• Published 27th Dec 2017
  • 2,913 Views, 70 Comments

Project horizon - BRITICAL-HIT

after their planet was frozen, 12 yound men and women are cryogenically frozen and sent off-world, in hopes than a newly-discovered planet would allow them refuge. A world... of sentient horses.

  • ...

Chapter 5*; Signal

It was the following morning after my crash-landing in Equestria, and it was safe to say things finally felt reasonably normal for a change. No falling out of space-pods, no fighting wolves made of wood. Just me, the rising sun, and Scootaloo... And probably Cloud, if he was finally back on.

Soo... Me and Scootaloo pretty much stayed awake most of the night, so I ended up sleeping on my sofa-bed in its sofa form, and after about five minutes of moaning, I made a makeshift bed for Scootaloo using a spare duvet and an empty storage draw. Considering her miniscule body-size, she had zero complaints.

Oh, and speaking of Scootaloo, she was still sleeping soundly in said makeshift bed. As I said, I could've done a better job if I was given the necessary time to do so.

After waiting for a few minutes in case I wanted to go back to sleep, I decided to get off the sofa and head to the computer, given that I really had nothing else to do.

Ugh, I'm really not a morning person.

Anyway, after a good ten minutes of checking to make sure the solar cells were charging at the correct rate, I leaned back in my chair and stretched, groaning as I did so.

"Hey Cloud, you online?" I asked, crossing my fingers and silently hoping he wasn't going to be in the usual pissed off state he was in the day prior.

"Yeah, just running system maintenance. You need me for something?" he asked me back, only appearing as two brief flashes of green light.

"Okay, just want to run by some things," I explained, leaning back in my chair lazily. "See the kid back there?" I pointed over to Scootaloo.

Cloud now appeared in his usual holographic form, looking over at her. "Who is that and why are they in here?”

I decided to sit back up. "Kid’s called Scootaloo. She's the one I saved from the timberwolves yesterday. I found her last night and offered to let her stay here," I told him, looking over at Scootaloo warmly.

"That's... Oddly kind of you," Cloud noted, giving me a skeptical glare. "Does this mean we'll have a kid running around here 24/7? Because I'm not playing nanny!"

"Yeah, I don't really think that's necessary," I thought out loud. "She's been able to look out for herself for a while. Maybe just let her in at night, offer her some food and that. You know, all that jazz."

"Soo... You want me to play nanny? That's exactly what I just said I'm not doing!" Cloud shouted.

"Can you drop the 'nanny' thing please? You'd be more of the annoying older sister," I told him, chuckling at my own comment.

"You had to throw in one more insult, didn't you?" Cloud groaned, holding his holographic face in his hand.

"Hey, the role fits you perfectly, okay? All you have to do is act moody constantly and throw around insults. That's basically all you do anyway," I told Cloud, a large smirk now appearing on my face. "Besides, maybe if you'd actually tell me your

"News flash; I'm made of numbers! I have no gender!" Cloud shouted, growing slightly larger in an attempt to seem more intimidating. "But for the sake of the argument, I clearly have a male form, so I'm a guy, alright?"

"Alright. Jeez, you take a joke as well as I do..." I claimed sarcastically.

"Anyway, back to the matter at hand," Cloud said. "I get why you’re letting her stay here, but I want to know WHY you’re letting her stay here."

"Isn't that just the same question twice?" I asked, clearly misunderstanding the question he asked me.
"Alright, let me rephrase the question; I get why you’re letting her stay here, but what's your reason for letting her stay here?" he asked.

"Well... She reminds me of Sam," I explained, becoming slightly upset at the reminder. "She acts just like him, even to the point of accidentally injuring me. Seriously, it's uncanny."

"Ah, that old nutshell. I don't blame you for that, seeing as how much you went through with your brother," Cloud said, attempting to sympathise with me.

"Wait, how do you know about that?" I asked, shocked that he knew about my past with my brother.

"You'd know the answer to that question If you spent even a minute browsing your computers," Cloud explained, bringing up the necessary files on the computer using his weird hand-tablet searching things. (Yeah, not a fucking clue what they are, nor can I be bothered to come up with a more original name.)

