• Published 11th May 2018
  • 1,246 Views, 50 Comments

Civil War: Light vs Dark - PonyJoel

Do you really know what Dark and Light actually mean? Do you really know what they represent? Only a few ponies know and everypony else is oblivious to it.

  • ...

Regroup! Recover! War Rages On! Unexpected Arrival! The End of Days!

Author's Note:

The battle continues with a surprising twist.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Comment if you please.

Have a nice day/night reading.

Celestia flew as fast as she can heading towards the Castle of the Two Sisters. The only castle remaining with pivotal spells to go against Sotnas and his army. There's an area in the castle which holds a different library. A library not even Twilight knows about. She began searching for a book that can change the tides to the war. The Equestrian Armed Forces and the remaining wielders of the Elements of Harmony came into the castle and rested. They couldn't believe with their very own eyes that Twilight Sparkle betrayed them all. The same feeling goes towards Fluttershy, Starlight, and Spike. Nopony doesn't want to face the reality of losing to an army that resides in darkness. Celestia came back up from the library with a book. She saw everypony and smiled.

"Listen up everypony. The book I have will help us turn the tides to this war. I need everypony here to focus. No distractions of any kind."

"What will it do, Princess Celestia?"

"Give us the much-needed power to subdue Sotnas once and for all."

Everypony closed their eyes and begin to concentrate hard as Celestia read the book she's holding onto. The magic of the book transformed everypony into temporary behemoths. When everypony felt the change within their bodies, they opened their eyes in pure shock and terror.

"Sweet Celestia! What did you do?!"

"I know that these new forms are not what everypony is or was hoping for but these new bodies are temporary. Also, your magic, speed, and strength are now ten times powerful than before. For years, I held this secret away. Hoping it doesn't fall into the wrong hooves but now, I'm in dire need of using this form of magic to take down Sotnas and his army. It's now the only way now that he has our friends and family part of his allies. He must be stopped by any means necessary."

Pinkie couldn't help but feel joy now she can do things ten times faster. Making parties, moving fast, doing more of the impossible. Rainbow Dash tested her body. She can fly all the way to Yak Yakistan and back in seconds. Applejack went outside and found a nice boulder. She bucked it and the boulder went hurling into the sun. Realizing how much stronger the transformation is, Applejack bucked a mountain and it also went hurling towards the sun. Rarity felt uncomfortable in her behemoth form. She stood inside and waited till she can turn back into her pretty pony self. Some of the remaining Wonderbolts tried their wing power and flew around. They have broken many barriers in the sky. The rest of the Equestrian Armed Forces went out to test their strength and abilities. Celestia went outside and saw everypony practicing.

"Try and stop us now Sotnas."

Miles away from the Castle of the Two Sisters, Sotnas used his magic to revive everypony on his side back to life. He refused to allow his brethren and sistren to fall during the war. Each and every one of his friends is crucial for the war. He knows that Celestia doesn't have any knowledge for resurrection thus Sotnas never lost any numbers from their first battle.

"Now that, that's settled, Celestia must have some different plan to counter back after losing Canterlot and a good portion of her army."

"What do you think she has in mind Sotnas?"

"Something that she would use as a last minute resort."

"Like what?"

"Don't know but it must be something powerful. I can sense a sudden change not far from here."

"I can sense it too Twily."

"Can you sense it Twilight?"

Twilight focused on the sudden change in magic. She sensed it coming from the Castle of the Two Sisters. Something powerful and frightening.

"Something big and terrifying. It's stronger as well."

"Correct. Whatever it is, Celestia won't succeed. We'll be ready. Everypony here! It's time to get moving. Now that we're all here together, we have the momentum. Let's finish this fight once and for all!"

Everypony cheered and roared. Spike roared as well. His left eye vision is blurry but he can see fine with his right eye. As soon as Spike took flight, Rainbow Dash came and punched Spike hard to the ground. Everypony including Sotnas startled a bit as they see Rainbow Dash's new behemoth body. Soon the rest came as Celestia still in her Daybreaker transformation brought the fight to Sotnas.

