• Published 11th May 2018
  • 1,246 Views, 50 Comments

Civil War: Light vs Dark - PonyJoel

Do you really know what Dark and Light actually mean? Do you really know what they represent? Only a few ponies know and everypony else is oblivious to it.

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Explanation! The Truth!

Author's Note:

Part 2 of the aftermath.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Comment if you please.

Have a nice day/night reading.

Everypony is arriving at the Circle. Sotnas is getting ready to speak. Spike sat next to Twilight. Over a hundred million ponies came to the circle preparing themselves to hear what Sotnas has to say.

"Everypony, listen up. For what I'm about to say will change everything that you know society. It's time for the truth to be set free."

Despite they are over a hundred million ponies in the Circle, King Alpha, and Queen Omega used their cosmic power to extend Sotnas voice into everypony's mind so that way, everyone can hear and not have any problems whatsoever.

"For those who don't know who I am, my name is Sotnas. I've been around since King Alpha and Queen Omega gave birth to many ponykind. I've seen many things thousands of years ago. I witnessed a lot of good within our colony. The Titans we see today are our creators. They told us that we don't have to worship them. Just be grateful for what we do have and enjoy life. Nothing more. Nothing less."

Ponies were talking among themselves. For years and years, they worshiped Princesses for the good they did. Now, with King Alpha and Queen Omega, they have no reason to worship at all.

"Now, what I have to say is vital so please, pay close attention."

Sotnas took a deep breath. Everypony gazed upon Sotnas.

"I'm the reason why a lot of you were living in Celestia's fantasy."

Lots of ponies gasped. They didn't know how to feel about it. Sotnas not only the one who went to war against but the one who helped Celestia.

"Years ago when she was in her twenties, I fell in love with her. I perfected an immortality spell and since I'm gonna live throughout time itself."

Everypony then figures that Sotnas taught the immortality spell to Celestia. It made perfect sense for how Celestia lived throughout the years.

"As most of you already guessed, I did teach Celestia that spell. It was my mistake as she changed everything with an iron hoof. Her so-called creation is the reason why most ponies weren't able to be what you are right now. Cutie Marks are the very reason why magic was limited. Our world provides us all with unlimited magic while Cutie Marks blocked the magic. Celestia's influence made everypony turn and left our ways. It lasted for a long time. Now, there's a reason why it has taken us this long to fight Celestia and put an end to her reign."

Everypony wandered the exact reason to Sotnas story. The possibilities are endless. Something must have happened which they needed time away to sort things out.

"The reason why is due to the invaders coming and trying to colonize our world."

Eyes widen for everypony. Invaders? Invaders trying to colonize? Everypony is talking among themselves once more.

"Aliens from different planets have been coming here. Trying to take our resources away from us. We tried sharing but wind up fighting them instead. They refused to talk. Aliens and being on a one-sided affair was the real danger for everypony. Not Celestia's illusion. I know it may feel real, looks real but it isn't. Everyone here went through a reality check. Illusions with love and trust have that kind of effect. Hard at first but easy to overcome when you don't have a Cutie Mark. Celestia fooled you all to protect herself. Protect herself from revealing the truth to all of you. Why else would unicorns have more magic than both pegasi and earth ponies?"

Everypony now is starting to theorize on Sotnas words. About Celestia's lies, illusions, Cutie Marks and now aliens. Nopony can think straight for the time being.

"Sombra, is a creature created by Celestia's shadow. Luna is a void in Celestia's life. Discord is a hatred emotion of Celestia. Chrysalis is a jealousy emotion of Celestia. Last but not least, the Elements of Harmony. Each of the Elements is a good aspect of Celestia's emotions and traits. Honesty, Loyalty, Laughter, Kindness, Generosity, and Magic. Before you question about the Honesty part, she wasn't lying about her motives which were good enough for that Element to exist."

Twilight and her friends got emotional as Sotnas spoke about the Elements. Knowing the exact truth left a scar for the rest of their lives.

