• Published 21st Jul 2012
  • 2,309 Views, 36 Comments

Devours Dreams from a Distant Dimension - Dirty Bit

Even dreamers can go great lengths from their own world. Luna shall know firsthoof in this story.

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Chapter 2

Darkness Drives Dysfunctionality

It was a minor feat to handle the setting of the moon with the energy Luna was able to manage from waking up from her dream. However, like any other pony, she needed proper sustenance to keep her going for the day ahead.

At the dining hall, Celestia enjoyed a fine continental breakfest with Luna, who held a serious look on her face as she ate her food. Luna was still fixated on the mysterious enigma that chose to reveal itself in her dream realm and caused mental suffering towards the other ponies 'Who was that? Another pony? A spirit of mischief? A missing link from mine past? But who doth we know of that is capable of traversing through our dream realm?' She could only ponder further while she dug into more of her delicious omelette.

Celestia finished her fine crepes and dabbed a levitated napkin onto her muzzle to clean herself before she chose to analyze the expression on Luna's face. She set down her napkin and looked ahead at her sister "Luna? Did you not sleep well at all last night? You don't look so happy." A part of her wanted to retract her question on account of knowing just how anypony would not favor being disturbed from a wonderful rest.

Luna looked up at Celestia and a thought came into her head as she spoke "Well, our rest was satisfactory to say the least, but we must ask thee, Tia..." She leaned in sightly closer, careful not to have her nocturnal breastplate touch the mahogany table "Was thou subjected to the torment of a nightmare from the previous night?" Luna stared at Celestia with her eyes squinted into an inquisitive and calculating glance.

Celestia craned her head back in confusion to Luna's question "What made you ask that? I've slept as well as I have on any other usual day in the castle. Why do you ask?"

Luna stopped herself and brought herself back to sit properly on the table "N-No reason..." She then shifted her eyes back up at her older sister "Could thou perhaps tell us what is on the agenda for this day?"

Celestia nodded "While I was raising the sun, one of our royal messengers gave me a scroll from the emperor of the griffon empire requesting an audience with us to discuss some unmentioned issue of sorts. It's strange, really...Usually Emperor Daedalus is very straightforward in his messages to us. Perhaps he'll explain himself in better detail once he arrives here."

Luna raised an eyebrow "Art thou sure we can still trust him, Tia? He hath a temper shorter than both of ours combined! We were lucky to issue a treaty of peace between our nation and his own..." Luna was not all too fond of even conversing with the griffon emperor despite his steady rule over his people. She was aware that the griffon race can be easily agitated and would no doubt harm the nearest innocent without hesitation if placed in that situation.

Celestia turned to the window "Yes, I sense your displeasure over this and I'm sorry for it, but this is a matter of royal business. We cannot ignore words that reach out to us from neighboring rulers." She closed her eyes and spoke in a tone of minor caution "But I suppose we should be ready if he is not in the best of moods..."

Luna nodded with Celestia on her last sentence "When is Emperor Daedalus' scheduled arrival?"

Celestia replied in her calm tone "He is to arrive around two o' clock in the afternoon, just after our lunch. Which is a good thing because we barely have any food suitable for his stomach." It was common knowledge to remember that the griffon race in a whole were omnivorous in nature, but are more prone to meat than to fruit and vegetables.

Luna sighed "Another day full of wonder..."

Celestia smiled at her younger sister "Isn't it, though? Now it's best to finish your breakfast so you can enjoy some time to yourself before he comes." The regal sisters then went back to their meals before they had to continue their own duties.

Luna was in her room, brushing her elegant and flowing mane with a levitated brush. She stared into the mirror of her make-up desk with a serious gaze as her mind chose to linger about the night before 'I want to know whomever it was that chose to invade my subjects' minds...but why did it claim it was unintentional? Hopefully I'll have a better chance later tonight without any problems. I just have to keep my emotions under control...' She was snapped out of her thought when she heard a knock on her door. Luna looked over and called out "Thou may enter!"

A maid trotted in through the opened door and gave a proper bow to the princess of the night "Your majesty, your presence is required in the meeting room with Celestia and Cadence!"

Luna grunted to herself 'He is early...' She nodded to the maid "We thank thee for the message. Thou art dismissed!" The maid then departed from Luna's room and left her to end her mane brushing early. She then made her way out of her room and into the hall.

