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2: Why can't she hear?

I have been living here for about half a year in Equestria. So much has happened in that time frame, it was almost staggering. To fighting changelings, then a dark overlord named 'Sombra', It was so thrilling, yet all so terrifying. I managed to slam Chrysalis a few times, with my bat and fists of course. It was totally crazy---

"Hey sleepyhead, are you awake?" I just realized I had been thinking so much, I hadn't even crawled out of bed yet. Twilight's question echoed throughout the entire Treehouse. Heh, it was something I heard every day.

"Yep, I'm awake and alive." I blurted out in a tired voice. Twilight wakes up every morning at 8:30, but she lets me sleep in until 10 o'clock. She only wakes me up early if it is an emergency. I'm still curious how she gets out of bed without waking me, but I won't question it.

"Good, I made breakfast," I stumbled down the stairs to meet Twilight's gaze. "I made pancakes."

"Rad, do we have any adventures today?" I grabbed my plate of syrupy pancakes and took a seat at the dining table. Spike was also sitting with me, swiping his spoon back and forth into his cereal. Twilight sat down and gave me a particular glance.

"Nate, did you forget what you were going to do today?" I looked at Twilight confused.

"What? What was I supposed to do today?" Twilight made a small chuckle into her hoof. What was so funny?

"Nate, you are going to take the cutie mark crusaders to school today. You're also going to help Mrs. Cheerilee in the classroom." I dropped my pancake back onto my plate. Well, I guess I should finish my pancakes fast and pick up the growing fillies.

I finished my stack of pancakes and straightened my glasses, put on my worn gray hoodie, and headed outside while saying goodbye. The people of Ponyville used to be confused and maybe a little frightened of me, but they trusted me because I helped Twilight fight Discord. They just kinda accepted me, ya' know. 'Another one of Twilight's friends' they say, I wouldn't put it past them.

I soon found myself near Rarity's house, it was a boutique and Rarity was always working there. I have no idea how she almost looks so composed, she had so many orders of clothes to make ponies it was staggering. I knocked on the door.

"Cooming~" Her voice sung from inside of the building. The sound of trotting neared the doors, it was peaceful to listen to the sound generated from ponies. The doors opened.

"Oh, Nate! Sweetie is almost ready darling." Rarity was wearing her glasses, she sometimes wears them when she does work. But that wasn't the thing that concerns me the most, she had a measuring tape around her neck and wrapped around her foreleg. Okay, I was wrong about the 'composed' comment.

"I'm in no rush Rarity, but you seem a little stressed. Is everything okay?" Rarity daintily chuckled. Everything this pony did was dainty though, so I don't know where I was going with this observation.

"I'm positively fine darling, just some extra orders." Before I could question anything else, Sweetie Belle barges through the doors and leaps to my side.

"I'm going to school Rarity, see you later!" Sweetie Belle said while waving goodbye to her older sister.

"Have fun Sweetie, don't be late to school!" Rarity called out. I also waved goodbye to Rarity, I wished we could've had a long conversation. I guess that couldn't happen though.

"Okay!" Sweetie responded.

I could already tell, this was going to be an interesting day.


I rounded up Applebloom and Scootaloo after having brief conversations with Applejack and Rainbow just like with Rarity. The school wasn't too far off also, it seemed like a nice little place. The group of fillies chatted amongst themselves with a childlike wonder, it kinda reminded me of when I was a kid. It was pretty nostalgic.

I don't know how taking care of fillies could be difficult, but I shouldn't be too much trouble. At least, I hope (this is totally going to bite me in the ass later). It's whatever, besides I should get my head out of my mind and get ready to take over some foals.

"Maybe we could get our cutie marks from Nate," Scootaloo shouted, officially getting my head out of ass. Wow, I was really deep in thought, wasn't I?

"That's not an awful idea, but I think you should all think about what your interest is, instead of doing random activities hoping to get a cutie mark," I stated staring at the CMC's innocent eyes. They all pondered what I could possibly mean, but I decided to give them 'a heads up' you could call it.

"Listen kiddos, just do what you can and never give up trying. I know you all will get a cutie mark someday." That last part I said was true. I believe it was season 6 they got their cutie marks, but I'm drawing a serious blank right now.

