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3: Bubbles

Another day in Equestria.

Rarity wanted to see me in the morning, but she didn't tell me why. It's all fine and dandy in the long run, besides I need to clean myself up anyway. Surprisingly Twilight hasn't wakened up yet, I checked the clock and it was when I regularly woke up. 10 o'clock.

Twilight clutched on my slightly muscled stomach (thanks to my new 'Equestrian diet') and wouldn't let go. I have no idea how I could shake her off of me, but I'll do what I'm best at, improvising. I should wake her up.

"Hey, Twilight? you okay?" I said in a soft-spoken voice, trying not to wake her.

"What? yeah..."

"Good, we should check on Midnight Star."

"That's a great idea, Nate."

We both got out of bed and darted down the stairs to check on the deaf foul. She was still asleep in the makeshift bed I made for her last night. I should start making breakfast, but what kind of ingredients could I use?

Oh! Right, I'm kinda like 'the chef' in my group of friends, and no I'm not stealing Pinkie's hobby. She bakes, I cook. The only reason I didn't make breakfast yesterday was that Twilight offered to cook for the day. She's actually quite good at cooking, who knows what other kinds of information is crammed into her head.

I had made a vegan omelet for Twilight and me, but I made a peanut butter sandwich for Midnight. Midnight really enjoys anything with peanut butter, I also love peanut butter on everything too. Spike always eats cereal or gems, I never understood why he likes them so much.

We all sat at the dining table. Everyone was enjoying their breakfast, including me.

"Wow, Nate! This is really good!" Twilight chimed in.

"Thanks, I never knew cooking was so fun until I came to Equestria," I glanced up from my plate, to see how Twilight was scarfing down her omelet. There were crumbs and sauce all over her face, it was baffling how she always ate like that. I remember one time she took me to Equestria's equivalent of a burger joint, there were so many napkins I had to use on her face. It really was adorable.

"You having fun over there, Twi," I said with a smug expression. Twilight looked up with a half omelet sticking from her mouth. Soon, a blush spread across her bright, purple face. She dropped her meal back on the blate.

"What!? Why do you ask?" Twilight you silly pony.

"You have food all over your face. You don't want Midnight picking up your bad habits," Twilight finished the rest of her omelet. Midnight also finished her sandwich and proceeded to look through the library to find a book.

"I know, I just can't help it. This food is delicious!" I grabbed a napkin and approached Twilight. I wiped all the grime and took away her plate, I took a small glance to see Twilight's blush was even bigger. The only thought I had was; 'Twilight you big dork, I can see right through you.' Ha, she must think I'm oblivious. Twilight recuperated herself and asked me a question.

What are your plans today, Nate?"

"I was planning on see Rarity, then I'm going to spend the night with Fluttershy. Think of it as a sleepover," I responded while finishing cleaning the dishes.

"Oooh, sounds like you're having a lot of activity today." I chuckled a little bit. She wasn't wrong.

"Yeah, I heard Rainbow Dash and Flutters were going somewhere today. And don't worry, they know I'm coming," Twilight raised a brow.

"How do they know already?"

"Rainbow kinda invited me, it was out of the blue. But I haven't spent enough time with Fluttershy, so It's a bonding experience." Twilight understood and started leaving the dining room, spike followed soon after.

I should probably get going to Rarity's soon. She said it was urgent, but that was her standards for everything involving clothing.

I'm kinda always barefoot when it comes to walking, Ponyville's dirt roads surprisingly don't have any rocks or pebbles in the road. It's rather convenient.

Not soon later, I waved goodbye to Twilight and headed to Rarity's. I was getting some serious Deja fu in the process of saying goodbye. The only difference is that Twilight gave me bits for today's adventure.


I was inside Rarity's boutique, watching her madness insue. She actually didn't have her glasses on today, and no ruler in sight. She went into a backroom to gather something and came out with a large stack of clothes.

"Nate, darling, I made some clothes for you to keep. That 'hoodie' you wear is dreadful, no offense." I examined the clothes for a moment.

"None taken, I was getting tired of wearing that anyway." I blurted out. I was only wearing a blue t-shirt and shorts today, it was really warm out. I think it's the beginning of summer, although I may be wrong. Equestria weather cycle was all kinds of wacky.

The clothes were all wrapped together. I unwrapped them to see, that there were six t-shirts. Each one had a cutie mark for one of the 'Mane 6' and the color matched the fur. For example; Rainbow's had her cutie mark near the top right, while the t-shirt was cyan. There were also pairs of shorts and PJs, with an oversized sweater.

"You like them, dear? I tried to get your measurements correct." Rarity killed my observations and caused me to respond.

"I love these Rares," I responded while taking off my shirt and putting on the Fluttershy themed shirt (since I am going to see her right after this). I saw that Rarity was a little disgruntled from my muscled frame, not surprising though.

"Good! Now, I must attend to these other orders."

"Wait, Rarity I still need to pay for this!" It was too late. Rarity climbed upstairs into her room to finish her work. I shrugged, I walked out with a stack of clothes and started traveling to Fluttershy's cottage. But before that, I put some bits on the front desk. Hopefully, she'll notice them.


I knocked on the door, expecting probably Rainbow Dash.

