• Published 20th Jun 2018
  • 3,132 Views, 95 Comments

An Absol In Ponyville - Knightwolf1875

(A side story to https://www.fimfiction.net/story/306799/equestrian-eeveelution.) I just wanted to get away from the storm that was getting worse. How was I to know Discord and Arceus would

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CH. 5 Carefully Kept Secrets

CH. 5 Carefully Kept Secrets

Two weeks had passed since the exam, and during that time the ones behind the arson were found. Imagine my shock when it turned out to be Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. I missed out on the trial as I had to stay with Lyra and BonBon while Octavia and Vinyl went on their tours. I had a hard time with my lessons on written Equish, as Lyra kept trying to get me to answer her questions. It didn’t help that she kept trying to talk like an Absol. I’m not even sure how she thought that would work, but it was funny.

BonBon didn’t really want to believe it when she was told I wanted to learn and could. The girl quickly learned that I was very smart. I just blamed Lyra for putting the mare through a lot of crazy stuff with the Eevee pack, before I showed up.

I was able to get breaks from the two mares in the form of my workout. I had taken to running in the mornings and evenings, just to get out of the house. It was on one of those runs that I meet with the shy mare Fluttershy at her house. I had gone out a lot farther than normal, as a few of the reporters were still around after the trial. I hated the few that were trying to find a story, or one to embellish about.

It was a chance to also test something, as of late I was having trouble understanding the Eevee Pack. The only one that I could understand clearly was Lulu. If it was any other Eevee, even in passing, I only got bits and pieces of what they said. I blamed Discord for it was right up his ally for making trouble. However, I didn't seem to share the same difficulties. So talking with Fluttershy seemed a good place to start to check this little theory.

I knocked on the door, and readied myself for Fluttershy freaking. This was my first time meeting her, as far as I knew. The door opened, but instead of meeting the pegasus mare, I got a carrot to the nose. <Ow! The fuck?> I looked down and found Angel Bunny. <Really? You don’t even know me, and you hit me with a bloody carrot?>

Angel just blinked as I spoke calmly to him. Clearly he wasn’t used to someone being calm about his rudeness. He shrugged before he picked up the carrot and ran into the house. A moment later, Fluttershy was at the door. “Hello? Oh!” She smiled. “Aren’t you a big, sweet doggie.”

<Hound really, and I’m sure Rarity already told you about me.> I said as I blushed a little. <I’m Athena, an Absol. I was hoping to get your help with something.> I gave a soft smile to show I was friendly.

“Oh! You’re the hound living with Octavia and Vinyl?” Flutters asked as she smiled at me. She tilted her head as she looked at my horn. “Doesn’t the guard worry about you walking around town? Your horn looks dangerous.”

<Not as dangerous as Vinyl’s cooking.> I said as I stepped into her house and gave Angel a pat on the head. <I’ve started working on Water Pulse to make sure to help put out the fires. You seem to understand me clearly, Fluttershy.>

She closed the door and gave me a surprised look. “You’re right. Odd, since I have trouble understanding the Eevees, and Conner lives here.” Fluttershy said as she thought about it.

That gave some strength to my curse theory. <So, Vinyl and I aren’t the only ones that have trouble understanding the Eevee Pack. It’s almost like a curse, in a way.> I muttered. That seemed to give Angel pause, as he looked to be thinking on it himself. <The only one I can understand, without trouble, is Lulu. Which is the oddest thing to me.> I hopped onto a chair as Fluttershy laid on her couch.

“Why is that?” The butter colored mare asked.

<Because she’s into designing clothes like Rarity is.> I said a slight blush appeared on my face. <I’m sure she wants me to model a few dresses for her.> I wasn’t going to tell her I was still uneasy about being a female Absol. That would be a whole new level of trouble. <However, it still is odd that she’s the only one I can understand clearly. I shouldn’t be having this problem at all, as Eevees and Absols can normally talk to each other.>

Fluttershy let it all sink in as I talked. I could see she was working everything I said in her mind, and something clicked. “I’ve noticed that taking with Conner has gotten easier for me. In fact, now that I think about it, he has been a lot clearer when we talk as of late. It’s almost like we’re connecting on a deeper level.”

That caught me off guard a little, but then I thought about Lulu and how generous she was. Just like Rarity. <How kind is Conner? Is he like you in kindness?>

Fluttershy nodded her head slowly. “Oh my, could it be the Elements that are doing this?” Flutters asked as she looked at me.

