• Published 27th Dec 2017
  • 2,912 Views, 70 Comments

Project horizon - BRITICAL-HIT

after their planet was frozen, 12 yound men and women are cryogenically frozen and sent off-world, in hopes than a newly-discovered planet would allow them refuge. A world... of sentient horses.

  • ...

Chapter 3*, Introductions

Heh, I find it pretty surprising I've started the last three chapters with waking up. I can barely get a good night’s worth of rest by natural means, so decent rest isn't something I’m used to.

So, I didn't die. Well, it'd probably be very tricky to explain how I'm speaking right now if I did. That said, I doubt dying would stop me from talking, if there really is an afterlife out there. Even if there was, I don't want to visit it anytime soon, that’s for sure.

I quickly discovered my senses were still pretty fucked up, which was pretty natural given the situation, but it felt somewhat unnatural at first. I'm not normally one for making stuff out to be worse than it is, but I could barely see a thing, and my hearing was about as good as an out of tune radio. However, waiting for a little bit allowed them to slowly improve, turning silence to mumbling, and mumbling into familiar speech.

"What kind of creature is it?" a familiar raspy voice asked, which my improved hearing and sight could faintly recognise as the rainbow-haired pegasus who rescued me. I guessed that she managed to get me to safety and brought me to somebody who could help me recover from my injury. That was one hell of a loyal horse-thingy (I officially owe her one).

"I have no idea, I've never seen anything like it before," another voice said, a lot more soft and gentle in contrast. I could just about make out the silhouette of the other horse (pony? Whatever it was!) to my left, tending to my bandages. She was somehow more vibrant that the rainbow horse (somehow), her coat a bold yellow and her hair a bright pink.

She touched a particularly sore spot on by ribs, causing me to groan in response. That was when she finally figured out I was awake. She moved her hooves from me almost instantly, walking/trotting slightly away.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Are you ok?" she asked me timidly, stroking my head rather awkwardly. Whoever she was, she seemed rather shy, for lack of better description. I'd say she was scared, either of hurting me or vice versa. That said, I still wanted to figure out what was going on.

"Ugh, I think so," I responded, my voice somewhat sore. "W-Where am I?"

Honestly speaking, I didn't have a clue where I was. I gathered I was in a house of sorts (obviously), but I more wanted to figure out what was going on (yeah, probably should've asked that instead).

"Don't worry, you’re alright. Rainbow Dash brought you to me as soon as you passed out, and I'm taking care of your injuries as we speak," the young mare told me, putting me at ease. I knew I didn't get any specific information from her, but I just found her voice oddly... Calming. I turned to face Rainbow Dash, who was sitting on a seat near the bed I was on.

"Guess I owe you one," I said, groaning at my injuries yet again. I was definitely lucky Rainbow managed to get me to her friend in time.

"Nah, don't worry about it," she responded, leaning back in her chair and pulling a confident smile. "I figured getting you here was the least I could do. If anything, you owe Fluttershy for helping you out."

"Oh, right. Thanks, Fluttershy, I guess," I praised awkwardly (yeah, I've never been that good at introductions, and I didn't exactly want the one who saved my life to think I'm an idiot).

"Oh, it was nothing," she claimed, blushing slightly from the compliment (Heh, I guess I'm not the only one who's not good at introductions). "Besides, your body did most of the work for me. You seem to heal really quick." She slowly removed the bandages from my chest for a moment, revealing the mostly-healed crater on my chest where the wooden shard hit.

Now, this is when I became a little confused. I saw the injury as soon as it appeared, and it was much worse. While it definitely didn't go fully through my body, it did leave a wound that would've taken months to heal, possibly even longer! The fact my injuries had healed so rapidly was a relief, but also perplexing. However, I had no way of telling why or how my swift recovery had occurred, so I figured I'd figure out how when I got back to my ship or something.

"Huh, that's convenient." I mumbled, avoiding being heard my both Fluttershy and Rainbow dash (I guess this is as good as I'm getting in regards to introductions). "Ah, I just realised you don't know my name yet. I'm called Marc. Figured I'd tell you since you don't know."

"That’s a weird name," Rainbow Dash said, giving me quite a weird look as she did.

