• Published 13th Jul 2018
  • 4,984 Views, 106 Comments

Mama Applejack - Ace Pony Stories

A magic ‘accident’ causes Twilight to turn back into a foal

  • ...

A day of relaxing, A night of pain

Twilight sat in the foal carriage her ‘Grandmother’ had gotten after stopping at Sweet Apple Acres. The carriage gave her more room to move around but keeping her words to Applejack to blend in. So she mostly kept still giving an occasional curious glance like a foal would.

Pear Butter giggled at the filly glancing around assuming she was curious of her surroundings, “Yer just like your mother when she was a baby. The only thing yer missin’ is her appetite.”

Twilight just stared up, “When wiww wit end!” she mumbled

Pear Butter only hearing a The soft incoherent mumble smiled, “Yer definitely gonna be a talker, are ya?”

Twilight couldn’t help but smile as the earth pony gave her a quick rub causing her belly to jiggle slightly.

“Pear Butter.” a familiar voice greeted.

Pear Butter glanced towards the voice. While Twilight peaked out from the carriage slightly. The familiar face of her old friend Chiffon Swirl or as she was known as know Cup Cake or Mrs. Cake.

“Howdy Chiffon it’s great seeing you.” Pear Butter smiled.

Mrs. Cake walked up next to the other mare, “Taking your granddaughter out for today? Planning on spoiling her?”

“Maybe a little, but isn’t that what Grandmares are supposed to do?” The mare smiled.

“Well, Pumpkin and Pond’s sure do.” Mrs. Cake chuckled slightly, “What are you gonna spoil her with?”

Pear Butter glanced towards her granddaughter, “Maybe a new toy or two.”

“She does have her teeth now. Think her mother would mind her having her sweet tooth fed?” the blue earth pony offered.

“Well I certainly don’t mind and I don’t think she’ll mind either.” Pear Butter placed a hoof on her granddaughter.

“Don’t tell your mother.” Mrs. Cake winked at the foal.

Twilight couldn’t help but giggle, “I would like something sweet.

The two old friends chatted while walking towards the bakery Twilight kept thinking to herself, “Maybe I’ll find something if we can find the spell again.

“Wonder what she's thinking?” Mrs. Cake asked.

Pear Butter shrugged.


Applejack stepped into the quite building only hearing a few voices and soft music playing, “Hello
Appleyack.” an accented voice greeted.

The orange mare stepped towards the voice, “Howdy Aloe. Ah’m here for steam and massage.”

Aloe nodded, “Of course. Right, this way.”

Applejack followed the pink mare down the hallway, “Glad to see somethin’ hasn’t changed.

“You may want to know Rarity came in just before you,” Aloe explained.

Applejack walked alongside the mare. As much as she enjoyed her spa days with her friend when she could make it. But it was going to be hard to keep her secret from her friend especially after keeping it from her mother throughout their lunch.

As the door of the Steam Room opened Rarity took the cloth off her face to see her old friend enter.

“Applejack!” the white unicorn exclaimed, “What brings you here?”

“Ah just realized with takin’ care of Twi so much, Ah haven’t come here much.” Applejack said sitting down.

Rarity sighed slightly, “You’ve barely been here since you were pregnant with her. Last time I had to drag you while you were explaining the proper temperature for Twilight’s bottle to Mrs. Cakes.”

Applejack chuckled even though she didn’t remember the event. The earth pony just sat next to her friend as she and the unicorn spoke about other topics, Like old fillyhood stories which luckily for Applejack were almost exactly the same as she remembered.

Twilight and Pear Butter

At Ponyville’s local bakery Sugarcube Corner, Pear Butter spoke with her friend while keeping an eye on her granddaughter sitting on the floor.

“Twilight isn’t as playful as she usually is.” Mrs. Cake glanced at the little alicorn.

“Yer right. Applejack was actin’ strange too. When Ah saw her this mornin’ she got pretty emotional.”

“Hmmm. Could she have run into Moonstone?” The blue mare asked.

Pear Butter watched her granddaughter, “She may have. She was in Fillydelphia yesterday and he does live there.”

“When will he stop intruding, he had his chance to Twilight’s father but after everything, he’s done he doesn’t even have the right to speak to her!” Mrs. Cake exclaimed with anger.

Twilight looked down her mind racing with thoughts of who this ‘Moonstone’ was he’d left his girlfriend while she was pregnant and only came back when the child was crowned as a princess. He seemed selfish and no one seemed to have anything good to say about him.

Pumpkin and Pound moved towards the alicorn, “Twiwight! Why won’t you pway with us?!” Pumpkin wined.

Twilight’s shot up in shock. She could understand Pumpkin her voice was the same as her broken foal speech yet she could understand it.

“I’m sowwy, Pumpkin... I don’t feew good.”

“Why don’ you ask youw Mama fow hewp?” Pumpkin asked.

Pound pushed a small toy piano over to the alicorn, “Hewe moosic wemembew!”

Mrs. Cake glanced over to the three foals, “Oooooh. Look!”

Pear Butter smiled, “They’re so cute! Trying to cheer Twilight up.”