<It’s a good guess, and the Elements could be boosting the link.> I said as I got out of the chair. <In fact, it is the strongest theory at the moment I can think of. For now, I don’t think we should tell Twilight.> I held up my paw to stop Fluttershy from asking her question. <She’ll just shoot it down, as she doesn’t think any of the Pack, or I, are smart enough to even understand what ponies say.>

“She is a little full of herself when science is brought up, isn’t she?” Fluttershy stated in a deadpan voice as Angel groaned. “I hope this helped you, Athena. It sure helped me put a few things together.”

<Yeah, it did help me a lot.> I said as I gave Angel a pat on the head. <I might even have an idea of who’s the one behind it. However, until I have some proof, or a better idea of how to prove it, I’m going to keep it to myself for now.>

“Sounds like a good idea. It sure seems chaotic to me.” Fluttershy blinked as I grinned at her, and I swear I heard her brain just stop. Her eyes narrowed with a hint of anger. “Discord is behind this somehow, isn’t he?”

I sighed. <Even if I said he was, what proof is there, other than my word, that it is him? Just don’t stop being kind, and keep being brave.> I said with a grin. <I should get going. There are a few others I need to see to put a few more pieces of this theory in place. You really helped me out on getting a solid start.> I gave her a hug that she returned.

“My pleasure, Athena.” The butter colored mare said. “If you need to ever talk again, please, come by.”

Angel showed me to the door and gave me a thumb up. <Sorry, about the carrot thing. I’m just protective of her is all.> He said. <Tell anyone I’m really nice, and I’ll make you regret it.> Angel added with a smirk.

<Now why would I ever do that? I might need a badass rabbit for something.> I told him with a smirk. <Later!> I walked out the door and started to run towards town.

I reached the edge of town quickly, about five to seven minutes, and slowed down to a normal walk. The town was calm for the moment. I decided to visit the farmers market, and maybe try to mooch some free food. It still amazed me how much meat was being sold. A lot of fish, ham, and chicken were being sold with eggs that day. I was hoping to get an idea for dinner as Lyra was doing the cooking. She liked to try making different foods to challenge herself. Turned out she was a bit more omnivorous for some reason, but I was betting she had dragon bloodlines. I swear I saw her sneeze golden flames once.

The guy selling fish at one of the stands was an old earth pony stallion named Deep Sinker. He brought the best and freshest fish to sell. His best sells were salmon and, oddly, sea bass that his son would send to him. I walked over to find Lyra finish putting some wrapped salmon in her saddle bag.

“If it isn’t me favorite Absol, Athena.” Deep said with a deep voice, and offered me some raw meat. Don’t judge, it’s really good. “Got some new product from my son, Sea Spray, he called it Tuna.”

Lyra blinked and missed me taking the snack. “Woah! Did you inhale it or something?” She asked as I chewed. “Guess you like tuna and salmon, huh?”

<If you only knew how much I miss good tuna salad.> I said after I gulped down my snack. <You get more of that, and you’ll be making lots of bits, Deep.> I said with a light purr. Not sure why I purr, but I do.

“Told you she’d like it, and you said she only ate dry dog food.” Deep laughed as the mint green mare groaned. “Your marefriend is rubbing off on ya, Lyra.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Lyra rolled her eyes as she put some bits on the counter. “I’ll take some of that tuna for Athena. BonBon isn’t going to like it though, she thinks it’ll spoil her.”

<It’s better than that cheap dog food.> I muttered before Deep offered me a piece of salmon. I devoured that as well. <Mmmmm.>

“Okay, I have got to try that salmon now.” Lyra said as she licked her lips. “That’s the smile of a very happy creature.”

<Tastes like heaven.> I muttered before we made our way to our house. I was getting a very soft disaster. ”Was there something wrong with the fish?" I thought with the hope it was a false alarm.

Third View
A dark figure watched the mint unicorn mare and white furred hound walk off. It pulled its hat down to cover more of its face and stepped out of the ally. The dark coat hid most of the figure's body as it followed the two down the road. Four black hooves moved the figure along with barely a sound as it left the market behind it, and made a plan to get into their house tonight.