"YEAH!" they all said in unison. HOLY JESUS ON A POGO STICK! That was too loud. My ears had never pleaded for mercy until today. I chuckled slightly into my sleeve, it's just kids being kids.


I entered the school and greeted by Mrs. Cheerilee's smile, I did the polite thing and smiled back. The CMC took their seats while I stood in the corner being filled in about what the fouls were currently learning, I don't know if I could help with teaching though.

I watched as the class was preparing to get all their supplies. There were a lot of quills being placed on desks, I always assumed they used pencils. They did barely show what the CMC did in school on the show, so what do I know?

I guessed this was the whole class. I didn't see anypony else come through the doors, but some could be late. Then, a hoof stuck out the entrance of the school. It seemed to be cyan colored and that wasn't the only thing I saw, I noticed a purple braided main. The foul stepped out revealing her whole body, I saw a hearing aid attached to her pointed ears.

Who is this little foul? This little pony wasn't in the show, this is very strange. Mrs. Cheerilee stopped whatever she was doing and trotted over to the strange pony.

"Class, we are having a new student. How about you introduce yourself." The new student opened her bag and held out a notebook. It read.

-Hello, my name is Midnight Star. I hope we can all be friends!- Many fillies looked at each other. Many saying "how come she's not talking?" or "Why is she using a notebook?" It was all kinda weird. She flipped a page.

-The reason why I can't talk is that I'm deaf. Meaning I cannot hear very well, I don't even know what my own voice sounds like.- The room became very silent, almost too silent. The only thing I could hear is a fragile chuckle being realesed from the tiny pony, I have so many questions right now.

Mrs. Cheerilee had put Midnight Star into her seat and began to start the lesson. They were learning basic math, I was never good at math during school, but I did enjoy English class. I kinda just stood there in the corner, waiting for something to wake me up, but only a dark void shrouded my silly little mind. This day was all sorts confusing and nothing could stop it from getting any weirder.


School had ended for the day, it was way shorter than what it was like at home. Why couldn't it be like this a school, arriving at 10:30 and ending at 1 o'clock would be perfect for me. I didn't help out too much in the classroom and I just zoned out the whole time, but I did have a conversation with the new kid (via notebook). She was actually quite funny, I remember laughing to myself a few time as I read. She has so much personality, but she's stuck with medical issues. It must be shit.

Most kids left, besides the CMC and Midnight Star. I was wondering where she lived, so I went over to the kid while the CMC was talking to Mrs. Cheerilie.

"Hey kid, where are your parents?" I asked. Midnight looked at me while levitating her notebook, but she began to write.

-I don't have any... I don't have a home either- I frowned. Did her parents just dump her because she's deaf?

"What!? That's awful. how about you live with me?" How did she last this long without a home? Her expression became blank for a moment, but tears began to fall from her eyes. She wore a smile that could make Pinkie pie jealous, it was incredible how I made this child happy with a simple gesture. She started writing again.

-Please let me live with you!-

"Don't be silly, you can stay," I said with confidence. The small foul started hugging me and stopped crying, so I picked her up and put her on my shoulder (I was holding her with one arm so she wouldn't fall). All of her stuff was in her bag, I put the bag on my other shoulder and started to walk back to Twilight's. The CMC had already left a few minutes ago, but Mrs. Cheerilee was still staring out the window thinking everyone had left.

"Mrs. Cheerilee, I'm going to leave now. I'll see you later!" I said while waving goodbye. The kid was placed on my shoulder, but I still held on to her. I wonder how Twilight's going to react.


I walked in the door greeted with a confusion.

"I see you found a new friend, Nate," Twilight stated. I placed Midnight's bag in a corner and put the tiny foul on the floor.

"She's a new kid at the school. Midnight Star is deaf and doesn't have a home," I said. Twilight turned into an alarmed parent that lost their kid in a mall.

"What! That's horrible!" Twilight shouted. I nodded my head, Twi was right about this one. Actually, she was right about a lot of things. It's just too many to count.

"I know. Do think she can live with us?" I questioned.

"I don't see why not."

"Cool beans, we're going to set up a bed for her," I said. The kid is going to be a new part of the family, whether I or Twilight likes it.

My life is going to be even more strange than it currently it already.

Author's Note:

Sorry if this one seems a bit short. These take a lot of effort to make.

Advise is appreciated.