"Coming!" I heard a small patter across the wooden floor. I don't think that's Rainbow. The door open revealing Fluttershy.

"Oh, Nate I didn't expect you to arrive this fast."

"Well, I'm here now. You girls ready for an unforgettable night out," I chimed. I noticed the day was setting despite how little I did today. I walked inside greeted by a Rainbow Dash chillin' on the couch, I put my stack of clothes near Fluttershy's couch.

"Yo, you ready for the bar?" What? What bar is Rainbow talking about?

"The bar? I guess, but since I'm underage I can't drink anything alcoholic." I stated. Rainbow frowned, I could tell that peer pressure is going to be a bitch.

"How old are you anyway, Nate?"

"I'm only fourteen, Rainbow." Rainbow looked at me in shock, I have no idea why this was a surprise. Maybe, it was my deep voice or my slightly hairy face. Don't know, don't care.

"WHAT! I could've sworn you were sixteen!" Rainbow flew in the air and made a 'boi' expression with her hooves. It was super funny.

"Nah, I'm still pretty young. Besides we should stop asking questions and get a move on." I bluntly stated.

"I agree with Nate, Rainbow. It's going to get late if we don't get there in time." Fluttershy blurted, trying to be sorta brave.

"Fine. I guess we can go."


The bar was slightly lightened, kinda spooky. We all sat down and ordered our drinks, Dash and I got a simple soda, while Flutters ordered two highly alcoholic beverages. It really concerned me.

After one big gulp, Fluttershy was finished her first drink and halfway finished her second one. Holy shit, this pony can drink her life away! Now, I have no idea how alcohol effects ponies, but I do know heavy drinking over a long period of time can kill someone. That's why I'm going to stay away from it on earth and Equestria.

I saw Rainbow was barely touching her soda and was only fiddling around with her straw, while Fluttershy had a slight, drunken blush around her face. Oh no, this is bad news. I slightly nudged towards Rainbow.

"Does she always drink like this?" Rainbow stopped messing with her straw and turned to me.

"Not always, it's so not cool when she does. She does this when she's really stressed" I raised an eyebrow

"Why is it not cool?"

"She gets all flirty and stuff, it's not fun." Aw shit, I remember reading a fanfic that had a situation like this. But now I'm part of the equation. I turned to see that Fluttershy drowned herself in two more cups, this isn't good. I heard endless hiccuping from Flutters.

"Hey, Fluttershy? You okay?" I asked. Her hair was all ruffed, a big red blush found it's way around her face too.

"I'm fine, how about you.~" She half stumbled trying to reach my seat, instead of Rainbow being the target of lust, I was.

"I'm not drunk if that's something," I said sarcastically.

"Ooooh, *hic* well, you look great. I could just make out with you right now~" She cooed. Fuck no! this is not happening. She leans into my face, but I put my hands in between her lips.

"Aww~ You're no fun, Nate."

"Listen Fluttershy, you shouldn't drink anymore." I pleaded. I wouldn't let myself get kissed by somepony, that will forget next morning. I'm not ready to get kissed yet, anyway.

"Why *hic* won't you let me have any fun?~" She pouted. Rainbow was getting either angry or jealous, probably both. Rainbow flew off her seat and got in between me and Fluts. Fluttershy kept hiccupping, I could practically see the bubbles coming from her mouth, every time she did it. It was incredible.

"Fluttershy, we should totally go home, like right now!" Thank god, this is the cockblock I wanted. I wasn't going to engage in sexual things with anyone or pony, it's just too weird for me.

"I don't wanna leave yet, I still need to have one more drink." Fluttershy wouldn't let up, so I did something somewhat sensible. I paid for our 'adventure' and picked up Fluttershy, she giggled. I put her on my back, like what dads do to their young sons. Who doesn't like a piggyback ride? I certainly like them.


We got back to Fluttershy's house, I was somehow still alive with a lustful pony on my back. She wouldn't stop trying to kiss me, It got old rather quickly.

Rainbow collapsed on the couch and almost fell asleep. But she started to speak, as I was putting Fluttershy to bed.

"Nate, thanks for being a good sport."

"It's no biggie, it was actually pretty fun."

"Well, thanks anyway. *Yawn* good night, big guy." Huh, 'big guy?' I've never been told that nickname. I really like it, it's kinda fitting

"Yeah, you too," I said rather quietly, Rainbow had already fallen to sleep. I turned to face Fluttershy who was waiting for me to get in her bed. I only sat on the bed staring out the window, while putting on my new PJs. Fluttershy (who was still a little drunk) as me a question.

"Nate, can you sing me a song?" What? it was an odd request, but this is Equestria. I've seen ponies break out in song in the middle of the road, so it wasn't much of a stretch.

I don't know what forced me to sing, but I took in a deep breath and I sang.

I caught my breath after singing. I love Tidal Wave from Owl City, and I thought it was a little fitting to sing right now, but for some reason, I heard the music playing as I sung. It was very strange.

I looked over to see Fluttershy. There was a single tear stretching over her right cheek, she was asleep. I felt something moist on my face, it was a tear over my right cheek. Was this a coincidence?

I walked over to see Rainbow's face. There was a tear over her right cheek too, are all of our feelings connected?

What's going on?