First View
I looked up at the two story house near the main street, and BonBon’s sweet shop linked to it by a short covered walkway. The earth pony mare was making a lot of money, and even giving a portion to the Cakes for the rebuilding of Sugarcube Corner. Both were a plan white with tan trim, and thatch roof. I wasn’t really sure about the house at first until I looked around. Nothing too fancy, really to the house, and the walls and floor of the basement was stone. I guessed I was worried about Agent Sweetie Drops having a hidden room for nothing.

“Are you writing again?” BonBon asked as I was laid out on the floor with quill and paper writing a small story. “You have some odd ideas for a story, but the detail is pretty good. It doesn’t match what humans look like by Lyra’s research though.”

<If only you knew how far off she was.> I said as I wrote. The story was of the Mass Effect games, or as best as I could remember of them. It was fun writing out the adventure I played as a video game, and it helped with my writing.

BonBon just rolled her eyes as she read one page, it was a fight between Shepard’s crew and the Geth. “No magic to save them?” She teased only to get a flat glare from me. “Right, right. Humans can’t use magic like ponies.”

I was about to say something when a loud crash came from the kitchen. However, there wasn’t any sound from Lyra. She would normally be swearing a storm by now. BonBon gave a snort as she went to check on the mint colored mare. I just shrugged, going back to my writing as the earth pony mare walked around the corner. I heard a muffled thud. I thought BonBon had smacked Lyra. Judging by the sounds that started coming from the room, they had gotten into a small scuffle. Soon enough, it got quiet.

That made me a little worried. I decided to go check it out. I slowly picked around the corner to see into the darkened kitchen. <Lyra? BonBon?> I called out, slowly stepping around the corner. Something moved in the dark of the kitchen that didn’t seem normal. <Who’s there?> I barked, slipping back around the corner.

“It’s nothing. The light just burned out.” Lyra’s voice called back. “It’s nothing to be scared of, girl.”

“Lyra never calls me that.” I thought as I quietly went the other way through the living room. The kitchen was two ways into it. One way by the hall from the living room, and the other is from a hallway connecting the store to the living area. The stairs were also in this hallway. “Good thing BonBon took the door off yesterday. Otherwise this would be a problem.” I thought, peeking into the kitchen to see what was going on, and, with the moon light coming in, I groaned at what I saw.

The two mares were wrapped in green goo, and seemed to be out cold. It was the black, bug like creature watching where I had been. “I guessed I found out how a Changeling brain-washed Lyra. It’s the one I saw days ago.” I thought as I growled coming around the corner and jumping at the Changeling. <Got you!> I howled, tackling the bug to the floor. The two of us slid across the large kitchen as I bit into the bug’s neck and it tried to bite me back.

“Get off me you dumb dog!” It hissed. The voice was female, so it was a nymph, I think. She tried to blast me with magic, but just missed my horn. I had no idea they could do that!

<Who are you calling a dog?!> I snarled, letting off a burst of flaming breath. She punched me with a right hook, but I retaliated with Ice Beam. I missed my mark as green flames covered the Changeling’s body and a diamond dog shoved me across the floor. <So turning into a real bitch is the best you can do, huh?> I growled, getting to my paws, and got ready to attack.

“Of course I can understand you now.” The shape shifter growled. “Well, it would seem you’re not some strange dog after all. My Queen will be pleased.” She snarled, flexing her claws as she grinned. “She wanted to know about some new prey for us. Maybe those foxes would be easier to get.”

I snarled as electricity arched across my fur, ready to attack the bitch. <I am prey to no one, and you won’t harm any of the Eevee pack.> Her eyes widened as I used Thunder, and the electrical bolt briefly light up the room before smashing into the bug. It threw her against the far wall before grounding into the floor. The nymph let out a howl mixed with a shrill chirp.

She groaned as she turned back to her true form hitting the floor. “D-didn’t see that coming.” She grunted before turning into an Absol. <Let’s see how you deal with this!>

<Do you really think you can even figure out how to fight like an Absol?> I asked with a grin as she tried to use Flamethrower. <You may look like me, but you have no idea how my species works.>

<Okay. Not my best move.> She said before turning into a dragon with black scales with a green under belly. “I’ll just have to rip you apart like this!” Before she could even take a step my body started to glow. “What the…”

I shifted to my biped form. “Surprised?” I asked with a snarl as I got ready to fight. “Now then, nymph. Shall we see how you can deal with surprises?” I chuckled as shadows wrapped around my claws.

“Just what are you?” The Changeling asked with a growl. “How can you even use magic like that?”

