• Published 1st Sep 2018
  • 3,590 Views, 106 Comments

Love Letters of the Princess of the Sun - Echo 27

"I believe that I will, for the time being, use this diary to record my thoughts on the matter. Perhaps this will help clear my mind."

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July 24th - July 25th, the Year MCCCXLV

July 24th, the Year MCCCXLV

The day has been long. The lead ambassador of the Griffin Kingdom conducted a formal visit today, bringing forth news that has unsettled me.

For the past several months, there have been incidents both in our borders and within the Griffin Kingdom that have raised animosity between our two nations. Early in the year, a married couple that were of my kingdom-transplants that had rehomed themselves in the Griffon Kingdom- had been in the capital city and were attacked by a group of local nationalists, leaving the pair beaten and killed. I was given assurances that the attacking group had been sufficiently punished, but when the news made its way across the seas to our shores, sentiments against the Griffon Kingdom began to rise. To my immense displeasure, a business owned by a Griffon Kingdom immigrant was attacked and burned down in Manehatten by a drunken man who heard of the initial attack and decided to retaliate.

Since then, it seems to have grown into genuine animosity. I received criticism for what considered a ‘soft’ response to the Griffon Kingdom’s initial attack. I hoped that a conciliatory measure –a harsh prison sentence for the offense in Manehatten- would be enough to keep sentiments at rest. Instead, the wave of disdain for my people began to rise across the seas. There were a series of violent attacks over several months- no deaths, but many were left severely injured, or their homes or businesses burned down. When I requested a formal investigation into the events, I was simply given the response that the Equestrian immigrants had been found to be guilty of criminal conspiracy, or charged with domestic terrorism.

Here in our borders, visitors from the Griffon Kingdom and what immigrants that have made their way here have been openly disruptive. Those among them who committed genuine crimes were arrested, but many are visitors- the Griffon Kingdom requested they be extradited and tried on their own borders. They attempted to do the same with those who immigrated here, but I personally saw to the end of that scheme. Whoever considers themselves to be a member of my kingdom is ours to deal with- no matter the land of their birth.

The criticism from some of the noblemen and law enforcement of the kingdom has been harsh. Many believe I am trying to kowtow to the Griffon Kingdom in an attempt to keep the peace, and in so doing have made us look weak. Also that I am doing little to protect the lives of our people across the shores, and are allowing violence against our own who should travel under the protection of the Equestrian crown.

I have no wish to allow Equestria to be bullied about by the Griffon Kingdom. Travel warnings were issued two months ago for those who would go across the seas, but once they go beyond our borders, my authority does end. Common sense and the laws of other nations do matter, despite what others may think. However, the rumors of political violence by my own within the Griffon Kingdom are suspect to me. Some may indeed be true, if they behave similarly to our culprit from Manehatten- but the Griffon Kingdom’s pride has been injured, and that has put them on alert to any possible unrest, even if it means taking anything as a potential threat. I believe many of the arrests are on fabricated or flimsy evidence.

Today, the head ambassador for the Griffon Kingdom visited us, a man named Lord Arbor. He brought word from King Peregrine that the political unrest within his borders has grown, and many of his noblemen are averse to giving any further sanctuary or residence to my people, having branded the Equestrian people as a “political danger to the throne.”

I do my best to keep my own pride in check, but I took offense that the suggestion that my kingdom was deliberately trying to be subordinate. Our relations with the Griffon Kingdom have been strong for many years, I have no desire to see it erode.

Lord Arbor gave warning that if the issue persists, then all travel between the two nations would be formally shut down, and those within the kingdom would be considered “intentional insurrectionists.”

I rose to my feet, a true anger flowing within me. I reminded Lord Arbor that their kingdom depended heavily upon us for trade, particularly for crops and specialized sustenance, and that any threat against my people would end all trade immediately, and without exception.

Lord Arbor has already departed to the shores, eager to report to his king. Those who remain are left to deal with is pronouncements, and to do what we can to prevent the potential repercussions. I cancelled Day Court and called for a formal meeting of my council so as to discuss the unfolding events.

Our problem lies in that the Griffon Kingdom is much larger than us in terms of population, particularly that of their military. We are larger in size, but much of Equestria is farmland rather than formal cities, and the Royal Guard –both mine and Luna’s- are not meant to be a standing army. We are well-trained, but unequipped to deal with a full-scale conflict.

Our immediate consensus was that a travel ban be immediately placed on the Griffon Kingdom, and all those who were visiting the kingdom to be recalled home. I can do little for those who immigrated there, they having pledged their allegiances to their new kingdom.

It was Lord Saulbrook, a former captain of the Outer Wall, who requested what was to be done in regards to those from the Griffon Kingdom who are already in our borders.

“We will not treat them differently than we do now,” I said. “We will not incite them, nor give the Griffon Kingdom reason to believe we hold hostility against their people.”

“So we are to do nothing?” Lord Saulbrook asked.

“I will request that Luna’s Night Guard perform investigations into any potential threats,” I told him. “Those that are worthy of it will be kept under surveillance. However, we will not attack, banish, or exile any who are unworthy of it. I refuse for paranoia to take hold of us.”

