• Published 20th Oct 2018
  • 687 Views, 30 Comments

Dragon's Rest - Megaskullmon

It's been a month since, my Journey came to an end. I'm still here with Lyra but...are we truly alone? Or are we waiting for the next shoe to drop?

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Chapter Fifteen: A griffin and the dragon

December 15th

It’s been close to a month since Lyra left. I am happy that she helped me with what she could. Of course, I have stayed mostly to myself to keep myself from losing my cool with my friends. I lay in my hoard and It’s been growing since I have been breaking into other stores and taking random things.

I open my eyes hearing hooves clicking on the hard floor. I didn’t even speak because I know from the weight and from the way she held herself on her hooves. She was a strong mare and I am sure even before the change she was stronger still.

“Malla Jenny is calling for you.”

I lift my head turning to look at Savannah and put my claws under me standing full up. I stretch grunting and stretching my wings feeling every muscle pull. Folding my wings to my side again. Walking beside Savannah. She places a hoof on my side I turn my neck a bit to look at her.

“You can’t be this way forever Malla you need to open up to at least one of us and talk to us.”

A weak smile forms along my scaled face. She is correct I do need to let go of these feelings. I stand there a moment having many thoughts going through my dragon mind. The feelings of being human but as well as being a dragon fight each other. My rage can be just as bad as my human anger. I took a deep breath and exhaling blowing out steam from the mouth and nose.

“I understand Savannah I am sorry just it’s hitting me harder than I thought it would. Now maybe talking to Jenny will help me get over this.”

I walk down the big store looking at the full isles since we fill them up with snacks just in case we need to do so and since the lights and power are now going we can at least use the freezers. To keep some of the food good. The milk is the only issue and well the fact that some of the food will get worse as well.

I feel the problem is even if I hunt down the warehouse most of this food comes from sooner or later there will be no saving it. We will have to find a way to use the freezers to keep other things cold.

I see George, Wanda, and Ted. Ted has been asking George and Wanda to allow him to take draw their blood and using the machines I never learned the names of them to see if he can find anything to help us with sickness if it ever came.

The three turn to look at me waving at me. All I could do was give them a weak smile. We have become family and sooner or later I will have to do what a dragon does. Watch them die I will in many years watch them die as I grow older. Watching this new world slowly age with me and I watch new lives being born while I keep watching the world slowly die.

“Hey, boss woman.”

Jenny broke me out of my stupor. I turn to her she normally never leaves the upper part that we made for her so she could see everything if she wanted to. It took a while to move everything and she even lives up there.

“Enjoying your new home Jenny?”

She shrugs her shoulders.

“I need you to come up here and listen to this.”

I follow her up to her new home and I look around seeing many old posters I am sure she stole from many homes. I stare at the Nsync one and I just chuckle to myself turning to look at her radio set up. Wow, I thought George was messy but she has so much tech here that I am amazed if she is not the one using up most of it.

“Okay big gal listen to this.”

She uses her bat wings to lift the headphones to me and I put them to my ears and listen close.

“This is officer Randell D Monker. I...I have no idea where I am...all I know is that I am in Michigan. I am I...I don’t know what I am. I am. I don’t know what I am. Please…. I..”

The poor creature starts sobbing.

“Please it’s very cold… here. I see. I see a road sign… Detroit…”

I lower the headphone from my head looking down at Jenny feeling very bad for this creature. A weak smile fills my face. I know full well if we even try to do this that it would take days maybe even longer to find this creature in that city.

“I have no idea how we would find him. But I will ask the others to come with me and I will have Savannah come with me.”

Jenny smirks.

“So you two could have that heart-to-heart talk about that kiss of yours?”

I quickly went silent how did she know that Savannah and I kissed?

Jenny laughs

“Oh my god, you two did kiss I knew it!!”

I snorted and sigh looking back at Jenny since she is connected to the PA system.

“Call the others to tell them to meet me at the parking lot.”

I went down the stairs and a voice plays over the PA to tell the others to meet me at the parking lot. I took a deep breath this poor creature is going to be hungry and scared. He is also a police officer he will be focusing on his instincts as one.