Spike got back up and Applejack punched Spike in his stomach making him cough a lot. Pinkie came and shot her party cannon hitting Spike on his right eye blinding him completely.

"That's payback from earlier!"

Spike got up. He can no longer see but hears perfectly fine. He uses his tail and slams Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie.

"Good thing I can hear you!"

Spike roars and fought the three on his own. The pegasi fought the behemoth Wonderbolts. They evenly match despite the Wonderbolts having the size advantage. The Earth Ponies and Unicorns fought they're very best against the Equestrian Armed Forces. They were no match due to the size advantage of the Equestrian Armed Forces. Twilight, Cadence, and Shining Armor performed their spell but only done significant damage to everypony on Celestia's side. Celestia and Sotnas finally had their battle but the behemoths from the Equestrian Armed Forces came and made it difficult. Sunburst and Starlight decided even the odds with Spike. Starlight does her very best to fight Applejack and Sunburst tries his best against Pinkie Pie leaving the fight between Spike and Rainbow Dash.

The fight continues on as Celestia and her army has the upper advantage. Most of Sotnas army are now dead. As powerful as Sotnas is, he's not strong enough to take down Celestia with the help of her behemoths. Rainbow Dash performed multiple sonic rainbooms to cripple Spike. Spike has two broken legs and a broken wing. Starlight and Sunburst were thrown to the grown hard by both Applejack and Pinkie. Twilight, Cadence, and Shining are trying to hold their own but the numbers game is too much. Celestia used her sunbeam and blasted Sotnas towards the remaining army.

"It's over Sotnas. You've lost. Light is brighter in it's darker days. I may have lost my sister and Discord but it's a sacrifice knowing that your time is up."

Sotnas could only glare at Celestia.

"Twilight, once I take his life, you will be set free from his lies and tyranny. Then everypony here can live in harmony once more!"

Everypony that resides with Celestia cheered as victory is theirs.

"You...haven't won...yet!"

Sotnas coughed out blood.

"Any last words Demon?"

"You are still a coward!"

"Princess Celestia, before you can kill him, I want to squeeze his remaining breathes."

"Go for it Rainbow Dash. He has corrupted more minds in history than any other creature of darkness."

Rainbow Dash grabbed Sotnas. Then two bright light beams came crashing down right in the middle of Rainbow Dash. She let go of Sotnas as he landed hard on the ground. Celestia smiled.

"Hah! Discord and Luna are back to finish where they left off!"

An energy beam knocked Rainbow Dash to the ground hard. Celestia and everyone else was stunned by this. Then two titans came out of the light beams. Sotnas saw with his own two eyes and smiled widely. Celestia on the other hoof, she was quite terrified to see the two entities that emerge.

"In the name of all life in Equestria, Celestia, your time is up." King Alpha said.

"In the name of balance in Equestria, Celestia, you reign of terror, lies, and deception is coming to an end." Queen Omega said.

Celestia stood still. In disbelief that King Alpha and Queen Omega is here. She thought they were dead. This is the first time she's seen them throughout her entire life. Behind them is another army. The Guardians of Life. Celestia shook herself thinking that Sotnas pulled an illusion to scare her which it worked. Celestia rage came back and she ordered her behemoth army to take down King Alpha and Queen Omega.

"Go! Guardians of Life! Take them down!"

The Guardians of Life went after the Equestrian Armed Forces and Wonderbolts. The Guardians overwhelmed the behemoths. They were useless against the Guardians. Celestia flew as fast as she could to end Sotnas but Queen Omega stepped in and slams down Celestia so hard that her entire rib cage broke completely. One thing Celestia would never have tasted in all of her life is fear. The fear of being exposed for the liar she truly is. All these years of deceit and deception are coming to an end. As she remains on the ground, the behemoths are getting killed by the Guardians of Life. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie surrendered. Not wanting to die. Sotnas got up as he's being healed by one of the Guardians. Everypony else is getting healed by the other Guardians. Those who died are now being resurrected.