"What the hell? How'd you find this stuff?" I asked, staring at the information in confusion.

"I just fucking said it, pay attention," Cloud told me, continuing to scroll through the files. "These folders contain information on the entire project, including information on all the virtues."

"How... How much information are we talking about?" I asked, slightly concerned at the fact all the virtues had information on me, especially Joseph.

"Plenty! Information on your past, medical histories, combat training, and psych profiles. It even goes all the way down to your auti-" cloud said, shortly before I had to stop him.

"Okay man, can you please be quiet about that last one? Not exactly something I'm proud of," I explained to him, groaning at the reminder.

"But why? It's nothing to be ashamed of, mate," Cloud said, trying to make me feel better. But still...

"Yeah, try telling that to the half a dozen bullies who took the piss out of me because of it." I told Cloud, leaning my head back in my chair. "Could you keep that on the down-low for me? I'd rather keep that quiet, if at all possible."

"Fine, your call kid." Cloud shrugged, before briefly blinking red and looking towards the door. "Sensors just went off. Someone's approaching."

"Yeah, I would've realised that when they knocked on th-" I said, being interrupted by somebody, or somepony, knocking on the door. "You know what? I just LOVE being interrupted mid-sentence. It's so much fun..."

After my slight venting period, I stood back up from my seat and headed towards the door, pressing the opening mechanism to reveal... Applejack. (My god! Such a dramatic revelation!)

"Mornin' Marc. Ready to work?" Applejack asked, seeming incredibly cheery today. I honestly couldn't blame her though, the weather looked bloody gorgeous out today.

"Gimme about thirty minutes. I've got to get my breakfast sorted first, then my morning practice. After that, I'll be right over," I explained to her, heading back into the ship. "Feel free to come in if you want."

"Okay, I'll stop for a spell," Applejack said, heading over to my sofa, but stopping at Scootaloo. "Good grief girl, get up! You've got school, remember?"

"Ah, I forgot!" Scootaloo screeched, leaping out of bed and running out of the door in seconds. (Ooh, I don't envy her.)

"Note to self; wake her up in the morning,." I reminded myself, chuckling as I sorted myself out a quick sandwich.

"Yeah, that might be a good idea," Applejack agreed, walking over to the counter I was at. "What kind of 'training' do you need to do anyway?"

"Mainly about my aim with my guns and my swordsmanship. If I'm needed to fight those timberwolves, I might as well stay in practice, right?" I explained, wrapping my sandwiches in a bit of cling film and sticking some bread in the toaster.
"Yeah, that's a good point." Applejack said, looking over to my sword (the one on the desk by the door, don't get confused). "How come that thing's blue anyway?"

"That's because of the the alloy that makes it," I started. "It's made from a cobalt and titanium alloy. It makes the blade incredibly durable and sharp. It means I can be a bit lax when it comes to taking care of it, and I find the tint to look sick."

"Yeah... I lost you after the first bit," Applejack admitted, looking back over to me. "I think the second bit’s more Twilight's speed anyway."

"Hey guys? You got a moment? I'm picking up something over here," Cloud interrupted, re-appearing and looking quite serious.

"Cloud? Can't you see we're in the middle of a conversation over here? Kindly butt out," I told him, wishing to retain my good mood.

"Right, I can tell you're going to make this difficult, so I'm just going to come out and say it; I've picked up an awakening beacon," Cloud exclaimed, the last two words being more important to me than keeping up our game of pissing each other off.

"Wait, you've got a beacon?" I asked in shock, jumping back to the seat in front of the computer to check for myself.

"Yeah. I'm analysing the angle and signal strength to compensate for our lack of triangulating abilities," Cloud explained to me (and to an extent, Applejack), immediately disappearing.

"What was he talking about?" Applejack asked, completely lost.

"Well, it's complicated," I started. "You see, whenever a cryo pod opens via an AI, an awakening beacon is set off. We're analysing what the strength of said signal is at its source and comparing that to what direction it's coming from and the signal strength we're picking up in order to predict where it is."

"Yeah... I still don't get it." Applejack shrugged.

"Yeah, I don't blame you. Ask me about it before I got mixed in the project and I'd probably say the same thing," I admitted, chuckling slightly. "Besides, it's the best we can do, considering our inability to triangulate."

