• Published 21st Jul 2012
  • 2,309 Views, 36 Comments

Devours Dreams from a Distant Dimension - Dirty Bit

Even dreamers can go great lengths from their own world. Luna shall know firsthoof in this story.

  • ...


Chapter 7

Dancing Deftly in Delight

Luna and Darkrai went through the portal to find nothing but an endless field of clouds. Luna felt no balance and almost fell, but remembered her wings as she hovered while Darkrai floated next to her. The princess of the night looked around "There is nothing here in sight! Art thou sure thine detection is accurate, Darkrai?"

Darkrai floated forward "I am most certain. We'll need to press forward through these clouds." The two dream masters then flew forward knowing that no other direction would seem appropriate. While they went through, Darkrai turned to Luna "Luna, could you tell me...What is it like to have so many people favor you for your work of the night?"

Luna turned to Darkrai "Well, it is a long story, but we hath been recently favored after a small..." She looked away with reluctance and sadness "...incident..."

Darkrai kept its stare "What incident? Did something befall your kingdom?"

Luna shook her head "Not really a foreign threat, but it basically pertained to our power over night...You see, we have an older sister named Celestia, who has the power over the sun whilst we have the power over the moon. For centuries, we hath moved both celestial bodies over Equestria and our subjects favored us for it. But many of them loved our sister's sun even more, and took refuge in slumber once our precious moon loomed over the skies..."

Darkrai nodded "So that they can enjoy a good night's rest, yes?"

Luna sighed "This was a different time, Darkrai. I was young and foalish..." She looked sad "...and jealous..." Darkrai perked up at the last word "We wanted our little ponies to enjoy our night and not ignore it through sleep, so we demanded that our moon would be out for longer days for all to see. Celestia did not take kindly to it and beseeched us to work together..." Luna looked away "But I was too stubborn..." She muttered in bitter sadness.

Darkrai paused and shook its head "I will not press on if this memory give you pain." It looked forward to see light peek out of the clouds "Luna, I think we might have reached our destination."

Luna looked to see and widened her eyes as she forgot her past sadness "Wonderful! Let us see what is ahead!" She smiled as she increased her pace with Darkrai following suit. When the clouds lifted from their path, Luna gasped at the new sight.

Everything was bright and colorful, much like Equestria, only this place was more oriented to the higher class with several castles around the area. There sat a large one in the middle that seemed the most majestic. The entire place could be the ideal spot for her to enjoy some time off from her own troubles.

Luna looked around and could hardly contain her smile "This is magnificent! If this particular area is governed by a sovereign ruler, we must engage an audience with them at once! We've never seen such a wonderful place like this!"

Darkrai looked around "It is indeed peaceful. But one musn't be fooled by the scenery alone..."

Luna turned to Darkrai with a cocked eyebrow "What dost thou imply?"

Darkrai continued scouting "For all we know, there could be something lurking in this area...Something expecting us...waiting to strike..." Its tone seemed cautious.

Luna looked downcast at Darkrai's paranoia "Was thine own time an unbearable one, Darkrai?"

Darkrai sighed "Forgive me. There are moments where things are not as bright and frivolent as they appear...I am only being cautious to my surroundings..."

Luna took in Darkrai's wisdom and nodded "We understand. We shalt keep a keen eye around this area as well!" She looked ahead with a determined glance, but she inwardly felt like a child skipping through a flowery field.

There were many interesting sights to be found in this place. Several humans were spotted wearing either formal victorian attire or clown outfits. The modes of transport consisted of exotic animals pulling unique carts and carraiges. Most of what is seen could be what Pinkie would add to one of her parties, if not all.

When they got close, they decided to land near the center of the large city, where a fountain stood and flowed with glimmering waters. Luna looked around to see some people mind their own business, but then turned to see Luna and approached her with cheers. Luna smiled at all of them and wished to return the favor, but when they noticed Darkrai, they all gasped and quickly distanced themselves from the pair as they gazed upon them with eyes of shock and fear.

Luna looked around and felt worried "W-Wait! We do not wish thee any harm! We come to make peace!" She waved a hoof to Darkrai "This one is not a monster, we assure you!!"

The crowd began to murmur at her words. Some of them were confused as to why she kept referring to herself as 'we'.

Darkrai looked around at the frightened crowd, not finding the right words to say to them knowing that it would only blow things out of proportion.

Luna tried reaching out to the crowd again "Please, listen to us! We art Luna, Princess of the Night!" The entire crowd perked up and parroted the word 'princess' in surprise and confusion. Soon, they all began to bow in genuflect, their fears of Darkrai forgotten. Luna flinched and blushed in embarrassment "Err, no need to be formal, friends! Would any of thee be so kind as to direct us to thine leader? We wish to engage a friendly audience!"

