• Member Since 19th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Dirty Bit

Just another zebracorn living in Ponyville. I wear a top hat! A small thing to know about me in terms of this site is this: I am a SUCKER for crossovers! Mainly those of the ones I'm familiar with.


Dreams: A series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep. Luna has monitored the dreams of her subjects for generations. But when an ominous occurence of nightmares plague the ponies of her kingdom, she will soon discover the entirety of the dream realm she governs.

This is going to be my first take on a multi-crossfic. The copyright shall update when a new character is presented in the latest chapter. I hope you all will enjoy it.

MLP: FIM is copyright of Hasbro
Pokemon is copyright of Game Freak
Catherine and Shin Megami Tensei: Persona are copyright of Atlus
Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland is copyright of Tokyo Movie Shinsha/Winsor McCay
Cover Image belongs to Shadow-KirbyX

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 36 )

This is an interesting fanfic. And a multi-cross, you say? You are attempting something big here.

Faved, liked, looking forward to more! You're an excellent author, and this is further proof.

Hmm, this looks fairly interesting! For once, a crossover has a well-handled reason for the worlds to cross: Dream transcends all barriers, including dimensions. Luna and Darkrai meeting is another interesting point, and I'm glad he's not evil (that's overused). Heck, even the awkward dialogue between the two makes sense; it's not as if either of them socialize much. :twilightsheepish:

Minor complaint: slight inaccuracies concerning the archaic speech (although I'm not sure I could do any better). Nonetheless, this looks pretty good, and I'll definitely be keeping an eye on it! :twilightsmile:

(Dang it, why are there no Luna emoticons? :raritydespair:)

WOW! Dream realm - awesome. The way you described it is like WOW!!!
11/10 Mustache for you

Again, wonderful description of dream realm. My face when I read the word Pokemon - priceless. It all makes sense. It's the best cross-fic I've ever read. I need more of this.
And, again, 11/10 mustache.

hmmm... a multi cross....well of the few authors that could pull it off your probably one of the best:twilightsmile:
[img] http://cdn.styleforum.net/3/31/31e871cd_Go_On.jpeg [/img]

950824 I pray that I can pull this one off. I'm doing my homework so I know what to include in here :twilightsmile:

Did I hear multicross with Darkrai.. Hmmm.. The only thing better would be to involve... *takes a deep breath* gurren lagann, one piece, FMA, negima etc etc

Ps do not question a mad beings logic

:twilightsmile: that was a quick update:twilightsmile:
although kinda annoying that the pokemon wasnt in it:twilightangry2:

Oh... Ah hate cliff'angers... Art thou preparing thy next chapter? It woulth be pleasure to read it. This is gonna gget better and better now :pinkiecrazy:

Well if we're going to be dealing with the dream realm then this... thing... has got to make an appearance.

Damn women, they always want something from you.. Even death can't stop them! Jk lol! Oh and by the way.. FIRST!

LOL! I see "Katherine" reference here :D Hella lot of 'em actually! But jumpgates in dream realm!? What in tarnation:applejackconfused: 11/10 Mustache for ya :D

Huh... I believe I know the game this segment is based off of. Now, what was it called again...?

hmmm nice:twilightsmile:
loving the katherine cross over:pinkiehappy:

WOOT! ANOTHER CHAPTER!:twilightsmile:
[img] http://i.qkme.me/357da8.jpg [/img]

Gxtjbdducsgjndtubcduv.. Confused much?? So am I. :derpytongue2:

Wow! This is one good fic :twilightsmile: But I am concerned about how long did Luna sleep when in dream realm? And I really like the Darkrai X Luna ship (even though if it's only friendship). 12/10 Moustache for this chapter :D

975517 There's no shipping :unsuresweetie:

976040 Awww... That's bad :C

prediction for Darkrai and Luna eventually landing in the Velvet room

Huh.. listening to video game rap videos actually DID have a use, also I DEMAND THAT YUME NIKKI BE VISITED NEXT

i like where this is going:pinkiehappy:

Is it wrong that I think darkrais going to get the blame of Luna goes nightmare moon ?

Yay, more Luna! And Darkrai. And... Flip and Flap? Eh, whatever. The more the merrier, ne?

Anyway, are you taking suggestions for dream realms to visit? Because if so, the 'shared dreaming' ability of the Powerpuff Girls might be interesting to watch.

another interesting chapter:twilightsmile:

Yay! More Woona, Darkrai, and Flip and... Flap? Anyways, good chapter. 11/10 moustache :pinkiecrazy:
Good Guy Yatoshumirata

Fun fact: I had to go through so many sites explaining the ways of Tarot readings and rewatch Persona vids to get the reading accurate :ajbemused::ajsleepy::rainbowlaugh:

Awwwww yeah Velvet room, I STILL DEMAND Yume Nikki!

:pinkiehappy:lol luna and flip really hate eachother:pinkiehappy:

First thought upon reading the description:
...I play too much Elder Scrolls. ._.


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