"Trust me, where I come from, your names would be weird too," I explained in my defence, chuckling as I did so. Fluttershy quickly picked upon this, gasping as she did.

"Where do you come from then Marc?" she asked eagerly, giving off a radiant smile I couldn't describe as anything less than adorable (yep, definitely ponies. You don't see horses this cute).

"Well, it's complicated." I attempted to stall, trying to figure out whether to tell them a fib, or just straight-up tell them I'm an alien. Well, I hadn't done anything for them not to trust me, but... You know what? Screw it. They helped me so far, so why the hell not? "Do you want the long version or the short version?"

"The short version!" Rainbow Dash said quickly. "We already have enough lectures with Twilight!" I wanted to ask what she meant, but I decided to just leave it for now.

Okay, I just had to say it. Like ripping of a plaster. "I'm not exactly from... This world." I eventually got out, which was met with an awkward silence (yeah, I figured this would happen).

"So, you’re an alien?" Rainbow asked bravely, no longer leaning in her seat and her eyes wider than they were before, possibly due to either interest or fear.

"Yeah, pretty much," I told them both, with Rainbow Dash gawping and Fluttershy backing away from me a little. "Don't worry, I'm not THAT kind of alien, I'm friendly. Well, unless somebody's trying to kill me."

"That's... AWESOME!" Rainbow Dash shouted, getting out of her chair and flying in mid air, her large smirk having returned to her. "No wonder you’re so strong and fast!" (Wait, what? She just changed her attitude faster than Connie can! I didn't even know that was possible.)

"Wait, is that all I had to say? I really only had to say 'I'm not evil' and you trust me?" I asked, fairly shocked at to how easily I gained the trust of them (well, how I gained Rainbow Dash's trust, Fluttershy still seemed a little hesitant to trust me as of yet).

"Well, if you wanted to hurt me, you could've done it back in the Everfree forest!" she argued, getting back down onto all fours. "Besides, you don't look like a bad guy."

"Well, thanks, I guess... Again." I said, still slightly shocked. It was kinda nice to know I was still trusted at least, and I already knew I could trust them so far (jeez! If I had a pound for every time I said 'trust' just then, I could get a meal at mcdonald’s!)

"So, what is your world like then, Marc?" Rainbow asked somewhat nicely, now seeming to take an interest in me.

"Well, it was pretty much a ball of ice the last time I saw it. Then again, that was over a thousand years ago, so..." I started before being immediately interrupted.

"A thousand years? You’re over a thousand years old?" Rainbow yelled, gawping yet again.

"Well, no. I'm still technically 14 since my body's aging was frozen while getting here," I explained, scratching the back of my head slightly as I did. While Rainbow seemed to become more and more interested in me, Fluttershy seemed a bit more distant, now sitting down and seeming silent.

"But why are you here?" Fluttershy asked, finally breaking her silence.

"Well..." I started. "I think you might need the long version after all."

I told them everything. The whole deal with earth, the war between the states and Japan, the fact that terrorists killed both the current reigning monarch and the world’s biggest government, and even my parents’ death. Everything up to the world becoming a glorified snow-globe (pun fully intended).

I then told them about project horizon, and how it gave hope and a future to a select few young people, sending us to another world. So, pretty much everything I knew, including leaving my brother behind among several other smaller issues. I'd probably go into further detail about everything, but I was never a great storyteller.

"...And that's about it. Not exactly the best childhood a kid could have growing up, but it's what I was given. Nothing can change that," I told them, sighing as I ended. Part of me hated talking about my past, as it did bring up some repressed memories, but I knew it was necessary. If I wanted them to trust me, I needed to prove to them I was trustworthy. That wasn't really a problem with Rainbow Dash, but Fluttershy was a hell of a lot more confident around me before I mentioned the whole 'Alien' thing (well, at least I'm not being burned at the stake yet, that's a good sign).

Speaking of Flutters, she seemed to be a bit upset after I finished my story. True, it wasn't exactly the most inspirational or heart-warming story, but I never got tears from anyone I told it to before (well, the only people I told were likely twice the age of these two, but still).

Okay, understatement. Fluttershy seemed to leap at me, buying her head in me and sobbing more and more. For the most part, I was shocked. Going from being scared of me to sympathy-filled tears was quite the change.