The crowd rose from their bowing and pointed to the large castle that was seen when Luna and Darkrai first arrived. The princess cursed herself for asking a peculiar question, but perhaps it was better that way considering she was in a world of dreams, where anything was possible. She and Darkrai gave a curt nod to the crowd and the two made their way towards the castle. Some of the crowd cleared the way for them so they could be on their way.

While they were walking, Luna and Darkrai were unaware of two sets of eyes that spied on them from behind a clock tower.

Luna and Darkrai reached the gates of the castle and saw that two identical human guards bearing spears were guarding it. She approached in her regal position and spoke "Hail, guards! May you grant us passage into the castle proper?"

The guards looked at Luna and instantly regarded her as royalty with her poise and grace, but then they noticed Darkrai and instantly went into a defensive stance with their spears. The one on the left shouted "An intruder!" the right one finished "From Nightmare Land!!"

Luna tilted her head "Nightmare Land?" She turned to Darkrai "But thou claimed that thou hath not been here before!!"

Darkrai shook his head "I do not lie. I really have not been here before, nor is my home known as Nightmare Land..."

The right guard spoke "Lies! You're covered in darkness and you look scary! You're definitely from Nightmare Land!" The left one chimed in "Yes! You cannot fool us, monster!!"

Darkrai slowly drew himself back and looked down. Luna detected sadness and jerked her head to the guards as she looked angered "Hold thy tongue!! Darkrai is not a monster!!

Both guards did not waver in their stance "How can we be sure you're not lying?" They spoke simultaneously.

"Now now, gentlemen!"

The two guards dropped their guard and looked behind to see another human stroll by in a professional walk.

It was an elderly man who was slender in appearance with a tophat and glasses, dressed in fine clothing and holding a pocketwatch in his right hand along with an umbrella hanging from his arm. His eyes were closed while he held a gentle and confident smile hidden under his bushy moustache "There could not be any monsters here in Slumberland, nor Nightmare Land considering its current state! If there were, than our prince would gladly fend them o-GRACIOUS!!" He opened his eyes and he fumbled in a short moment of surprise, almost dropping both his umbrella and pocketwatch. He straightened his glasses to get a better look at Luna and Darkrai "My word! I've never seen you two around here before!" He got a better look at Luna "And you are most certainly not any of the ponies seen in the Princess' menagerie! In fact you seem more beautiful and nocturnally oriented!"

The guards pointed to Darkrai "The pony is the least of our worries!" The right guard spoke while the left one finished "This one is the monster we're referring to!!"

Luna scoffed "The nerve! We made it abundantly clear that Darkrai is no monster!!"

Darkrai floated idly by 'Technically I am...' It shifted its eye away, feeling inwardly embarrassed, though happy to know Luna would defend it.

The elderly human looked over at Darkrai "Interesting...Well, certainly a monster would not politely stroll towards the castle gates rather than cause destruction! And this pony must favor it immensely!" He drew himself back and stood straight as he smiled "Could you tell me your names and reasons for being here?"

Luna nodded and stood "We art Luna, Princess of the Night." She held out a hoof "A pleasure to meet thee!"

The human gave a hearty chuckle as he took her hoof "A speaker of archaic English! Who would've thought!"

Luna tilted her head "Dost thou mean Equestrian?" She shook her head and ignored her question as she smiled "And thyself, sir?"

The human drew his hand back and straightened his glasses again "Ah, yes! As you can see I am a professor, and also happen to be a genius! You may refer to me as Professor Genius!"

Luna giggled "An admirable name for one such as thyself!"

Professor Genius fixed his red bowtie "Yes, well I'm glad you like it, your majesty!" He then looked over "And who is this fine fellow? Surely not from around here and it is most certainly not a goblin!"

Luna widened her eyes "Thou hath goblins here!?"

Professor Genius held a learning finger "Well, to be truthful, we have five! Survivors of Nightmare Land that have led our glorious prince to victory against the Nightmare King! And most friendly, I assure you! But you haven't introduced this one yet." He kept his eyes on Darkrai.

Luna nodded "Yes! This one here is known as Darkrai. A misunderstood creature, if thou would know!"

The professor blinked "Oh? And why is that? Does it have trouble scaring folks like our goblins?"

Darkrai spoke "The exact opposite, actually..." The guards were startled by its deep voice.

Professor Genius was intrigued "So it talks! Why couldn't it say anything sooner? Perhaps it is shy?"

Luna looked away "Supposedly, but we musn't stall for time. Could we perhaps speak with the ruler of this land?" She smiled "It would mean so much to be familiar with more dream monitors!"