Luna kept a face of stoned resolve while she trotted towards the meeting room 'We must perservere through this task with Emperor Daedalus so that we can be able to handle our own problems without interruptions!' She opened the doors of the vast meeting room, and what first caught her attention was several guards stationed at all four walls holding spears. She looked over at the table containing Celestia and Cadence, with Shining Armor standing dutifully at the side of his wife. She nodded and trotted to her vacant seat with the same look of resolve as before and awaited the arrival of the griffon emperor.

After a small moment of waiting, the doors opened to reveal a small griffon with a plume of grey feathers and green fur, sporting studying glasses on the top of its beak. His eyes held small bags under it while he looked at the others. This must be the emperor's trusty advisor "Ladies." He bowed after speaking in a gentlecoltish tone.

The three princesses looked at each other before Cadence spoke "But where is-"

The small griffon held up a claw "He is coming, your majesty. His greatness has not had the best sleep lately..." He shifted his eyes at the door nervously as he sweated mildly.

Luna's gaze faltered at the griffon's term 'Not the best sleep?' She wondered if the same peril that befell the other ponies besides Celestia and Cadence has spread over to the griffon empire as well. Luna then collected herself when she heard loud steps outside of the room.

A large taloned claw grasped at one of the doors before they pushed open to reveal an enormous griffon with a plume of brilliant silver feathers and jet black fur. His beak was jagged with several sharp edges and held some battle scars along the snout, but not as much as the rest of his face. His eyes were a piercing gold, and were devoid of rest aside from benevolent mercy. He looked about as angry as he was tired. He wore a massive gold breastplate on his body and a matching gold crown on his head with each edge bladed for battle. The small griffon staggered out of his stance and quickly bowed to the larger griffon "Y-Your lordship! Forgive me for being in your way!" He waved a shaking claw towards the table "Your seat is waiting for you as are the three princesses of the pony kingdom!"

Emperor Daedalus gave an irritated growl under each of his deep breaths as he walked over to the table with the other royal figures. Instead of taking his seat, he stood proudly as he slowly shifted his gaze towards the three royal figures "I prefer to stand for this brief meeting...Shall we begin, Celestia? This hasn't been the best of my days as of late..." He spoke in a deep and almost raspy voice.

Celestia, unphased by Daedalus' lack of sleep, gave a solemn nod "Yes, we can begin. We shall start by asking you a question pertaining to the message you've sent to us." She looked ahead with a calm and composed demeanor "You have not been as direct as you have with our previous encounters today with your current letter. Can you explain why?"

Daedalus gave a light snarl "Must you badger me on the current matter with all of these guards at the ready? This is both important AND private!" He sneered at the royal figures.

Celestia still managed to stay calm despite Daedalus' minor lashing "You must remember that we of the pony kingdom must remain cautious at all times, especially on matters regarding to foreign issues..." She slightly narrowed her eyes at the griffon emperor while speaking the last part of her sentence in a stern tone.

Daedalus growled and laid one of his massive claws on the table while holding back his rage "Very well, but this discussion does not leave the room! Understand!?" He snarled once again as his advisor flinched at his fury.

Celestia smiled "I'm glad you see things on our point of view. You have our word, Emperor Daedalus. Now will you begin sharing?"

Daedalus grunted "Yes, my reason for visiting..." He slowly retracted his claw and stood on all fours as he stared down at the royal figures "My empire...my subjects have been met with severe unrest for the past couple of days. They lack proper sleep..."

Celestia raised an eyebrow "If it was a matter involving insomnia, might I consider the apothecaries at the zebra kingdom? Their medical knowledge knows no bounds as far as I can tell from my visits there. They could solve your people's lack of sleep in a heartbeat."

Daedalus snarled at Celestia's suggestion "It is not that which prevents us to go to sleep, but what keeps us from enjoying it..." He held up a claw "My subjects suffer from nightmares short to tall, and have been unable to get proper sleep thusly. And from said lack of slumber, they've grown highly aggressive and chose to riot amongst one another! It is unbecoming to have my people slaughtered by their own claws!!" He roared in outrage while his advisor jumped and yelped.

Luna stifled a gasp 'So it is true...They suffer from nightmares like our own subjects!' She began to have second thoughts about the strange darkness that visited her realm of dreams, but then remembered what it had said back then

"I see...I'm sorry..."

