honestly, who comes up with these things? I mean, an eight legged pony? Sounds like something Discord might find funny).

He seems to think that the two things (the missing stars and the surprise meteor shower) are connected somehow, but he appears to be the only one here that does. I said to him that my friend Twilight Sparkle might think that was worth a look, and he got quite excited about that (and upon hearing your name, you are quite the celebrity here darling. Perhaps I should set you two up… well, if I don’t decide to take him for myself ;) and asked me to ask you to share any of your findings. I haven’t been able to ask either of the princesses about it – they are both so busy and I wasn’t about to bother them if it turned out to be something minor – but I am perfectly sure that if it has to do with the night sky then at least Princess Luna knows about it. You needn’t worry about that as I know you might, is what I am getting at.

So if you do take a break from all of your translating, go ahead and take a look at that constellation and see if you can spot those missing stars from home as well. Tell Spike I shall be bringing him home at least a dozen of those donuts that he loves so much from Donut Joe, and I should most likely be back within the week.



Rainbow Dash

Hey Twilight,

How are things back in Ponyville? Cloudsdale’s not trying to tackle it again, is it? Hee hee, just kidding, but I seriously hope it is not.

I am having a blast here at the Wonderbolt Academy. Since I have been here before, I am at a higher level than I was last time, so that means I get to train longer and harder than the rest, but it also means that if I play my cards right I might get to sit in on ACTUAL WONDERBOLTS PRACTICES! Yeah, it is just that cool.

I might also be getting my own batch of first timers to help train as a junior trainer, so that will be fun. I know you might tell me to take it easy on them (Fluttershy definitely would ) but there is no way I am doing that. If these little ponies wanna fly with the ‘Bolts – and they have me as their coach – then they are gonna have to show some serious hustle. NO MERCY, rest is for the weak, go for the gold and avoid silver like you’re a were-pony! (Were-ponies are hurt by silver, right?)

Oh, and guess what I heard? Lightning Dust – remember her? The pegasus who I was paired up with that was kind of a jerky version of me and got kicked out? - she’s applied to train with the ‘Bolts again, but I also hear tell that she’s thinking of trying out for the Shooting Stars. I mean, I guess they’re ok and all, but you know they are totally no Wonderbolts. If she can’t get in there, I hope she tries out for here again. She had some awesome moves and great potential, it was just… her attitude that held her back, ya know?

But yeah, I wanted to write to you and ask about some stuff me and some of the other guys saw while we were doing a cloud busting exercise. The Wonderbolt Academy is kind of close to the bad lands, but not exactly over it. I don’t think Discord could do anything to it since it is not close enough to his air space, but we can see that gigantic enormous (and I don’t care what Pinkie Pie says, 'ginormous’ is not a word) colorful ball pit he’s got there. We saw some birds flying over there and they came out way. I may have been seeing things, but it looked to me like a few of them were like… glowing. Then they started blinking – all the glowing ones – like those enchanted lights ponies put up for Heartswarming Eve.

I dunno, maybe those birds were just unlucky enough to be around Discord when he got bored, but it was just weird that they didn’t get reversed after he was done with them.

I have also kind of noticed some weird weather patterns lately, and I was wondering if you had too. Or maybe you send word up to Cloudsdale and ask around for me. Have any ponies noticed some weirdly glowing clouds? Like, sort of the same thing as the birds, only these clouds – I swear – were dropping stuff from them. Not cotton candy ones with chocolate rain though, but definitely not the normal precipitation like rain or snow. If Discord is messing with weather patterns, could you tell him to knock it off? I am sure he’d listen to you, and I he doesn’t quit it he’ll just have Princess Celestia and Princess Luna after him about it. I wouldn’t think he’d want to mess with them after what they did to him the last time (and what we had to put up with, am I right? ;)

But yeah – not blaming him – but you gotta admit those are some pretty suspicious things going down. Let’s hope that nothing bigger or badder like the Tartarus thing happens again. If it is this weird and annoying but manageable stuff I guess we could cope (although come on, if it is him he’s breaking the rules and you can’t deny that) I just hope this doesn’t get worse.

