• Published 13th Jul 2018
  • 4,982 Views, 106 Comments

Mama Applejack - Ace Pony Stories

A magic ‘accident’ causes Twilight to turn back into a foal

  • ...

Remembering new memories

Applejack walked into the relocated castle with a now sleeping Twilight in the foal carrier. She’d asked several ponies around town about a mare named Starlight Glimmer and a stallion called Sunburst but they’d all said the same thing, “Never met anypony with either of those names before.”

Applejack lost in thought felt a slight tug. Turning towards the tug seeing Twilight had just turned over and pulled the carrier slightly, “Ah could use a rest too.”

The earth pony walked down the hall and into the room she’d woken up in that morning. Before climbing into bed the earth pony placed Twilight back in the crib, then put the foal carrier and her bag beside her bed.

The earth pony climbed into the bed covering herself in the blankets and closed her eyes ready for a quick nap. Soon the mare drifted to sleep. After she had fully drifted off she started to dream an unusual dream of a stallion she’d never met before or at least didn’t remember meeting.

Applejack looked out across the orchard as the sun got lower in the sky, “It’s a beautiful sight to see ain’t it Moonstone?”

“Yeah, it is.” Moonstone responded, “A beautiful orange reminds of somepony.”

Applejack turned towards the unicorn who had a dark blue coat and a purple mane with a lighter purple stripe beside his horn. Seeing he was staring at her making her blushed.

Moonstone placed a hoof under the earth pony’s chin with a smile and leaned forward.

Applejack leaned towards the stallion and kissed him.

“I love you.” Moonstone smiled

Applejack opened her eyes and looked around the room. She was back in the room she fell asleep in, “Why did Ah have that dream? Moonstone?” Applejack glanced downwards. “But what happened Ah didn’t see him around town and nopony mentioned him.”

Applejack to her surprise saw Twilight in front of her, “Whoa! Twi how’d ya get out?”

“I fwew out,” Twilight said in a matter of fact way

Applejack rolled her eyes, “Ok did ya have a nice nap?” picking the foal up and placing her beside her

“Yes.” Twilight smiled, “but I had a wiwed dweam.”

“A dream?”

Twilight nodded and in her baby voice explained the dream that felt more like a memory.

Twilight opened her eyes slowly, “Eh!” the foal sounded.

“Hi, Twilight.” Apple Bloom smiled at her niece, “Am Ah holdn’ her alright?”

“Yer doin’ great Apple Bloom.” Bright Mac, “just keep sportin’ her head.”

Twilight started squirming in her aunt’s hooves, “Ah, Eh!”

“Why’s she squirmin’ so much?” Apple Bloom asked

Reaching over her youngest Pear Butter rubbed the foal soothingly said, “She’s probably just hungry.”

Applejack came back in hearing her daughter’s distress, “Ah’m back.” The earth pony walked over to the couch her mother stepped up letting her daughter sit down.

“Ok, Apple Bloom Applejack has to feed Twilight now.” Pear Butter told the filly.

Apple Bloom tilted her head, “But Applejack doesn’t have a bottle. Doesn’t she need that for her milk?”

The adults chuckled

“What?” The filly asked confused, “Where will Applejack get Twi’s milk?”

Bright Mac placed a hoof on his daughter’s head, “You’ll know when yer older let’s just leave them alone fer now.”

The filly although still confused gave the unicorn foal over to her mother, “Ah’ll tell ya when to come back.”

As the other ponies left the room Applejack held her daughter close, “Ok Twilight time fer yer milk.”

As the mother brought the foal close to her breasts Twilight took the teat of one in her mouth and started suckling as the warm liquid squirted into her mouth. After two minutes Applejack lifted the foal up resting her head on her shoulder.

Twilight cuddled into her mother as Applejack patted her back.

“Den I woke up,” Twilight said blushing the last bit.

Applejack also blushed explained of the dream she’d had, “It was wired Ah remember him and Ah being together but Ah never dated somepony like that in our old reality.”

