• Published 27th Dec 2017
  • 2,911 Views, 70 Comments

Project horizon - BRITICAL-HIT

after their planet was frozen, 12 yound men and women are cryogenically frozen and sent off-world, in hopes than a newly-discovered planet would allow them refuge. A world... of sentient horses.

  • ...

chapter 2*, Awakening

R15; Eclipse, security log no. 156.
date: april 12, 3252.
Journey length: 99.997% complete.

R15 begins its approach of 'terra', and is estimated to land on the planet within 3 weeks due to the planet’s gravitational pull. Estimated arrival time; 3 weeks. Adjusting AI awakening time and security log period to meet this new time period.


R15 Eclipse, security log no. 157.
date: April 19, 3252.
Journey length: 99.998% complete.

R15 continues its approach of terra with no overall changes in regard to gravitational pull of the planet or any misc cosmic events. Resume regular cosmic scanning until further notice.


R15 Eclipse, security log no. 158
Date: April 26, 3252
Journey length: 99.999% complete

Upon entering the Terran atmosphere, the R15 spacecraft was hit with a mysterious energy field not originally picked up on initial scans. This caused extreme malfunctions in pods 3, 5, and 9. In the case of pod 9, a small explosion occurred, disabling its already damaged life support systems. The fragmentation protocol had to be activated to preserve the remaining candidates and their individual ship segments. The 9 remaining pods all arrived to Terra successfully.
Mission successful. Eclipse central spire now entering hibernation mode.


(Marc POV)
Well, that was a let-down. An extremely long space journey to a whole other star system, and I was sleeping through the whole thing! I can understand why they'd keep us asleep, but it would've been wonderful if they at least let us experience zero G, seeing as we'd likely never get the opportunity to do it, like, ever again.

Anyway, I eventually awakened from my pod with a bit of a stumble (and by that, I mean I fell face-first onto the floor). I picked myself up after having to wait for a few minutes for my body to regain its senses, but I eventually felt the pain I was in, and the headache from days past. That said, I'd rather have a simple headache over literal brain freeze.

Getting back to my feet, I quickly noticed I was a lot more lightweight than I remembered. I knew my body was unchanged, so I instantly made the assumption that the gravity on this planet was weaker. I doubt a regular guy would notice it, but I'd been taught over the three years with the Project to pay attention to this kind of stuff.

The gel that once coated my entire body slowly slid down me as I began walking towards my compartment’s main room.
Okay, description time. Each virtue's ship compartment was shaped like an oversized pizza slice. Six pods made the shape of a circle, with two of these circles placed on top of each other to create the main body of the ship. That said, each compartment was reasonable large, with enough space for a large kitchen-esque area, a sofa bed (my preference) a large-scale TV, a large table/work desk in the centre of the room for eating food and for general computer stuff (yeah, it’s got a built-in holographic computer, pretty cool), a semi-functional bathroom, and plenty of storage for clothes and weapons.

Speaking of bathroom, I immediately jumped into the shower to clear the remains of the cryo-gel from my body. After this, I changed into some clothes. My choice was somewhat simple, choosing to wear a pair of black tracksuit bottoms with a green short-sleeved shirt. Personally speaking, I didn't like the colour green too much, but I'd been told be quite a few people that I happen to look good in green. That, and I wanted to save my good stuff for later days.

Roughly half an hour after first getting out of the cryo-pod, I looked back at it. I had perhaps my longest sleep in history in that thing, and I was grateful that Dr. Marcoh and Mary managed to develop it and the gel in enough time to get us To Terra. While I was glad to be out and about, I knew this meant I was going to end up returning to my regular sleeping pattern after this, a somewhat upsetting fact I'd have to get used to again.

I approached the main computer terminal in the centre of the room, almost excited to figure out who else had woken up by now. Logically speaking, we all should've woken up simultaneously, but I figured a majority of the group would likely have gone back to bed, or would take another hour getting ready. I was sure Connie would be up and waiting for me though, as she always was.

As soon as I touched the control panel, bright green lights instantly shone from the computer terminal, and a humanoid, green figure shot out of the AI projection module. I know I only met Spectrum once, but I was pretty sure it wasn't just green. From what I remembered, it was a full range of colours, a 'spectrum', so to speak.

