• Published 20th Jun 2018
  • 3,133 Views, 95 Comments

An Absol In Ponyville - Knightwolf1875

(A side story to https://www.fimfiction.net/story/306799/equestrian-eeveelution.) I just wanted to get away from the storm that was getting worse. How was I to know Discord and Arceus would

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A New LIfe CH. 2

A New Life

Chapter 2

Zecora’s Hut

Third View

Octavia sighed relaxing in the hot water of the caldron as the curse faded away. The mare stretched out her limbs, happy to be back to normal. She looked over to the hound that had saved them just a few short hours ago. “How’s she doing?”

“Still asleep.” Vinyl said as Zecora checked the bandages on the hound’s left foreleg and chest. “Dang, she took a hit that most ponies wouldn’t even wakeup from. At least she’s not in danger anymore.” She looked to Zecora. “Right?”

Zecora finished checking the hound’s bandages. “She’s healing at a fast rate. By morning all her wounds should be healed and past this scary fate.”

“I just hope she wakes up soon.” Vinyl muttered, petting the hounds head gently. A soft groan escaped the hound’s muzzle. “Huh? What’s…” She was interrupted by the creature’s other paw covering her mouth.

<Not so loud.> I muttered. <My head hurts like someone hit me with a baseball bat.> Slowly opened my eyes and I saw who I muted with my paw. <Hey. You made out safely.>

Octavia got out of the caldron, eager to thank the hound. “Oh, thank goodness you’re wake. We were starting to worry you wouldn’t wake up.” She said as Vinyl pushed the paw off her muzzle. “Can you understand us?”

I nodded me head slowly. <Yeah. Wish you could understand me right now.> I start thinking of how it would be easier, but I was worried about explaining everything. <Maybe it’s for the better that you don’t. I’m sure Arceus at least would like to keep things secret.>

“Where’s Fluttershy when you need her?” Vinyl asked. “Maybe if we keep to ‘Yes/No’ questions we can learn what she’s saying?” She rubbed her chin thinking it over.

I looked around to get a better idea of where I was. It looked like the inside of a tree with tribal masks hanging on the walls, shelves with countless bottles on them, and smelled like freshly cut herbs. I turned to see who rubbing my ribs to see a zebra with gold rings on her neck. <Zecora? Wow, your place is way more awesome in person. Why does my body feel so light?> I really wanted to talk to them so they could understand me. In my mind I willed myself to talk like them, and I felt an energy flow across my body.

Octavia and Vinyl shared a worried look. “Uh, why is she glowing?” They asked as the glow brightened as the bandages ripped.

My body shifted and grew, taking on a bipedal form. My fur covered my new body still, so I wasn’t naked, naked. However, I was maybe a five foot ten anthropomorphic Absol with a toned build, under the fur, and maybe C-cup breasts. “Whoa. Hey! I can change forms!” I shouted raising my arms. “Ack! Left arm still hurts!”

“H-h-how?” Vinyl asked pointing at me.

“I just wanted to talk so you could understand me. I willed myself into trying to talk like you, and well.” I wave my right hand at myself. “Sorry, if I scared you girls.”

“No worry, my friend.” Zecora said examining my body. “Many an odd thing in the Everfree, but you are the most welcome surprise to date. Does anything is else seem hurt to you at this rate?”

“Just my left side where I landed.” I said rubbing my ribs. “Guess changing form doesn’t help with healing.” I smiled softly as the zebra got fresh bandages and herbs. “I better not tip them off I know them. Also I need a new name.” I thought as I felt something poke my leg. “Yes?”

Octavia looked up with a frown. “How come you get to be covered while I didn’t? It was very embarrassing trying to get out of town.” She huffed, blushing, wondering why this hound could be so lucky.

I blushed as well, remembering how she looked before I was swatted into the trees. “Absols have a thicker fur coat?” I offered as I laid down as Zecora returned with the bandages. “I still have my ruff like this, so that helps somewhat.”I said waving my hand at the puff of fur that covered most of my breasts. “B-besides, I didn’t get that good a look at you with the timberwolf attacking and getting thrown into the trees.”

“I see your point, but it still seems unfair.” The Earth mare huffed. “I guess I’ll have to see Rarity about clothes if we can find a way for me to have that form again. Honestly I could see just how useful it was.” Octavia said as she rubbed the side of her head. “However, I’m not sure what the joke was that the Poison Joke was trying to make.”

“Might have been how change is a good thing?” Vinyl offered with a chuckle. “Zecora will get it figured out. We have a chance to know what are friend is.” She looked at me with a grin. “I’m Vinyl Scratch, or DJpon3. It’s nice to meet you.” Vinyl stuck her right hoof out.

“Athena is my name, and it’s nice to meet you.” I said, shaking her hoof just as Zecora pats my left arm, and I sit up a bit. “As I said, before my species is Absol.”

“Octavia Melody.” Octavia said. “It’s good to see you’re doing better. Even if you have taken on a new form.” She joked as I shook her hoof.

I giggled as Zecora checked my ribs again. “Th-that tickles!” She poked me in the side and I only giggled more.

