• Published 7th Feb 2018
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The Greatest Showmare - Creativa-Artly01

Philly Barnmare is a circus ringmaster with the Greatest Show in All Equestria. She has acts of every shape and size and everypony absolutely adores them. She has a pony with the longest neck in Equestria, one which the largest beard in Equestria, et

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Chapter 15-Telling the Truth is Hard

A few days later, Twinkle goes out to lunch with her father where she learns the truth. "Honey," says her father, "your mother was a racist. She forced me to toss you and your sister out. She used me and I'm sorry." Tears begin to fall from his eyes.

"It's okay, I forgive you," responds Twinkle with a smile. She then takes a munch of her hayburger. Her father soon does the same.

A few hours later, the two go enjoy some time together at the amusement park, Pony Island. They ride every single ride, play every single game, and Twinkle even wins a stuffed teddy bear. She and her dad go and get ice cream and cotton candy. The two had a great day together and Twinkle can't help but feel they're going down the right road to fixing their relationship. A few minutes later, the two arrive back at the circus tent and Twinkle goes and embraces Carl in a hug and gives him a kiss.

"Well, I see your day with your dad went well," says Carl with a smile. "I'm glad."

"Yeah, I am too," responds Twinkle. "I'm glad we're fixing our broken relationship."

"Well, I'm happy for you," responds Carl.

"So, you're the husband to be, nice to meet you," says Twinkle's father with a smile as he shakes Carl's hoof.

"Yeah, you too," responds Carl with a smile. "She's such an amazing young mare."

"I wish I could've watched her grow up," responds her father.

"Well, you have me now," responds Twinkle as she looks at her father, "and I'm never losing you again." The two then share a hug. Her father then says goodbye and returns home for the afternoon to get some rest. Twinkle and Carl then work some more on wedding planning.

Meanwhile, back at his house, Twinkle's father looks at all the pictures of their day together that morning. "We had so much fun and I'm glad we're mending our bond," he sighs. He then falls asleep for a nice three to five hour nap. When he wakes up, he hears a knock on the door and opens it to find Twinkle and Carl.

"Hey dad," says Twinkle with a smile, "you invited us over for dinner, remember?"

"Yes," responds her father, "come on in." He then goes to the fridge and pulls out some leftover carrots in a blanket and a vegetable pizza and heats them up. He doesn't want his daughter to know he totally forgot. He then brings over the heated food and the three enjoy it together.

"You forgot," says Twinkle eventually, "but I don't mind. We did have a busy day together after all." She lets out a little giggle as she eats her carrot in a blanket. Once they finish up dinner, the three enjoy a movie together: The Tale of Snow Veil. "Big sis and I used to love the Disneigh princess movies, especially this one. We'd watch it every time we got downtime in the orphanage," sighs Twinkle.

"I know," sighs her father. "That's one of the things we used to do together too before your mother kicked you and your sister out. That movie was also your first Christmas present from me."

"No wonder I like it so much," sighs Twinkle as she snuggles up against her father and continues to watch the movie.

Carl, however, just sits there in silence and watches it, his hoof never straying far from Twinkle's. Carl enjoys the Disneigh princess movies but not as much as his sisters and mother do. He used to watch it with them, sure, but he never quite enjoyed it as much. In fact, he feels that same way right now while watching it with Twinkle and her father, but he doesn't care as long as it keeps Twinkle happy and to him, that's the most important thing in the world right now.