• Published 20th Oct 2018
  • 687 Views, 30 Comments

Dragon's Rest - Megaskullmon

It's been a month since, my Journey came to an end. I'm still here with Lyra but...are we truly alone? Or are we waiting for the next shoe to drop?

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Chapter Fourteen: Time for Goodbye

November 25th

We have done everything we can to gather what we can. Fuel for the heaters we have gotten chickens and cows. Maybe how our bodies work now we could drink the milk. Mostly what I have been doing is breaking into most homes and stores that are in Battle Creek I am not even done yet. Before I could do anything more I was called back to Dragon’s rest.

I get out of the car heading inside looking around. I didn’t see anyone the lights are on and when I get deeper into the store I see them all looking back at me. Lyra just stares at me sadness in her eyes.

“Malla I told the others. But I don’t have much longer I need to go back. So the others are wishing to do something called a Christmas party for me?”

The words hit me pretty hard. I took a deep breath trying to keep my anger and sorrow deep down in my core. A weak smile forms across my scaled face. I didn’t know what to say at first looking at the others.

“I do have an idea then Wanda, George, could you take a car and try to find Christmas lights and everything? There might be some in the area in the back of the store. Just I would have to look through all these boxes.”

Wanda nods.

“Of course come on George.”

I watch while the two leave smiling loving how close the two are even after the change. I look to Savannah.

“Thankfully we haven’t had any snow yet. Do you think you found enough fuel for the generators to run the heaters?”

Savannah shifts on her hooves.

“I doubt we do. If Ted is up for it. I would like a large pair of hands to help find as much as we can.”

Ted nods.

“I am sure with not being able to use those hooves as hands yeah I would be happy to help. Stay safe Malla and others. If it starts getting to go cold. I made a soup that can keep you a little warm. If I had more time I could do better. But I don’t have the time.”

I watched as the others left. It was just me and Lyra since our bat already left before we even spoke. Since she mostly talks in her music and wishes to stay away from the others till she feels comfortable with the rest of them.

“I know you’re upset Malla. I know you have been upset since I told you I had to leave.”

She is correct I have been upset. I didn’t want to make her feel unwelcomed for having to leave. She has to hopefully I will get to meet her again someday. I doubt that is in the cards I am sure. I wish I could have done more with her. She came with me on this journey from Wyoming to Michigan and I haven’t always treated her with the respect and kindness she deserved.

“I have been upset you’re correct Lyra. But I am happy you have been with me on this journey. Without you, I would have been lost and maybe succumbed to my dragon side before I even made it here. You kept me in line and now it’s time for the others to do the same. I am so sorry for how I treated you these past months. You meant well. And thank you.”

Lyra and I give each other a tight hug.

“Come let’s go find Christmas lights.”

The two of us went around the store to see if we can find any lights. We fully to the back of the store to see that there are many boxes. I doubt with it being may that there wouldn’t be any lights. Of course, I am sure there might be stuff back here.

“Malla what are we exactly looking for?”

This I had no idea about myself. You would think that everything with lights and Christmas would be placed in here. I heard my name over the walkie-talkie. I take it from my belt on my leg putting it up to my ear or whatever I had for an ear.


On the other side was well our radio host.

“Yo boss lady. I heard you’re wishing to give your friend from the other world a Christmas party. My question to you. Do you wish me to play any Christmas music or do you want it to be the same music?”

Christmas music? I took a deep breath I didn’t want Lyra’s first Christmas party to be ruined by the endless music.

“Please no..we want her to leave with a happy smile not hearing the endless Christmas music.”

The bat laughs.

“Ah, so I am not the only one that has an issue with that music. Is there any way I can help you though?”

I didn’t know how she could help me. I don’t know if there is anyone else around in this town but us.

“Well, all you can help with. Is to make sure if anyone new returns that you tell me. I need to make sure we get to them before the weather gets worse.”

The bat Dj turns of her talkie.

“Hey, Malla I found something called.. Ch...Ch..chritmas decorations and tree?”

I look to the box and finally I open up and it takes a while to set everything up. I set it up only in the back because it wouldn’t be easy to set it up in the entire store alone. I look back at everything I did with Lyra. When we first met. When we first drove together and met with Chris and Starla as well as that other pony.

I close my eyes tears falling from them. I just remember all the peace and rage I had for her. I love her as my sister. I wish she was able to stay longer. I feel I might be lost without her. I rub the tears out of my eyes.


I took a deep breath. Exhaling soon after.

“Could you do me a favor Lyra?”

I turn my head to look at her.

“I would like you to find some food that ain’t too decayed or gross and bring it to me. I am going to make a feast for you and the others.”

It took me most of the day to get everything ready. It was the 26th of November before I got everything ready. It took time for the others to return. Lyra found me a lot of food that didn’t get decayed. Now many of us can’t eat meat so we used fruit and other types of food we found.

I keep looking back on everything I did with Lyra. The tears the pain and looking back to the Iron Giant toy. That will make sure I remember everything with her. I am sure sooner or later with how long dragons live that I might start losing some things that I even know.

Everything was set up and everyone came back and all we did was talk laugh and drink and eat. We cheered with danced. It is all we could do Lyra had the best time of her life. At least the best of her life when she came here.

I stood alone though the others cheered. I just couldn’t face the truth I would be losing my friend and I would be alone again. I felt that way till Savannah taps her hoof on my side. I turn to look at her with a weak smile.

“This was your idea Malla. You should be coming over to say goodbye to your friend.”

I took a deep breath again.

“I can’t…”

Savannah just stares at me tilting her head.

“Are you too angry at how you treated her during your journey here Malla? If that is the case then you need to make up for it. You need to go to her and tell her that you’re sorry for everything. Then give her a gift.”

A gift? I quickly ran or waddled to the camera aisle. I found one that had a timer and that would be the best and the photo would at least last. I walk back to them and set the camera right beside Lyra.

“Lyra I want you to take a photo. Of all of us as your gift as your goodbye.”

Lyra looks at the camera as the rest of us come into view. It would have been best if it was just me. But she is the one that brought us together. At least that is how I see it. George and Wanda stood by each other. Jenny stood by Savannah as I just stood in the back. She takes the photo.

It was many hours after everyone else went to sleep and Lyra and I spoke before she left. She wanted to leave before the next day.

“This was...an amazing journey Lyra. I wish I could have known you longer. Take care, my friend”

Lyra lifts her bags she didn’t want to take anything else but the photo.

“I wish I could have stayed longer to Malla. Just it’s time for me to get home. I feel I found my leader for this community at least. Thank you for everything Malla”

I lean down and hug her. Then head back inside hearing the magic building up and then a flash with her finally vanishing. She took two photos I look at the wall of the photo is on. In my head, I think of what she called it.

The founders of Dragon’s Rest. I head up to the radio station Jenny still awake she looks up to me.

“How can I help you, boss lady?”

I look to the radio.

“Can I please use this? I would like you to record what I am about to say are you willing to do so?”

She nods setting everything up for me. Turning it on and with a wing allows me to pick up the mic.

“Greetings those that have returned. I know things are strange to you. You’re not alone I wish to express my hope for you. There are others in this new world. I wish I could help you more with more info on what happened. You would have to learn that yourself. If you wish for help or at least shelter Dragon’s Rest is finally ready for you all. I am one of the founders and you’re welcomed. Come and enjoy the rest of a dragon. For we are all the same flesh and blood no matter the changes that happen to us.”

I took a deep breath wondering the last thing to say.

“I figure it might be best to explain what happened to me to help others on their path. It was May 23rd”