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1: Discord

I had woken to sunlight glaring off my face. The somewhat warm air chilled throughout my body and my veins, and my head was pleading for mercy. Where am I? I looked around to see some cartoonish trees swaying back and forth in my general direction, something felt so familiar about this place. I remember stepping into my homeroom and a sudden flash had paralyzed me in fear, and now I’m here. Just, great.

I studied my current area and observed the fact that I was in between a forest and a village. I’m getting some weird vibes here, and I don’t know to explain it, where do I go? Wait! The cartoon atmosphere, and the village currently in front of my very eyes. I was in Equestria! But the thing is, what arc? Something directly blocked the sun for a small moment, and it was a cotton candy cloud raining chocolate milk.

“Discord…..” I faintly cursed under my breath. So, it seems like I’m dealing with the ‘discord arc’ and judging by the oldness of the arc it appears I’m in an alternate universe. I should probably meet up with the ‘Mane 6’ if I want to help out.

I traveled to Ponyville and I was getting a little hungry. It seems my backpack had never left my body, and I never thank my mom enough for packing me a lunch every day. Today would be an especially useful day for it. The weather surrounded my entire body, the nice cool air was heating up, and I wouldn’t say it was terrible. I figured it’d be a good idea to get some shade and eat whatever my lunch was, but somehow none of the pony folk noticed a tall, hairless ape right next to ‘the one and only’ Twilight Sparkle’s house.

I was only halfway done my peanut butter and jelly sandwich until.


I saw Twilight Sparkle running to gather her friends because Celestia needed them urgently. I put my half-eaten sandwich back in my lunchbox and gave chase to the purple unicorn, but she was so fast I could only somewhat run after her. After running so much I gave up, I seem no citizens were active today. It was oddly convient….

*After much walking*

I arrived at the royal ground. The place was beautiful to look at, it had so much clashing yet complementing coloring in various areas, and I pulled out my phone took a picture of it. I couldn’t just let this moment pass. I have one problem though, how am I going to get passed the guards!?

“State your business ape,” The somewhat darkened horse had addressed in a pretty aggressive statement.
“I’ll ignore the ‘ape’ comment guards, I was with the group of ponies you let in, but we got split up before I could arrive. Can you let me pass now?” The two stallions stared at each other.

“Yes, you shall come in.”

“Thanks, guards.” I always forgot how stupid Celestia’s guards were in the show, and I guess it applies here too.

I had managed to catch up with the ‘Mane 6’, and more or less, greeted with confused responses.

“Who let that creature in here?” Applejack pointed in my direction, and everyone proceeded to look at me like I had 5 heads.

“Umm, Celestia? Was this part of the plan?” Twilight questioned

“No, I don’t know who he could be.” Celestia looked back at her sister, Princess Luna, with the same bewildered look. Jeez, I didn’t expect this to happen. Twilight started flaring her horn.

“Is he Discord?” Everyone proceeded to point daggers at me. Looks like I’m just ‘gonna wing it.’

“Look, I’m not Discord and I’m not working with him,” I took out a juice box and started to drink it. “I only want to help you guys. Okay, nothing else.” I saw Rainbow Dash flutter towards Twilight.

“Twilight should we trust this kid?” Twilight didn’t know how to articulate a response.

“If he’s willing to be helpful,” Twilight glanced at her friends. “Then, I guess he can help.”

I examined the surrounding room, and I was amazed by the glass paintings. I walked over to get a closer look, I didn’t want to touch anything though, that’d be rude. But something felt off about a specific painting because It seemed to move slightly. I managed to put two and two together….

It was Discord.

He suddenly jumped out the painting, OH NO! This isn’t good.

“OH NO!” The sudden surprise made me jump and shout. I wasn’t intending to scare everybody, but It would happen eventually.

“My little ponies,” Discord talked in a sarcastic manner. I could feel the chaos radiating off his skin enter into my bloodstream.

“It seems your ‘new friend’ has found me out,” everyone was on their guard with their elements in hand (hoof in this case). “No matter, how about we play a little game?” Discord turned to the ‘Mane 6’ with angered and confused faces. The maze….
I quickly grabbed my bag and felt a strange magic around my body. We were getting teleported.

The Maze

“Where are we?” Pinkie Pie blurted out. Discord had sent everyone to a maze for a ‘little game’ he called it.

“Why Pinkie Pie? You’re all going to be playing in my maze!” Discord had a very cheeky smile on his face.

