• Published 1st Sep 2018
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Love Letters of the Princess of the Sun - Echo 27

"I believe that I will, for the time being, use this diary to record my thoughts on the matter. Perhaps this will help clear my mind."

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June 7th - June 15th, the Year MCCCXLV

June 7th, the Year MCCCXLV

It has been a considerable length of time since I have found myself within the pages of this diary. It was not an intentional thing, but rather a necessity. The summer has truly arrived, bringing with it a myriad of problems that needed to be dealt with.

The summer has been hot- extraordinarily hot, even by the standards of my weather-tamers. Heat warnings have been pervasive across the kingdom, with many of the larger cities becoming oppressive. I have done my best to help prevent the worst, but heat casualties are on the rise. With water sources dwindling in the excess heat, so have the abundance of crops. I have warned the kingdom that shortages in crops will be coming, as well as the possibility of rations if the rains do not come. Twilight has been working on a theory on how to dilute saltwater from the oceans into drinkable water, but she says the process will take time, and will not produce much early on. But she is hopeful, and that means it is an idea that can be counted upon.

Twilight- not once have I regretted taking her under my wing. Even when she was a child she always showed such potential, such ability! For a time I wondered if she would simply will her days away in books and studies- a useful, honorable path, but too lonely for such a brilliant young girl. Time with others has elevated her, helped her take root and grow. Her spare few years as a Princess have brought about considerable prosperity. The further she goes, she will become only greater.

Luna has been another great asset as the situation has unfolded, keeping the peace at night and ensuring the safety of the primary water sources. Rainbow Falls, likely the most precious water source the kingdom has, is under watch both night and day now. Luna has given me her word that no one will bring harm to them- nor take any excess beyond what is allowed.

The Crystal Empire has been aiding in what ways they can, doing their best to preserve ice from the mountains. Cadance, though admittedly isolated from much of the kingdom, has been working hard to build stocks as a last-resort option, should the heatwave continue further on. If the fall comes and we do not see relief, the Crystal Empire will have more than enough in reserves to keep us moving forward.

I am grateful for those I call friends. The minds and skill I have alongside me, never has the kingdom been so strong, or so secure of a hopeful future. Equestria should be proud of them- all of them. I have never before been so certain that no matter what we face, we will make it through stronger than before.

The Solar Guard has been my right hand these wearisome days, going out into the people and aiding them directly. Ever since my visit to Sergeant Coal’s home, I have tried my best to be a more prevalent force among the people. I wish for the pedestal I have been placed upon to crumble away into nothingness.

I have Ford to thank for that. He is young, but growing stronger and more confident every day I see him. He is becoming focused, sharp; a model soldier that the Royal Guard can rely upon.
And, though they do not know it, he is a steady hand I cherish. My early misgivings, born from that night we first spoke, have all but diminished. He is… a comfort I did not I wanted. To have someone who I can rest upon, to find comfort and solace in. He makes me feel stronger, at peace when I am weary. Just to see him brings a happiness to me- and I to him. I wish these past several weeks had been kinder to the both of us, but we have done our best. A small moment in the quiets of the night, a stolen kiss out of sight in the hallways, hands intertwined as we watch the sun rise…

I am glad I gave this road a chance. I am glad for Ford.

June 14th, the Year MCCCXLV

I have… a small problem.

A small problem that I seem to be struggling to rid myself of, and I do not know how to deal with it at all.

… Perhaps it is a larger problem than I want to admit. Or am I making a mountain out of a molehill? I am loathe to admit it, but I find myself, well, out of my depth.

Ford has… an admirer. A young laundry maid, hardly a grown woman. She has been part of the palace’s staff for only a month now, a girl whose family came from the eastern plains to Canterlot a year ago. Lately I have seen her in the halls and around the barracks, often trying to catch his eye. Every time she sees him she smiles and greets him with an overt friendliness, a flush overtaking her face. She will ‘accidentally’ make a mistake such as dropping something in her hands so she can spend a few moments speaking to him, or pretending to slip and fall so he can be her momentary savior.

Ford is a gentleman, so of course he helps her every time. She then tries to lead him away, somewhere private most likely. Thankfully, he is always on duty, or training- or trying to be with me. But she persists anyway, and I worry it will someday come to a head. She will make an advance and-

Oh, how can I let myself be brought to this? I sound as jealous and petty as a schoolgirl, trying to make a rival out of a young laundry maid! This sort of poor behavior is far beneath me. I should be ashamed of myself. I am ashamed.

Yet I cannot prevent myself from not feeling what I feel. He is my champion- how could I be comfortable with the situation? The more genuine concern should be the potential revelation of our secret. If she makes an advance towards him, he will deny her, and then he would have to explain why. But if she becomes suspicious, or grows jealous herself, then a soul searching for something wrong would be able to follow the trail. We would be exposed.

I do not know how to properly defuse the potential situation that may be brewing. I hope I will think of a solution.

June 15th, the Year MCCCXLV

Today was a simple day. Many of my guests, burdened by the heavy heat, were forced to delay their meetings and seek shelter in the depths of the castle, or search for the sparse breeze that would help to cool the summer air. Eventually, even I could no longer stomach the sweltering discomfort of Day Court and adjourned early, seeking out a refuge that I had discovered early in the days of Canterlot’s history as a city.

When the castle had first been built, a series of tunnels had been built into the mountains in the event of a major evacuation, a critical escape route in the event that the city should fall. When the tunnels were being built, a dead-end route was discovered, one that led to a series of mountain springs not far inside. The water is pure, and has been occasionally used for the prevention of diseases. It is a private pool, a place of cleansing and restoration.