"Marc... I'm so sorry. That must've been really hard for you," I heard Fluttershy moan through her tears. (Okay, note to self, never tell the long version to anybody else). Luckily for me, I had prior experience with dealing with tears from Sam back on Earth, so I knew how to deal with it immediately.

"Woah, calm down. It's alright. You don't need to cry here, I'm fine," I assured her, stroking her gently in an effort to calm her down. And luckily for me, it did (heh, older brother calming method number 12, works like a charm).

"I know, I just didn't know you'd been through so much. And you’re only a child!" Fluttershy said, looking up at me, as I was now sat mostly up. She'd stopped crying for the most part, but she still seemed a little... Concerned, I guess. I was just glad she cheered up a little (well, that and she wasn't on the sore spot on my chest anymore, not that it was as unbearable as it was before.)

"Yeah, an alien child who is twice the height of us. Totally makes sense," Rainbow added, rolling her eyes afterwards.

"Trust me, I'm actually shorter than most my age. You think I'm tall? You should see the others," I told her, chuckling afterwards. "Well, you could if I knew where they landed."

"You don't know where they are?" Fluttershy asked, once again appearing concerned.

"Yeah, that part is a lot more complicated," I said, scratching the back of my head as I attempted to simplify what I knew. "Putting it simply, the big ship that got us here turned into several smaller ships. Those ships are now scattered around the planet and I have no idea where any of them are."

"Wow, that's stupid," Rainbow Dash moaned.

"Rainbow Dash, there's no need to be rude," Fluttershy scolded her, looking at her friend as if she'd just committed a crime.

"No, she's right. I thought the idea was kinda dumb at first," I told them. "The pods split because we hit some unseen energy field while going through your atmosphere. I'd go into more details, but I'm still taking it in myself."

"No, it's ok Marc. You've clearly been through a lot today, you should just rest." Fluttershy suggested, her smile having finally returned to her (which was a good thing. Seeing her crying and upset makes me a little upset myself, somehow). "Me and Rainbow Dash are going to meet our friends and let them know what's going on. After that, we'll bring them back here and figure out what's happening next."

"Okay. I can't promise I'll be able to sleep, but thanks," I said, laying back into the bed, fidgeting as I tried to find a comfortable position. "Something tells me I'm gonna be saying thanks a lot today."

Rainbow Dash popped her head back inside briefly.

"Heh, probably. Just watch out for Twilight. As soon as she figures out you’re an alien, she's gonna want to figure out everything about you. And I mean everything!"

"Okay, not looking forward to that," I told her, trying to remove the words 'interrogation' and 'dissection' from my head.

From that point, Rainbow and Fluttershy left the cottage, leaving me alone. I guess I just had to wait for a little while, maybe a little rest wouldn't be too bad...


(90 minutes later)

Nope! Screw sleeping. I've already tried and my body is basically just saying 'fuck you, you got me cut up' and making it impossible. Then again, even if I was tired, my mind wouldn't shut up asking me to explore, however wrong it felt deep down. In the end, my curiosity got the better of me and I wandered out into the house.

After walking down the stairs, I immediately appeared inside a small-ish living room. There was a pretty decent couch nearby, but I immediately made my way to the table instead, finding my gear.

My sword and sheath were obviously unscathed from the whole ordeal, and were at the centre of the table, with my unloaded pistol and GDA (Geographical Data Analyser) directly beside it.

It was clear that my shirt had seen better days. Good news was it was still in one piece. The bad news was that it was torn and cut in several spaces and partially coated in sweat and blood. As such, the stench coming from it was nearly unbearable, almost as if my nose wanted to commit suicide after one sniff.

Thankfully, my pendant was also on the table, in a neat pile next to my pistol. I wouldn't forgive myself if I lost it, but I was glad I still had it. I quickly picked it up and slipped it into my pants pocket (I was kinda glad I still had them on. I guess my chest was where most of the wounds are... And I can't believe I'm talking about this).

Anyway, after a little while spent snooping the area, my inner explorer was finally satisfied. I walked back upstairs, and heard the door open as soon as I got there. I heard several unfamiliar voices, as well as both Fluttershy's and Rainbow's. Honing my inner ninja, I silently snuck into my room and sat on the bed. It was there that I waited for the incoming company (and all the questions that came with them).