When I get to the parking lot I notice that Savannah has a rifle strapped around her shoulder and a lot of ammo. I have a feeling she has learned to load and shoot the gun. I look at what she did with the gun and made it so she could either use her mouth or her hoof. I look over to Geroge I see he has a pistol.

“I am unsure it’s wise to have weapons.”

Ted snorts at my words.

“Malla I may not agree with them either but we have no idea how bad Detroit is. It could be overrun by animals if we aren’t careful. I got a brew just in case he has infections or anything could be broken. We will be going in the ambulance and please. Malla please don’t allow your rage and stress to get to you.”

I look over to Ted. I give him a reassuring smile. Ted snorts he knows me well from the time I have been here. I don’t take new things well and when I fail I take it hard. I open the door looking back at the grave we had to make for Toby. He died not only from old age but from the fact his heart just stopped.

Everyone I knew and came here with is gone. I am now with a new family. I get into the expedition that I came here with Lyra. Savannah gets into the seat beside me as the others go on ahead.

I lift the satellite phone.

“Everyone able to hear me?”

Savannah didn’t waste to connect the phones to our radios.

“Yes we can hear you and Jenny hasn’t had any updates but she is hoping that he finds a way to get power to something so he can hear her. But we will be looking for a needle in a large city Malla. He could be dead before we find him.”

I nodded sighing turning everything off and starting the car. I hated that I had to go with Savannah she and I haven’t spoken much since that time at the bank. I drive trying to remember how to get there of course. I had to follow the signs and when we get on the highway it was silent. At least for an hour.


I took a deep breath knowing that Savannah is going to want to talk since we are alone. Since there won’t much be many other cars I can drive very well without watching the road. I took a deep breath again blowing more steam out after I exhale.

“Malla we haven’t talked since that kiss and you seem to refuse to even talk to me after it. Please Malla I need to know what is wrong please.”

I didn’t know what to say to her. But this is a good time as any to talk to her about this. It would take us a few hours to get to Detroit and the others could be there already since I allowed my dragon hoarding to get the best of me again.

“I am just scared if I get close to you Savannah that I will have to watch you die from old age while I never age Savannah. How do you think I will feel I know dragons don’t age like others. I am going to watch you die..”

Savannah smiles stroking my side with her hoof.

“Don’t worry about the future Malla worry about the now. Be happy now and be sad and then remember the memories of what we have together now.”

I turn my head back to the road to make sure I am not going off the road. She is correct I should worry about the now. I need to make memories with those I make friends with now. I look over to nature and how it’s thrived.

“I will try my best to focus on the now Savannah. I will try my best to be one who can give your feelings to as much as you need me to. Just I need time Savannah give me the time and then I will give you my all.”

Savannah nods and a call comes over the satellite phone. I turn the radio on as I wait to see what is going on.

“Jenny hasn’t heard anything new but she is hoping that we could find a bunch of battery-powered radios and play them loud enough that he would hear us. So we stopped at a few stores so if you get there before we do Malla. You and Savannah try to find anything battery-powered turn them on and see if that will help us find him.”

I had an idea looking over to Savannah.

“Know a good place for Megaphones?”

Savannah quickly thinks nodding.

“Yes, Walmart would have a lot of them.”

Yes, Walmart would have them I lift the phone to my mouth.

“Savannah and I are going to head to any store we can find to find what we can. But we will also look for Megaphones.”

I heard someone grab the phone.

“Malla this is Ted. We don’t know how long he has been back. He could be scared and remember he is an officer he could have a gun. He could also be very cold and unsure of what is going around him the changes could cause many problems for him. Please don’t do anything stupid just seeing you could scare him badly.”

He is correct how I look would scare him.

“Then I would say Savannah should be the one to talk to him. I will stay behind and listen if he does try to shoot her I will see if these scales can handle a bullet.”

Ted and the others went silent a moment. I have a feeling they don’t want me to even try.

“Malla we can’t have you getting hurt either. I have no idea what your body is like. I still need to study you like I have been studying the others. I know you wish to be our leader but we can’t have our leader get shot.”