"Isn't triangulating basically using two different points to find out where somewhere is?" A new voice said from the doorway. Well, the voice wasn't new to me, I still easily recognised it.

I turned and... Yep, it was ol' Skittles, coming right on in.

"How would you know what triangulatin' is?" Applejack asked, giving a somewhat skeptical, yet still friendly, look to her friend.

"It was in the latest Daring Do book! She used it to locate the lost Alpha Temple and retrieve the augur crystal!"
And thus me and Applejack shared the same awkward look, not having a single clue what Rainbow Dash was on about (you know, aside from my head screaming at me for the Pokémon Insurgence parallels.)

"Yeah, only you and Twilight read those books, remember? I've got no clue what you're talking about," Applejack explained.

"Yeah, and I've only been here for a day, so forgive me if I've not read a very specific book series on a world with hundreds of different books... Not that I read much anyways," I also explained, still being too busy on the computer to give direct eye contact.

"Whatever. What are you guys doing anyway?" Rainbow asked, strolling on over to us.

"'We're tracking an awakening beacon that could lead us to one of Marc's friends... Well, just more humans. I don't think Marc was friends with most of them," Cloud explained, still blatantly ignoring everyone. Rainbow just stared at him blankly.

"Who's the ghost guy?" Rainbow asked, looking at Cloud in awe. Just as she was about to reach and try touch him, I grabbed her hoof to prevent her.

"Cloud is my ship’s AI. He helps me with stuff, and he's a hologram. Touching him hurts him, so try not to, right?" I explained to Rainbow, despite not fully knowing knowing how AIs work myself.

"Wait, it hurts you to be touched?" Rainbow asked, appearing rather shocked at the thought of being unable to touch stuff.

"Yes. A lot," Cloud said, shuddering violently at the thought. "Alright, I think I've got it."
All of a sudden, cloud disappeared, being replaced by a massive holographic map of Equestria. Nothing fancy, just the same plain map he analysed yesterday.

Next, a red beam appeared, pointing south-west of Ponyville. It went over some kind of desert and stopped somewhere inside it.

Cloud then re-appeared in front of the map. "From the looks of things, the signal is coming from the San-Palomino desert. I'm not exactly sure where though."

"Don't worry, that's my job to figure out," I told Cloud, standing up and observing the map. I traced my finger across some nearby train tracks. "I can take a few trains to get to a point closer to the desert, but it'll still be roughly a two day trip there and back."

I immediately walked over to my storage area, grabbing a large duffel bag.

"You’re setting off now?" Applejack asked, watching as I began to stuff a second set of clothes in.

"I know I'm supposed to help you out and all, but this really isn't something that can wait," I stated, packing a few ration packs into my bag.

After a brief moment of quiet, Rainbow stepped forward, a confident smirk on her face. "Then I'm coming with you.”
Now, your average joe would likely scream 'what?' in this kind of situation. But given I'd likely do the same thing in her place, I wasn't really surprised. Instead, I simply returned the smile.

"Guess some company for the road wouldn't be too bad," I said, briefly throwing my bag on the table in order to open my weapon storage.

"Ah, shoot. Ah' guess I could come too. Just to keep y’all out of trouble," Applejack explained, looking over at me as I selected my weapons. "You sure you need more than one of those things?"

Her observation was correct. I was carrying several different guns on me, placing them in various straps on my bag, the first of which was a silver ghost. This pistol was found in some weird government database file and re-created by the project. It was a weapon I worked with several times during training, so I felt more comfortable using.

The second was a good old BR55 battle rifle; a triple round burst assault rifle with up to 200ft pinpoint accuracy and a 36 ammo clip. And I know it appeared in the halo games all those years ago, but when video games create all these great weapons, can you blame humanity for wanting to recreate them?

Finally, and most prominently, was a KRM-262 pump shotgun. I don't really have to say nothing more than 'it's bloody strong' for you to get the picture. I mean, it's a bloody shotgun!

In the midst of strapping the guns to my bag, I turned to Applejack. "Last time I left my ship, I nearly got killed due to my own lack of preparation. I'm not taking any chances this time!"