"Celestia was born as an Alicorn but failed her duties as one. She was supposed to bring balance. Not rule everything with an iron hoof. If we hadn't stepped in, our world would have imploded from the inside out."

Everypony gasped and were in complete horror. Death was among them if it weren't for Sotnas' victory over Celestia. They are now grateful for the changing tides in war. They are thinking of how it would have been like if all of a sudden, everypony dies without warning. Fear struck their hearts but not for long.

"There is something that everypony does need to know about, Celestia reworded the definitions of Light and Darkness. She changed the terms meaning that Light is Harmony and Darkness is Disharmony.

Twilight already knew the meaning of Light and Darkness. Her friends knew. Everypony now understands the true meaning of Light and Darkness. Sotnas saw some ponies shaking in disbelief while others are trying to cope with the actual terms.

"I know how difficult understanding the actual term of Light and Darkness. Just know that Darkness is Harmony. Why else would any of us be here right now? United. Strong. It's beautiful that all of us are here together. Not against each other. No hatred. No greed. No vengeance. We are loved. We are fighters and protectors. We are brothers and sisters. We are a family. It does not matter by ranks in society. Everypony here is a family member. We do not condemn each other. We help one another. That is the way our colony thrives."

Everypony among themselves are enjoying what Sotnas is saying, however, they are now having some indications of being lied to just like Celestia.

"I see you have the indications that I am lying to you all."

Everypony but Twilight and her friends gasped. Nopony else was expected to have their minds read like that. Sontas couldn't help but chuckle for a brief moment.

"Do not worry everypony. For us Unicorns here in Paradise, we have the natural ability to read the minds of everypony. It's a way for us to fix any problems once it started. Do not worry about anything else that lies deep within your subconscious. We do have respect for anypony's deepest desires or hidden secrets. We only read the minds for serious matters."

Everypony sighed in relief.

"Now, back to I was saying, everypony now knows the difference between Light and Darkness. We need an Alicorn to balance the world we're going to be living in. King Alpha and Queen Omega are looking for the right candidate as we speak. Until then, you are probably wondering what's going to happen next? Well, I'll tell you. Everypony here can choose to be who they want to be. No forcing and no Cutie Mark to make you do something you don't want to do. The choice and freedom are up to you. I will not be telling you what you should be doing. Take all the time you need to figure it out."

Everypony remained silent. Freedom to do what they want is something out of the ordinary. Nopony even once had second thoughts once their Cutie Mark came to them. Now, they are irrelevant, the freedom to choose is endless.


Everypony stopped thinking and paid close attention.

"if you choose to abuse your magic for demented purposes, I will hunt you down. I refuse to allow another mistake to be the cause of everypony's downfall."

Some ponies gulps and thinks twice about their actions with the freedom they now have. The idea of having Sotnas hunting them down is terrifying enough. Those who got to witness his attack on some of the Royal Guards a while back brought nothing but nightmares.

"For those who used to work in the military, you can choose to stay. Invaders do come frequently and we do need assistance in taking them down when they do arrive."

Spitfire and several of her brethren and sistren would love to protect the ones they love once more. Others in the military do want to continue with all their heart.

"There is one more thing I have to say."

Everypony looked at Sotnas.

"Enjoy your life and the decisions you make. Never take anything for granted. Everypony dismissed."

Spike decided to fly to Sotnas cause he has questions for him to answer. Everyone else decided to leave. Twilight, however, decided she will stay and hear Spike's questions getting answered.

"Sotnas, I know what you said is for everypony but what about Dragon-kind? Other species? How are they going to cope with all of this?"

"There will be a time for me to explain to every creature about this. For now, I need to focus on recreating my home and restoring order to our planet."

Sotnas took flight as he and a few others joined. Spike took off and headed towards a cave near Ponyville. For him to be closer to Twilight. Twilight finally leaves the Circle. She's curious to know exactly what Sotnas is going to do with the other creatures in Equestria. Only time will tell in that department.