"It's about time you woke up, kid!" it said in a deep, somewhat computerized voice. "You do realise I've been waiting for you the past 25 minutes, don't you?" I was now pretty sure this wasn't Spectrum. It seemed a bit too masculine, and didn't have the soothing voice I remembered from Spectrum, nor the range of colour.

"You’re not Spectrum, what's going on?" I asked it, slightly wary of its deep, threatening voice. "What the hell is going on? Who are you?"

"Hey, you're not the only one who's new to this, okay? I've only been in existence for a few hours," it told me, floating down and sitting onto the AI projection device. "I barely know what's going on, but I can tell you what I do know. Got that, Pipsqueak?"

"Did you just call me pipsqueak?" I asked it, stepping forward towards it, my shoulders broad. "I think that's pretty ironic coming from your position."

"Well, I don't exactly know your name yet, so I just figured I'd name you based on your appearance," the AI claimed, standing up and crossing its pixelated arms.

"I'm called Marc, alright?" I told it, my voice breaking as I said it (well, that's puberty for you). "Wait, you’re inside of a computer that contains all the information on me and the project in general, and you can't even access most of it?"

"Well, I'm called Cloud, okay? And I'm not too good with computers. But hey, you’re inside a Human body, can you do inverted push-ups?" Cloud asked me back. I rolled my eyes in response.

"That's not the point here. AI's are typically good with computers and shit, how come you aren't?" I asked, sitting down at my computer system and immediately swinging on my chair (hey, nobody was there to tell me not to, I couldn't resist).
"Well, it'd probably help if I could access the computer itself. It must have the best firewall mankind can make, I can't even touch it," it explained, his irritation very clear just from the tone of his voice.

"Well, maybe you could've just tried typing in the password," I suggested, logging onto the computer. "Can you access it now, dipshit?"

"Okay, can you quit with the snarky attitude please?" Cloud asked as it now pulled up two small screens in front of its hands, tapping on them frantically. "Okay, I now have access. Can't exactly help it if I can't guess the password, can I?"

"Yeah, I guess I'm the only one who knows that, aren't I?" I asked rhetorically. "For future note, the password is 'password'. Never was good with them, and hated how long they took, and people often guessed it based on what you like, and it's both obvious and obscure."

"Hey Marc, kindly shut up would you? I'm a bit busy here!" Cloud asked as information buzzed around his head. I could see he seemed busy, so I decided to wait patiently until he was done (And by that, I mean I stuck a random anime episode on my monitor. It was about some 17 year old ginger with a massive sword who fought demons in japan. Meh, I'd seen better).

"Okay, it looks like I've got the logs from the ship landing here. From the looks of things, we hit some kind of energy field upon entering Terra's atmosphere, causing the ship to activate the fragmentation protocol," Cloud explained to me. "The spectrum AI then split itself into 9 fragments to allow for the awakening process in the remaining ship shards."
"Wait, 9 ship shards? What happened to the other 3?" I asked, falling back from the chair I was sitting on from the sheer shock (I now regret swinging on it).

"Hmm... Pods three, five and nine all had severe damage dealt to their Life support systems. It also says that pod 9 exploded, but that didn't really make much difference."

With that, I breathed a small sigh of relief, as that meant my friends were safe. We were all placed in ship shards based on our project number, hence me being in ship shard number 7. However, the fact we lost a quarter of our group was still quite shocking, especially seeing as I'd known those three fairly well.

Gemma certainly didn't deserve to die. She was the only person from her social group who could be considered bearable or even nice. Hell, she was the virtue of kindness for fuck’s sake, that was her thing.

The fact Shelby was gone meant that things would surely go to hell. She was the only one in the group who could split up fights, making her a key member of our small team. Now she was gone, Joseph would surely kill me if given the chance.

Antonia... Wasn't exactly the biggest impact on the group dynamic. Sure, she was alright at times, and was liked by most of the people there, but she was pretty distant from the others, often running off and exploring the whole complex whenever nobody was looking, leaving very little time to get to know her.