“It would seem her ribs have healed.” The zebra said with a grin. “I am glad to see you have recovered, by your arm is not yet fully healed.”

“Sound like I’m staying overnight then?” I asked as Zecora gave me a nod. “I don’t really think it’d be wise to leave anyway. What if that bunch of tooth picks is looking for another fight?”

“After the way you blasted that thing to fire wood?” Vinyl asked with a raised eyebrow. “Not likely.” She got a worried look on her face. “Oh crap. We can’t let Twilight know about Athena! Who knows what the quack job will do to her?!”

“A fair point in not to tell, but Twilight will learn to no avail.” Zecora stated as she grinned. “By will of thought, Athena changed. Can she not return to all fours of the hound?”

I thought about it carefully, as I didn’t want to ruin more bandages. “I should be able to do that, but I’ll wait till my arm is healed.” I carefully stretch my left arm and look over how it had changed. I still had a spur on the elbow, with the bandages stopping just above it. I looked over my legs next to find they were designed very differently. I still had paws, but they were bigger along with the claws. I stood up to find it felt like I was on the balls of my feet. “Feels odd standing like this, but I like it.”

The mares looked up at me with awe as I gently took a few steps. I still had my tail, but it was longer to help balance my biped body. The spurs on my heels seemed just a long as the one on my elbows, about four inches, and came to a sharp point. I started to stretch out my body to get a better idea of how it moved.

“Did I look that good when I was on two hooves?” Octavia asked Vinyl. “I mean, movement wise and height.” The ideas that ran through her mind of why ponies never changed to a biped body were overwhelming to her.

Zecora watched as I sat down and reached for my right paw to stretch me back. “Indeed, you did look great. But you didn’t test yourself at her rate.” She said watching closely as I reached for left paw, and back to my right.

“Yup, but you looked taller by a few inches and I think your chest was bigger.” Vinyl said making both Octavia and me blush. “What? It’s just like how Minotaur females come in different sizes, so why not you two as well?”

“I guess that makes sense, since ponies don’t all look the same.” Octavia said rubbing her chin. “Still doesn’t make me feel any better for some reason.”

I grunted reaching forward with my legs still spread. “I can relate, Octavia. I don’t think I got striped friend's name that’s been watching me.” I said sitting up and crossing my legs looking at the zebra.

“Forgive me for not speaking my name. Zecora is the name, and I thank you for saving us today.” Zecora said as she walked around me. “My I take a little fur for my work? I promise it will not hurt, but help in my work.”

“I don’t mind.” I said brushing my white hair out of my face. “I could use a haircut anyway.” I joked as the zebra went to a nearby shelf. She returned with a bowl and scissors.

“Bend down some please.” Zecora said. I did as she asked and the zebra cut the hair so it was out of my face.

Octavia and Vinyl were busy talking about how to bring up the biped idea to Twilight. So far they hadn’t figured out a way that didn’t bring up me. So they went with just telling the purple unicorn mare about the Poison Joke package. The grey mare wasn’t happy about the idea at all.

“Relax, Octy. It’s not like she’d have you get hit with that Joke again.” Vinyl said as Zecora finished cutting my hair. “She’s not that crazy after all.”

“Need I point out the Smarty Pants ordeal?” Octavia stated flatly.

“Good point.” Vinyl sighed. “Still, it is better than letting her know about Athena and her changing form like this. She’d try to get the Eevee pack to do the same somehow.”

Octavia flinched at that thought. “She puts them through enough as is, and that’s after Moon Dancer started looking into them. I swear that mare never really sees things for what they are!”

“Sounds like I not only found the Eevee pack, but Twilight is as bad as I feared.” I thought as Zecora examined my tail. “I’ll have to talk with them to find out how the timeline has changed, and I should also bring up what I know up to season eight. I wonder how much they can tell me about living here?”

“It would seem you are lost in thought.” Zecora said gently as she shook my shoulder. “Care to voice said thoughts?”

“Just thinking about what will happen, is all.” I said as I looked at Zecora. “Maybe I’m just worrying for nothing.”

Octavia and Vinyl walked over to us. “Maybe not, as it is Ponyville after all.” The grey earth mare said. “Also, each we have a tour coming up that has us going out of town. We may have to have somepony watch you while we’re gone.”

“It would give me a chance to talk with the Eevee pack at least.” I said letting out a yawn. “Geez, how late is it?”

Vinyl looked out the window. “Late enough it’s not safe walking back to town for anypony. Would you mind us crashing here for the night, Zecora?”

“Not at all, my friend.” The zebra said with a grin. “I’ll get the beds made.” Zecora trotted toward the back of her hut where her bed was to grab a few extra blankets. “We may need the biggest cot I got for Athena to sleep comfortably on.”

“I am kind of tall, aren’t I?” I said rubbing the back of my neck. We all laughed about it as I got up to help with making my bed. It was really just a couple of large pillows with a blanket covering them, but it was comfy. We all went to sleep after a salad with fish on the side. It was the best night’s rest I had gotten in a long time.