I sigh softly nodding I knew he was right. Savannah strokes my side with her hoof to relax me. I didn’t say a word and Savannah knew what I was going to say.

“I will make sure doesn’t do anything stupid. I will do my best to make sure she stays and just watches. We all need to be there to help him. Maybe even Jenny can speak to him when we get there.”

Two hours later Savanah and I drive into Dearborn and even though we brought enough fuel with us. I ransack many cars for fuel and Savannah goes into the Walmart and thanks to those hooves of hers I am sure she is going to be able to break in.

After six hours of doing all this, I filled like five cans of fuel after I broke into the gas station gathering a bunch of snacks and drinks even if they aren’t cold. Savannah came back like an hour later with a cart full of Megaphones and some battery-powered radios.

“Malla… what did you do?”

Savannah looks around after she got back many car doors are ripped off and the gas station broke into. I just look back at her after I got everything into the car and all the snacks and drinks looking at her.

“I um...would you believe that I got us snacks and drinks?”

Savannah looks through everything I took and she pulls out a bra with her mouth and stares at it as she places it on the ground and she looks through more seeing that I even took the cash register and then the gas station owner’s shotgun.

“Malla...This is going to need to stop I know you can’t help yourself but happens if some of these folks return and they need something like food and something to protect them.”

I didn’t think about that and absentmindedly eating jewelry like it didn’t even exist and she just stares at me. I quickly get everything into the car along with everything she got even the batteries. Savannah just shakes her head and gets into the car I get in as well turning it back on.

“I am sorry Savannah I just when it comes to stuff like this I lose control and feel that I need to take and take it’s like this hoarding thing is going to be a big issue.”

Savannah sighs shaking her head. I finally go silent again and then grab the phone.

“We are heading out of dearborn how about you three.”

It took a second for them to answer but it was Ted that answered.

“Wanda and George just got back they got all they could and they got some gas. I spent my time seeing if I could find anything that would keep him warm just in case he is that cold or some meds that would work fine for him.”

I took a deep breath this is not going to be easy. He is a doctor and he is doing all he can for us. But what is going to happen if one of us gets badly sick? How will we handle it with all the issues going on? I think I will worry too much and maybe someday find a place for me to hide when things get too much.

“Now I warn you all before I left Wyoming we Lyra I ran into many creatures that got brave to come down from the mountains and I got attacked by even dogs. So it’s best to be armed no matter what if they try to harm you take them down and make sure we find this creature. I am worried it might start snowing. Strangely, it’s December and we haven’t got any snowstorms from Canada.”

After that, we went silent and when we all finally got to Detroit it was midnight so now it was December 16th and it was very dark. I remember about the Detroit tiger stadium I would go there if I was lost.

“Savannah if you could find a generator could you bring power back to the Detroit stadium?”

Savannah shook her head.

“That wouldn’t be easy to do so but if we find him we could meet there if that works?”

I nod and I knew it was wise for me to look alone. I was tired but I couldn’t fall asleep I was worried and I watched while the sun slowly came up a few hours later and Savannah and the others went into a group. It was Wanda and Ted and Savannah and Geroge. The only idea I had for searching for him was the place I was born. Bronson hospital is not far from here I would think after meeting Starla that it would be wise to check there.

I would wait for maybe a few more hours though. I paced by myself around the cars trying to ignore my hoarding instinct and all I can think of is babies like Starla I feel anger filling my heart again. I want to rage at the ones that caused all this but I can’t. I want to just be angry at something but I know that won’t get anywhere.

I finally had enough and I followed the road to Bronson hospital it took me an hour and I had my phone with me. I noticed the doors are unlocked and well it is a 24-hour hospital and It’s pretty normal for it to not be locked. When I got inside It looked very normal but when I got in there I found some strange feathers in one of the chairs.

I looked at the sign for the ward for children to stay in after they are born. Now I just got to get up the stairs. When I walk up the stairs I took a deep breath and trying very hard to relax. I didn’t want to run into any children here and watch them.