“That is all well and good, Your Majesty, but the people are already positioned against them,” said Lord Albany, a former mayor of Manehatten. “Manehatten has a large population of Griffon Kingdom immigrants, as does Vanhoover. Their tendency to stick together has made them an easy target for attacks and abuse. If they do not feel threatened already, then they certainly will soon. It is only a matter of time before the national population retaliates in some manner.”

“Do you consider it inevitable?” I asked him.

“I consider it likely, Your Majesty,” Lord Albany answered. “Manehatten is very loyal to you, they will protect their own against whatever they consider a threat.”

I sighed, rising to my feet. “I will speak with my sister in regard to this matter,” I declared. “Return to your cities, find out what is happening within our own borders and do what must be done to keep the peace. What happens in the Griffon Kingdom is a concern, but we must do what we can to ensure we are absolved of blame here.”

My council will be departing in the morning. I pray that no ill tidings can be found.

July 25th, the Year MCCCXLV

Ford visited me today. A quiet meeting, one that he requested. It is strange to think- he initiated contact with me first all those months ago, yet not once since has he been the one to reach out to me. It was refreshing to hear him desire me- even if it only be my presence.

We met in the astrellarium once more, the cover of darkness bringing a shelter to our solitude. It is hard to feel alone when I have him nearby; he is a comfort in the loneliness of night, a gentle hand in the quiet of night.

We said little, merely taking comfort in the presence of one another. I knew no true words to say for some time, merely letting his hand and his lips speak for us both. I felt my heart flutter at his touch, my skin turn to goosebumps at his hands. A hunger, a whispering, aching thing, set me afire. I knew no cure to my restlessness.

“Let me feel your hair,” he said to me, gently braiding his fingers through the many colors. “Even as a boy, I wondered what it would feel like on my skin. Please…”

“You hardly have to ask,” I told him, joyous at the sight of his delight. His every feature glowed as my hair wove through his hands, the touch of his skin against my head delightful. He was gentle, soft, and slow.

Ford settled himself behind me, taking a tighter hold against my hair. “Don’t be alarmed,” he said, likely feeling my body tense at the pull. “I want to braid it. I’ve never seen you with anything but plain hair. I wonder what you’ll look like without it.”

I laughed softly, knowing he was right. I wore it simply, letting it naturally fall across my shoulders. I had never felt a need to change it, nor had a reason to. My hair was a sign of ownership; I belonged to my kingdom and it to me.

Ford sat quietly behind me, his fingers delicate and gentle as he worked. He wove in and out, back and forth and in between as his hands glided gracefully through my hair, his unconventional canvas. I didn’t dare move, craving his touch the more his hands brushed against me. That echoing hunger within me only grew stronger, and I knew no way of stopping it.

“Tell me something, Ford,” I said.

“Anything you wish,” he replied.

“Have you heard the word from across the seas?” I asked.

He continued his work, gently twining my hair into woven locks. “Yes, I have,” he answered. “Captain Hearth Fire alerted us to the issue. All the Solar Guard stand ready to fight for you, if need be… rest assured.”

“I have no fear of my men’s cowardice,” I said lightly, a hint of a smile upon my face. “I trust you more than to ever dream of that.”

“Then what do you ask of me?” he inquired. “To die for you? I have already sworn to do that.”

“I ask you for your opinion.”

He paused in his work. “Oh? And on what”

“You study war,” I said. “You breathe it, learn to fight in its fog and miasma. The Griffon Kingdom- if we go to war, do you truly think we would win?”

Ford continued in his work, remaining silent. “Do you mean we soldiers on our own, or with greater stock at our side?” he said.

“Please answer however you see fit,” I replied.

Ford pressed on, his hands slowing as he thought. “The Solar Guard is brave, and would fight no matter what end, Princess,” he said deliberately. “We are well-trained, resourceful. We know how to fight. But without your strength, your power- your sister’s, the Crystal Princess, your protégé… I do not believe we would survive.”

“And if we fight with you?” I asked.

“We would still suffer,” he said. “The Griffon Kingdom fights with tactics seen nowhere else in the world. Their weapons are for hand-to-hand combat, as well as to fend off blades of all kinds. They are difficult to plan against.”

“Do you believe you would die?”

He tugged at a curl in my hair before answering. “I believe I would go when my time comes,” he answered. “Whenever that may be, as long as it if before your own.”

“Don’t say such things,” I said quickly, reaching for his hand. “Not tonight.”
“I’ll stay silent, then,” Ford said, returning to his work. “It is a beautiful night tonight. Your sister should be proud.”

He soon left afterwards, weariness overcoming my champion. With a kiss farewell he was gone, disappearing into the dark.

I returned to my room and soon found myself in front of a mirror, admiring his handiwork. My typically straight hair was an intricately woven braid, beautiful at sight; waves fell onto my shoulders, petering out into ringlets as they came to an end. His work was exquisite.

Oh Ford, please believe you would live. You have become so much a part of my life that I do not know if I could let you go.

Author's Note:

I liked this one. Simple moments between characters are always enjoyable to write. Where this goes next? I don't quite know- and that's the fun.