• Published 1st Sep 2018
  • 3,582 Views, 106 Comments

Love Letters of the Princess of the Sun - Echo 27

"I believe that I will, for the time being, use this diary to record my thoughts on the matter. Perhaps this will help clear my mind."

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January 11th - January 28th, the Year MCCCXLVI

January 11th, the Year MCCCXLVI

No word from the Griffon Kingdom. I sent an envoy with word the day after the blast with all necessary information we had gathered. It was less than I had hoped for, but more than enough to make a convincing statement. Yet still, here I sit ten days later- with not even the smallest word from King Peregrine.

Luna has taken an obsessive defense of the kingdom, she and her border guard on near-constant patrol. I wished her luck and requested she care for herself, but I have heard nothing from her since she departed the day of the attack. While I wish she did not exhaust herself so, I know full well the kingdom will be well protected under her vigilance.

It has been chaotic here, this being my first chance to write in this journal since the event. The day after the bombing, a pair of Griffon Kingdom supporters were arrested and I was immediately informed of their capture. Worried that, like our last Griffon prisoner, he would be found dead, I ordered a constant guard to be kept until my arrival, from then the terms of his imprisonment would be dictated as necessary. Wanting a good mind alongside me, I requested Hearth Fire to travel with me- he requesting a team of guards, led by Corporal Ford, as a backup detail in case of a secondary attack. I considered it unnecessary, but my Commander insisted upon it for my safety.

When I arrived, I was unsurprised, but disappointed to see the condition of our two prisoners were poor; one bore the marks of a severe beating, the right eye of the other had swollen shut.

“What is the meaning of this? Why are they in such a woeful state?” I demanded, turning to the guard who was on shift.

The officer on duty, a young man who was likely new, seemed uncomfortable in answering me. “They, um, resisted arrest, Your Majesty,” he said. “I do not know exactly what happened, I was not there.”

“Have another take your post- find me the officers who apprehended these men!” I said, my anger at the entirety of this ordeal starting to get the best of me, my voice boiling and echoing through the cellblock hall like thunder. The young policeman took off like a shot as he hastened to obey my commands. Satisfied that at least some of my will was to be carried out, I turned to the two prisoners- a small part of a much larger faction. “What are your names?” I asked of them.

One of them, a very young soul who hardly was old enough to be considered a teenager, stared at me as though he saw a ghost, his eyes wide with fear. The other, an older, bitter-looking man in his late-thirties, gave me a look that suggested eating my heart was what he most desired in life.

“What are your names? Answer quickly now,” I said, my already-thin patience threatening to break.

“Cooper-” the young one said, and was immediately cut off by his older fellow.

“Do not speak, they are trying to get at you,” the older said angrily, giving his cohort a vicious look that spoke of murderous intent.

“Your Princess asked you a question! Answer now!” Hearth Fire roared.

The older one sneered. “I have no princess, only a King,” he said. “I remain loyal to the Griffon Kingdom, and the Hope of an Empire Reborn.”

“Does your empire condone the murder of the innocent?” Hearth Fire challenged.

“Enough, Commander,” I said, not wishing for his anger to make the situation worse.

“My Kingdom will defend itself, no matter what assails it,” the older man replied. “And what I do to protect it is beyond reproach.”

I let silence fall between us, the older man trying to stare straight at me until he could bear my gaze no further. Satisfied that I had at least managed to silence him for a time, I produced a list from the ether, taking it in my hands and beginning to read. “One-hundred and eight people are now dead because of this attack,” I told them. “The oldest was a 77-year-old man named Titus Graff, who had come to witness the event in memory of his departed wife,” I said, taking note as the young man who called himself Cooper started to squirm. “The youngest was a six-year-old girl who was affectionately known as Blossom. She and her father are now dead, leaving a family of five now turned to three.” I turned from the list to my prisoners. “Are these the ones who threaten your king? Your ‘empire,’ as you call it? What harm could an old man and a little girl possibly bring against you?”

“We didn’t mean-” Cooper tried to speak yet again, only to be interrupted again by his cohort.

“Shut the hell up! She is trying to get at you!” he snarled, turning back to me with a hatred so deep that it seemed to burn from the depths of the earth. “False prophetess, you need to leave. I have nothing to say to you.”

“I am trying to save your life. A whole kingdom wishes for your blood, for your corpse to be paraded down the streets to be spat upon,” I said. It was the truth- not a reality I would let come to pass, but one that my people clearly desired. “I am willing to let you live- I wish for you to live, but I need the truth from the both of you if I am to keep you alive. So please, give me cause to spare your life!”

