• Member Since 12th May, 2016
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Paper Mache Man

This stuff will turn you into a goddamn sexual Tyrannosaurus, just like me.

Comments ( 77 )

This seems promising, even if you don’t explain what Courier this is.

That'll be explained later. I was leaning more toward an Independent Courier.

Okay, that will probably clear up a bit.

I might go for NCR, or Legion. But it's not confirmed yet.

House is also a candidate, but I'm not entirely sure if I want to go with him.

Like I said, I'm still not entirely sure if I want to or not. But I'll think about it.

Sounds like there is a history between Luna and six. intresting

Celestia should REALLY reconsider her decision to hold onto his weapons.
Lasers, Plasma-guns, Fat-Man and so on, are all highly unstable and, when not in the possession of an individual that knows how to use them, should be kept completely isolated.

I hope that a laser shoots through the floor, leaving a hole, settling the decision for Six to forcibly reclaim his rightful property.
When this happens is irrelevant.
Plasma is also acceptable.

Just... no Mini-Nukes, Missiles or other such weapons. The other explosives would set off the Mini-Nuke, which in turn would irradiate the castle, and... well, that's just no fun.

I’m not really a sucker for these types of Fallout crossovers. But when it’s simple and, god-bless you, really easy.. well you gained yourself a reader.

I’m looking forward to how Luna knows Mr. Kovic Kovic being Six. In fact, this seems kinda similar to my Rick and Morty crossover. Then again, who knows. Maybe you shaved someone’s hair and thought that making Six funny is not funny.

Seriously, I’m gonna look forward this stuff. :twilightsmile:

Thanks, man. I tried to keep things simple and not overly complicated.

She's under the impression that all of his weapons are similar to his laser rifle in the way that it shoots lasers.

Yeah, she's not very smart at times.

Gonna keep my eye on this, one of the few EQS/Fallout stories I have seen that are well written and still Updating.

Fucking Cliffhanger! But other than anything, if this guy is more of an independent Currier. (I'm pro-NCR myself.) I feel that maybe he needs to explain himself better. He could have basically lied and tried to pass as a Ranger. But that would be harder than it sounds.

But in the end the question lies if he should mention the Wasteland to Celestia and Luna or not.

He's NCR.

Also, he's probably going to mention the Wasteland to Celestia, but not at the moment. He's too much of an unknown to be putting bad first impressions inside of her little 'ole noggin.

Seems to be jumping all over the place. One minute he's helping the ponies defend Ponyville from invasion. The next he's being caged and toted to Canterlot to talk with Celestia (I have an entire rant about that for multiple reasons, but I'll spare you). Then after that his attitude flops from "I' need to know what is going on here" to "Well okay. Guess magic exists now. Better get used to it".

Overall, this story doesn't exactly seem all that coherent.

It looked to me it was going pretty well.

Thanks for the eye-opener, though. I'll try to gradually fix it as I update the story more.

It seems entirely reasonable to me.

If you're in the middle of a conflict and an unknown being suddenly took the effort to intervene on your behalf, you'd have reason to be suspicious, and taking them to the place with the strongest 'military', and I use that term VERY loosely, presence until it can be determined that they're not going to present themselves as an aggressor is only common sense.

That said, the confiscation of his weapons, while sound in theory, is unwise, when it involves advanced technologies, such as the laser, plasma, recharger and pulse weapons, not to mention Mini-Nukes, Missiles, mines and other highly unstable explosives.


Though, with the whole part about magic, it's actually a big deal to him. He's just not showing it.

It's not really about the fact they caged him (though that is minorly a bit of a nitpick I have) that bothers me. It's the whole treating him like an animal when they can clearly tell he's sapient enough to have a conversation with them. That and bringing him directly to their leader. If they really were concerned about him being a threat, they wouldn't just directly take him to the princesses, they more than likely should have kept him in a cell and interrogated him there before moving on to having the princesses question him. Then even after discussing with him, and flat out saying "We can't fully trust you" they set him up in a guest room. It sends out mixed signals.

I have a generally poor opinion of stories where the characters act a lot dumber than they really should be.

Some simple chapter to read and some thoughts to Luna.

I’m going to anticipate some action or at least, unexpected thing to happen. For the next chapter.

Need I remind you that we're talking about a race with no discernibly specific joints to warrant a less demeaning means of containment beyond the use of cages. They're not exactly going to have handcuffs to use when detaining him.
Also, smart, wise and logical Whilst able to, don't necessarily need to go together.

So this is noted to be before the season 2 finale. Hmm.. if there’s one thing to look forward to, it’s the real Cadence meeting Six.

Oh yes.

Plenty of shenanigans will ensue when he meets the real one.

If Cadence convinces Six that he can learn to love. I would buy you a beer.

It's not gonna be easy for her.

Hell, it'll probably be harder for her to convince Six to love than it is cut someone down from crucifixion and have them live.