Twilight remembered her own words to Applejack and pushed the small key on the toy as it sounded an off-key music note. The alicorn found herself giggling pressing more keys. Soon enough she was playing every key on the instrument. The alicorn filly ran around the room with the other two foals.

“Well, whatever they said to her definitely helped.” Pear Butter chuckled. “Now if only I knew why Applejack acting like she is.

Later that night

Applejack and Twilight enjoyed their day and were able to learn facts of this reality they’d be popped into. But one fact scared them, no one had remembered Starlight or Sunburst. Twilight’s mind kept considering the worst the last time she heard them they were screaming then they just disappeared from the new reality the spell created.

The two were in the room they woke up in the earth pony was holding a bottle in Twilight’s mouth. The alicorn slowly suckled on the tip of the bottle feeling the bottle slip away. Twilight gave a soft squeaky yawn.

Applejack smiled, “Well guess yer ready fer some sleep now.”

Twilight looked into the mare’s eyes, “Ok. But wet’s stawt eawy tomowow.”

The earth pony patted the alicorn’s back until the foal let out a soft burp, “Well let’s make sure ya get enough sleep. Yer a foal now after all.”

As her eyes fluttered the foal managed to say, “I know. You tink I don’.”

Applejack walked over to the crib placing Twilight in covering her with the blanket inside. “Goodnight Twilight. Sweet dreams Sugarcube.”

“Tanks Abbajack. Night.” Twilight closed her eyes her foal body unable to stay awake much longer.

The earth pony lied down on the bed she’d begun her day in. But little did she know her dreams were going to be anything but sweet. She again had a returning memory from this reality.

Applejack’s dream

During a late summer day, Applejack walked up to a single tree. “Huh?” the mare felt a cramp in her stomach. “Why does that keep happenin’.” She wound up with to give the tree a good buck, but she was suddenly overcome with dizziness, “Ehh!”

The mare heard a familiar voice greet her, “Applejack?”

“H-hey Ma.” Applejack returned getting her balance back.

“Are ya still gettin’ those spells?” Pear Butter asked.

The younger earth pony nodded, “Yes. But it’s nothin’-“

“You’ve been havin’ them for about two weeks now. AJ, Ah think ya need to get it checked.”

Applejack thought for a moment. Her mother wasn’t going to back down. “A-Ah guess it’s worth checking.”

Pear Butter smiled as her middle child left for the hospital for a check-up.

Applejack took a while to walk to the hospital. On her way, she ran into her boyfriend Moonstone.

“AJ!” the unicorn stallion exclaimed. “Wh-Why are you out here. Thought you’d be up at the farm.”

The mare sighed, “Ah’ve been havin’ some dizzy spells for two weeks now. So Ah’m goin’ to the hospital to see if anythin’s wrong.”

Moonstone put a hoof around the mare, “Ok see you later.” the stallion leaned down slightly planting a soft kiss on the earth pony’s cheek. “I love you.”

Applejack blushed, “Love ya too.”

The couple went their separate ways for the day. Applejack sat in the waiting room her stomach still cramping a few times.

“Ms. Applejack Apple?” A light brown stallion called.

“That’s me.” Applejack stood up.

While the mare sat in the office the stallion, Doctor Stable asked the mare, “So you’ve been experiencing dizziness and cramping daily for two weeks.”

“Yeah.” Applejack nodded.

To try and diagnose what her symptoms could mean the doctor asked, “Have you had any nausea or sickness at any point in the day?”

Applejack paused, “Well not as often but sometimes, Ah do when Ah wake up.”

“Well, there’s one thing this could mean. But I must ask you to take a small test. I’ll need a little blood sample.” The doctor continued.

The mare looked confused so asked, “What’s this for?”

The doctor placed a hoof on his desk, “Well your symptoms may be from pregnancy.”

Applejack recoiled from shock slightly could she actually be pregnant. She did have an intimate relationship with Moonstone but did that lead to them conceiving a foal. She remembered his last visit about 5-6 weeks ago with what they’d done it was certainly a possibility.

“Ok.” Applejack nodded.

After having her blood drawn and a few other tests the earth pony waited for the doctor to return with her diagnosis. The earth pony stallion walked into the room with a smile, “I have good news. Congratulations I can confirm you’re 7 weeks pregnant.”

Applejack looked down at her stomach. She was going to be a mother. she felt like, she could already see her and Moonstone raising their foal together.

“I’m sure you’re excited to tell your family.” Doctor Stable smiled.

Once she left Applejack made her way back to Sweet Apple Acres. On her way back the mare constantly played what she was going to say to her family. She also imagined what Moonstone’s reaction would be he’d be happy, hearing he was going to be a father.

The earth pony soon saw the familiar sight of apple trees surrounded her while a large red barn appeared. After getting close she heard the familiar voices of her loved ones. The mare took a breath and entered.

“Applejack!” Apple Bloom rushed up to her older sister.

While the mare wrapped her hoof around the yellow filly she heard her mother ask, “So did you hear anything about why you’ve been feeling sick.”

“Yeah, Ah did.” Applejack nodded, “And Ah have some great news.”