Fluttershy entered the room first and closed the door behind her. She gave me a warm look.

"Hi Marc, how are you feeling?" she asked gently, walking up to the bed.

"Pretty good I guess. Didn't get any sleep, but I didn't really need it that much," I told her, casually leaning on the back of the bed. "It seems your friends came along to see me I assume?"

"Are you sure you’re ok with seeing them so soon?" Fluttershy asked, seeming on the cautious side for some reason.

"Heh, what could go wrong?" I asked rhetorically, fully aware of what could go wrong (Now let’s see. I could get attacked, branded as a monster, scare the lot of them off, get killed by them. The list goes on).

"Okay, I'll let them in," Fluttershy said, walking back to the bedroom door and opening it.

Okay, ladies and gents, it's your favourite time of the chapter. Description Time! (I swear, I act like such a kid sometimes). Aside from Flutters and Rainbow, there were four new additions, and they were each as vibrantly-coloured as the next.

First was a Stetson-wearing pony. She had a coat of orange and blonde hair tied back in a ponytail (hah, irony!). I immediately picked up on her lack of wings, which confused me at first. The only three I'd seen thus far had wings, so it was a peculiar sight.

Speaking of peculiar, that leads me to the next pony, who was entirely pink! She had a coat of pink and hair being a slightly darker shade of pink. I'd never seen so much pinklight-ish red in my whole life. She had no wings either, so that's her taken care of.

Next was another oddity. A unicorn! (Jeez, so much earth mythology. This is actually really cool.) Her coat was a bright white, with her hair being a shade of purple. It was styled in a particular way, having the horn clearly visible from any angle (or so I assumed. Hard to say from my position).

Finally was a second unicorn (so, there's two of each in this group? That's pretty convenient). She was a dark purple pony with her hair being a darker purple, with a pink and purple highlight. Her horn was glowing a purple aura, with a similar aura coating a piece of paper just in front of her (so, levitation? cool!).

"Marc, these are my friends I told you about," Fluttershy said, possibly as a way to break the ice. I wasn't fully sure what to say first, but I just decided to go with my gut and say something.

"Well, hi. Nice to meet you all, I guess," I greeted them, giving them a two-fingered salute (AKA my traditional greeting and farewell thing). After my mediocre introduction, the purple unicorn stepped forward.

"Hello, I'm Twilight Sparkle. And on behalf of Princess Celestia, I welcome you to Equestria," she greeted, bowing her head out of respect. (Wait, Rainbow claimed Twilight would basically interrogate me. Was she just winding me up? Bitch.)

(Also, Equestria? Is their country named after a pun? Fitting, but still).

"Fluttershy? Didn't you tell us this stranger was badly cut up? He looks fine to me," the Stetson-wearing pony asked in a southern-American accent, giving me a suspicious look.

"Hey, I'm as surprised as you are about this," I told her, raising my arms defensively. "I'm not fully sure how I healed so fast, but I'm not gonna complain about it."

"I was surprised too. His recovery was really fast," Fluttershy told her friend, putting her at ease.

"Yeah, sorry for jumpin' at you like that. I'm Applejack, nice to meet you, Marc," she greeted, gaining a confident aura after her nerves faded.

"Same this end, Applejack," I responded casually, giving her a light nod. "Same for you, Twilight."

All of a sudden, a pink blur appeared from behind the bed, jumping in front of me (and nearly giving me a heart attack in the process). I immediately recognised it as the pink pony that was just in front of me (how the fuck did she do that?)

"Hi there, I'm pinkie Pie! Who are you?" she asked me, somewhat oblivious to how I'd already told her my name. "Oh, right. You’re Marc. Sorry!"

"Errmm... Hi?" I said awkwardly, still questioning how she teleported from one place to another. I turned to Fluttershy quickly. "Does she do that often?"

"Yes!" came a unanimous answer from everybody (or everypony in this case) in the room. I chuckled a bit, turning back to Pinkie.

"I'm gonna let you off on that one, but could you give me a heads-up next time you do that?" I asked.