Professor Genius thought for a moment before he smiled "Well, you ARE royalty as you claim! So it would not be any trouble if you're granted an audience with Prince Nemo and Princess Camille! Would you like for me to guide you to them?"

Luna nodded "We would like that very much! Thou hast our gratitude!" She turned to Darkrai "Shall we, Darkrai?"

Darkrai floated to Luna's side "Hopefully they could accept me like this one can..." It's tone contained faint anxiety.

Luna gave a reassuring smile to the pokemon "Do not fret, Darkrai! Thou still hath our friendship!"

Darkrai turned to Luna and stared before it spoke "You're right. Thank you for reminding me, Luna..."

Professor gave a touched smile "A sentimental moment indeed! But, we musn't keep their highnesses waiting! Follow me so you could meet with them!" He turned and walked, beckoning Luna and Darkrai to follow. The guards shared unsure glances about letting Darkrai into the castle, but decided not to question Professor Genius' logic and went back to guarding the gate.

No one was unaware that two figures loomed around one of the castles corners and ascended above the walls unnoticed.

Luna and Professor Genius talked for a short moment while they were escorted through the castle with Darkrai tailing behind "So thou sayest that this realm is known as Slumberland? Is this perhaps the central area of the dream world?"

Professor Genius laughed "Well, we cannot be sur about the latter question, but you're most right on the former! Slumberland is home to many wonders and dreams come true, governed by our beloved rulers!"

Luna smiled "And this Prince Nemo...Is he of royal blood?"

Professor Genius cleared his throat "Well, not in a general sense, milady! You see, King Morpheus, the old ruler of this land, chose Nemo to be his heir! And he has done well to follow in the king's footsteps throughout his time here!"

Luna blinked "Pray tell, where doth he hail from?" While Luna and Professor Genius talked, Darkrai stopped and looked around.

The two noticed Darkrai's pause and stopped to looked back "Darkrai? What troubles thee?" Luna spoke in a curious tone.

Darkrai shifted its eye left and right "We're being followed..." It spoke in a grave tone.

The professor straightened his glasses "Hmmm, this one seems to appear perceptive of surroundings."

Luna turned to Professor Genius "Darkrai is capable of detection, yet cannot distinguish appearance until they reveal themself."

Professor Genius looked around "Well, perhaps we should double the guard to be on the safe side!" He spotted a nearby guard and called him over "Have more of our guards patrol the interior parts of the castle, and be ever vigilant!" The guard saluted and made his way down one of the castle halls. The professor then turned to Luna and Darkrai "Well then. Shall we?" The trio then continued moving.

Soon, they reached two large doors that led to a vast throne room. A red carpet led to stairs containing three thrones on the top, two small ones on either side with a large one in the middle. In the large throne, there was a young man holding a golden scepter and wore a golden gem-encrusted crown with blue regal clothing. To his left was a beautiful woman in a royal pink dress wearing a golden tiara. Her brown hair flowed gracefully along her shoulders.

When the trio approached, Professor Genius bent down on one knee and took on his hat as he bowed "Prince Nemo! Princess Camille! I come bearing guests from another place that wish to seek your presence!" He looked to see Luna give a formal bow, whereas Darkrai only floated. The professor hissed in worry "Don't just sit there! You're in the presence of royalty!"

The two mentioned rulers rose from their thrones and looked down at Darkrai and Luna. Princess Camille noticed Luna and gasped with joy "My, what an adorable pony!" She carefully ran down the steps while she lifted the skirt of her dress. When she reached Luna, she wrapped her arms around her neck and gave her a hug "So nice to see you!"

Luna smiled sheepishly "A pleasure to meet with thee as well."

Camille drew herself back in shock when she heard Luna speak "Oh! This is new..." She then distanced herself and gave a curt bow "Greetings to you. As mentioned by our professor, I am Princess Camille! And you are?"

Luna nodded and placed a hoof on her breastplate "We art Princess Luna of Canterlot! We watch over the night in our beloved land of Equestria!"

Camille smiled "How exciting! Could you tell me more?"

Nemo chuckled "You should learn to keep yourself composed, Camille. They just got here after all!" He then looked over at Darkrai and narrowed his eyes "Who is this, Professor?" He asked in a cautious tone.

Professor Genius rose from his bowing and placed his hat back on his head "Prince Nemo, allow me to introduce to you Darkrai!" He waved a hand to the pokemon "This creature accompanied Luna into Slumberland and wishes us no harm! It was considered a monster by our guards, but Princess Luna thinks otherwise!"

Darkrai held up a claw "You have my word, your highness..."

Nemo tilted his head as he inspected Darkrai, and turned to see Camille and Luna converse happily. He then gave a knowing nod "Alright, I guess I'll give this one the benefit of a doubt. But you said you wished to talk with us? Since we're here, why don't we start?"