Weather’s not something he should toy around it, and I’ll give him a piece of my mind the next time I see him. If it isn’t his fault I don’t care, he should still know. Who knows, maybe he can fix it (and he should). Sorry, I know… he’s not so bad and he’s trying and all that… and I am trying too for you Twi. I really am. Hope you can give me credit for trying to be more accepting of him too.

If it’s not to much trouble, do you think you could look in on Tank for me? He’s over at Fluttershy’s but I’ll bet she’s gone out with those baby birds she was fussing over last time I saw her. He should be ok on his own, but I… ya know… miss him, and I kinda get a little bit worried about him when I am gone for so long. Maybe if you could take him home with you, you and Spike could watch him for the rest of the time until I get back? I’d really appreciate it.

Oh and hey, did you see that meteor shower the other night? Yeah, that was crazy because we had no idea that was gonna happen. Usually Princess Luna gives the weather team a heads up when she’s gonna do one of those. So we can fit it into the weather schedule (winds and whatnot) and so we can tell ever pony to watch it when it happens. I dunno, maybe she told you about it, or maybe she just forgot. Maybe she just felt like doing some shooting stars at the spur of the moment, I know I probably couldn’t resist showing off like that if I commanded the night like she does.

Anyhoo, if I am assigned some newbies, I’ll let ya know. Hope every pony back home is doing alright. Tell Pinkie Pie if she hasn’t already gotten her letter, I sent one just for her so she wouldn’t flip out waiting for a reply like last time. Also, make sure she got that, we definitely don’t want what happened last time to happen again.

See you in a week

-Rainbow Dash


“Now Donald, you look after Tom. Don’t let him out of your sight, and Tom don’t start a fight with your brother, Donald is only looking out for you. Philly, you’re the oldest so I’d like you to keep these two in check. Alright, is every pony together? Don’t forget your snacks. it is a very long trip across the ocean, so be sure to eat and find good solid pieces of land to rest on,” Fluttershy fussed over the three young starlings like a big equine mommy bird. The three hatchlings had lost their mother, and Fluttershy had been caring for them at her cottage until they were big and strong enough to leave for their very first flight south for the winter.

She had gone with them – and all of the other local birds leaving Ponyville (and her home) to fly south just to be sure they would make it. This was the limit though, she was exhausted enough traveling halfway across Equestria with them. At some point, Fluttershy knew she had to let them go off on their own for real. It didn’t do anything to make her feel better about the situation, but the three little birds seemed eager, and she made sure they were full of delicious bird seed and the last of the crumbs she had brought with her that was at one time a full loaf of bread.

The other birds would look after them, she knew. She patted them and stroked their feathers each one last time before they chirped their final, musical farewells. She watched the lovely, colorful flock fly off towards the horizon, only stopping her waving when they were tiny pinpricks in the distance.

Wiping a small tear from her eye, Fluttershy sniffed and tried to compose herself. They would come back in the spring, and she could volunteer to be the one to go and get them if she wanted, even.

The pegasus had never been to Baltimare before, and so it was a bit of a small journey (and mild anxiety attack) locating the train station. She was a bit low on bits, so her ticket was only for getting her to the next town over, but by then she assumed she would be rested enough to get herself flying again. She may have to stop over in the swamp lands again, but she knew that even if Discord was there, he wouldn’t (most likely anyway) do anything to her. He might even let her rest in the house he had made there. If he had made one, because she didn’t remember seeing one there. Maybe he didn’t visit that place very often. At least not often enough to decide to have a home there.

The only house Fluttershy remembered seeing of his was the one he had made from the ruins in the Everfree Forest. She had heard of one in the desert, but as far as she knew those were the only ones. She wondered if she would be brave enough to ask Discord why some time, or at least why the badlands were still completely filled with colorful balls.

Dear Twilight,

Umm, I know you are probably already aware of this – or you might be – but just in case I wanted to send this to you before I got back. That is, in case you haven’t already noticed or heard. I might be a little slower coming home, it is a little bit too expensive to take the train than to fly, but you know how I get tired easily, so I might only fly a part of the way back home.