I stood by the window and I didn’t see any babies thankfully and I didn’t know it then I would have a run-in with someone I never thought I would.

“My son would be laying in here.”
I froze turning my head to see the other creature sitting in a chair. He didn’t look so good. He turned his head to me weakly seeing me. I didn’t see horror or sadness in his eyes.

“My son….wh...my wife.. everyone...Is gone..”

He is looking down at his gun and he even had a bottle with him a bottle of booze from what I see. I have a feeling that he doesn’t even think I am here but is too drunk to even know any better but he didn’t look that good. I didn’t know what to do but talk with him to fill his drunken state.

“Your son? I take it you have been on your way to see him?”

The griffin laughs he takes a long swig from the bottle and sets it down since it’s now empty. He grabs another from a bag he had with him and opens it with his beak. I have a feeling there is no way I am going to tell him I am real at least not yet.

“Yes...I was on patrol and I got a call. That my wife was in labor. So I drove as quick as I can and..then a flash and I am still driving. I have these claws and this beak. I looked around for everyone I knew and tried to see if any other living soul was here. But nothing.”

I just stood there listening I didn’t know what to think. I felt just as bad as he did when I showed back up and now I have to help another in return. Oh, Lyra I have so much to thank you for I thought to myself.

“I know times are tough for you. But you should at least be strong for all those that are missing and you could be strong for them.”

The griffin laughs and aims his gun at the window and fires and I jump and he laughs loudly. He sobs loudly I look over to the window that broke from the bullet and I look back at him while he is sobbing and drinking from the booze.

“You must be one of the angels of God to come and stop me from doing something that will send me down to the pits of fire. You’re just a figment trying to tell me to not do what I must. It’s the only way I can see them again.”

I took a deep breath and I do my best to be like an angel even though there is no way I should be allowed to do so. But if it’s the only way to keep him from hurting himself or even me. I took a deep breath and look towards the window.

“I may or not be an angel but I am here to help you. I know you have no reason to believe me and your anger and you’re not healthy for you to have been on your own in the cold for a long time. The fact you got here at all is amazing. Just please tell me what would you have named your son?”

I am hoping that takes the griffins mind off of hurting himself. He sobs harder coughing a bit. I go to look for more blankets for him and I come back to cover him and I try to take the gun but he quickly pulls it away. I don’t think he is fully there to know I tried to take it.

“What would I have called my son? I. I ain’t sure about that..”

The satellite phone rings and I quickly answer it looking over to the griffin.

“It seems God wants me to speak to him may I take this while you relax?”

I put it to my ear after he nods and quietly asks.


“We have had no luck finding him Malla. This city is big it would take too long to find him and he could be dead by then.”

I stay silent for a second looking back at the griffin who takes another long swig from the drink. I took a deep breath and exhaling releasing a lot of smoke and steam from my nose and mouth after I do so.

“I am going to say this once. I want you all to come to Bronson hospital. I need you to hurry. I don’t know how long he has left till his body goes into shock and he is drinking a lot of booze. Now please hurry.”

I turn to look at the griffin.

“Hey what did God say?’

I smirk and chuckle hanging up.

“Oh, he saids that he is hoping that you will have a peaceful life as long as you can.”

The griffin laughs and tosses an empty bottle at the wall and lets the contents spill all over as the glass flies all over. I don’t think he buys it that I am an angel I need to find a way to get through to him. So many ways to do this are going around in my head.

“Now tell me what were you going to name your son?”

The griffin sighs looking at the booze and then up to me and smiles.

“You know I promised her I would stop and not become like my father. You see my father was a mean drunk he would hurt my mother and me. I promised her I would never drink again or hurt the baby. Look at me. Now”

He sobs loudly holding his claws to his eyes sobbing very hard.

“I am a failure like my father. If she saw me now. She would leave me and take my son away with her. I failed twice already and she told me if I falter again I would lose her and my son.”

He looks at the gun and puts it to his head quickly my eyes go wide as he lowers it and laughs waving it around like a nut.

“You know that’s how my father went. He went into full despair mode and just.”