The two princesses stopped their conversation and Luna smiled "Of course, Sir Nemo! We art delighted to meet with thee and thy beloved!"

Nemo chuckled "Well, we're not exactly married yet, if you haven't noticed. But that'll change once I've acquired enough knowledge and wisdom to watch over Slumberland!"

Camille gave a friendly scoff "Hopefully you'll know how to use father's scepter properly, Nemo."

Nemo stammered "I'm well on my way and you know it!" He shot a look at Camille.

Luna felt awkward, but it left when she noticed Professor Genius chuckle. He turned to Luna "Do not be alarmed, Princess Luna. They often fight, but it's usually camaraderie between the two!"

Luna nodded "So thou sayest...And please, do call us Luna. Granted we're in the presence of royalty, but there is no need to be formal whilst I'm away from my land!"

Camille turned to Darkrai "Well, you say you're from Equestria. But where does this..." She tilted her head with an unsure glance "...ghost come from?"

Luna turned to Camille "We cannot be certain if Darkrai is a wraith of sorts, nor are we certain of this one's location!"

Darkrai went to speak, but it shifted an eye towards the throne room doors "The same presence I've detected...It's nearby..." It spoke in the same cautious tone as before.

Nemo blinked "Huh? What is Darkrai saying?"

Professor Genius looked unsettled "Oh dear. I think Darkrai is informing us that the foreign presence it detected has not been captured by the guards!"

Nemo and Camille stared for a moment before they turned to each other with knowing and unamused glances "Should we wait for him to arrive?" He flashed Camille a smirk.

Camille looked miffed "And have him screw up this meeting? I won't have it! We've put up with his shenanigans for too long! Something needs to be done about him!"

Luna blinked "Who art thou referring to, if you do not mind us asking?"

Darkrai slowly shifted its eye, and when it locked onto a position near the upper level, it quickly flew upward and around a column. A startled yell was heard. The group on the base level looked up in confusion before they noticed Darkrai appear from the other side it approached the column from.

In its claws, it held a flailing figure wearing an orange tuxedo and hat. He had a green face that resembled a clown's and a cigar was in his left hand while he struggled in Darkrai's grip as it floated down to the others "Hey! Hey! Put me down! Put me down, I'll do anything! Just don't hurt me!!" When he noticed the others staring up at him, he smiled at Nemo "Oh, Nemo! Boy am I glad to see you! I'm being captured by a ghost that wanted to haunt me forever and ever!!"

Darkrai held the strange clown in its hands "I am no ghost...And I do not intend to haunt you..."

Nemo facepalmed at the sight "Again with this, Flip? Your tricks are getting to be as old as you!"

The one called Flip looked taken aback "I resent that! Having fun's in my blood, you know? Can't a guy live once in a while?"

Camille noticed the cigar and glared "And what have we told you, Flip? No more smoking!!"

Flip noticed the cigar in his hand and pointed at Darkrai with his free one "This guy gave it to me! That ghost is the one you want, not me!!"

Darkrai's expression was unchanged "I already told you, I am not a ghost..."

Professor Genius cleared his throat "While that can be debated at a later date..." He held up a hand "Darkrai? Could you please set Flip down to us so that we may deal with his ill-minded behavior?"

Flip complained while he was carried down by Darkrai "Ill-minded? What's the matter with a little fun, huh?" He touched the ground and Darkrai released its hold on him as it floated over by Luna.

Nemo deadpanned "You mean the same fun that almost had all of Slumberland destroyed?"

Flip gave a mischievous smirk "Hey now. You helped me out, didn't ya kid? And besides, you're on your way to becoming king of the hill!! You should be proud!"

Camille put her hands on her hips "And you should be jailed for your crimes!"

Luna widened her eyes "Crimes? This one is a criminal?" She narrowed her eyes at Flip.

Flip held out his hands in a halting motion "Come on now, ma'am! I'm not what they make me out to be! Like I said, all I had was a little fun, no more, no less! Is that honestly a crime?" He noticed the cigar still in his left hand and quickly hid it as he flashed a wide grin.

Darkrai looked at Flip with its piercing jade eye "Knowing the tension between you and the rulers, one would think it really is..."

Flip flinched and looked at Darkrai "H-Hey! You're not helping here!" He then regained his composure and looked away "Besides, a little bird told me that we had visitors, so I decided to stop by and give 'em a good Slumberland welcome!"

Camille crossed her arms as she shook her head "You never change, do you, Flip?"

Flip chuckled as he straightened his hat "Maybe I do, maybe I don't. That's the way it is, right?" He grinned at the group.

End of Chapter 7