Anyway, I told you last week about how I’d been nursing those baby starlings back to health, well they were well enough for their first flight south for the winter. Without their mother I wasn’t sure how well they’d make the trip, and even with the other birds leaving my cottage looking after them like I asked them too, it still worried me to think of them having to fly so far without their mommy. So I decided to at least see them to about halfway. Of course, Halfway to the southern portion of Equestria is that big patch of swamp land that Discord is assigned to, and I know we can trust him more, but I still went ahead and at least saw them as far as Horseshoe Bay in Baltimare. I didn’t see Discord at all while we rested at the halfway point, but his rearranging was a bit… peculiar to say the least.

I am regretting going so far with them now since I am so very tired, but I still feel it was worth it to get those starlings on their way across the sea towards Cheval. They’ll be happy on the nice warm beaches with the other birds.

I did have something else to mention apart from the birds though, well apart from my traveling and worrying about them I mean.

I noticed that some of the birds that came along with mine from my house seemed a little bit off. I think they must be the ones from the Everfree Forest, because they were certainly acting strangely. A few of them had very odd colorations of their feathers, and some of them had what looked like feathers made of paper, rock, and scissors. Some of them glowed in the dark, and one hiccuped bubbles whenever it flapped for too long. I suppose this wouldn’t bother me, but a few of the birds had some very sharp teeth and they were chasing my starlings around and being generally just very unpleasant.

I suppose it isn’t something to get worried about, is it? I suppose Discord just wanted something to do, and so he was messing with the birds in the forest. I just wish he’d thought to turn them back before letting them leave the forest to fly south. I guess he doesn’t think about things like that. If you could talk to him about it, I’d be very appreciative. Or, maybe I could… but if you came with me I think I would feel better. Some of the strange assortment of Everfree birds didn’t follow along with the rest of the flock, they stayed behind at a few of the resting places. Thankfully some we left off in the swamp lands, but some stayed in Rivertail and the like. Again, I don’t think it should really be a problem, I just hope those changes made to them don’t harm or affect the birds in any way.

I am sorry if this wasn’t helpful, or if this bothered you. I just thought you might like to know. I should be home soon and then maybe we can talk abut it some more. I hope your research is going well.

Your Friend,


Pinkie Pie

To: Twilight Sparkle

From: Pinkie Pie

Dear Twilight,

Did you get your letter yet from Rainbow Dash? I just got mine in the mail today. It sounds like she is having a lot of fun over at the Wonderbolt Academy. She told me all about how she might get to go to practices, and about how she might get to coach some new recruits, and how she plans on putting them through the ringer and showing them no mercy, and about what she heard about that Lightning Dust mare she was friends with… but if you already got your letter from her you probably know all that stuff already, huh? If not, sorry for the spoilers, try to act surprised.

I know I could just tell you all this stuff the next time I see you, but I left this with Spike just in case I get busy, or you get busy, or we both get busy and I forget to come by and you forget to answer your door. I remember one time you were doing research and Spike told me you were probably drowning in rune translations at the time and to come back later. Glad to know you made it out though.

I was thinking that when Rainbow Dash gets back from the academy we should throw her a party at the library. Well, first I was thinking Sugarcube Corner, but the twins are having a little bit of a sleeping problem at the moment – meaning they aren’t – and so they are sort of up all night and then grouchy in the day time. I think it is because they’re teething, but I can’t be sure. I give them soft cool wet things to chew on to try and make them feel better though. But anyway I figured the party would be more fun without crying foals and/or having to be extra quiet when and if the crying foals actually fell asleep. Mrs. Cake would totally blow a fuse if we woke them from sleep a this point. I don’t know about the decoration situation. If it is gonna be a welcome back party for every pony that left (Rainbow, Rarity, and now I think Fluttershy went somewhere too) then maybe the standard ‘Pinkie Pie Party Plan’ (patent pending) should do the trick. What do you think? (I might just ask the next time I see you)

If it is ok with you to have party at your place, then we can try and schedule it when both she and Rarity come home from their trips. Also before AJ goes off on hers. Boy, it seems like every pony is taking a trip this fall, but I guess as long as it is not a literal fall it’s alright.

