• Published 11th May 2018
  • 1,246 Views, 50 Comments

Civil War: Light vs Dark - PonyJoel

Do you really know what Dark and Light actually mean? Do you really know what they represent? Only a few ponies know and everypony else is oblivious to it.

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Twilight's Nightmare! A Message Delivered!

Author's Note:

Twilight's nightmare hinders the decision that has to be made. Hearing two sides of the story, the facts of reality and magic is troublesome. A message has been delivered along with the tides of war rising up.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Comment if you please.

Have a nice day/night reading.

Twilight is vastly asleep in her room at Celestia's castle. She has a lot to think about the side she chooses for the upcoming war. Sotnas vs Celestia. Paradise vs Equestria. Dark vs Light. It stirred a fire deep down inside of Twilight. Twilight shifts and turns in her sleep just thinking about Equestria as a whole.

Next thing Twilight sees is her friends in the distance. She makes her way towards them but to no avail. When they turned to see Twilight, they turned to dust. The Scenery changed as Twilight saw Canterlot getting destroyed from within. Ponies screaming as one by one, their Cutie Marks getting torn off as flesh and blood drips away. Twilight screamed then flew up towards the castle only to see it on fire. The Royal Guards are dead with their Cutie Marks torn off their bodies as well. Twilight looked up at the sky and saw Sotnas smiling sinisterly. She then tackles him. Rage and fury got the best of Twilight as she threw Sotnas into Celestia's maze garden. Sotnas stood up unfazed by the tackle or the sheer force of being thrown by Twilight. Twilight flew down and confronted Sotnas.

"You lied to me!"

"Have I?"

"This is pure madness and evil. Cutie Marks tore off leaving only flesh and blood dripping! Ponies screaming in fear! The Royal Guards are dead! What have you done with the Princesses?!"


Twilight slaps Sotnas in the face. It unfazed him. Twilight gritted her teeth as she powering up.

"Celestia was right about you being evil! You are a monster! Only looking to take down the one thing that can stop you. As long as I have my Cutie Mark, you will never win!"

"You're confusing me with somepony else."

Twilight didn't think and attacked Sotnas. She threw him deeper into the maze where she found her friends. Dead in their tracks. Twilight gasped and walks back slowly. Only to see Princess Celestia standing behind her. She had a devilish smile on her face starring at Sotnas. The two interacted with each other. Fighting for survival. Luna and Discord came to Celestia's rescue but to no avail. Sotnas had a little help which causes Twilight to step back even further. Her brother Shining Armor and Sister-in-law Cadence standing beside Sotnas. The Scenery changed once more but now its reversed. Sotnas is viewed more as the hero while Celestia is viewed as the monster. Twilight blinked twice.

"What is happening here?!"

Twilight is confused. She saw her friends rising up like zombies. Ready to fight no matter what the cause. Princess Celestia, Discord, Luna, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack all rushed towards Sontas, Shining Armor, and Cadence.

"Get ready."

"Right!" Both Shining Armor and Cadence responded.

They closed their eyes and started to chant a spell.

"I call for the stars in the sky to hear my cry!"

In the sky, it turned black and blue. The stars are starting to light up and realigning themselves. Princess Luna is unable to use her magic to manipulate the stars of her night. She looked at the three in horror.

"Grant me the light to win this fight!"

Everypony stopped as they witness Sotnas, Shining Armor, and Cadence powering up. A magic that Princess Celestia has never seen before. Twilight never even heard of the spell that the three were chanting. She saw them as calm as ever. Not distraught by the fight, the numbers or hatred towards them which amazes Twilight.

"Shooting Star Mayhem!"

After the final sequence of the chant, shooting stars poured out of the sky hitting everypony on sight except for Twilight, Sotnas, Shining Armor, and Cadence. Everypony else was getting obliterated on the spot. Princess Luna is unable to stop the shooting stars from raining down from the sky. Twilight saw and remembered what Sotnas told her. Princess Luna along with several villains are figments of Celestia's imagination. Discord used to be evil but turned good for the sake of Equestria. Only one creature of its existence. No history about what happened to his species as a whole. This questioned Twilight within her dream.