Cooper, as I suspected, broke immediately. “I’ll speak, I promise!”

The older turned to him so quickly that I almost did not have time to react. The wizened man gave a roar and raised his hand so as to kill his companion- and found himself flung into the wall, my hand holding them there as Hearth Fire called for additional officers. When help arrived and had entered the cell, the older conspirator was taken away to a padded cell in Isolation, where I granted Hearth Fire his request of a personal interrogation. “Words are needed- not pain,” I reminded my Commander. “He will face justice, do not seek to mete it out yourself.”

“But Your Majesty,” he protested. “The lives this man has helped to destroy-”

“Are my concern, and my responsibility,” I said firmly. “There is enough blood in the air, Commander. Do not add to it.”

Hearth Fire was displeased, but accepted my words, and called for Ford to take his place as my guard, letting the battle-hardened soldier turn to his duty.

Cooper, who had not moved from his corner in the cell, sat there trembling with fright at the sight of me, looking as though he were an abused animal cowering from his masters. He was young- very young, a mere boy. I hurt for him. Perhaps against better judgement, I came close to the cell doors, reaching my hand through the bars for his. “Come here, young one,” I said, my voice calm and quiet.

Ford, who was standing behind me, took a breath. “Princess!”

“Not a word, please,” I said hurriedly, not taking my eyes off Cooper. “Cooper, I will not harm you. Please, come here.”

Terrified at the prospect, Cooper slowly, carefully crept forth and put a shaking hand into mine as though he expected my hand to break his. I gave him a smile, trying to soothe his nerves. Despite what he had done, what he had helped to accomplish, all I could see before me was a child.

“Cooper, am I your enemy?” I asked of him.

Cooper’s fear did not diminish, but he gave a tremulous shake of his head. “No, ma’am,” he said.

“Then please, relax. I wish you no harm or pain. I am merely trying to find out what happened, and why you are here.”

“That little girlie you mentioned,” he said. “Is she really dead?”

“Yes. She truly is,” I said, unable to keep the tightness from my own voice.

Cooper flinched as though struck, tears starting to flow from his eyes. “She was my neighbor,” he hiccuped. “I didn’t think we were going to hit the Square, just- somewhere, like a dock, or, or…”

“What were you a part of?” I asked him.

“We all knew each other. You know, Griffon Kingdom immigrants stick together,” he said. His face suddenly flashed with fear. “Do my parents know I’m here?” he asked.

“I do not know.”

“Please, don’t let them know this happened,” he pleaded. “They don’t know nothing about this, they never knew. I- I kept it secret-like from them.”

“I will do my best, but Cooper, I need you to tell me the truth about what happened. Why did they arrest you? What did you hope to accomplish?”

“The Manehatten cops, they push the Griffon folks around a lot. There’s been fights and stuff, and they’ve even given some of my family a hard time,” Cooper said. “I just wanted to get them to leave us alone, so Harrier there asked me if I wanted some revenge and stuff. We started breaking windows and things, I thought that’d be it! I didn’t think…”

“Did you not know they were planning to bomb the city?” I asked.

“Naw! I swear, I didn’t! I thought we was gonna blow up a boat or something, I didn’t- I didn’t… want to kill nobody…” Cooper’s face was streaked with tears that simply would not cease. “Can you make sure my folks stay OK? I don’t want them to get hurt cause of me.”

“I’ll have them moved to somewhere safe. Where they’ll be accepted and at peace,” I promised him.

“If I tell you who the rest of the guys are- the guys I helped yesterday- will you not kill me?”

“No, of course not,” I said firmly. “Cooper- Cooper, look at me.” His wild eyes locked on to mine. “Cooper, I never, ever wish for the death of another. It is a vile, vile thing to hate someone so much that their life means nothing to you. I do not hate you, I do not hate your friends- or anyone from the Griffon Kingdom. I promise you, your life is safe, no matter what you tell me.”

Cooper tried to stop his tears and failed. “Just- make sure my folks don’t know about this, please,” he said, nothing more than a shame-faced boy. “I’ll tell you everything I know.”

I left, full of the information we needed to track down the rest of the assailants, and my heart breaking for a young man whose life had been ruined by the cruelty and malice of men who knew better.

January 18th, the Year MCCCXLVI

Cooper has been safely transferred to a quiet prison in Van Hoover. His family has not been informed of their son’s involvement, but instead given the information that he was injured during the incident and has come forward with information critical to the investigation. Due to safety concerns, I have had his family discreetly transferred to Ponyville, where they will be in the employ of Twilight, who has begun work on rebuilding a new library for the town. They will be safe, and welcome, there under her watch.