Everypony is drawing near to Sotnas. Standing beside him as this whole time, he was telling the truth. Never once he told a lie. Twilight even tapped into Sotnas mind with her new fond of magic. She was able to see his full history. The mistake he made, the sacrifices that needed to be done, even seeing King Alpha and Queen Omega. She now knows that Darkness isn't as dark as he said. It's beautiful and unifies everyone together. She can only feel disappointment towards Celestia as the fraud she truly is.

Celestia remained in place as her Equestria is starting to fade away. With the presence of King Alpha and Queen Omega, it's now hard to maintain the Illusionment Spell she cast all those years ago. Everypony that are now surrendering to the Guardians are witnessing the change of reality. Never in their lives, they saw a deserted landscape. Ponies in the Equestrian Armed Forces are now questioning the life they are having. Everypony is now changing back to their normal selves. All eyes widen and stared down at Celestia. Rarity noticed that she has turned back to normal but saw something out of the ordinary. She saw the Elements of Harmony and the Tree of Harmony fading away. She ran towards Ponyville only to find nothing but ruins which made her sick. The housing in the area is not suitable to any creature whatsoever.

"Celestia, the war is over and so are you."

Celestia is in a trance. No matter how bad her body is hurting, she still in shock for what she is witnessing.

"I am disappointed in you. Your mother is very much ashamed for what you caused. I hereby stripped your magic power as an Alicorn"

Queen Omega used her cosmic power to strip away the Alicorn's magic power. Celestia is now an Earth Pony. No horn, no wings. She has nothing.

"I also hereby strip away your immortality."

King Alpha used his cosmic power to eradicate Celestia's immortality.

Sotnas came up to Celestia. Smiling more than ever.

"It's finally over. Now we can take back what's rightfully ours."

Celestia looks down in defeat. Not saying a word.

"Thanks to you, our world was dying. Now, we have our opportunity to recreate and restore the world we nearly lost."

"Wait! Sotnas!"


Sotnas turns to Twilight.

"I want to say one more thing to my former teacher."

"Come up and speak your heart out."

Twilight walked towards Celestia. She still had her head down. Not wanting to look at her prized pupil.

"Why? Why did you do all of this? What were your real motives, Celestia? Answer me!"

Celestia didn't bother to look at Twilight but spoke.

"I did it because I can. I would do it all over again. Ruling Equestria the way I had it. Now I can't. Please...spare me...Twilight."

"One thing I do have is a kind heart but for the crimes you committed Celestia, sparing your life won't cut it. Especially when you nearly destroyed our planet. You are a demon sent to destroy us all. Corrupting the very nature of our world from everypony else here that resided with you. You disgust me, Celestia. I wished I never met you."

The Guardians of Life handed Sotnas a death blade. It'll send Celestia not to the afterlife to Tartarus for all eternity. Where all evil and demented spirits go to.

"Goodbye and good riddance Celestia."

Sotnas penetrated the blade deep in Celestia's chest as her essence drifted away to Tartarus. As Celestia is being drifted away, everypony else was losing their Cutie Marks. Most of the ponies were freaking out but with the magic that the world provides, everypony started to change immediately. Changing into their true forms. As everyone becomes overjoyed Sotnas looked up at King Alpha and Queen Omega.

"What should I do now?"

"Rebuild the world back to its former glory. Omega and I will help along with the Guardians of Life."

"Thank you."

"We should be thanking you. You've kept the true nature of life at peak. It's the least we can do while looking for a pony qualified to be the next Alicorn to maintain balance within the world."

Everypony around looked confused and they don't know what to do. They all looked at Sotnas for guidance.

"As of right now, we are going to bring Paradise to the rest of the lands here on our planet. From there, everything else will be explained."

The pegasi from Paradise came with tons of supplies. Getting ready to build and recreate their homes now that they've taken back what was stolen. King Alpha and Queen Omega will be staying for a while. Helping out as much as they can.