The Scenery changed once more but now, Twilight is outside of Canterlot and sees how Equestria is being destroyed but something didn't feel right. Equestria is now starting to become a wasteland. Just like what Sotnas pointed out to her. Twilight saw the horror of ponies still fleeing away as Sotnas' forces came closer and create more problems. Sotnas and Princess Celestia fought once more in the sky. They hated each other. Princess Celestia tries her very best to rally up the remaining armies of Equestria to take down Sotnas' armies once and for all. Twilight saw and tries to make her way down but she couldn't. Her hooves were sealed to the ground. Unable to move, flew or ever use magic.

"Princess Celestia!"

Princess Celestia turned to look at Twilight which scarred her dearly. Princess Celestia wasn't herself. She looked like a demented pony cryptic with a hellish form. Twilight screamed when she saw Princess Celestia. Princess Celestia shoved Sotnas and went after Twilight. Twilight tried her best to move but she couldn't. As Princess Celestia came closer in striking distance, Shining Armor made his way and shielded Twilight from Celestia.

"Big bro!"

"Twily! We need you! Please...choose the right side!"

Princess Celestia bit into Shining Armor's neck and rips his spine out of his body.

"Don't listen to him."

The Scenery change again revealing that Princess Celestia is not a hellish demon but a Goddess of the Sun and Light.

"He's been corrupted by him. Twilight! You have to choose now or never!"

Twilight panicked. Not knowing what to do made her unnerving. Twilight can feel her heart beating out of control. She screamed one last time and woke up from her slumber. She fell out of her bed breathing heavily. She couldn't believe that she went through a nightmare and that Princess Luna couldn't even stop the nightmare from getting worse. It made Twilight questioned some things about Princess Celestia even more. A knock can be heard from her door which startled Twilight.

"Twilight...are you alright? I heard you screaming and can I come in?"

"Please come in Fluttershy."

Fluttershy walked into Twilight's room which made Twilight thanked King Alpha and Queen Omega that it was all a dream. This is the first that Fluttershy heard Twilight thanking them instead of Celestia but it comes to show just how Twilight is really thinking about.

"Is everything alright Twilight. You look like you have seen something terrible."

"I have...I'll tell you what I went through in my dream."

An hour has passed. Twilight told everything she can to Fluttershy based on the memory of the dream. This gave Fluttershy quite a scare but she figured out why Twilight had the dream.

"I think your nightmare is a message Twilight."

"A message?"

"Think about it.. You've just gone through hearing two sides of the story. You witnessed the two sides fighting in a possible war leading up to the week. Your brother saving you while Celestia looked like a hellish Tartarus creature of the underworld. Then the sides changed as Princess Celestia say and is who she is. You have a monumental task in front of you Twilight."

"I know Fluttershy. I'm just afraid of choosing the wrong side."

"Well, if Sotnas was telling you the truth from the very beginning, brought you to his home and reveal about his mistake leading up to this point. Then why not choose his side. Seems that he has nothing to hide from anypony."

"Yea...He makes me want to go to him but Princess Celestia has been and always be my teacher. How can she be evil when all we see is beauty in our lands?"

"Well Twilight. It's like I said. No matter which side you choose, I'll be right there with you."

"Thanks Fluttershy."

The two hugged and embraced each other.



"Can you stay with me for the rest of the night? I don't want to be left alone after what I've been through."

"Sure Twilight."

The rest of the night bothered Twilight but not by much as Fluttershy stayed keeping her company. Morning has arrived and the two barely got some sleep. All they kept on doing is thinking about the war at hoof and whose side to lean on. Fluttershy got up and left Twilight's room. A Royal Guard stopped by letting Twilight know that she has a meeting with Princess Celestia and Luna about the upcoming war. Twilight followed the guard leading up to the war room. Princess Celestia and Luna are the only ones in the room. They will be talking privately before talking with the commanders and lieutenants.

"You wanted to see me Celestia?"

Princess Celestia sighed a bit. "Yes. We need to talk about Sotnas."

"Alright. let's just get this done and over with."

