• Published 7th Feb 2018
  • 863 Views, 9 Comments

The Greatest Showmare - Creativa-Artly01

Philly Barnmare is a circus ringmaster with the Greatest Show in All Equestria. She has acts of every shape and size and everypony absolutely adores them. She has a pony with the longest neck in Equestria, one which the largest beard in Equestria, et

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Chapter 8-A New Member Joins the Circus

A few weeks after the reopening, a new act joins the show. Her name is Flitter Light and she is a pony that can shrink to the size of a breezy. As soon as she joins, Philly sticks her in the prime act spot within the show under the title: The Smallest Shrinking Pony on the Planet. The other performers also hit it off right away with Flitter, especially Twinkle and the two soon become the closest of friends. Every night, the two sit under the stars together and just talk.

"This is nice, being part of the show," says Flitter to Twinkle one night while they're lying out under the stars. "It's a place where I can just be myself and I love that."

"Yeah, I love that too," responds Twinkle with a smile, "when I'm performing, I truly feel like I belong and that's the best feeling in the world."

Flitter then begins to sing a song about staying true to yourself despite what others say. "When I was little, I was told to always be myself, no matter what, always be myself. It didn't matter my size or my abilities, my special talents, my special gifts. I was proud of who I was. I still am. My family taught me how to be true to me. Now, they're here every night to see me perform. Now, they're here every night to share their support. They are my support, a shoulder to lean on, arms to fall on, it's wonderful. They watch me shine. They watch me smile. They watch me be true to who I am and I couldn't be prouder. I couldn't be prouder of myself. Look at me now, I feel like I'm flying. Look at me now, I am finally free. Look at me, I'm finally where I want to be. I can be who I am without being ashamed. I can be who I am. I can be proud of my name. I can be proud of my claim to fame. When I was little, I was told to always be myself, no matter what, always be myself. It didn't matter my size or my abilities, my special talents, my special gifts. I was proud of who I was. I still am. And I always will be, yes, indeed, I always will be. I'll always be true to myself. I'll always be true to me."

"Wow," responds Twinkle. "It's cool how your parents support you and your special ability. I wish my family was like that. The only one who was like that was my sister, but she's dead and gone now. After her death, my parents kicked me out on the street." Twinkle then begins to sing her sister's song. "Be strong, be bold, don't let them push you down. You are who you are, don't you ever wear a frown. You're special just the way you are. You are my only, you are my little star. You are the special little sister that lights up my night. How I miss hearing those words that she'd tell me every night. How I miss hearing those words that she'd tell me every night." A tear falls from her eye. She then sings shakingly. "How I miss hearing those words that she'd tell me every night." She then bursts into full-on tears and Flitter does her best to comfort her. They may come from two different worlds on the surface, but the two aren't that different at all.

A few hours later, Twinkle pulls herself together and the two go get ready for the night's performance. The two go and get into their costumes then go and get into their places in the performer line up. A few minutes later, the two, along with the rest of the performers, take to the floor behind Philly Barnmare. Philly then introduces all the acts and the new act then kicks off the show. As the performers do their thing, the crowd cheers, stomps, and claps happily with smiles on their face. Little foals hold onto dolls that are in the performers' likenesses. Everything is truly perfect. In the ring, all the pain and loss melts away for Twinkle and all the adoration floods her and makes her smile. It's her escape place and for that, she's grateful.

Two hours later, after the show comes to an end, Twinkle turns in for the night after sharing a sweet kiss with Carl and sharing a goodnight hug with Flitter Light. The three then part ways and enter their separate tents. They then all fall fast asleep and think about how much fun they'll have doing tomorrow's shows and the upcoming Tour of Greater Equestria.

As she sleeps, Twinkle can't help but think about her big sister and how much her passing affected her entire life. Eventually, she ends up waking up ever so often and crying herself back to sleep and does that continually throughout the night. She wishes her sister were still alive, but alas, she knows that isn't how things were meant to be. Eventually, after a while, she just gives up on sleeping altogether and just flips through the scrapbook of her and her sister that she keeps under her bed. As she does so, she can't help but smile and tear up ever so often. Her sister was everything to her and that wound of not having her around is not going to heal up anytime soon.