The other adults in the room turned their heads.

“What is it?” Pear Butter asked.

“Ah’m pregnant. The Apple Family is gonna have a new member soon.” The mare smiled rubbing her stomach.

Pear Butter began grew a large smile, “Y-you mean Ah’m gonna be a GRANDMARE!?”

Applejack nodded.

While Pear Butter embraces her middle child Bright Mac put a hoof over their youngest, “Isn’t that great Apple Bloom, Yer gonna be Aunt soon.”

Apple Bloom chirped, “Ya mean it!”

Moonstone just stayed in stunned silence. He couldn’t believe this had happened. He and Applejack had actually conceived a foal and she was so happy about it.

Granny Smith jokingly poked her grandson and oldest grandchild, “Well Big Mac looks like Applejack is the first to give me a great grandfoal.”

N-no this couldn’t happen!” Moonstone thought to himself, “W-Wait maybe it isn’t mine.

The family soon noticed that Moonstone the father of the developing foal had kept completely silent. Applejack was the first to speak up, asking her lover, “Somethin’ wrong Moonstone.”

“Y-yeah something’s wrong! H-how could you be pregnant!” Moonstone exclaimed.

“Ah’m sure ya know how Sugarcube with what we’ve been doin’.” Applejack said keeping her word choice coy with Apple Bloom in the same room.

Moonstone internally growled, “N-no there’s no way in TARTARUS it’s my foal. Y-you could have easily slept with some other stallion while I was away. That’s the truth isn’t it!”

Applejack couldn’t even gasp from her shock. While she and her family stood speechless. Bright Mac turned to his son with a very serious expression and tone, “Big Mac take Apple Bloom outside, she shouldn’ hear any of this.”

Big Mac nodded and took his youngest sister by the hoof and lead her outside hoping that she could stay as oblivious of the situation. While he left he shot Moonstone a dirty glare showing his anger towards him.

After her siblings had left and were well out of earshot Applejack spoke up, “Moonstone... Ah-Ah can’t believe you’d say somethin’ like that.”

Moonstone stomped his hoof, “Well if I’m the father I decide if it’s even born. We are stopping this stupid thing right now!”

“Ah ain’t doin’ anythin’ like that.” Applejack stood up.

Moonstone stepped forward, “No you ARE going to. I’m not having a foal!”

Applejack replied, “But Ah want this foal. Ah know we're a bit young but-“

“I DON’T WANT IT!“ Moonstone angrily. “So then choose Applejack stop this foal before it’s born! Or I leave and you’ll have to raise an obnoxious, screaming creature all on your own.”

Applejack looked down staying silent considering her options. The unicorn wasn’t exactly happy about that.

“So! What’s your choice?” Moonstone asked. “Or are you admitting you were sleeping around and just want to have somepony to pin this on!”

Applejack looked back up. He was still believing she’d do that to him. Her choice was obnoxious the best choice for both of them, “Maybe it’s best if we end this.”

“Finally you see reason!”

“No. Ah mean being together. Ya obviously don’ want a foal and don’ trust me anymore with all this talk about me cheatin’ on ya. Ah think we shouldn’t see each other anymore.”

Moonstone’s jaw dropped. He thought he’d finally gotten through to her, “Rrrrrr! ARG! FINE YOU’VE MADE YOUR CHOICE! ENJOY BEING SINGLE AND HAVING TO LOOK AFTER A WASTE! Call me when you realize just how terrible your life will be. A dishevelled single mother on a filthy farm with her useless farming parents and so old she can’t move grandmother!”

Applejack froze, her father barely stopping himself from charging right at the younger stallion, “G-get out!”

“What!?” Moonstone asked,

The orange mare rose her head and looked at the stallion she thought loved her in the eyes. She tried to resolve this peacefully and respectfully for both of them. But after insulting her family she’d had reached her breaking point. While barely holding back tears she said again, “GET OUT! YA AIN’T WELCOME HERE!”

“You can’t-“

Bright Mac and Pear Butter got right between the two. While his wife comforted their middle child he told the stallion in an intimidating voice, “Ah suggest ya leave! If you come anywhere near mah daughter again you will regret it!”

Moonstone glared before turning away shouting all the way, “ENJOY YOUR PATHETIC LIFE! I’LL NEVER COME BACK. TELL THE FOAL DADDY HATES IT.” saying his last statement in a very venomous tone.

After he left Applejack felt her tears run down her cheeks. Moonstone was gone. The stallion she loved, the father to her foal. The earth pony already decided then that the foal would never be told what had happened between her and it’s father.


Applejack shot up in bed. Looking around she was in her new room in Twilight’s Castle, “I-It’s was just a dream. Calm down.” the earth pony touched her face realizing her damp fur. She was crying in her sleep. “B-but it felt so real. L-like that other dream.”

The earth pony glanced towards the crib near her bed. In it, Twilight was sleeping peacefully in a way only a foal could. Lying back down the earth pony hoped her sleep would be just as peaceful.

Author's Note:

Dialogue ideas for Applejack’s dream were suggested by: Viper Pit