Cooper’s sentence, due to his age and his willingness to aid with the investigation, will likely be lenient. He named every single person involved in the terror cell, a group that was named “The New Breed.” It was a group of eleven, all sworn to secrecy so that not a soul knew beyond their own faces. Two, such as Harrier and Cooper, were captured almost immediately. Two others were found in Baltimare only yesterday, and have been apprehended, meaning we have seven missing fugitives now running across the country.

All borders have been closed, every means of public exit is under watch. Luna’s border guard has taken to the shoreline and the southern border in the hopes we find them first. I pray it will be enough.

The kingdom is grieving. Too many have been killed and hurt, too many from too many places. Little children to the old, it is unacceptable. I wish it were not so.

And still no word from the Griffon Kingdom. I have contacted my ambassador to King Peregrine, Lord Feall, and have sent him to deliver the message personally, along with an armed escort. It will take him some time to make the journey, and even more time to return. Let it be enough. Please, please, let it be enough.

January 20th, the Year MCCCXLVI

Today is a tragedy beyond the scope of all my words or emotions. What am I supposed to feel? Despair? Anger? Fury? Sorrow? I feel them all, more than I ever feared I could. I feel consumed, overwhelmed, and I do not wish for it.

Three more of The New Breed terrorists were found today, brought in by a patrol in the Crystal Empire- perhaps hoping to find asylum in Yakyakistan? I do not know. But it was more than we hoped for, meaning that only four still remain at large, including their cell leader, a man named Merlin. I do not wish for their death, like so many of my people do, but simply to know why it was done… and if King Peregrine has been trying to subvert my kingdom from within.

But worse, far, far worse things have come to pass today. Manehatten is still on edge, alert for the slightest sign of treason. Manehatten is known for many things, but the fanatic loyalty to their homeland has always been one of their defining traits. Today, it has brought about an unspeakable evil.

As Cooper told me in his confession, immigrants from the Griffon Kingdom, even those born here, have faced prejudice for their ties to another kingdom. After the attack on New Year’s, the hatred between them boiled over- albeit very one-sided.

As I held Day Court, I was alerted that a messenger from the City Hall of Manehatten had come to visit, and brought news with him. I ordered for him to be brought before me immediately, eager to hear his news. I believed, as did those present with me, that news of Merlin’s capture had come to rise. What greeted me instead was far worse.

The envoy came before me and immediately I could see she was ill at ease, unable to look me in the eye for even a heartbeat as she spoke, her voice unsteady.

“Your Majesty, an… an incident has occurred this morning in Manehatten,” she said.

“Please, speak louder,” I called. “We all wish to hear your words.”

The messenger would not dare face me, squeezing her eyes shut as though she feared a blow would come. “Your Majesty, I am sorry to bring you ill tidings,” she said.

A group of Griffons were attacked today as they made their way to the local market by a violent gang of Manehattenites, who proceeded to beat every single one of the group until they were killed.

Five lives have been lost today. Two of them were not even adults, merely teenagers. Killed because a group of cowardly, vile people thought they looked like the faces upon a poster.

“And what does the Mayor of Manehatten say in regards to this? What does he say to the families of those who now suffer?” I was seething.

“He- he regrets the incident, Your Majesty,” the messenger replied, her words becoming all the more unsteady. “He calls it a tragic accident-”

Accident?” I cried, my anger spilling over and falling like a crashing wave. The air became scorched, my voice boomed like a crack of thunder as a fury unlike anything I have felt before came forth. “A senseless, baseless murder is called an accident!? We have justified the hatred of thousands today, an entire kingdom has been judged to be hateful and cruel because of the actions of these bloody few!” The room fell to one knee, all faces turned from my sight as though they could not bear the sight of my anger. “Bring this message to your Mayor! The entire city of Manehatten will mourn for three days, with nothing but bread and water as their sustenance. The Griffons who dwell there in that city will be brought gift and mementos of sorrow, as confessions for this crime. There will be no work, but days of mourning for all who have lost their lives- no matter the land that they call home! For the cruel, violent actions of a hateful few have brought us to shame! Now, GO!”

The messenger fled from my presence and I turned to all who remained in my sight, with not a one able to look upon me so great was my fury. “We shall not hate them!” I commanded, the fire in my voice palpable. “They have brought pain and sorrow against us, but they are not our enemy, no human life is our enemy! The enemy is within us, buried deep within our hearts and it waits, it prowls like a lion waiting for the kill. Do not mistake yourself, for it is crouching at your door- so master it!”