I stretched out with a purring yawn, hearing the hoof falls of the mares. “Morning. “ I said as I sat up, pushing my hair out of my face. “So what’s the plan before we head to town?” A pillow hit me in the face. “What’s that for?”

“I blame you and Octavia for my dream last night.” Vinyl said looking like she didn’t sleep last night at all. I could smell the sweat from her as she walked by. “I’m not going to get that out of my mind for a long time.” She muttered heading for the door.

I looked at Octavia for an answer, but she shrugged. “I think we’re better off not knowing.” She said going to the door to keep an eye on Vinyl. “I think Lyra might have rubbed off on her a little with her talk about humans.”

“If only you knew how right that mint colored mare might be.” I thought getting up and folding the blanket. “Well, if we’re going to town I better shift back to all fours.” Zecora joined us next rubbing her muzzle a little. “Morning, Zecora.”

“A good morning to you both, and what a lovely day it will be.” The zebra said as Vinyl returned soaked to the bone. “Ah, I see someone went for quick dip.”

“You would too if you had me dreams.” The white unicorn muttered fixing her shades. “So we eating here or going to town?” Vinyl asked as she used a heating spell to dry off.

I pulled the bandages off my arm to see that it was fully healed. “Looks like I’m good to go.” I willed myself to change and quickly found myself on all fours. <I hope I don’t get found out by Twilight, or it’s going to be a hell of a life.>

“I have things to do in the forest, and potions to make. I’m afraid must start before it gets too late.” Zecora said as she put her cloak on, and took a few potions to protect herself from the beasts of the Everfree.

We gave a round of goodbyes to the zebra we follow the trail back to town. I keep an eye out for the timberwolves, but, by the time we reach the edge of the forest, there wasn’t any sign of them. It seemed both mares were just as relieved as I was we exited the woods. Of course we had the pleasure of teasing Vinyl the closer we got to town.

<You just had to eat something at random, didn’t you?> I asked as the unicorn mare squeaked like a mouse. <Just couldn’t ask one of us again about breakfast?>

“I was hungry!” Vinyl shouted at me. “At least I can understand you now, so I guess it worked out.” Her voice was higher than before, which made her sound even funnier. “How was I to know it’d make me sound like a mouse?”

Octavia chuckled at her friend as they entered town. “Let’s head for the library and see if Moon Dancer can look over Athena. That way we can check some of the books out to see what kind of herb it was you ate.” She had to hold her laughter back when Vinyl squeaked again.

We passed the sight of a burned building that got both mares to gasp in horror. I didn’t understand why until they asked what happened. Needless to say I nearly fainted at learning Sugarcube Corner had been that burned down building. This never happened in the show, so now I feared if what I knew of the show mattered at all anymore.

<This is really, really bad.> I muttered as we head for the library. <That never happened in the show. Oh, this is beyond bad. It’s horrifying!>

“Hey, chill girl.” Vinyl said as we neared our destination. “Everypony got out safe and sound. Heck, Zann even became a fire fox thing from the sounds of it. If Lyra was to be believed.”

<Flareon. He turned into a Flareon, Vinyl.> I said. <And he’s damn lucky too, or he’d be one dead Eevee! When I get my paws on the fool that summoned that Magcargo! I’ll skin them!> I snarled out as I stomped my paws in anger.

“I didn’t understand a word of that, but she sounds mad.” Octavia said as I growled loudly. “Do I want to know?”

“Nope.” Vinyl squeaked as she leaned away from me. “Let’s just say we agree that somepony is going to pay. I’m just worried about how bloody it’ll be.”

“Well, you better calm down fast, Athena. We’re going into the library now.” Octavia said as she pushed the door open. I took a few deep breaths as she led us inside. She looked around trying to spot anyone. “Spike? Anypony here?”

A shiny grey-silver fox trotted out from the kitchen area with Spike right behind it. “Hey, Octavia it’s nice to see you and Vinyl.” Spike said before seeing me. “Whoa! Who, or what is that!?”

<An Absol?> The shiny Eevee said. <I’m surprised the town didn’t already have one living here.>

<Hey, I’m here to warn about trouble, not make it.> I said as I rolled my eyes. <Geez, it’s not that bad to have an Absol around.>

“This is Athena, and we’re adopting her after finding her in the Everfree.” Octavia said. “We wanted to have Moon Dancer look at her before we went home.”

I nodded my head to Vinyl. “Oh, and find a book on rare herbs. Vinyl ate one before we left Zecora’s place.”

“Oh really?” Spike asked with a grin before I walked over, and gently poked him. “Okay, okay. I’ll get Moon Dancer.” He grumbled heading for the basement door. “Can’t have a little fun can I?”

“It makes me squeak like a mouse! You happy now!” Vinyl called after the small drake, getting him to laugh loudly. We all chuckled as the DJ unicorn huffed, glaring at Octavia and I, which only made us laugh more.

Author's Note:

Well there you guys go, and boy what a thing to happen. Just wait till the check up in the next chapter, and meeting the pack much later on. Will Athena even understand the pack or will things get harder from here? Just wait and see.