"Okie doki!" she cheered, jumping back to her friends (well, that was... Something). The final pony then stepped forward.

"Don't worry about Ms. Pie, she's always like that," she told me in a rather posh accent. "I am Rarity, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too," I told her, my previous confused look reverting back to a smile.

"If you don't mind me asking, by chance is that your shirt on the table downstairs?" she asked politely.

"Well, it was before the Timberwolf attacked me and tore it to bits," I moaned, still trying to remove my somewhat embarrassing defeat from my mind (don't even try and fucking argue. I lost to a possessed pile of wood!) "Not really a problem, I have more back at my ship. Guess it's just trash right now."

"Pft, nonsense! It just needs a little washing and stitching is all. I can have it as good as new in a few days!" Rarity claimed, with a confident grin on her face.

"It's covered in blood and sweat, not to mention torn up badly," I reminded her.

"Trust me darling, that's every shirt after a hard day’s work," she argued back, rolling her eyes for some reason (Don't quite know what job would result in a shirt getting as bad as mine is, but okay...).

"Are you two really arguing over a shirt right now?" Rainbow butted in, becoming bored of the clothes talk.

"Oh, ok. Well, it's nice to meet you ladies. I'm gonna guess Fluttershy told you about me already?" I asked, judging off of Applejack's knowledge of my injuries.

"Yep. But it's a bit weird that a giant alien from another world is only a child," Applejack said, chuckling a little over the idea (hey, I'm technically the oldest person here, in a way).

"If I wasn't this young, then the pod I came in would've froze me to death. Besides, even if that wasn't the case, I doubt the planet would've waited until we finished puberty."

"Anyway, we just want to say we're glad to meet you, and if there's ever anything you need, don't be afraid to ask," Twilight offered, a warm smile on her face. (Wow, they trusted me really quickly. Not complaining.)

"Thanks. And it's the same for me. Ever need anything, just give me a shout," I said back, returning her smile with one of my own.

"Well, there is one thing you could do for us," Twilight started. "We know nothing about your race, so any information we can get on you will really help."

"What kind of information are you asking for here?" I asked, raising my eyebrow skeptically.

"Biology, diet, habits. Anything you can share, to be honest," Twilight told me quickly, almost exited by the information ahead of time (being a fellow nerd, if she is one, I fully get this. But it's still weird to see somebody else to do it).

"Hmm. I do have a few files on human history back on my ship's computers, and I guess I could take some human medical files from my ship’s medi-bay. That sound any good for you?" I asked her, getting an immediate high-speed nod in response. "Okay, but I have one condition."

"Name it and it's yours!" Twilight nearly screamed, gaining a concerned look from me and her friends. She quickly composed herself. "I-I mean, how can I help?" (Yep, that's better).

"Well, I need maps. Preferably one of the whole country or planet." I told her. "My ship's computer needs geographical data in order to locate the rest of my kind. Some historical stuff might help me a bit, but I can probably pick that up by myself in time."

"So, a data swap. Maps of Equestria and history on its key landmarks, in exchange for some information on your race. Does that sound fair to you?" Twilight checked.

"Yep, I think that's about it," I stated, a firm smile now on my face (Well, I think I've safely befriended an alien race. Not bad for a Wednesday... Well, if it is Wednesday).

"Okay then, I think I'll go and get them now. I'll meet you back here shortly and head to your ship," Twilight told me, before darting out of the door. Both me and the rest of her friends were shocked.

"Jesus Christ, that was quick! I hope she's not always like that," I said, immediately thinking of about 12 different memes to compare to what I just saw.

"Well, she's not always like that. She only gets like that sometimes," Rainbow Dash explained, before sniggering. "You should see her when she finds a new book. It's almost scary." (In other words, it's me whenever I get a new video game).

"Well, I guess I'll get my stuff sorted and that. Nice to meet you all," I said, walking out of the room and waiting downstairs.

And guess what? Pinkie was downstairs on the sofa, despite the fact I just saw her back in the room.

"Not yet Marc! I need to figure out your favourite foods if you’re gonna get a welcome party!" she told me, a somewhat impossible smile on her face. (Okay, here it comes. 3, 2, 1..)