Yeah, when you’re in the Mojave.. you stick to Jet and Psycho while avoiding Sloan’s Deathclaw mosh pit.

Hey man, no matter what people say, those Deathclaws have great taste in Death metal.

A species that does have to deal with other races such as minotaurs, dragons and diamond dogs, most of which are bipedal (Dragons seemingly in their youth rather than their majority). If they constantly put every possible criminal in a cage, I'd imagine they'd quickly become a major target for their mistreatment of sapient species by a few other civilizations. That's not even mentioning the fact that they "jailed" him even after they saw him helping them.

As for your last bit. Not entirely sure what the meaning is from your words in that last sentence, but I'll take a shot in the dark and assume it goes a little something like "People don't always do the smart thing". If that is the case, might I point out that this is a ruler who has been around for multiple millennia. I know that as a regular person an author can only do so much. But it just seems very unlikely that this is one of those "one in a million" times where she flubs it up simply because she missed some sleep or wasn't thinking properly.

... while you're not wrong, that's not what I meant.

That said, it's after 1 am on my end and, and I'll soon start losing the capacity for rational thought to continue this argument properly, so let's just leave it as a differing perspective on a theoretical alternative.

Please bear in mind that I don't fully know how to accurately portray canon characters, and what they would do in any given situation. I'm learning as I go.

YES!!! Luna!!! She'll give him his weapons!
After making a deal with him, at least. Probably recruiting him as some sort of enforcer or one-man sweeper team. Or even as her own personal Courier, to run all over the country and maybe even sometimes beyond it.

So I’m thoroughly enjoying this story so far, no questions...buuuuut question. If it’s been established that he stores his cards in his pip-boy inventory and HAS a pip-boy inventory...why not just store his weapons there instead of turning them over? Yeah yeah I get...plot armor and the story and all. I’ll drop a little advice here, like I said so far a kick ass story, super fun, totally enjoying it. But I see a reoccurring theme and problem a lot of authors have on doing video game crossovers, and that’s that they tend to forget that they have to drop some of video game mechanics. By that I mean like, to start we have to assume that both parts of the cross over exist in some non fictional (fictional) environment and at least have to operate on some sort of “real world mechanics”. Like if fallout was real, there probably WOULDNT be some pocket dimension pip-boy inventory that allows you to hold 20 guns in it. Or VATS...that probably wouldn’t exist in a real world fallout. That’s just for us playing a video game. I see some fallout crossovers that have scenes like “and then I pulled a mini gun out of my inventory and unloaded on the manticore after dropping into VATS for a headshot. Then I pulled out my fatman launcher and destroyed the channeling hive!” Things like that are kind of...eye rolling. Fun...but eye rolling. I find a lot of the better stories tend to keep things more real, like main character only has 3 weapons max and limited ammo and relies on other in story methods to procure more. Limit his items to what what one ACTUAL human could carry. Like a good scenario example would be a laser rifle...maybe 5 MFC cells on his belt but then discovers how to work with pony magic to recharge them...because magic exists in the “real world” equestria. Or has to figure out how to manufacture some more powder ammo and brass for bullet weapons via current equestrian technology. I feel like stories that stick to a more “realistic” approach tend to just be better and get developed better. And by that I don’t mean just go directly from “I need more cells” to “I’ll just magically recharge them”. Make them work for it, figure it out a little, trial and error. Pretend it’s real and you REALLY have to figure it out. It makes for good story and development. You can use the time to flush out character convos and such. That’s just my personal opinion though, you might already be 10 steps ahead of me on this...too early to tell. But ya, maybe go back and do a little edit from cards in the “inventory” to cards in his pocket or bag...something real ya know? It’s just a personal irk I have with some game cross over stories. And NO VATS!!!

Is Luna going to be creating some secret Task Force? Why if that’s true then...

Regardless of the short action, the chapter was still great. Even if a tomboy can’t stop herself from punching an alien.

Also using the word ‘Six’ sometimes would baffle me for a bit.

It's not like the punch would do anything.

Also using the word ‘Six’ sometimes would baffle me for a bit.

Also yeah I get you, but I tried to make it as least repetitive as I could.

This is honestly really solid, and I don't have any major criticism for this. Just make more please :twilightsmile:

I would be very disappointed if Six didn’t bring any chems to this world. AT LEAST ONE.

Anyway, the mane 6 should prepare for the robot voice and the ‘pew pews’ that Six would bring.

Goddamnit, using the word ‘six’ is losing all merit.

He's brought plenty of Chems.

He did have a Med-X addiction at some point, but he's long kicked it. He still keeps around plenty of Jet and Med-X, though.

I would assume Pinkie would suffer a Jet addiction. And worse if Twilight found out about Mentats.

Oh, god. I don't even want to think of Twilight on Mentats would be like.

As for Pinkie, I'm pretty sure she'd combine Jet, Steady, and Rebound all rolled up into one.

So everything would go bad if Applejack or Rainbow would learn of Buffout and Psycho. Jesus, imagine the vulgarity...

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