• Published 4th Jan 2018
  • 390 Views, 3 Comments

Victoria Cello - Creativa-Artly01

Victoria Cello is Octavia's big sister and she's in town for the weekend. When she's around, Octavia can't help but feel that she's living in her sister's shadow.

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Chapter 2

The next day, Octavia shows her big sister, Victoria Cello the town. "Wow!" says Victoria, eyes wide, "I'll give you this. Ponyville is more beautiful than I gave it credit for! I now see why you love this place so much!"

"Yep," responds Octavia with a smile, "it's a nice little town. Very quaint, very quiet, sometimes hectic and busy, always interesting. That's why I love it so."

A few minutes later, the two walk into a nice little store. There, the two sisters get their pictures taken as it's a portrait shop. The two sisters then buy the picture of the two of them together, each buying a copy. The two then walk out with smiles spread across their faces. The two then go and see the Ponyville Orchestra Hall and the two even do a duet on the pipe organ. As they play, they can't help but smile at each other. They haven't been this close in years and they couldn't ask for more. They truly are having a blast.

After a few hours out on the town, the two return home where they watch a movie together while in their matching pink bunny slippers. As they watch, the two laugh and joke and have an all around great time. Between the two of them, they finish three bags of popcorn across the span of the movie. Once they finish the movie, the two go and get into their matching silk pajamas and Octavia climbs into her bed and Victoria climbs onto the pop-up cot next to her sister's bed. The two then fall fast asleep. The next morning, the two wake up and go and grab muffins at Sugar Cube Corner. There, the two laugh and joke over their muffins and coffee. The two have to admit they missed this, this closeness they now share. It's never going to change anytime soon. For that, the two couldn't be more grateful.