• Published 4th Jan 2018
  • 390 Views, 3 Comments

Victoria Cello - Creativa-Artly01

Victoria Cello is Octavia's big sister and she's in town for the weekend. When she's around, Octavia can't help but feel that she's living in her sister's shadow.

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Chapter 3

The next day, Octavia and Victoria enjoy one last breakfast together before Victoria hops on the train back to Canterlot. Before hopping on the train, the two share a nice long hug. "I'm gonna miss you, little sis," says Victoria with a smile.

"And I'm going to miss you too," responds Octavia. She then lets go of the embrace and the train pulls out of the station. Victoria waves out the window until Octavia is out of sight. Once she no longer sees her sister, Victoria sits down on her seat and pulls out her book and begins to read. She's glad she got to spend the weekend with her sister. She's glad the two of them mended their relationship after so many years of it being in tatters.

A few minutes later, Octavia walks back into her house and hangs up her shawl. She then goes and sits down on the couch and pulls out a picture of her and her sister from when they were fillies out from behind the cushion and rubs her hoof over it and smiles. "I'm so glad we got to hang out. I'm so glad we got along," sighs Octavia. She then sticks the picture on the bookcase near the couch. She then goes into the kitchen where she pours herself a cup of coffee and eats some leftover muffins and pancakes from the fridge. Once she finishes up her breakfast, she goes and meets up with Vinyl and the two head to the Ponyville Movie Theater where they enjoy a movie together. They're seeing the new Daring Do movie along with several other ponies including Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Quibble Pants. A few minutes later, the movie begins. As soon as it does, the theater goes quiet. They all enjoy the movie for three hours before it finally comes to an end. Octavia and Vinyl then go off to concert practice while Twilight and Rainbow and Quibble go off to meet up with the rest of the Mane Six. Octavia has enjoyed her weekend. She's just sad it's all over. Now, it's all about preparation for the upcoming concert, the very last thing on her mind right now.

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