"Those things might look like they're chunks of metal AJ, but they're pretty strong. Trust me." Rainbow told her friend, placing her hoof on her friend’s shoulder.

"If you say so," Applejack said, slowly heading towards the door. "I'm just going to give the family a heads-up. You think you can show Marc to the train station when you’re both done here, Rainbow?"

"Got it. We'll meet you there," Rainbow declared, giving her friend a confident salute (Aha! So I'm not the only one to do that!) as AJ walked out of the ship. This left just me and Rainbow... And probably Cloud, given he's still online.

After stacking some portable cooking equipment into my bag, I fastened it and placed it on my back, grabbing my sword from the side and fastening its sheathe to my belt.

"Okay, I'm good," I told rainbow, quickly heading over to the main desk to pick up a smaller map of Equestria, picking it up and folding it into my pocket. "Luckily Cloud prepared me a map in case of emergency."

"You’re welcome, by the way!" Cloud shouted, appearing as a quick green flash. "Oh, and do you see that drive next to it? Do me a solid and stick it in the ship fragment when you find it."

"Okay, but only if you make sure to let Scootaloo in tonight and explain things to her, okay?" I asked Cloud, slowly making my way over to the door, placing the USB in my pocket.

"Ugh, fine," Cloud groaned. "But I retain the right to complain about it."

"Whatever," I said, walking away from him and waving as I did so.


After about twenty minutes of waiting at the train station, Applejack finally arrived. She and Rainbow dash ended up paying for our tickets and we were off. I had nothing to worry about... Aside from dozens of skeptical looks from other ponies.
Some looked shocked or scared, others were in awe. The rest just shrugged it off and continued what they were doing, and I was grateful to those bunch. If humans were ever going to live alongside ponies in the future, we had to be ok coexisting, so this reaction seemed pretty good.

Aside from this (and maybe the fact I'm still barely able to exit the doors), there wasn't much else to report. I ended up just staying on a rather small train seat parallel from AJ and Rainbow for most of the trip, and I mostly spent my time staring out the window. Which is when it hit me.

Earth and Equestria. They're so damn alike. Traveling on the train made me truly understand this. Even brought back some old memories of some of mine and my mothers sparring sessions. Although that's a story for another time.

"Hey Marc, you got a minute?" Applejack asked, dragging my attention from the window.

"Yeah, something wrong?" I asked in return.

"Not really, just asking how things are with Scootaloo," AJ explained, re-adjusting her position in her seat. "I'm surprised you took her in."

"I wasn't about to leave her alone out there with the chance of Timberwolves roaming, was I?" I told her. "Besides, after what I've been through, I don't leave anyone behind, no matter what."

"That's pretty cool," Rainbow dash said, getting a weird look from AJ, who clearly misunderstood her friend. "What? I meant the whole 'leave no-one behind' thing."

"Trust me, you learn to look out for others when you've gone through what I have," I explained.

"What I'm trying to say is thanks. I know what Scootaloo's been through, and it was nice of you to take her in," Applejack told me, a warm smile appearing on her face.

"Wait, you’re ok with me looking after her?" I asked, seriously confused.

"Well, it's better you look out for her. It's either that or she's on her own, and being with you is a better choice," Applejack explained calmly.

"What can I say? She's a nice kid. And... She reminds me of Sam," I told the two of them, relaxing slightly at the reminder.

"Isn't that your kid brother you mentioned last night?" Applejack asked.

"Did he come here too?" Rainbow asked. In response, I faced downwards.

"No... He didn't. And I don't know if he ever will," I muttered, feeling wounded over the reminder (weird how the thought of Sam can make me happy as quickly as he makes me sad.)

"Marc, are you alright?" Applejack asked, placing her hoof on my slouched shoulder. As soon as I felt this, I instantly sat back upright in shock.

"No, don't worry, it's fine. I'll vent the next time I get into a fight with something," I told them, putting on a fake smile to try stop them from worrying.

"If you say so," Applejack said, looking back out if the window. Rainbow was doing the same. And as much as I didn't want to be a sheep, I couldn't help doing so myself. There was just something about looking out of the window on a train ride that
seemed appealing...

Well, on this planet anyway. At least there's something to look at other than snow.