"I like either red velvet or triple chocolate cake, although Victoria sponge is also a personal favourite. If you have any form of cola, strawberry milkshakes, or lemonade, I'll happily take it. I really like cheese sandwiches with white bread, crust included, and sometimes have them with cheese and onion crisps. Oh, and I'm allergic to nuts and bananas. That good for you?" I told her, almost as if I knew them by heart (what can I say? I have an unnatural love for food). "And I have an almost unnatural appetite, so be sure to have plenty of stuff."

"Okie doki loki! I'll let you know when it's happening," she said, before bouncing out of the door. (Something tells me I'm going to like it here.)


After about an hour of waiting, Twilight returned from... Wherever she went to, and we both set off for my ship. Twilight was honestly confused for a while as to why I was constantly looking at the gizmo on my wrist, so I explained it was what was telling me where my ship was. She quickly understood what I was going on about, and we left that.

The rest of the journey was filled with Twilight asking me several smaller questions about myself, and the easier questions about humans. These included our diet, aging rate, among other questions. I managed to answer them to the best of my ability, and was able to eventually stop her questions for the rest of the way to the ship (Rainbow, thanks for the heads-up).

As soon as my ship was in sight, Twilight galloped over to it, like a kid that'd just seen its favourite toy. I was starting to get to know what Twilight's 'geek mode', as I'm calling it, was really like. And it turns out to be exactly as I described it as before. It was almost a carbon copy of me when it came to video games. It was actually kinda amusing to watch from the outside, watching her dart from place-to place and all.

I walked up to the main hatch of the ship and opened it, using a pin-code from the outside. "After you," I said to Twilight, who slowly entered the living area, her eyes wide with wonder.

"Wow! this is amazing..." Twilight said, her eyes immediately scanning the room for every small detail (not that there was much to see. Just a table, a sofa and a kitchen counter. Everything was neatly packed away into the walls of the place).

"Yeah, it is for the first few times. But after being run through the controls and storage several hundred times, it's not as cool." I told twilight, shrugging as I sat on the sofa.

That's when arse-face (ahem, I mean Cloud) appeared, his holographic body being the last thing I wanted to see.

"So, you finally decide to come back, eh? Do you know how long you were gone?" he asked me, and even though his voice lacked emotion, I could tell he was pissed.

"Okay Cloud, chill. We have a guest with us, yeah? Best behaviour," I told him (well, it. But his appearance was male, so I'm going with it.).

“What are you talking ab- HOLY SHIT!" Cloud yelled, setting off several of the ship’s alarms (fun fact; he has full automated control of the ship. Both an advantage and disadvantage in my opinion).

"Ugh. Cloud, Run command; System reboot!" I told him, wincing at the alarms that were blaring in the background (Lord knows how Twilight was reacting). After my command, Cloud disappeared and the alarms stopped, leaving the room silent for a few minutes.

In this brief moment, I ran over to the computer in the centre of the room and turned off the ship’s alarms for 1 maintenance cycle (That’s 15 minutes, probably should've just said that). I then backed up and waited for Cloud to reboot.

"Huh? What just happened?" Cloud asked himself, before noticing me again. "Huh, you’re back. Took you long enough."

"You overreacted and set off all the alarms in the ship," I commented dryly. "We have a guest, so try not to embarrass yourself."

"A guest? But the virtues are..." he said, before seeing Twilight for himself. "That's... The last thing I thought I'd see today."

"Cloud, this here is Twilight. She's offered to trade some maps of her planet for some information on the human race," I explained, gesturing to the miniature unicorn next to me, who was still scanning everywhere in the room (Really? I just said there's not much to see). After realising somebody mentioned her, she quickly tuned back in to the conversation.

"Oh, right. It's nice to meet you, Cloud!" she greeted him, with another smile on her face (Okay, these ponies do that a lot.)

"Same here, I guess," Cloud said back awkwardly, scratching his holographic back awkwardly.

"Anyway, I've got a job for you, Cloud. I want you to print off a copy of our human biological data from the medical bay, and a brief on our history," I instructed him, before picking up the maps Twilight put down and putting them into a compartment in the table. "Then I want you to scan in these maps of the country we're in, called Equestria. You got that?"