“But! I want to make this fair, so no horns or wings!” Just like that, Rarity and Twilight had lost their horns. Same goes for Rainbow and Fluttershy (but wings instead). Rarity screamed in terror, and I saw that Twilight was uneased. Discord came over towards me.

“I don’t know what I could do with you though,” Discord took a small breather “Your anatomy is all wacky, and I have no control over it. That doesn’t mean you're excused from our game!” Discord made a pouty mixed with an angry expression. I finally spoke.

“Fine, I’ll play along,” I put my bag over my shoulders “But! I’m warning you Discord, you will pay!” I pointed my finger at discord, like a revolver. This didn’t intimate him though, all he did was a laugh. He snapped his fingers, and I was suddenly in a small maze corner. Twilight’s voice lit up the area.

First: Honesty

“You girls with me?” Everyone responded, and I did too.

“Alright girls, let’s stop discord!”

“Yeah” Everyone leaped out the starting area, only to huddle up in a group. All the girls went in separate areas, mostly to cover more ground. I went with Twilight for a bonding experience, and she is the leader, so why not?

“So, who are you?” Twilight gave me a curious expression.

“My name is Nate, and have you ever heard of the species humans?” Twilight’s eyes lit up.

“Yes! I have, why?”

“That’s what I am, or for technical terms ‘homosapien’. Oh, Twilight are you hungry?” Twilight kinda laced her hooves and wearing an embarrassed expression.


I searched my bag to find a pot and some Italian ingredients. I checked for no meat, well because everyone is a herbivore in Equestria. Animals were their friends.

“I’m assuming they have a book about humans, right Twilight?” I have ravioli and some alfredo sauce in my bag, along with a bat too. I don’t know how, but all this stuff is pretty convenient.

“How did you know Nate?” Twilight gave a concerned look at me as I began to start making a fire. “You seem to know a lot about Equestria.”

“Well, it’s kinda common sense for a place to have documented information about other organisms. Besides, it’s not too important anyway.” I should just burn down this whole maze, but Discord probably has some magical bullshit protecting the maze. He is essentially a god, in terms of raw power.

“Nate, if I can trust you. I want to know you,” Twilight stares at the boiling dinner. “I’m not saying I don’t trust you, but you haven’t told me anything about yourself.” Twilight looked at me with a childlike wonder. I'm assuming she wants every 'little bit' of information about my culture

“Jeez Twilight,” I put out the fire and drain the boiling water. “I’m just a dumb kid trying to live in the world, but people are constantly slowing me down. They seem to only think for themselves, and it just seems fake,” I put the sauce in the pot, and started stirring in the pot. “Then, I wake up and proceed to travel to school and now I’m in a magical place where the ‘people’ are ponies.” Twilight looks up at me.

“I see, do you want to go back home?” I thought about it for a bit.

"not at the moment," Twilight was only more confused. "I just need some time to think."

The dish is done, and I proceed to put the cooking supplies in my bag. “Are you ready to eat? Twilight gave me a perplexed expression. I started eating the dish with a fork, and I handed a fork to Twilight thinking she’d use her magic to eat. Only to remember, Twilight lost her horn.

“Oh yeah, right. Twilight, how about I just feed it to you? Twilight’s face lit up a little bit.

“What! Uh, that seems a bit unnecessary,” I proceeded to put a mouthful of Italian grub in her mouth. “Mph! Woah, that’s pretty good Nate.”

“Heh, it really didn’t take very much time. How about we finish this and catch up with the other ladies, alright.” Twilight and I destroyed the remaining meal, I guess both of us were super hungry. Twilight began to spoke.

“I hope all the girls are okay, this maze seems awful.” I began to nod my head, with my bat in hand.

“If discord is around here, I’ll just whack him with this bat.” Twilight gave me a disappointed glare.

“Nate, I’m sure there is a different way besides violence,” knowing the name of the show is ‘friendship is magic’ it makes total sense for Twilight to say that. The magical pony was a total bookworm, but she was also the element of magic.
“Like, friendship Nate.” I gave in.

“Fine, I guess you win Twilight.” But, when ‘shit hits the fan’ I’m resorting to my bat to finish the job. I heard some stumbling behind a bush and decided to peek my head around the corner. It was Applejack, but with a dark shade of grey.

Aw, shit.

“Applejack! Is that you?” Twilight asked. It looks like Discord is already starting his attack. The now grayed Applejack eyed right on my grudged face and started to become unnecessarily nervous. Maybe, it was my bat.

"Applejack was discord around here?" Twilight questioned her friend, but it was already too late. Discord had flipped her personality right under her hoof, and nothing could break it besides the elements of harmony. Applejack's eyes kept darting left and right. Were only starting the beginning of the upcoming annoyance.