“Abbajack.... you don’ tink he was my...” Twilight started before trailing off.

Applejack kept looking down, “He might... but even after ya nodded off nopony mentioned him.”

The two started to think while Applejack had to change Twilight’s diaper again why had they had those dreams seemingly of memories from this reality and most of all just who was this Moonstone could he really have been Twilight’s father and was even still around.

“Applejack?” Pear Butter called out.

Applejack stepped out into the hall, “Ma?”

Pear Butter waved, “Winona’s feeling much better.”

Applejack paused in all the confusion of the day she hadn’t noticed Winona’s absence. The brown dog rushed over to her owner giving her a loving kiss.

“Ok Winona down girl.” Applejack smiled.

The ever loyal pet stopped and sat down beside Applejack particularly to the side where Twilight was most leaned towards.

“What ya doin’ here is everything alright?” Applejack asked.

Pear Butter smiled, “Ah’m fine. Ah, ran into your friend Fluttershy she was bringing Winona back. So Ah told her Ah was coming to see ya so Ah’d drop her off.”

Applejack nodded.

Pear Butter smiled, “Are ya getting hungry? It is lunch time.”

“S-sure.” Applejack responded she only had a brief moment with her mother earlier buy now she was going to have to keep her composure for longer.

Pear Butter again noticing her daughter’s uncertainty, “Applejack This isn’t like you! Yer usually honest with me about yer problems.

Applejack led the way to the kitchen sitting Twilight into the high chair with the alicorn still not liking it.

Pear Butter smiled as she sat beside her granddaughter.

Twilight trying to follow her own words of blending in as the foal she was started lightly pounding her hooves on the tray in front of her.

Pear Butter giggled, “Applejack I think the little Princess is getting impatient.”

Applejack turned over with bottle and jar of foal food noticed Twilight’s little act, “Ok, Ah’m comin’.” She came over giving Twilight a smile.

Pear Butter stood up, “Ah’ll make our lunch while ya give Twilight hers.”

Applejack nodded, “Ok!”

The older mare stepped over to the counter and pulled something out of the cupboard.

Applejack trying not to speak too loud said, “See yer blendin’ in. Must easy fer ya bein’ a foal.”

“Onwy wif you jus’ tink about tawking,” Twilight mumbled before taking the spoonful the earth phase held out for her.

Applejack just took another spoonful from the jar remembering all the comments Twilight had made about how humiliating being a foal was. Having to be fed mushy food, drink milk from a bottle or..her mother, wearing diapers while consciously being a full grown mare must be quite aggravating.

Applejack after unfulfilling the jar gave Twilight the bottle she’d warmed up.

The foal took the bottle herself and started drinking the dream’ still in her mind now the milk had a familiar taste only confirming what was obvious this was definitely Applejack’s milk.

Pear Butter came back over just as her granddaughter had drank the last of her milk. The mare set two plates with simple sandwiches on them.

“Thanks.” Applejack smiled glancing over to the older mare, “Y-ya didn’t have to do that.”

Pear Butter smiled, “Ah know, but Ah wanted to.”

Applejack smiled picking her sandwich up after taking a bite noticed Twilight’s slightly angry expression only her baby face made it look adorable.

Pear Butter glancing saw her granddaughter’s face, “What’s wrong Twilight?”

Applejack turning back to mother had to think up a reason, “Maybe she’s sour that her lunch stopped.”

Pear Butter giggled, “Well nopony likes that.... Applejack?” Pear Butter’s tone suddenly changed, “Is something going on? Yer friends told me you were acting a little strange earlier and Twilight was very upset before breakfast. And I noticed when ya came over you cried after ya saw me and her Dad said ya acted strange around him as well. Applejack if something’s happened you can talk, to us please.”

Applejack looked down shaking, “Blend in Applejack Blend in! But Ah want to tell somepony! But Ah need to make sure Ah don’t lose Twilight!” with feeling no other way out Applejack ran out of the kitchen clearly upset.