"Got it and already on it. I'll let you know when it's done," Cloud told me, before quickly disappearing from his projection module.

"Don't worry about Cloud, he's not always like that, I hope," I told Twilight, my real knowledge being nothing more than wishful thinking.

"What even is he?" Twilight asked, looking over at his projection unit in awe.

"Cloud is what us humans call an artificial intelligence, or an AI for short," I explained to Twilight. "They're really good with computers and stuff, and can perform calculations that we would struggle with in seconds!"

"In seconds eh?" Twilight asked, thinking to herself thoughtfully.

"Yeah, I wouldn't make that a challenge. Cloud is a little busy at the moment," I told her, walking over to my clothing storage and putting on a white shirt. I then took a seat on my couch (We'd be here all day if we had a challenge between Cloud and Twilight).

"I wasn't expecting you to be so close to the Everfree Forest," Twilight said, changing the subject faster than I expected she would (Well, at least it meant no more questions for now).

"If you mean the place where I fought that Timberwolf thing, then I agree. That place doesn't look too appealing right now," I said. "Safe to say I'm not going in there again if I have a choice."

All of a sudden, I heard a knock at the doorway, which I left open (Not very smart on my end, I know). I looked over to see Applejack entering the ship.

"Good gravy, this place looks fancy," Applejack said, before looking over to me and Twilight. "Hey Twi? You dropped this on the way over here." She then opened the saddlebag she was wearing and pulled out a book with her... Mouth. Jesus Christ, that's unhygienic.

"Thanks, Applejack," Twilight told her friend, picking up the book with her prior-used levitation spell and hovering it to me. "This is a book on Equestria's history. I gathered it might help you figure out more about Equestria."

"Nice one, thanks!" I said, grasping the book and rubbing the bit Applejack bit on my shirt immediately (Just to be safe). "Safe to say I know what I'm doing tonight."

"Hey Marc, ya do know how close you're from the Everfree, right? Applejack asked, looking out into the forest through the door.

"Sorry AJ, but Twilight already brought that up. But you’re right, we are a bit close," I told her.

"If ya could move your ship, I guess ah' could let you keep it on mah' farm if you wanted," she offered, coming closer into the ship.

"Thanks for the offer, but... Actually," I thought out loud, before standing up and moving to my computer. "Cloud, how much charge we got in the solar cells?"

"We've got 14% charge left. Why?" he asked, reappearing once again.

"Applejack, how far away is your farm?" I asked.

"About a mile or two, how come?" she asked back, with a confused glare aimed directly at me.

"Cloud, I looked into the ship’s functions. Do you think we can fly her that far?" I checked with him, sitting on the chair in front of the computer.

"Just about. It'd put the ship into power-saving mode, but we could make it."

"Okay, I have a plan," I said, pulling the GDA from my wrist and throwing it to Applejack. "Put this in the spot where the ship can land. I'm gonna fly it there."

"What?!" I heard both Twilight and Applejack shout, shocked at the thought.

"Erm, no you’re not. This ship can only be piloted by an AI, so I'm doing it," Cloud told me, shooting me down instantly (and he strikes again, ladies and gents!).

"Ok, whatever. I'm still staying and watching though," I moaned, moving over to the couch.

"Could I watch too?" Twilight asked eagerly.

"Sure, knock yourself out," I told her, a high-pitched squeal being the only response I got.

"What do I do when I put this thingy in the place it needs to go?" Applejack asked.

"Well, you hit the button on the side. That'll give us an accurate location for us to go to. From there, it's all down to Cloud," I explained to them, a confident smirk on my face.

"Okay, I'll go do that. See you later, Twi," Applejack said before running off.

And now, we just need to wait for her to set up the beacon. This shouldn't take long.

Author's Note:

Ok, this chapter dragged on more than I expected. With that in mind, I'm gonna cut the next bit of the story into the next chapter. I doubt it'll make too much difference.
anyway, I got a question for you guys? It was a smaller concept I had earlier on in this chapters development. Should Pinkie be able to see and respond to Marc's 'Bracket breaks'? It'd make sense, seeing as pinkie breaks the 4'th wall in the show. But what do you guys think? If you agree with the idea, let me know below. Have a great day guys.