I just growl before the shadows turned into long, dark claws. With a snarl I rushed the Changeling as she used her scaled arms to block my attack. It almost sounded like metal hitting metal as we start to trade blows. She countered with a right hook as I went with a strike to her jaw, and pushed each other back a step. I quickly pressed the attack going low, punching her in the gut. I landed three hits that knocked the air out of her before she used both hands to bring me to a knee. It felt like I was hit in the back with a pair of sledge hammers. I used Blizzard when I looked up to throw my attacker off more, and she counter with green flames. It wasn’t going to be an easy fight as we both had little room to move, and I didn’t want to trash the kitchen. It was bad enough I had to try and finish this quickly before either mare woke up.

“You got a name buggy?” I asked with a snarl wiping some blood from the corner of my mouth. Any idea hit me as I felt energy build in the gem on my forehead.

“What’s it to you? However, if you must know my name is Imago.” The Changeling said, and I nearly freaked out. “Not that it matters as I’m going to kill you.” Imago snarled as she came at me with claws ready to rip my throat out.

“Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not dying tonight!” I said as I used Flash to blind her. It worked, as she screams covering her eyes and I rushed her. I drove both of my fists into her gut with a point blank Shadow Ball.

Imago let out a pain filled scream as she shifted back to her normal form. She bounced off the floor, into the hall, and around the corner. I ran after her, only to see her running out the door toward the shop, and fly off into the night.

“Shit! Now we have to deal with the Bug Bitch Queen sending her spies.” I hissed, closing the door and quickly headed back to the kitchen. However it turned out somepony was awake, and pulling herself free of the green slime. I didn’t have chance of hiding myself as Lyra looked right at me as I returned to the kitchen.

“I knew something was off about you.” The mint green mare said as she used her magic to pull the slime off herself and BonBon. “I didn’t think it was something like this! I mean the change in form, and the talking! I have so many questions that can be answered!”

“So are you a Changeling too, or what?” BonBon asked as she shook the slime off herself. “Were you hoping to slip into Canterlot with either Vinyl or Octavia? Maybe even attack the Element Barers?”

“Nope. I was just lucky enough to end up with them is all, and I’m a rare case among my species.” I said turning on the water and filling a handy pot. I put it on the stove top to heat, and looked for the wash cloths. “I’d never attack Fluttershy and her friends. Twilight might need it till she sees the bigger picture of things.”

Lyra, and BonBon gave me the ‘The heck?’ look, but nod their heads about the part about Twilight. “You both know how she gets about something. Always the tiny details of it and never how it fits into something else.” I explained. “Plus she has to always to the large needle like a nutcase.”

“We get it.” BonBon sighed. “She’s a quack job when researching something.” She wasn’t sure what I was doing with the towels till I took the pot off the stove. “Oh, I see! That’s to help get the slime off us. At least it’s not boiling hot, but that doesn’t change that you’ve been hiding this. Does Octavia and Vinyl know about this?”

I had to think for a moment as I soaked few wash cloths in the hot water. Do I tell them the truth, or just enough to make them feel better? “Yes, they know about this and so does Zecora. I also do the cooking instead of Vinyl, so there isn’t another fire.”

“Thank Celestia and Luna for that.” BonBon muttered. “So what about the rumors of a mare that looks like a Minotaur female?”

“You’ll have to ask Octavia about that. All I can say Poison Joke isn’t too bad about some things.” I said taking the wash clothes, and started rubbing the slime off BonBon as Lyra took the other in her magic. “For now, we should get cleaned up and report to the guard. Just leave out that I changed forms, please.”

Two hours later, and giving the guards an edited report about the attack, the guards was still checking every half inch of the house. It looked like Imago slipped in by the open door to the shop. I had shifted back to all fours and joined one of the guards in checking the shop. All we found was some scratch marks on the front door and not much else. I sniffed around a bit, but didn’t pick up Imago’s scent. She was long gone, but I had a feeling she’d be back. Just a matter of when she’d be back, and what her plan would be.

Three days later Octy and Vinyl returned from their tours. A short explanation of what happened while they were gone, and needless to say it was not fun. Lyra wanted in on what Octavia was having Moon Dancer work on. However, BonBon quickly put that idea down for us. I was still worried about Imago, or some other Changeling showing up. Things have really gotten a little out of paw now.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait. Things are getting a little more troublesome as we now have a Changeling in the mix. Will she be back or will something else come into town to make trouble? Only one way to find out. :twilightsmile: