• Published 20th Oct 2018
  • 687 Views, 30 Comments

Dragon's Rest - Megaskullmon

It's been a month since, my Journey came to an end. I'm still here with Lyra but...are we truly alone? Or are we waiting for the next shoe to drop?

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Chapter Seven: The screeching DJ

Do you wish to learn about me? Hmm, Malla did ask me to write in this journal. Well, what can I say I am just a simple Brit from the UK. I was born in 1980 I learned that I am older then Malla. Now I was going to school but I dropped out to become a DJ of radios and so on. I was a lover of the Beetles. I enjoyed every moment of their music and the fact that they did so much for my country. But how to say it.

I was born in early June my family was what you call very very poor. We didn't have anything so growing up being the only child. My family did what they allowed me to do. They didn't care for American music but they allowed me to listen. When I was able to go to school I got into many fights. Yeah, normal thing but as a proud woman, I felt it was justified. I am a Brit woman we demand respect. Well, enough about that now I got into many fights during this time I didn't do very well with others and other ladies. I wasn't very ladylike I was more into music.

So what I did with the alright of my parents I went to the local radio station they made me an intern. So during that entire time, I didn't get paid but they helped me learn how to be a DJ. But it wasn't always easy some folks didn't like my taste in music. I cared more for American music then UK music. Of course, that's because I grew up with many guys and gals from the US. They were so kind and respectful to me. The sad thing is though to some of my family Americans aren't trustworthy but I didn't understand why.

Anyway, during the early ’90s, I was given my first gig. I was meant to be a DJ at a party but I did some stupid things. I got into smoking and drinking. At this party, It didn't do good for me because well I'm just a simple person that is known for temptation. It's normal for the DJs to have sexual relations as well. I would be more open about it but Malla wished me to make my speech more rated for all. She said that younger ears might be listening out there.

I'm normally not that kid-friendly but with how the world has ended I feel it might be best to now it's been many years since they found me. I can't go into what has happened it would be a bad thing. But we have grown to love our new home. But first I must tell everyone.

Now I was young and I got myself pregnant. I was what you call 16 at the time when this happens. This time I allowed my child to be born and then I gave them up for adoption. I may not have been happy with myself. But I didn't wish to lose my ability to get my gig. I had no real friends My family was kind of stupid. My parents disliked me. So I had to learn to live through each gig.

Every gig I did I got more and more money but I didn't have any happiness but I was hired by a company that was linked to one in America this was in 2000 now I know my story is not as much as the others. But you need to understand something. I'm not one to go into my life. My life is mostly just I lived and now I am here. But anyway back in 2010 I was asked to go to America and go to Michigan to be part of an exchanged program. I finally got there and I started to love it. But something was going on. I learned something interesting Michigan parts of it were under the control of some really rich people.

They had been trying for years to buy the station I work at but what is odd that what went on. This man came in a night in 2015 before the 3rd. He came with a group of mercs I was told and he tried to take over through force. Then suddenly the change happen. Everything as unlocked because of him. Now he returned along with me I learned who he was and I learned what I could do. I grabbed a chair in my mouth and tried to end his life. But they found him wounded too bad the Pumas did not kill him.

They should have listened to me in the past and let him die. But Malla is to kind for her good. I liked her more in the past. But of course, I can understand why she thinks like this. This pony that she let go caused something that you will be well known for. I have been told our radio waves make it to another group. But I am sure we will learn more about each other. I do warn you my friends I'm a founder of Dragons Rest I welcome you here. But if you cause the issues the rich have to us. I will find you in this city I will find you myself and with the help of Savannah's army I will make sure you fall


It was odd watching a dragon Drive. She wasn't very kind to the one named Lyra. She insulted her sometimes and Lyra just took it. She even gave it back in kind. I was told that Lyra is not part of this world. But she refuses to speak about it. I learned that Malla and she came to Michigan from Wyoming after the event happen. They plan on taking me to Battle Creek I do hope that I meet some nice folks there. But I am more worried about the pony they found. I am sure it's the same one. if it's not then well I just almost ended the life of someone I could have made friends with.

We finally made it back to their home and two others were waiting.

"Good to see you back. You had this old man worried." The strange dog smiled at us and stared at me. "Oh my, a bat pony creature. I'm George. From what Lyra told me I am a Diamond dog."

I blinked. "So you're named after a David Bowie song?"

He laughed. "I said that too."

Wanda laughed. "Greetings I am Wanda. I see you met Savannah and Malla."

I gave a nod I didn't care for Malla right now but the fact I couldn't argue with her without getting my head chewed off would have been a good thing.

"Now I heard you the entire time. You suck as a DJ George no offense to you."

George laughed. "Oh don't worry. I was told you have tons of music with you."

"Yes yes I do and I brought my headset. So lead me there and I will help by trying to find more souls for this. What do you call it?"

"Dragons Rest." I looked over to Malla I felt a smile form on my face.

"Dragons Rest hmm sounds like something a Brit would come up with."

Malla nodded. "I used to date one when I was still a human male."

I stopped in my tracks turning to Malla.

"Wait you used to be a male?"

Mallas’s cheeks turned bright red.

"Yes, I woke up as a female dragon. It seems from what I learned that it affects how you come back. But I don't know much about it maybe you will learn something from others."

I nodded. "Now I am going to give this city and other music. If we can we can be heard in many places. I can also give them hope."

George gave a nod he grabbed all my music. I took all the music I could from the station Malla said we could go back later for it. When I got there it was so badly set up.

"Sorry for the mess." I looked to George I respected him a lot but he ruined my job for the moment.

"Allow me to take care of this big guy. When you hear me speak then I will be done." George nodded. He quickly left after it took me a few hours but I finally got it set up how I wanted. I put the headset on and started to speak.

"Welcome Ladies and Gentleman or these days welcome Mares and Stallions or whatever you are out there. This is your DJ Nightingale. A change happens to us. I am sure many of you are scared and unsure of what to do. But I am part of a new group of folks. I have nowhere else to go or I would have done this myself. But I have no leadership skills."

I sighed closing my eyes.

"If any of you need just a voice to listen I will be here as long as I can. If you have phones that work I will give my email so I can get a request. But I feel for what is going on with us today. I feel we need something that would help us all. If you need a place just to rest your head come to Dragons Rest it won't be hard to see. We will have power soon and we will be ready for you all."

I closed my eyes picking the music placing it in. The music started to play.

I started to wonder what would be the future. I allowed the music to play I could hear it below and I heard the others laughing it seemed the music I picked made them happy. My new job is to keep the moral going of this little place. Maybe someday I will be working for an entire city but one can hope.