“Applejack?!” Pear Butter stood up concerned.

Applejack ran down the hall.

Twilight’s expression fell she couldn’t help but feel responsible for Applejack’s state, “Maybe we could jus’ teww one pony.”

Pear Butter turned around to see her granddaughter visibly upset, “Ooooh!” The mare exclaimed picking the foal up out of the chair cradling her. “You poor thing! It must be so confusing seeing your mama so upset. She’s the one who’s supposed to comfort you.” the mare sighed giving the alicorn a kiss on the forehead just below her horn, “If only ya could tell me what’s goin’ on.

Applejack had run through the castle and all the way to the throne room, “Ah’m sorry Ma. Ah, can’t tell ya. Ya wouldn’t believe me!” The earth pony groaned, “Starlight, Sunburst where are ya?”

The earth pony glanced back up. The map was still there like their old reality through memory Applejack glanced towards where Starlight’s village was, “Maybe they know where....... Huh?” where the small village was instead was an open filled between the mountains. Like nopony had ever been there, “B-but it was there!”

Pear Butter came into the room with Twilight in her forehoof, “AJ. Please tell me did you... does this have anything to do with Moonstone?”

Applejack paused that stallion again. But why would he be a reason to be upset about.

“I remember just yesterday you and Rainbow Dash were called by that map to Fillydelhia his home town. You ran into him, didn’t you? He still tried to act like Twilight’s father after abandoning her and you.”

Applejack and Twilight froze after hearing that, “H-he abandoned me?” The earth pony thought.

Twilight could only think, “My father abandoned me and Applejack... he didn’t want me. my father didn’t want me?

Applejack could bearly hold back the truth her mind was screaming, to tell the truth. While also saying to blend in like nothing’s different, “A-Ah can’t tell ya.. not yet!”

As Pear Butter was about to speak up but a soft sound got her attention. She looked down seeing
Twilight with small tears running down her cheeks quietly sobbing.

“Twilight?” Applejack walked over as her mother attempted to ease the foal’s sadness.

Pear Butter started bouncing the foal softly, “Shhh it’s ok Twilight.” The mare looked up to her daughter before glancing back down, “Poor dear. Don’t worry yer Grandmare is here.”

Applejack looked down at the alicorn realizing the foal was starting to calm.

Twilight finding the mare’s warm voice so soothing cuddled into her chest. Pear Butter smiled, “There all better.”

Applejack smiled.

“AJ how about Ah take care of Twilight fer a few hours. Ya could use some time to think.” Pear Butter suggested, “Just please promise you’ll tell me what’s wrong soon.”

Applejack tried to think but saw a quick glance from Twilight before she said, “Bwend in.”

The younger earth pony nodded to her mother, “Ok Ah guess she’ll like some time with ya. Ah, promise Ah’ll tell ya sometime this week. Ah’m just not ready to say it.”

Pear Butter smiled, “Thank you AJ. No matter what it is Ah’ll be here fer ya.

Twilight turned her head to look up at the beige earth pony who soon looked down at her giving a soft smile.

“We’ll be goin’.” Pear Butter responded.

“Ok.” Applejack nodded looking down at Twilight

“Maybe try and see if ya can get something done at the Spa. Ya could use something relaxing.” Pear Butter suggested.

Applejack nodded, “Maybe Ah do need somethin’.” the earth pony did feel a little stiffness in her back, “Guess the Applejack in this reality is so busy with Twilight she hasn’t really gotten much chance to relax and Ah bearly had that in our old reality.

Pear Butter smiled, “Good.” The older mare left the room leaving her daughter behind.

Applejack looked over the large table looking to see what else was different, “Only Starlight’s Village is gone.” As the mare left the room and slowly walked down the hall to the front the memories of several ponies saying they never knew a pony named Starlight Glimmer and the village seemingly gone lead Applejack to only one possible answer.

Author's Note:

Proofread by: Viper Pit