"You seemed troubled Twilight. What is wrong?"

Twilight looked at Luna with a disgrunt look on her face.

"I had a nightmare last night and you were nowhere to be found oh protector of the dream!"

Luna sighed as she expected this.

"My dear sister required my assistance last night for this meeting coming up. I apologize for not helping you."

"Yea sure whatever. Let's just get on with it."

Princess Celestia and Luna looked at each other not sure what to say but went on with the meeting.

"Alright then Twilight. From what I know about Sotnas is that he's very powerful. Small in numbers but great in strength. We have the wielders of the Elements of Harmony on our side. The magic from the box you've opened should be enough firepower to compete with Sotnas magic power. It'll be tricky. While that's happening, our forces will use everything they have to take down Sotnas' armies. He doesn't have much so we're in the clear. Also, DIscord will be aiding us in battle. Within three days time maybe more, we'll win the war for sure. It won't be pretty but it'll work for sure."

As Celestia continues to talk about the situation, Twilight didn't even bother paying attention. Just agreeing with what Princess Celestia is saying to her. Twilight is hindering on her dream and the decision she has to make. The answer came quite clear but she's unsure about the consequences of choosing the wrong side. It's clear to everypony that Sotnas is evil and Celestia is good. All except for one who believes her right now and its Fluttershy. Spike and Starlight Glimmer are already on board with Sotnas. Everything is circulating in her mind and its the only thing that's driving her nuts the most.

"Twilight are you listening?"

Celestia asked which broke the state of trance that Twilight was in.

"Crystal clear Princess Celestia."

Princess Celestia can tell that Twilight is a little off but she knows that Twilight will not fail her. She has exceeded far than any of her students combined. She has nothing to fear about.

Twilight simply got up and left the meeting. Princess Celestia figured that Twilight needs time alone to figure out another way to bring down Sotnas so she let her be. Princess Luna, however, wasn't feeling quite alright but she shook it off and focused on the next meeting coming up.

Twilight was on her way to Fluttershy's room. When she got there, Fluttershy was speaking with Spike and Starlight Glimmer.


Spike ran and hugged Twilight.

"Spike?! What are you and Starlight doing here?"

"To bring you a message from Sotnas." Starlight said.

Eyes widen for Twilight. She was going to hear a message from Sotnas.

"What did he say?"

"He said; "We're coming now. Time is on our side and its about time we take back what was taken from us. Our land. Our home. Our freedom. Celestia reign is coming to an end. We bring the fight to our enemy!". Sotnas has pretty much explained how he along with Cadence, Shining Armor and the rest of the Crystal Ponies are going to take down Princess Celestia and her regime. From the inside out."

Eyes widen once more for Twilight. Time is running short. She still hasn't made up her mind on whose side to join but it was clear that her family along with Fluttershy has decided to go with Sotnas. Twilight stood up. She believed in herself and decided to push through her worries. Today will mark a change in history for all Equestria. Twilight knows what to do. She left the room and made her way back to Celestia.

6 hours later, Princess Celestia and Luna are on the balcony. Waiting to see Sotnas. Within moments, Luna saw flags representing change and future on them. Indicating that Sotnas is arriving. Twilight made her way up and she too got to see Sotnas' army marching. Over 100,000 ponies making their way through. They all have no Cutie Marks on them. Princess Celestia and Luna were disgusted by the fact that Shining Armor and Cadence are teamed up with Sotnas. Princess Celestia sends a message to her army for them to march their way toward Sotnas.

"Ready Luna? Ready Twilight?"

"Yes!" Both of them replied.

They flew together as Fluttershy, Starlight, Spike, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash ran towards the action. The armies of Equestria soon joined them heading towards the battlegrounds beneath Canterlot. Millions and millions of ponies coming together and preparing themselves for the war of the century. Sotnas could only smile. He sees all that is happening.

"This is how Equestria will end. In a bang. Soon everypony will see the darkness for what it truly is. It's time to take back what was stolen from us!"

Everypony behind him cheered as they marched together. The war is moments away and the decision has been made. Equestria will soon see its change for the better of all ponykind...