• Published 7th Feb 2018
  • 863 Views, 9 Comments

The Greatest Showmare - Creativa-Artly01

Philly Barnmare is a circus ringmaster with the Greatest Show in All Equestria. She has acts of every shape and size and everypony absolutely adores them. She has a pony with the longest neck in Equestria, one which the largest beard in Equestria, et

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Chapter 17-The Locket

Days pass and it is soon the day before the wedding and Carl pulls Twinkle to the side for a few minutes. "Hey, honey, I got you something," says Carl as he hands her a tiny wrapped up box.

"Well, thanks, sweetie," responds Twinkle. She then opens it right away. Once she has the box open, she opens up the jewelry box and finds the locket inside. She then opens the locket and lets out a gasp and begins to cry. "This was so sweet, thank you." She then embraces him in a hug. He then takes it from her and clasps it around her neck.

"Now you'll always have your sister with," says Carl with a smile.

"And for that, I can't thank you enough," responds Twinkle with a smile. The two then share a kiss and part ways. Twinkle goes and tries on the dress since the practice lunch is in a few hours and Carl goes to get into his suit.

A few hours later, it's time for the practice lunch and it all goes smoothly and just as planned and Twinkle couldn't be more delighted. After the lunch draws to a close, the two go behind the main tent and talk for a few minutes. "I can't believe tomorrow is the big day," sighs Twinkle, "it's almost here."

"Yeah, I know," responds Carl, "and I'm so glad we get to spend the rest of our lives together."

"Me too," sighs Twinkle as she puts her head on his shoulder. The two then go back inside and get back to enjoying hanging out with the rest of the performers. A few hours later, everything fully wraps up and Twinkle goes and puts the dress up for tomorrow.

That night, all Twinkle can think about is her big day tomorrow. "I can't believe it's almost here," says Twinkle as she embraces the locket around her neck and opens it to view the picture of herself and her sister. She then falls asleep with it in her hooves after closing it shut.

The next morning, Twinkle is up with the sun and pops open the locket one more time before the wedding. "Today's the big day," she sighs. "I'm so excited...but also nervous. After all, the rest of my life changes today." She then begins to get changed into her wedding dress with the help of Stella and the other performance mares.

A few hours later, it's time for the wedding. Whilst Carl stands in position, Twinkle's father walks her down the aisle with a smile on his face. A few moments later, she is placed beside Carl and things kick off.

"We are gathered here today," says Philly with a smile, "to unite two of the sweetest ponies here in holy maretrimony. Twinkle is one of our most beloved performers and Carl, our young, energetic, co ringmaster. Now, Carl do you take Twinkle to be your wife?"

"I do," says Carl with a smile.

"And do you, Twinkle, take Carl to be your husband?"

"I do," says Twinkle with a smile.

"You may now kiss the bride," says Philly as the two newlyweds share a kiss after exchanging rings. The two then run down the aisle and head off on their honeymoon. The two are so glad to be married. As the two load their plane to go on their trip across the ocean, the two hold their hooves together tightly.

"I've never been on a plane before," says Twinkle. "I'm scared."

"Don't be," says Carl reassuring her, "flying's not that bad." She nods and the two sit down in their seats. About an hour later, the plane takes to the sky and Twinkle clutches onto Carl the entire time. Two days later, the two arrive on Mare Island and their vacation officially begins once they check into their hotel. There, an exhausted set of newlyweds falls on the bed and falls fast asleep. They then sleep for hours, waking up again around noon and heading off to start their vacation. The first thing they do is climb a volcano and dive over a waterfall. They then go for a hike across the island with a local guide and a few other ponies.

"This is fun," says Twinkle with a smile.

"Yeah," says Carl, "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself."

After the hike comes to an end, they go off and explore the Sapphire Blue Geyser and take pictures with the water spouts of the geyser. Once done with that, the two return to their hotel and enjoy a nice lunch together. The two are so glad to have this time alone to themselves and can't wait to continue this, the best honeymoon imaginable.