He lifts the gun and fires right beside me and a lamp gets destroyed as the glass and parts fly all over hitting the floor with a thunk. I need to get that way from him somehow. I quickly try to think of something that would work.

“Listen I know you’re in a lot of pain right now. I know you’re upset and you’re not fully yourself. You have been on your own for I don’t know how long. It could have been days for all I know. Just please put the gun down and don’t do anything more drastic. I will explain everything that has been going on.”

I could tell the griffins drunken mind was working through everything. I didn’t know how to help I wish I did. I wish Ted was with me he could help more. He quickly with his drunken mind grabs the gun tightly again.

“Please let me have the gun..”

I gently go for it and slowly. I try to grab what I can. I pull gently but he still had a tight grip on it. I think he finally understands I am real. I pull the gun out of his hand and pull the ammo out of it looking that he had two shots left. He must have let loose with some and I quickly lay them down.

“You’re here aren’t you and you’re a dragon?”

I nod and I sit down infront of him and explain everything that has happened I leave nothing out and everything from what I have learned and what I went through and who I met. I told him about my journey and I even told him about Lyra. I told him why it all happened and that the world ended and some return when it’s a time to.

“I found it hard to believe myself. I woke up like this and found my way here. Listen I am not alone. Others are coming.”

The griffin sobs hard crying so hard that everything finally hits me and all I could do was get into the chair with him and put the small creature on my lap or whatever made a lap for me. I held him tightly and just let him all go.

Thirty minutes later they found me with him and he had passed out. I didn’t know what to do but Ted helped me lay him down and Ted did his best to check him out.

“From what I see here he was lucky. He could have had it worse if you didn’t show up here Malla. I feel though we should go on ahead.”

George and Ted take the poor Griffin with them and Wanda smiles at me.

“For a dragon Malla, a creature is normally shown to be evil. You sure have a big heart. I will meet you two back at home.”

I sigh looking down at the gun and back at the window looking in seeing all the cribs that the newborn babies would be in.

“Malla you did amazing there. Just what’s wrong?”

I didn’t tell her and the others at least I didn’t think I told them about Starla.

“When I was going on my journey I noticed a lot of baby food was taken and so forth. Remember I told you I ran into another soul called Chris? Well, he had a newborn baby with him. Came from a hospital like this.”

Savannah finally got what I meant and she looks into the window.

“I doubt we could do anything how would we know they’re even here Malla. Maybe we could come over here now and again. But I doubt we would have enough fuel to always come down here.”

I growl deeply knowing this and it upsets me to no end.

“I know this Savannah. Just I wish it would be easier for us to do so.. Come let’s get back home.”

I look back at the booze and the gun and the bag he held it in. I left with Savannah and when we got back to the car the others have just left. I must have lost track of the day because it was already getting close to getting very dark and I am sure it’s almost midnight.

I get into the car and stay silent.

“Just I have never met anyone so down on their luck or life Savannah it broke my heart. I wish I could have done more for him but all I did was lie to him to save him. I told him I was talking to God. That I am an angel.”

Savannah went silent for a moment.

“Malla you saved him don’t be too hard on yourself.”

I felt the dragon’s rage going through me again. I wanted to break something I wanted to just rage. I quickly shift in my seat and turning on the car. I went very silent on the way back home. I feel I could have done better and I feel to be the better one I need to be strong. I can’t always rely on this instinct if I want to be a leader. I need to do it.

I look back at the Bronson hospital as Savannah and I leave Detroit and I look back to the road and wonder. What is to come and to hope life becomes a sense of normal again. I look over to Savannah and think of the others. If they keep me on the right path. I think I could be the best leader that they need. It's all I can do for them and then when the time is right I will not be too upset when I watch them grow old and then die right in front of me because dragons still age differently.

"Savannah I want to pursue my feelings for you.. It's more my sanity."

"Malla stop the car."

I quickly stop the car and turn to her. She puts a hoof on my cheek and pulls me into a deep gentle kiss and that's all I remember this night. If the world was to end again I would never complain about this is a moment I am finally fully at peace and it's a peace I love.