"Nope! not at all!" Applejack responded. I only glared at the poor mare, but it was too fucking obvious that she was lying.

"Oi Applejack, your grayed main disagrees with your last statement." I sneered. I'm surprised Twilight didn't notice that in the show, at least I think so. It has been almost four years since I watched the 'Discord episodes,' so my memory is a bit hazy.

"Now that I think about, your argument makes a lot of sense Nate." Twilight kept nodding her head in agreement and I really didn't know what to think.

"I'm glad you agree with me, I guess. Twilight we should still take Applejack with us." Applejack let out a heavy sigh. Applejack was tricked and buried within her own soul, and now she was only a husk of her former self. I felt pretty bad, it must be shit becoming something that you're not.

"Sure, I don't see the issue," Twilight said ignoring the clear problem. This mare was going to kill me.

"And besides, I wasn't going to leave her anyway." This statement from Twilight caused 'Liarjack' to groan in annoyance.

The 'group' is back?

The walk had been so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. Fuckthis sucks, but I guess this a good time to get my thoughts together. My mind had been shattered with confusion rather than amazement, but I'm not saying being here isn't incredible, It's just I have no idea where to go from here. Twilight raised her head and met my gaze.

"Nate, is something wrong?" Twilight asked.

"Nah, I'm just thinking to myself. The quiet gave me a chance to think, that's all." I responded to the purple mare. Even though I do enjoy a good silence, sometimes quiet is violent. I could tell Twilight's mind needed to feed their addiction, she needs a book.

"Twilight, how about I ask you a question."

"Hm? What kind of question?" Twilight had been making strange faces, I guess she's itching to read a book right now. Maybe she thinks it's about the locations in Equestria. Not quite, my friend.

"I read your mind Twilight and it wasn't the geography of Equestria. I was going to ask you about the legal age in Equestria." Twilight stumbled back. 'How did he do that?' she thought to herself. She caught her balance, she was looking pretty clumsy at the moment.

"Ahem, Nate to answer your question," She took a small breath. "The legal age is sixteen."

This answer mashed and slammed into my head multiple times. What the fuck man! That's far too young back at home.

"No way." My hand had been covering my mouth that whole time, but I was just too astonished to really notice.

"Why? Is that a surprise?" Twilight questioned.

"Yes, Twilight! The legal age back where I lived, you had to be twenty-one to be a legal adult!" Twilight just absorbed the information, but she did tilt her head though.

"That's far too old, Nate why do humans wait so long?"

"A lot of reasons, I don't really want to get into the specifics."

"I understand, Nate."

There was a large racket coming from an upcoming area. It sounded like a large argument between ponies, but I was more curious, who could be making that noise? I peeked my head only to see Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie arguing as Dash (who had gotten her wings back from discord's trickery) was flying away. It was too late to stop her now

What the shit? This didn't happen in the show!?

Everyone had become grayed just like Applejack.
Fluttershy turned making a glare right at my noggin, I guess there was no use hiding anymore. I revealed myself, only everyone grimaced at the very sight my figure. Fluttershy began to speak.

"Oh look everypony, it's that stupid kid that wanted to tag along." I should start calling her 'Flutterbitch' right now.

"Wow, look at you Fluttershy. You're using a third-grader's vocabulary, I hope you are happy right now." I knew Twilight didn't stand up for herself in the show, so I figured if I was going to be insulted. I was going to have the last laugh.

"What do you know about me? I hardly know you!" Fluttershy shouted.

"More than you think. Now, can you stop bitching and move on." I responded. I could practically see the flames fuming out of her nose, and it was hilarious. Twilight intervened between me and 'Flutterbitch.'

"Everypony, let's calm down." Twilight gave me a small glare, but I couldn't help but smile.

"I am calm Twilight, but Fluttershy was tricked." Twilight look at the sight of her friends. They all look dreadful.
Rarity pushed this bigass rock around claiming it was a diamond, Pinkie is depressed and angry, and Fluttershy is a bitch. Yep, just like the show. But how did we all get into a group so fast?

Suddenly, the maze disappeared. We were all now in a chaotic turned Ponyville, but my bat was still in my hand. Ponyville's dirt roads were now a pink and green, checkered board mess. All kinds of silly and wacky creatures roamed the dead Ponyville.

I was in deep shit.

Everyone had gotten their wings, or horns back. Twilight took the group of girls into the Library to use the elements, but the boulder waited outside though. I wanted to scout out Ponyville, just to find Discord. Who knows? I might mash his face in.