When I got my letter from Rainbow Dash, I also got a letter from my pen pal Marble out near Rivertail (before you get to Vanhoover). He’s a relative of the Cakes’, a nephew or a cousin or something, but he’s really nice and has the neatest recipes for breakfast pastries. Anyways, he wrote in his letter that their town’s well (that is supposed to be magical or something, like it grants wishes. Isn’t that neat? I wish I could go to a wishing well, but what if that used up my wish and then I didn’t get another?) kind of just exploded with salamanders the other day. Now I am pretty sure I know what a salamander is, and I know they shouldn’t be living in a well, or at least not that well from how he worded it. Everything was fixed in a jiffy, but it did stir things up in his town because of all the little slippery lizard looking things squirming around.

Marble said they got into his mother’s garden and were just swimming around the flowers… like swimming on top of them. Can salamanders fly? I don’t think they can, but you’re the one who knows about magical creatures. They live in water but some of them (the magical ones) come from fire, right? Maybe I should actually check out a book from the library when I visit you every now and then.

Has Discord ever been that far north before? I mean, I am not saying I think he had anything to do with that, because I know that isn’t close by one of his designated spots to live, and he did make that promise to leave every pony alone and not mess with them… but doesn’t that sound like something weird that he might know about? I sure hope it wasn’t anything to do with him, because I wouldn’t want every pony to be upset with him about something like that. He’s really not that bad, especially now that he’s tried to help us and he’s so close with you and everything.

If I knew where he was I’d ask him myself, but if you see him or know where he is, maybe tell him about what Marble saw. Have you heard from him lately, by the way? (Discord, not Marble). I haven’t seen you heading into the Everfree Forest lately, and I know that is where you go to meet him. Have you been teleporting there? If you ever need some pony to go with, you can always come find me. Just be sure to be quiet if you come around Sugarcube Corner and you don’t hear babies screaming.

Boy, it sure is taking me a long time to write this, Spike’s still here next to me waiting for me to finish so he can take this letter from me. In hindsight I think I should have written this back at home and then come over and given it to him. But I didn’t know if you’d be home yet, or if I should wait around to tell you all this face to face. Spike said you’d be back in a little while, but you know me, I don’t really like to sit for too long, I get sorta distracted.

Anyway, talk to ya soon!

Your Friend,

Pinkie Pie

P.S. Oh wait, you know what? that is you coming inside right now! I guess I can just stop writing this and just tell you. So never mind, ignore this letter. But have a great day anyway, Twilight.


Dear Twilight Sparkle,

I do hope that you will be able to come back up to the Crystal Empire for another visit. It won’t be too terribly long I fear before her have four new tiny hooves galloping across the palace floor. Shiny is hoping for a boy, but I still have my little fantasies about a girl. I do suppose that it doesn’t matter, as long at it comes out healthy (and a pegasus, hee hee. I kid… mostly ;)

I know that we did make the agreement to take on the powers of Chaos and Order respectively once their current wielders have fully bestowed them upon us – and once we have learned to wield them responsibly – but I have been having a few doubts.

There so far haven’t been any ill affects to my foal so far with the Order training, but there hasn’t been all that much strain with it either. Perhaps it is due to the fact that Celestia and Luna are made of this world, so that makes things easier to bestow their powers onto a fellow being of this world. I just wonder if maybe… that is why you have been struggling and appearing to have such a hard time with accepting Discord’s power? I only have what Auntie Celestia tells me, but it doesn’t sound like you are having as easy a time. I don’t want you to strain yourself, if it harms you or exhausts you, you need to rest. And this advice is coming from a pregnant mare! Every pony is always telling me to take it easy.