-five hours later-

Hey guys? Let me give you all some advice for exploring the dessert...

Don't be an absolute fucking tool and forget to bring any form of water, because at this point, I felt like an absolute idiot.
As did AJ and Rainbow Dash, as they just learned of our lack of water.

"Let me get this straight; you knew we were traveling to a desert and packed all your stuff... But you forgot to pack water?!!" Rainbow yelled, the three us wandering the desert in search of the ship segment.

"Hey, here's an idea; don't have a go at my packing when you two forgot to pack anything at all!" I shouted back, giving her a grim look.

"Marc's right. We probably should've thought first before leaving unprepared," Applejack stated, looking back at her friend.
"But still, nopony thought of bringin' some water?"

"No pony, no human. Nobody brought water, okay?" I groaned, continuing onwards to... Wherever we were going.
Or, we were until I heard a large thump. I quickly turned back to see Applejack had passed out, Rainbow Dash looking over her.

"AJ! Wake up!" Rainbow shouted, shaking her friend violently.

"Don't worry, I know first aid... Ish. But I'll need your help," I explained to rainbow in an attempt to calm her down. "Does she still have a pulse?"

After Rainbow placed her hoof on her friends neck, she responded with a swift nod.

"Right, then we need to find a source of water, stat." I declared, picking up Applejack and hoisting her onto my shoulder. (Believe it or not, ponies don't seem all to heavy). "Come on, let's get going."

"Alright. Let's go," Rainbow said, following me swiftly.


Ugh, how do I get myself into these situations?

Allow me to give you the low-down; I'm now carrying both AJ and Rainbow. I'm willing to guess smaller bodies means less water in it. As such, dehydration was a lot more likely.

And as much as I wanted to say I'm feeling better off, I wasn't. Even I had my limits, and carrying both ponies was making me exert more energy than I expected.

I was in luck though. The sun was beginning to set, cooling down the desert. This gave me a brief moment between the blazing heat and the freezing cold.

Who am I kidding? I'm boned!

"You two comfortable up there?" I asked AJ and Rainbow, who responded with the expected silence. "Alright, suit yourselves. I get first dibs on water when I find... It."

And thus the heat finally got to me. I'd reached my limit. I tried the typical 'stick the sword in the ground' technique, but the weight on my back and the sand’s lack of strength made it worthless. I hit the ground instantly, and Applejack and Rainbow Dash were sent flying.

I attempted to get back to my feet, but it was no use. I felt what fragments of my strength were left finally sap away.
But before I blacked out, I swore I saw something. Something... Human?

-??? time later-

I had no idea where I was, nor how much time had passed. My head was thumping like a marching band and every muscle in my body was screaming, yet one clear message was being chanted in my head.

(Water. Need... Water)

As my eyes slowly began to open, I could see the black night sky, covering the desert in a blue glow. I expected this to mean I was freezing cold, but it was the contrary. I was warm.

After fighting my body for control over my neck, I took a quick look around. I saw a campfire two metres to the left of me, along with several palm trees lining the area. After seeing a small pool of water, I quickly realised where I was; an oasis.

I relaxed my neck and reverted back to my prior position, quickly finding a bottle of water placed conveniently next to me. Without even a moment’s thought, my body claimed it and guzzled it down immediately. I was roughly half-way through the bottle when I began to choke.

"Slow down, the water’s not going anywhere," a new, yet surprisingly familiar voice instructed me. I heard them sit down on the log I was resting my head on. "This isn't like you, Marc. You’re usually good with remembering things."

I once again struggled to turn my neck, turning to face my new company.

They had a distinctly familiar hairstyle. A ponytail? No, it's a wolf-tail! And... They had a scar on their eye.


"Shane?.. Is... Is that you?" I managed to ask, my throat feeling like sandpaper.

My visibility finally fully returned, and I could now fully see my saviour. It was definitely Shane. He simply nodded.
"You have no idea how glad I am to see a friendly face," Shane told me, a relieved look now filling his face.

Author's Note:

Alright, I got that done pretty quickly, all things considered. (Broken iPad and all). Chapters should speed up now that I'm done with college, so you need only wait as I pump out more chapters for you guys.