"Hello there, you." Discord was sitting in a pretty shitty chair. The devilish grin that was on his face could make the Grinch

"What do you want? Discord," I took a heavy sigh. "Turn me into a mindless drone, like the rest of the 'Mane 6?' Well, it's not happening."

"What makes you so sure? Human boy." It was a simple question.

"Because I believe in myself." Discord spat out his drink, of what seems to be orange soda.

"Pffft, that's the stupidest thing I've heard all day!" Discord kept laughing his ass off, much to my dismay.

"Whatever asshole, just know that I'm coming for you!" I threatened as I walked off to find Twilight.


Twilight hadn't made much progress on the girls, little even. She just stood there getting angry and annoyed by everyone actions (besides spike). I stared at the mess in front of me.

how did it come to this?

"How did it come to this?" I broke the commotion. Every little eye stared at me in all directions, but Twilight's eyes quivered. This made me even more upset. My emotions are taking over.

"How can you all...HOW CAN YOU ALL ACT LIKE THIS!?" The 'Mane 6' was struck back from my words, even Twilight. I am so angry, I'm so tired of it all. My old life, my family was gone and now I have to babysit adults that could barely function. This shit is getting old

"What in the goddamn fuckery gives you all the right to act like small children? I don't give two donkey shits if Discord manipulated your emotions, It just doesn't matter." I need to cool off somehow.

I stormed out the home feel treehouse and sat down next to the treehouse. Tears erupted from my eyelids, but the pain from the ponies I could trust felt like a papercut. The tears just couldn't stop coming and my vision had become blurry, I need Twilight right now. I swung my head down, tears getting on my faded, gray hoodie and my shorts. My brown, curly hair had become messier than it already was. I took off my glasses.

I hadn't cried like this in years. Yet, here I am crying my own, little soul out. What the fuck is wrong with me? , What the fuck is wrong with me?, What the fuck is wrong with me!? Am I really crying over ponies I've only known for a few hours?

"Nate, are you out here?" It was Twilight. Her soft voice echoed throughout the corrupted Ponyville.

"*Sniff* Yeah, it's me..." Twilight sat next to me. Tears climbing down her face, we were 'one and the same' I suppose.

"Heh, heh," Twilight looked at me with puffy eyes. "Look at us Twilight, were all just crying dorks." Twilight slightly smiled. I pulled her into an embrace. The tears roared harder down our faces for the both of us, but we didn't care.

"Nate, I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry." Twilight look into my eyes. "I could've saved them, I could've- Oh Celestia, this is all my fault."

"No, we can fix this. Together," I glanced at the sky. "You and I."

"Yeah, you're right," I let go of the embrace and put back my glasses. Our tears have stopped. "Let's stop Discord!"

The End of an Era

Twilight and I managed to recover most of the girls. The only one left was Rainbow Dash, but I told Twilight that I would distract Discord while they retrieve Rainbow. It's a simple plan, but it should work. Twilight was a bit hesitant, she still let me handle Discord though. I set out with a bat in hand, it wasn't a complex weapon, but it sure as hell did a good job damaging something.

I shimmied around the houses and got behind Discord's spectating chair, I shivered at the very sight of the dark and scratched chair that he sat upon. It was fairly spooky.

I revealed myself to the demigod of chaos.

"Hello, Discord." Discord shifted his body and got off his chair.

"What do you want? Oh, I know! You came to abandon Twilight and join me." Not even close, you bumbling idiot.

"No. I came to make you pay, and I never go back on my word." I renched my arm and slammed the bat straight into his stomach. Discord's stomach rippled like jello and a crimson ooze came out of his mouth.

"Aurgh, *cough* *cough who knew such a dumb kid could do so much damage." Discord spoke in a raspy voice. I was distracting him pretty well, he didn't even notice the girls powering up the elements of harmony. His coughing fit continued until he stood up.

"Well, it seems like I have to take matters into my own hands." Discord kept tilting his head back and forth. I asked him a simple question.

"Hey Discord, do you like stones?"

"Why?" He really was clueless.

"Cause that's where you're ending up. You bastard." Discord registered the information and turned his body, but it was too late. His whole body turned to stone before I could even blink. Holy shit! That's incredible.

Discord is defeated.


Twilight and I said our goodbyes to the rest of the girls. Twilight offered to live with her, which I obviously agreed to. The Libary was quite big and I dunno, it felt safe.

We were both 'beat' from the adventure and it was getting quite late. So, Twilight and I got into the same bed and sept our troubles goodbye.