"I...cannot entirely control it...my power..."

"I told you...I cannot control it...it is vast here..."

Luna poked a hoof to her chin as she began to ponder on the darkness's words, but she was snapped out of her thoughts when Celestia spoke "I see...In that case, we will be happy to help in any way we can. What is it that you desire for your people from us?"

Daedalus grunted and shifted his eyes towards Luna and pointed a talon at her "Her...Your sister..." Luna perked up when she earned the griffon emperor's attention "I've heard that she is capable of monitoring and altering the dreams of those around her, namely her own subjects if I'm correct. I desire her power in order to quell the inner chaos of my empire. Nopony else could be more fit for this job..."

Celestia nodded with a smile "That could work. Luna is specialized in her dream magic." She looked over at Luna "So what do you say, Luna. Will you be willing to make a trip to the griffon kingdom and resolve this major issue for Emperor Daedalus?"

Luna looked at her sister 'It must be the harbinger of nightmares...Maybe we'll be more successful in driving it away from griffonkind AND obtain answers to its actions!' She gave a nod to Celestia with a determined expression on her face "Yes, we shall make haste with Emperor Daedalus and ensure that his subjects shall obtain proper rest without fail! Thou can countest on our word!"

Daedalus grunted and managed a small smirk from his jagged beak "A wise choice, princess of the night. I am pleased with your answer...Now that your confirmation has been noted, we shall take our leave soon."

Luna nodded "Verily." She turned to Celestia "We shall meet back with thee once this problem hath subsided, sister! Wait for us until that time comes!"

Celestia smiled "I wish you the best of luck on your job, Luna. Make sure that the griffons obtain a peaceful slumber for themselves." She turned to Daedalus "If that is all, then this meeting is adjourned. May our services to your people be both sufficient and successful."

Daedalus scoffed "I shall be the judge of that..." He shifted his eyes to Luna "Let us be off, Princess Luna. My subjects are not the most patient lot, as you can tell..." He snarled to himself before he turned and made his way out. He passed his advisor, who turned to the princesses and bowed before he went after him.

Luna rose from her seat and took a deep breath as she gave her fellow princesses one final wave before she made her way out as well. She caught up to Daedalus and his advisor and examined the look in his eyes, feeling pity for him and the griffons for their lack of sleep 'I hope I am successful in stopping their aggression...'

When they reached one of the castle's balconies, Daedalus, his advisor, and Luna looked ahead at the vast horizon. The griffon emperor shifted his gaze towards Luna "I trust that you're aware of our empire's distance from your own, princess?" He spoke in an inquisitive tone tainted with slight irritation.

Luna nodded "Indeed. I've visited thine kingdom before and know it accordingly. Will thou be able to muster that long of a flight in your condition?"

Daedalus snorted at Luna's question "I may be tired, but I am still a griffon! We're a strong and proud race and can muster an ample amount of stamina even in the worst of conditions! Now that I've established this fact thoroughly, let us be off. I want this matter to be done and over with as soon as possible!" He flared open his massive wings and prepared for flight. His advisor did the same, though his own wings paled highly in comparison to Daedalus' span. Luna flared open her own wingspan and the trio lifted themselves up and out of the castle walls. It was going to be a long trip from Canterlot to the griffon capital of Miltiades.

It was almost sundown when the trio managed to reach the mountainous regions that made up of Miltiades. However, it was not a pleasant sight when Luna caught small pairs of griffons quarreling and fighting one another, all over lack of sleep no less. Luna had her work cut out for herself after bearing witness to such petty conflict amongst fellow griffons.

The trio kept their flight pattern and made for a majestic palace constructed along the highest peak seen along the griffon capital. They finally landed at the main entrance after they decided that they have flown for long enough.

Emperor Daedalus took point as he led his advisor and Luna towards the dining hall. He opened the door and waved Luna over to the large table containing succulent and exotic fruits barely seen around Canterlot. There was also a pitcher of the finest apricot nectar the empire had to offer "The trip was long, and a princess such as yourself requires food, yes?"

Luna smiled gratefully at the sight and bowed to the griffon emperor "We thank thee for thy kindness, Emperor Daedalus! We have been feeling rather peckish during our long flight."

