• Published 20th Jun 2018
  • 3,133 Views, 95 Comments

An Absol In Ponyville - Knightwolf1875

(A side story to https://www.fimfiction.net/story/306799/equestrian-eeveelution.) I just wanted to get away from the storm that was getting worse. How was I to know Discord and Arceus would

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CH.6 New Forms

CH.6 New Forms

I was cooking up a meal for us as Octavia and Vinyl worked on some music in the living room. Lyra had joined us for the day since BonBon had to go up to Canterlot. I could only guess why at this point, but I think it was more about the Changeling, Imago. There was a lot on everyone’s minds now that we knew Changelings were around. However I had something else on my mind as I flipped the ham slices in the pan.

“So, you think Moondancer has the spell down for Octavia yet?” Lyra asked from her seat at the kitchen island. She hadn’t breathed a word to anyone in town about my biped form. However, Vinyl let it slip to the mint mare about the spell. “I really want to see if I can get a copy of it.”

I rolled my eyes. “Lyra, I don’t think you could keep from walking around town as a biped. You know how this town gets about strange things.” I said putting a fresh slice of ham on the pan to cook. “Anyway you’ll find out as Moony is coming over to show us what she’s got so far. I’ve been thinking I’d let her scan me if she’s having trouble.”

Lyra rubbed her chin thinking about what I said. “I’m not sure about that. I mean it is a different kind of power that you use after all. It might use a different magical matrix and that could have her start all over.” She points out. “I really don’t think Moony would like that.”

“A fair point.” I said checking the corn. “I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. Could you set the table, please? We’ll be ready to eat in a little bit.”

Lyra got to work setting the table just as there was a knock at the door. I quickly set down the plate of cooked ham I held and shifted to all fours. With a soft huff I enter the living room in time to see Vinyl open the door for Moondancer.

“Moony! How’s it been girl?” Vinyl asked as she hugged the nerdy mare. “Twilight not making you any more crazy than normal I hope?”

“I plead the fifth.” Moondancer muttered, clearly tired from something. She spared a glance at Lyra as the mint mare heads for the door. “Did I come at a bad time?”

“Nah. I was just getting some pointers on speaking Absol.” Lyra said as she helped Moondancer get her things inside. “I might have over heard something about a spell you’re working on. Relax, I’m just wondering what it’s about is all.”

<She’s already Pinkie Promised not to tell.> I said with Vinyl translating for me.

“Well, I have made some head way on it. It didn’t help that Twilight tired to look at my notes at one point.” Moony grinned. “I gave her the translation spell notes to keep her busy. It was a little too close for my taste.”

<If needed I could run around town to keep Twilight busy for you, Moony.> I joked as I covered the windows. <Could make it easier on the town as a whole with the weird level.> I ducked under a pillow the girls threw at me. <I’m joking! I’m not doing that till Octavia has her other form.>

“I’d ask, but I fear the headache the answer would bring.” Moondancer deadpanned as she setup the scanners. “I’ve got the spell down to where it should work like you want. Rarity even made a pair of earrings for the spells needed. One holds the clothes and the other to work the transformation. I’ve got two pairs.”

<Have you tested it yet?> I asked a little worried. <I’m shouldn’t need to point out how bad untested magic is a bad thing.>

“Do I look like Twilight to you?” Moondancer asked. She was met with everyone giving her a flat look. “Do not answer that!”

“Fine, but Athena does raise a good question.” Octavia said. “And if you did test it. Who was the pony?”

Moondancer sighed and pointed to her neck. “I tested it on myself before this, and with a necklace. Remember I said I was going to test this on myself?”

“That must have been what started the rumor of a biped pony.” Lyra sighed.

“But I left town to test it!” Moondancer shouted. “Whatever, the spell is good and ready. Just step over here and I’ll get started.”

<So, what are the scanners for?> I asked.

“I’m making a record of all this for later research. This could be used by the guard someday.” The nerdy mare said as she turned on the scanners. “For now it is to make sure the spell binds with Octavia, and Vinyl.”

I rolled my eyes as Lyra giggled. <It’s a nice thought, but I won’t hold my breath. The Day Guard is a joke.> I said. <However that could change at some point. For now I do like the idea of keeping a record of this.>

Octavia walked over and into the circle of scanners. “Well, now is as good a time as any. We have a lot of free time right now.”

“Right.” Moondancer said as she put the ear ring like studs on Octavia’s ears. They were gold with a diamond set in the middle. “Okay. Now I just give the spell a little magic and it’ll be linked to you.”
She used a small amount of magic on the left ear stud, and Octavia’s body glowed softly for a moment. Moondancer stepped back as the change happened at the earth mare’s thought. It was a smooth transformation as Octavia stretched her arms above her head. The look on Lyra’s face was priceless as she watched the grey mare walk around the living room.

<Keep dreaming, Lyra.> I teased as I went back to the kitchen to check the food. I didn’t want our lunch burn as Vinyl went next. Everything looked fine as I had set the burners to warm the food. I returned to the living room in time to see the DJ take first steps in her biped form. <Hello!>
Vinyl took a few shaky steps as Octavia helped her stay up right. The fact that Moondancer was also a biped wasn’t lost on me as she also helped Vinyl. The DJ stood almost five foot, ten inches tall with a lean, yet, well toned build. You could see a slight six pack of abs under her C-cup breasts. She looked like she had danced herself into being fit, and I’ll bet you she has.

Moondancer however was much hotter with double D breasts, but I couldn’t tell her build as she was clothed. The nerdy mare was five foot even with her normal sweeter, enchanted to fit her biped body, with a long skirt that stopped three inches from the floor. I guess she was shy about her body, but she gave off this feeling of strength. I’ll bet you she was even hotter in a swimsuit.