However, I quickly picked up on another thing Cloud said. "Did you just say the spectrum AI fragmented itself?" I asked, my face revealing a concerned and shocked look. "Isn't AI fragmentation illegal or something?" Now, this probably explained why Dr Marcoh glossed over it, but I guess I could understand why he did it, as it meant each AI fragment could awaken the virtues in each ship shard. It was a clever move, but I wasn't sure it was the best move.

"Hmm, yes. The spectrum AI was fragmented in order to create 9 AI fragments," Cloud explained. "I guess that explains my short memory, and my existence in general."

"Okay, no offence, but I want to do something other than talk to some overly-smart lightbulb. You sure there's something I can do apart from binging anime?" I asked, wishing to put an abrupt end to the exposition.

"Well, now that you mention it," Cloud started, "you could go and get some geographical data. As of right now, we have no idea where we landed. As such, any info on our location could prove useful. Well, that and I can have a valid excuse to get rid of your ass."

"How come you know how to swear? Swear words aren't in your programmed dictionary!" I asked, trying to ignore his prior comment.

"I have the urban dictionary built into me too. Do you want to see how many other words and terms I can say?" it asked me, smirking at how he was able to catch me off-guard.

"Okay, fuck it, I'm going!" I said, walking off to my equipment storage area, Cloud chuckling in the background. (Life lesson people, you'll always have at least one arsehole around).

Having walked up to my equipment storage area, I pressed a button to the side of the compartment, releasing several drawers and compartments filled with more guns, daggers, and bullets than the walking dead had seen over its entire show span. Revolvers, shotguns, snipers, and a comically oversized flamethrower! (Overkill is a factor, but just remember that most of the facilities staff were American. No offence to American readers, but I wish I was joking).

Despite the range of weapons available, all of them paled in comparison to the crowning glory of my miniature armoury. In the centre of the whole setup was a recreation of a classic Japanese Masamune sword, set with its own custom sheath. (Remember that weapon I specifically requested back in the prologue? Yeah, this is it, the embodiment of my inner nerd.)

The sword itself was utterly brilliant, looking as though it could cut me if I simply looked at it from a weird angle. Unlike the swords of old, it was forged using a titanium/cobalt alloy, and was extremely durable and sharp, while giving it a cool blue tint. Its length was about as long as would be expected, going from my feet to my hip when stood on its tip. It seemed that I was given two spares to go alongside it as well (well, a mountain of guns, with most of them being duplicates. It kinda makes sense I'd get spare, somehow).

The sheath also deserves a mention, mostly because I'm the guy who made it (aha, I'm not just a cocky British teen, am I?). I designed the sheath so I didn't have to draw the sword the whole way out of it, meaning I could get it out much quicker in a fight (I have short arms, I have no choice). It could also be Spring-loaded, so I could get an extra-strong swing with it whenever I wanted the sword out. I'm not exactly a genius, but I do know my stuff about swords (it was my random subject of interest. Besides, you shouldn't judge me until you hear my brothers somewhat infinite knowledge about the Titanic!).

Out of clear favouritism, I picked up the sword and sheath without a moment’s hesitation. Now, that would've been me gone right then, but I was stopped mid-way from the door by Bitchface Mc Cock-head (I mean Cloud).
"Hey Marc? As much as I want to see you go and die, I'm gonna recommend you take something other than that dumb stick with you."

As much as I wanted to call him a prick or log off the computer to piss him off, he wasn't entirely wrong about my lack of equipment. I quickly turned back to my equipment storage and picked up a simple Five-Seven pistol and a handgun ammo clip, and was about to exit the ship again, but...

"One minute Marc," Cloud buzzed again, having me turn around yet again. I gave him a look that was somewhere between 'angry teen' and 'tortured soul', a face that took me years to master. Its effects meant instant pity, and sometimes even apologies. "Okay, quit it with the Psycho death-stare, I just need you to take this," a small hatch opened on the table, revealing a device that resembled a watch, but was much bulkier. It didn't have a clock-face, but instead had a mysterious yellow orb.

"Let me guess, you’re about to tell me I can use it to become a power ranger or summon Captain Planet or some shit." I asked him, clearly unimpressed with the device I was given.
"What? No! It's a device that'll allow me to analyse the geological data you’re getting me, and will help you figure out your way back here when your done!" Cloud explained, hovering on top of the Holographic projection device and crossing his arms.

"Hey, I was only trying to make a joke, you dumb lightbulb!" I shouted, clenching my fists tightly as I did so. "Hopefully you’re not as much of a prick when I get back." I quickly walked over to the door and left the ship, hoping I'd be calmer upon my return.


You know what? I wish this geographical scanning thingy did function as a watch. You know why? Because I'd lost track of how long I'd been walking for. (Yep, not got the emotionally-fragile thing most anime characters have, but I have their bad sense of direction. Typical). That said, it was still daylight out, so I wasn't planning on turning back and talking to the bitchy AI back at my ship shard.

Gotta admit it though, I was rather enjoying myself. I decided to take a stroll in the forest I happened to land next to, seeing as fresh air was something my lungs hadn't tasted in years, and it felt glorious! My surroundings weren't all that bad either, especially considering the most common environment I'd seen in my time on earth was snow! I wasn't going near any of that white shit anytime soon, thank you very much!

The forest I was walking through wasn't exactly the brightest I'd seen, and looked quite marshy and damp. Despite this, I kinda liked it. It was certainly mysterious, making every new step feel fresh and adventurous.

I was occasionally caught off guard by small animals scurrying along the woodland floor, some even looking like the ones from back on earth. After a few more occurrences of this, I soon learned they were the ones from Earth! Well, they were nearly identical, but looked a bit more cartoon-ish . Their colours made them stand out against the darker forest we were in, and they actually looked pretty cool (I'd still take a dog or a parrot any day of the week). I would've been a little more shocked at the aspect of this world having similar/identical animals to the ones on earth, but seeing as the environment was mostly identical, I'm honestly not that shocked things are similar.

I ended up walking for at least another 30 minutes before I eventually stopped for a break, sitting against a tree. The ground beneath me was somewhat moist when I first sat down on it, making me shift uncomfortably, but I stopped as it began to warm up. I let out a hearty sigh as I stared through a gap in the trees at the clear, blue sky above me. It was a great change from the snow-filled clouds I had been used to for a good fifth of my life.

I then reached in from under my shirt and pulled out the small pendant Sam gave me before the journey to Terra. The light that came through the trees reflected through the gemstone at its core, reflecting it in a green light that shone around me. I originally only kept it in order to keep Sam happy, as he'd probably end up getting upset if I didn't take the dumb thing with me, but I guess it is a good reminder of him, as it made everything around it shine brighter, just like he did. Well, only without the constant injuries (something I wasn't going to miss).

I then began to wonder how long he would take to join us, if at all. It was true that the Director personally promised me he'd get my brother to Terra the first chance he got, but I guess I would never know if he's coming until he's here. At least with my pendant, he'd always be here in spirit.

Any further thought was immediately interrupted by a nearby blood-chilling scream that caught my immediate attention. I swiftly stood up and quickly went about the task of discovering the scream’s origin. The sheer shock that coursed through my system made me capable of hearing my very heart-beat. I could hear the forest’s shrubbery rustling lightly, as well as a drumbeat of footsteps nearby, one that could only be made by a large herd of animals. I eventually noticed a large gathering of animals in a somewhat large clearing. I stuck to the outskirts, and quickly noticed something quite horrifying.

3 large wolf-like creatures composed entirely of wood. They had skin like bark, teeth like blades, and eyes that could only be described as demonic. The part of me that wasn't completely terrified questioned how creatures like this could exist to begin with, regardless of the situation. Honestly speaking, if I was being chased by whatever the hell they were, I'd likely scream at the top of my lungs too.

The thing they were chasing looked... Unusual. From a first guess, the quadruped creature looked a little bit like a miniature pony. Its body was coated in a bright, orange fur and had a purple tail and mane (its hair, for anybody who's wondering what I mean). It also had two small wings folded into each side of its body. The closest comparison I could make was a Pegasus, like the ones from humankind’s mythology (for idiots, like the horse with wings from 'Hercules').