Daedalus grunted "Well we need you in top physical form for this task. Besides, there's still the matter of raising the moon and signalling the coming of night..." He turned away and made his way out "I will give a speech explaining your arrival so that they can have the courage to sleep once more. In the meantime, eat, drink, and be merry..." The griffon emperor then walked out of the dining hall.

Daedalus' advisor straightened his glasses "I suppose I should get back to my own duties now that I am home again." He gave a proper bow to Luna "If you'll excuse me, princess..." He made his way out as well, leaving only Luna and the table of delicious fruit and nectar.

The princess of the night took a deep breath 'Only a few more hours until I am met with the mysterious darkness once more...' She trotted over to the food table and began her small feast before she had to raise the moon.

Daedalus walked to the balcony that allowed him to oversee his once glorious capital of Miltiades and his griffons continuing their respective pointless struggles. He looked down on each of them and took a deep breath before he sounded off one of the mightiest beast roars heard in the history of Equestria. It was successful in halting the griffons and their fighting for a short time. The griffon emperor looked down at all of his subjects and spoke "Citizens of Miltiades! It is my duty to inform you that we all shall be met with peaceful slumber once again!! I have recently acquired the services of Princess Luna of Canterlot, who will ensure that we shall not be met with the ominous nightmares we've experienced in the previous nights!! Once the moon takes its rightful place in the sky, I promise you all that this meaningless quarrel shall be put to rest once and for all!!"

The griffons, who listened to every word from their ruler, gave off applause despite their conditions, highly ecstatic about earning sleep for themselves without dealing with the mind-numbing nightmares. Daedalus smiled proudly at their applause before he spoke up "And to that, my subjects, I wish you all the finest of rests!! May you slumber well so that you may wake up as true griffons once more!!" He then turned away and left the relieved griffons as he returned into his palace.

As he walked, he noticed Luna trotting up to him with a satisfied smile on her face "A most wondrous speech, Emperor. It is nice to see that thy subjects can be easily kept in order. We shall assure that they will slumber peacefully!"

Daedalus grunted "Just hurry and raise the moon so that I may retire to my quarters after showing your own..." He replied harshly as he walked past her "A ruler such as myself musn't be up like this unless met with sheer duress..."

Luna gave a light huff at the griffon emperor's attitude 'Thou shalt see what we are capable of, Emperor Daedalus...' She then turned to the balcony 'And we shalt be ready for the one that chose to cause grief upon thy people...' She trotted to the balcony to see that many of the griffons hovered into their own homes, eager for a good night's sleep. Luna nodded "Yes, this shall be so. The griffons will sleep and I shall-" She stopped herself "How do they say it nowadays?" She then remembered and brought back her previous determination "-get to the bottom of things!" She then conjured her horn's magic and raised the moon.

Luna was now led by Daedalus into her guest room where she would begin her task on snuffing out the cause of the griffons' unrest. She trotted through each hall that was lit up by torches until she reached two large doors. Daedalus opened them and revealed a fine room with a queen-sized four-poster bed made of fuschia cashmir. There was also a stained glass window near her bed to give her a nice view if she ever decided to open it. Luna was stunned "Daedalus! We knew thou were generous before, but to give us this room! Is this really your guest room!?"

Daedalus nodded "We only provide the best for those who will assure success to tasks of utmost importance. Do not get too comfortable, though. It is for one night and one night only." He turned to face Luna and poked her brilliant umbral breastplate with a talon as he gave a warning glare "Heed my word, princess of the night. I have high expectations of your power, and you would be wise not to disappoint me. I did not drag you into my precious empire for a mere get-together. I want the best for my people, and you're all that is left in Equestria. Do not let me down..." He added the last sentence in a low and dangerous tone as his eyes were narrowed to slits. The griffon emperor then took his leave "I shall be in my quarters. May your task be carried out in full effect..." He spoke in a halfhearted tone as he made for his room.

Luna glared at the fading image of Emperor Daedalus 'He can be so rude despite being liked by his own subjects! But perhaps it may be sleep overtaking his body...' She then nodded as she went inside the guest room and closed the doors with her magic. Luna then doused the lights in her room and trotted over to her bed to feel the cashmir fabric 'A fine texture indeed...Perhaps I musn't judge him for his hospitality...' She hopped into bed and tucked herself in to prepare herself for the trip into the dream realm. Luna slowly shut her eyes 'It begins...'

End of Chapter 2