I shook my head to clear the image of Moondancer in a one piece swimsuit. <Is it what you hoped for Vinyl?> I asked with a grin.

“It’s more than I hoped! Is this what it’s like for you too?” She asked without thinking. I wasn’t going to blame her as she was excited.

“Wait what?!” Moony asked looking at me as I chuckled and face pawed. “What did she mean by that?”

I shift to my biped form, still chuckling. “I’ll explain over lunch.”

It was a little later we sat down to eat lunch. Moondancer stayed in her biped form, Octavia, and Vinyl each wore a large t-shirt that Moony brought for them. Lyra even got to try out the spell, but she didn’t want to keep it. Even if she turned out to be the most toned of the group so far. However it was me that had Moondancer’s full attention as I severed the meal in my biped form, and as I explained how I thought I got it.

“So this Arceus gave you this form as a means to better protect the Eevee pack, and yourself?” Moony asked as she ate her ham. “I guess that makes some since with him being a god. It just seems a little odd he’d give this power to you after getting hurt by that Timberwolf Alpha.”

Okay I stretched the truth some about how I got there and my power. But what else could I do? “I guess he thought it was best way to help me. He’s a god, Moondancer. I just wish I knew why I was picked.” Well I did know since he and Discord told me why. I was still going to make Discord pay for the gender switch. “Besides, it was as big a surprised for me when I first changed forms. It does make it easier to cook as much as fight.”

Lyra was still gently working her fingers wearing a large t-shirt, Moony had thought a head on nearly everything, and stood around five foot, two inches tall. She had B-cup breast, but a very well toned body. “I can see how humans could do so much now. If I didn’t want to use this form daily I’d love to keep the spell.”

“This is going to be a huge help when I’m touring the Minotaur lands.” Vinyl said as she munched on her lunch. “They try so hard to make sure things are setup for a pony, but they can’t get it all. I’ll keep this form to the house and tours outside of Equestria.”

“I’m not so sure that’s a good idea, dear.” Octavia said looking thoughtful. “It might give the wrong idea about us ponies.”

“Nah. I’ll just tell them it’s to make it easier on both sides for my tour.” The DJ countered. Truth be told I think Vinyl was right. “Besides, the spell is synced to our very body. It can’t be copied without knowing the spell itself. Right, Moony?”

“Yes, the spell changes some to sync to the pony it is used on. I even have a counter spell to remove it in case anything happens, or somepony does copy it.” Moondancer said looking at Lyra. “In theory you could still change form without the jewelry we use to anchor the spell.”

“I’m good with not having the option.” The mint mare said sipping her drink. “For today I’m just happy to have a better understanding about how the human body works. I’ll have a lot to write about after this.”

I chuckled. “Just leave out the part of them having a third eye, Lyra. I don’t think it would have been helpful for them.” I had seen her room for human research, and boy she was off on a lot of things. “But I’ve never met a human so I wouldn’t know.” Don’t give me that look! You guys would have done the same.

“Maybe it was meant to explain their mental power.” Lyra muttered as she got deep into thought about it.

“Where did Rarity go with the others anyway, Moondancer?” I asked since rarity was out of town with the Mane Six. I lost track of where we were to the season story line, or whatever.

“She’s with the other to bring Applejack back for some reason.” Moony answered as I rolled my eyes.

“I hope they took a lot of rope to drag her stubborn tail back, or it’ll be a long week.” I said that made the mares all look at me. “What? I overheard how stubborn she is about some things is all.”

Two Days Later
The Manes Six had returned with Applejack and we gave Rarity a day to recover. She was very happy to see use as we walked in and again cover the windows. We even had a sound cover story for why I could change forms for her and Lulu. Moondancer even did a scan as I changed forms to have that as proof if rarity ever asked her. Surprisingly the power behind my form change was very close to magic, and that was going to have Moony researching it for days.

However I didn’t see Lulu and guessed she was with the pack for something. <Just you today, Rarity?> I asked with Vinyl translating for me.

“Yes, but Lulu will be back later with some cloth I had to order.” Rarity said. “I had this feeling I was going to need more for making their clothes.” She pointed to Octavia and Vinyl.

Octavia let out a breath she was holding. “You might need it. Athena here also got the spell, and it works on her. It surprised us all really.” She said, but in truth I only got the spell for holding my clothes, and it was put in the crescent moon gem. “We got another surprise out of it as well.”

Rarity’s head snapped to look at me. “Really? It worked on her?!” She asked rushing over with a smile. “That’s great! Will it work for the Eevee pack?”

“Sadly, no it won’t.” Vinyl said patting Rarity on the back. “It has something to do with that Athena can’t evolve like the Eevee pack does.”

“Good save, Vinyl.” I thought as we never guessed Rarity, or anyone for that matter, would ask about the spell working on the Eevees. “I better let Moondancer know the next time I’m at the library. That should stop Twilight from testing it herself.”

“Well I guess that makes sense, but what do you mean evolve?” The fashion pony asked. A soft glow covered my body as I changed forms, and Rarity’s jaw dropped. “Wow, and here I thought you couldn’t be more beautiful without being in a dress.”

“I wouldn’t go that far, but I am going to need some clothes.” I said as Vinyl and Octavia changed forms as well. “I’m just luck my fur is thick enough to cover my like this.”

Rarity got out the measuring tape. “Then we have no time to waste!”

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait on this. Just been busy is all. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy the chapter, and I'll try to be better about getting the story updated.