The miniature Pegasus was cornered by the wood-based wolves and some large rocks. The wolves slowly approached it as the creature slowly backed into the boulders behind it. It looked from side to side, frantically looking for a way out of the
situation it was in. Its eyes started to well up with tears from fear, as it let out a long, high-pitched "HHEELLLLPPPP!!!".

And you know what? She got it!

I leaped from where I was hiding (which was conveniently close to where the rocks were), and drew my sword. Landing between it (a she, judging from her scream), and the wolves pursuing her, I struck the first wolf that came at me with my blade, slicing its head cleanly in half and causing its body to collapse in on itself. No blood, no struggle to cut, just instant death.

I almost didn't want to question what situation I’d gotten myself into. I didn't want to know why or how I was standing in front of hollow wolves composed of wood in order to protect a tiny, English-speaking Pegasus, so I just decided to roll with it, starting with getting the pony to safety.

"Kid, if you can understand me, you need to run and get help. Do you understand?" I asked, turning slightly to see its reaction. Its face was briefly filled with both awe and fear, but it quickly got it.

"Okay, I promise!" she promised, running past the wolves while I had their attention. One of them tried to pounce on her as she passed, but a quick bullet to the head solved that problem, leaving it as lifeless as the first wolf I killed. That left just me and the last remaining wolf, and I already felt badass from killing his two buddies, so one more wouldn't be that hard to...
And it let out a howl and called at least 15-ish more of those little fuckers to help it...

Well, fuck.

My cocky British energy now gone, I focused on taking them out one by one, constantly moving as to not get killed myself. I dodged the mutts left and right, jumping over them and even bouncing off of the occasional tree to get some more momentum. The lower gravity was on clear display, as I felt much stronger and faster than I would be on earth, and played a huge part in my elimination of these things I was fighting.

I'd taken out at least a third of the wolves when one of them got the jump on me, getting a good slash just below my ribs. However, my current adrenaline rush basically drowned out the pain, as the wolf quickly got stabbed in the head for good measure.

Mere moments later and all the wolves were eliminated, and my prior confidence returned. As did the pain I felt from my injury, however, as I now realised my shirt had a clear claw mark going straight through it. The loose bits of it stuck to the blood that came from my injury, making it sting like a bitch. Still, I'd rather take a little scratch over ending up like the...

Well, fuck... Again.

While I wasn't paying attention, the remnants of the Wooden wolves seemed to come together in order to become a much larger, much more dangerous wolf. Its head very nearly stood out of the trees above us. The tables were now very clearly turned. I froze out of sheer fear, as it prepared for its next strike. Only at the last moment was when I realised what was going on, leaving me no time to dodge or counter. I almost resigned myself to my fate.

That was when a large rainbow-coloured blur struck the side of the beast’s head, sending it flying onto its side (my god, skittles ex machina). I then heard something land in front of me, but my eyes were closed due to my last actual resort, flinching. I slowly opened my eyes to see my saviour was!.. Another Pegasus. Oh, joy!

Well, that said, the wings and body shape were the only things I could link to the last Pegasus I saw. This one was much bigger than the last one, up to my hip rather than my knee, and was clearly a bright aqua colour (or turquoise, I'm not actually sure. It's one of them). Its hair was really fucking cool, being a whole burst of colours. Blue, yellow, red, green and so on. Furthermore, it had a peculiar-looking mark on its flank, seeming to be a rainbow-coloured lightning bolt appearing from a cloud. The thing certainly looked badass, that's for sure.

The rainbow-coloured pegasus turned around to face me while the oversized beast was dazed, instantly taking a glimpse at my current injury. Its confident grin instantly turned into a much more caring gaze.

"Are you doing ok?" 'she' asked in a slightly deep, yet raspy voice. being honest, I didn't quite know how to answer her. First impressions are usually important, and while I looked like a complete powerhouse to the kid I saved, I didn't want to say something stupid and look like a complete gimp. So, I just decided to try and act cool and see where it got me.
"Trust me, I will be once I turn this thing into toothpicks," I boasted, my prior confidence having returned, and resuming a more combat-oriented stance and facing the beast, with the skittles horse swiftly joining me.

The Wooden wolf eventually got back on all-fours, facing me and our fight’s newest addition. It lowered its body more to the ground, assuming a more defensive stance. Honestly speaking, it was a smart move, as it meant it was much more likely to counter our attacks.

The pegasus and I decided to circle the wolf, each going in a different way in order to confuse it. It seemed to focus its attention on me, swiftly striking at me over and over, yet missing every time (the only disadvantage of being bigger, slower and more predictable movements). This did leave clear openings for Skittles to deal several swift blows to its belly and joints.

The beast eventually switched targets, going for the rainbow pegasus rather than me, giving me an opportunity to deal some blows myself. Or, that was the idea. While the skin of the other wolves was rather thin and brittle, the large wolf’s skin was a lot more dense and hard to cut, even with my high-quality sword. No matter how much I hacked and slashed the skin, I did nearly nothing. Yelling in frustration, I turned to its face and shot it repeatedly with my pistol, causing it to yelp in response and claw at its eye.

And that's how I figured out how to beat it. Hit the weak spot, for MASSIVE damage (what? I needed to make some kind of reference, it's how I function!).

I made an attempt to aim at its other eye while it was distracted, only to discover I'd run out of ammo. I was about to be hit by its giant paw once again, but got saved by the pegasus yet again. I then aimed to get a bit of distance between me and the wolf so I could think of a plan of how to take it out. I was joined by Skittles.

"How did you manage to hurt the timberwolf’s eye like that?" she asked, barely struggling to keep up with me as I ran. (Hey, timberwolf! Why didn't I think of that?)

"I managed to shoot it in the eye with this thing," I explained, revealing to gun to her, "but it's run out of ammo, so I can't keep using it."

The miniature horse thought for a moment, before turning back to me. "I know another way to get you on that mutt’s head, you can use your sword that way."

"Okay, I'm all-ears. What's your..." I managed to say before being picked off the ground and carried into the air (a heads-up would've been nice). I was raised roughly three or four metres into the air, more than high enough to hit the timberwolf. I was then thrown further into the air and towards the Timberwolf, with Skittles horse keeping it distracted. I had to make sure I was able to get a good landing on the Timberwolf, get a decent shot at its eye and safely dismount its head.

Or I could land clumsily on its snout, get my sword stuck in its eye socket, and get hit off it. Classy. That said though, I got the job done, as the Timberwolf was now blinded. It might've cost me another strike to my back, but at least I managed to get my sword back before I fell.

That's when Skittles dashed directly past me and into the Timberwolf, creating a bright flash and a huge explosion, and sending bits of wood flying from here to god knows how far away. Not gonna try and wonder how she did it or why she didn't do it until right now, but it worked at least.

Skittles flew back after the explosion ended with both confidence and grace, and landed next to me. She was clearly celebrating, floating slightly off the ground and cheering to... Herself? I mean sure, that sudden explosion was clearly awesome, but it's not worth celebrating over to yourself... Why am I always stuck with the weird ones?

Skittles then turned to drag me into her little victory dance she was now doing, but stopped almost as soon as she looked at me, and seemed to be staring at my chest for some reason. Curious as to what she was looking at, I looked down...

And there was a large wooden spike now coming out of my chest, brilliant! What's worse is that I didn't notice it until I saw it, and the pain was absolutely unbearable. I began to stagger on my feet from the sheer pain, and eventually embedded my sword into the ground to balance myself, but it didn't work. I ended up falling onto the ground, one of my last main thoughts being to land on my side as to not inflict more pain onto myself from my wound, and I did.

One of the last things I remembered before blacking out was Skittles rushing to my aid. I wasn't sure what was going to happen next, but I at least knew one thing. My survival depended on the instincts and trust of a rainbow-haired horse with wings.

You know, this would've been one hell of a dream to have, but I had a feeling it was real. Unlike a dream, I could actually feel pain, and I had the ability to make sane decisions. While all this was both new and extremely weird, one thing was for sure.

I was in for a hell of a crazy life, regardless of what happened next (Well, that's if I can make it to the next chapter).

Author's Note:

Well, that's it so far. As of this moment, I'm putting this story up for moderation, so I hope the one who ends up reading it enjoys it.
Meh, who am I kidding? I bet this story will start with barely any views, like my last one. Oh well, at least it was a blast writing up to now!
-note; edited by 0_0-