There is also the matter of Discord. Twilight, I honestly found it very hard to believe that you could have such a connection – such feelings – for a being such as he. I hope you don’t think less of me, or blame me when I say this. Honestly though, would you have thought it possible if some pony you’d known her whole life suddenly had an interest in a romantic sense, and that pony they felt so strongly for was some pony so… dangerous?

I do realize that he has shown a capacity to learn, and I have even gained a very good picture of his own internal emotional connections, so I know that he does indeed feel love, and I hope you know that he does indeed feel love towards you.

Twilight, Discord would not want me to tell you this and I doubt he would ever bring it up, but this hoofing over of his magic – watching you try to absorb and control his power – I think it is hard on him. I don’t believe he likes seeing you like this, and worrying about you – having such a concern for another pony – he is still learning about that. He may not know the best way to handle it, so I hope you’ll bear that in mind if he does anything… drastic.

I would like you to know that it is okay to let yourself be open to love. Love is hope, it fuels out dreams. And if you’re in it, you need to enjoy it. No matter how it comes, you are lucky to have found it. Just… tread carefully. This bond between the two of you is something… both fragile and explosive. I don’t know how it might fair in the long run, but if you both make the effort to try, you might find out.

…and I am a tad curious to see for myself. No matter what, I don’t want you to forget what you have learned in this discovery of a new part of yourself, your capacity to feel this type of love.

I can not see the future – no pony can, not even Auntie Luna – so tread lightly into these new phases of life. I want to be sure my foal has her own Auntie to dote on him or her and give him or her books for every birthday.

I hope to see you soon, and tell Discord he is welcome to stop by my home if he wishes. Not entirely sure how Shining Armor might take it, but if he promises to be on his best behavior, I don’t think we should ave any trouble (make sure Discord behaves too ;)

With Love,

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (Cadance)

Shining Armor

Field Log Report of Crystal Empire; surrounding Northern territories

From: Captain Shining Armor, ERG

To: Commander Furie, Senior Director/consultant, ERG

Report: The blizzards that have been hitting the Northernmost parts of Equestria have had little to no affect on the Crystal Empire. The weather regulating protective magical border surrounding the city continues to hold strong. The ponies inside having almost zero knowledge that there have even been any particularly bad weather outside.

This report notes the concerns risen by the incident that occurred at or aound eight hundred hours on the morning of the eighteenth of November (most likely being the day prior to your receiving this report). Three guard members were doing a perimeter scan along the inside wall of the protective barrier when they noticed a grouping of what they identified as ‘creatures of non pony shape’ off in the distance of the snow storm.

I (Capt. Armor) was called to the scene to observe the findings. I saw what they had told me, and let this report reflect that while not all of them were pony shaped, most of them had been. It could have been that the speed of the blizzard had warped their outward appearances somewhat, but let the record show that the large herd of things seen early that morning can only be described as ‘moving deformed snow ponies’.

From what I could see of them from my vantage point, there were at least thirty or so, all near the size of an adult mare, some larger only due to the fact that t appeared two snow ponies had blown into each other, melding to make a bigger and more distorted creature.

When I suggested we go outside to get a closer look, my fellow officers were reluctant to say the least. I had to resort to playing 'eeny meeny miney moe’ to choose from them some pony to accompany me. But by the time I had gotten down to one, the others told me to turn around.

Upon turning, we all witnessed that the snow ponies were no longer converging on the magical protection surrounding the Empire, they were now grouping around close to where we stood, and proceeded to do a very well-choreographed dance number complete with tap dancing, clogging, and some freestyle street type dancing. It was quite the spectacle to behold, if this report needs complete honesty. They appeared to also be singing, but with the sound proofing on the bubble, none of us could hear them. It is quite possible they were unintelligible anyway, since they were made of snow.

After the snow ponies were finished with their dancing, they all sort of just… blew away back into snow. Their forms dissolved back into the winds that were still buffeting around outside. As of twenty four hundred today (the nineteenth of November) they have not returned. If it pleases the Commander to obtain reports from the other officers present at that time, I would not be offended. I would actually encourage it, because I’d like to make sure they actually saw the same thing I did, and I didn’t just dream that.