Day Court was brought to a prompt end as I left the throne room, my words burning like fire against my mouth, and not a soul able to withstand the sight of me.

January 28th, the Year MCCCXLVI

A freezing, merciless rain has fallen across much of the kingdom these past few day. I have ordered, for the safety of my citizens, that much of the businesses and schools be shut down until the ice thaws. Only my guards roam the streets now, as safely as I can manage.

I am worn down. It seems as though the whole world grieves now, for all the senseless carnage and violence that has been brought about these woeful days of this young year. It weighs upon us all, even the earth cries tears for the bloodshed.

The New Breed has been captured in whole. Merlin is being held in Manehatten, awaiting an interrogation that I personally will oversee. I will be leaving in two days to take part in the event. Hopefully it will be enough to learn the truth, for Lord Feall has sent no word since his departure to the Griffon Kingdom.

My court has been busy these past few days- not with the hateful words of many, or the violence of a few, but instead with an outpouring of kindness that has brought me low in grief. So many have sent gifts to the palace with the hopes that they will be distributed to the victims of those who were slain. Several beautiful gifts have been sent by Griffon families, who seem to feel a responsibility for what has transpired. It is as though a grief has fallen upon us all. Words of kindness and love from so, so many…

I was greeted by a visitor in Day Court today. Fancy Pants, a somewhat pompous but well-meaning man who has been part of the Canterlot elite for some time, came by. A well-spoken man, he paid visit to the Day Court and inquired as to the specific problems that have arisen from the attack, and whether or not he could help bring about any aid to the matter. As much as I wish otherwise, I told him that merely time and patience would be enough to start repairing the brokenness that has been brought about.

Fancy Pants, however, did not seem satisfied. “I do hope that you do not find me stubborn, Your Majesty,” he said. “However, if there are still efforts being made in the recovery… I know a few souls who would be willing to –how could I put it?- throw some money at it all.”

“I am sure it would be appreciated it,” I replied.

“And… if it does indeed become a problem, Your Majesty… several of my companies are always hiring. If, say, a certain group, was in desperate need of employment, I would be happy to oblige. There’s always enough to go around, I always say.”

“It would be most welcome,” I said, taken aback by his kindness. As he departed, a messenger bearing letters of good tidings came, written by thousands across the kingdom as they wished well those who suffered, offering love, hope, and prayers for the many. In such direct contrast to the hatred and fear and rage that had been so prevalent, this outpouring of ceaseless, unrelenting love was overwhelming.

The day could not go quickly enough, the time for me to lower the sun inching forward oh so slowly. Finally, when the moment had arrived, I lowered it quickly and returned to my chambers, desiring no food or rest for my soul.

These people were gone. Dead, gone- forever, never to see their friends and loved ones again. No longer would they feel the warmth of their beloved, no longer did their hearts beat. Instead, they had been brought to a heinous, fearful, painful end by such unfeeling hatred. And how had we responded? With hatred of our own. Uncaring, merciless hatred- only for it to be silenced by such great, great love. And here I was, having to oversee it all, because I was Princess and it was my duty; but I could not bear to see such things. The sight and stink of death consumed me in my wholeness.

“If there is someone outside, please enter,” I called, my voice threatening to break and shatter before me. Quietly, as though unwilling to intrude, a soft-footed figure knelt before me, revealing Ford had been on guard outside the door. “Ford- you shouldn’t be here now, you need-”

“I am where my Lady needs me to be,” he said, his voice easily audible through the doors he had just shut behind him, threatening himself to be revealed. He took my hands in his, and in his eyes I saw the desperation and sadness he felt because of my own sorrow. “Please…”

“I failed them,” I said. “They are dead, and I could do nothing to stop it,” I said, already the tears beginning to form within my eyes. “I cannot stop it.”

“You have done such good,” he said. “You have inspired love within your people, and they will follow you to whatever end. Because they believe that your words, your convictions, are right at heart.”

Unable to bear it all a moment longer, I fell into his arms and wept, overwhelmed by the love that had been brought against such terrible darkness.

Author's Note:

Post-military life is emptier, and busier, than I thought it'd be.

I don't know how to feel. My whole life changed just a few short years ago and now it's changed all over again. I feel completely lost.

As always, comments and corrections below. I'll try to have another chapter out before the end of the month, but no guarantees.