I felt the unease and weariness in my mind. I needed a place where I could let something wash my feelings and exhaustion away and let me be renewed. As easily as I could manage, I dismissed my guards and departed for the springs. As quickly as I could manage I was soon in the waters, the soft coolness of the water overtaking me, washing away the grime and sullenness that had come to grip me so. It was a soothing, wondrous relief.

I heard the flutter of wings and soon saw the crimson feathers of a phoenix- Philomena, my dearest companion of all those long years. She tiptoed her way towards the waters, dipping her beak in and soon splashing about, cleaning herself until her feathers glistened in the afternoon sun.

I was grateful for her company, Philomena having been a part of my life since early on in my singular reign, coming to me as a hatchling not long after Luna had been taken from me. She knew me in ways I did not know myself. And as I stared into her eyes, letting her serene expression consume my thoughts, I came to an understanding: I wished for someone’s company.

Philomena understood. She gave a musical call and flung herself into the air, disappearing down the tunnels and out of sight. I finished cleaning myself and summoned my clothes to me, donning a loose-fitting, simple gown of gossamer silk that felt light to the touch.

In a few minutes I heard Philomena’s cry and the sound of footsteps. Ford was hurrying after her, not stopping until he caught sight of me, his eyes alight at my presence.

“She belongs to you?” he asked, pointing to a very pleased-looking Philomena.

“She is an old friend,” I said, beckoning him to my side. “One that I am glad to have.” I kissed him in greeting, the calming power of the waters having soothed my soul. “Just as I am glad of you.”

We let the sound of the waters soothe us as we sat together. The air was cool, serene and gentle. The minutes ticked by and soon crept into hours, neither of us needing to say a word. The moment was enough to dwell in. As the sun began to grow dark, I knew our time was short. Soon I would have to finish my duties and lower the sun to let Luna’s night begin.

“You have an admirer,” I said, my words finally breaking the spell of silence.


“The young laundry maid,” I told him. “Have you not noticed?”

“What do you mean?” he asked me, the bewilderment in his face was apparent. I realized that despite everything I had seen, not once had he been aware of her intentions.

I explained to him, and my concerns of what may eventually come if she became more forward in her attempts to get his attention. Ford laughed, barely able to keep a straight face through it all.

“I never would have taken you for a jealous one,” he said once I finished. “Did you really think anyone on this earth could pull me away from you?”

I felt myself go red. “Part of me… considered it,” I confessed. “It is not something I am proud of. I have become accustomed to the stars in your eyes. I… hope they will remain.”

We sat there for a moment longer, until it was time for us to depart for the night. When the moment came, we made our plans and bid farewell for the night, gifting him one last kiss as he left.

Poor Ford. He will have to find a way to break a young girl’s heart.

June 16th, the Year MCCCXLV

Our young laundry maid has endured a difficult day. The poor girl, she has no reason to deserve the unhappiness she now bears.

I do not know when Ford spoke to her. He was kept busy with additional work from the Royal Guard, I have been unable to see him today. However, I did meet with her- all completely by accident.

Today was hot; sweltering even. When the sun rose to its highest point, word began to spread of heat casualties beginning to spread across the city. I called for Day Court to be cancelled, instead sending out my Solar Guard into the city to help deal with the potential crisis. The faster we diffused the growing trouble, the better. My Royal Guard stayed within the palace walls, taking command as their brethren went into the streets, stretching us thin. I suggested to Hearth Fire that a means of relief be brought for his soldiers, but instead he laughed. The Royal Guard has rejected any respite that could be brought to them. To suffer by protecting me, according to their leader, is their lifeblood.

My own mind considered the mountain pools in the tunnels, but I knew the spring’s powers had been drained. It is a strange magic, one not so easily tapped. As scorching as the heat was, I would have to wait for some time before I could find relief within the mountains once more. With no real tasks at hand, I decided to adjourn to my quarters and return to my correspondence with Twilight and Cadance. With no relief yet in sight, their solutions to the excessive heat were of high concern. So I returned and opened my doors, only to find a young girl in the midst of her duties- the same laundry maid that had fallen for Ford.

She dropped the sheets in her hand and gave a small little scream that was more akin to a squeak, absolutely terrified at the sight of me. “Your Majesty!” she finally managed to stutter, dropping into an elaborate curtsy. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t expect to see you!”

Her eyes were red. Dull and heavy from a day that I could tell had turned against her. Perhaps she had woken up that morning hopeful, certain that today would be the day. Instead, Ford had been forced to be the unwilling bearer of unwelcome news and likely spoiled her day, if not the next several days.

“Please rise, young one,” I told her. “My apologies. I assumed I would be alone. I hope I did not interrupt you.”

“No, Your Majesty, I can leave now, if you wish,” she said, hurrying away from her work.

“Not at all. Please, finish with what you need,” I replied.

She seemed uncertain but remained, returning to her work on the sheets. I turned to my bathroom, slowly placing my crown and trimmings upon the mantle. As I settled upon my reflection, I heard a series of wet sniffs from the main chamber. I turned to the door to see the young maid struggling to hold back tears, and my heart hurt for her. The poor girl had done nothing to receive such an unwelcome meeting.

“Is there something wrong?” I asked her.

“No- no, Your Majesty, I’m fine,” she replied, obviously lying.

“What is your name?”

“My- Auburn. Auburn Gold, Your Majesty,” she answered.

I took the sheet from her hand, offering her a chair opposite me. “Miss Auburn, why don’t you tell me what happened to upset you so?” I asked.

I already knew the story, save for the details. She had run into Ford that morning, hoping to ask him to spend time with her in the market that evening, but instead had been greeted by Ford’s rejection, Ford telling her that he already had whom he cared for deeply.

“I never knew,” Auburn said. “He has no mark on his arm, so I just assumed he was unattached.”

I took pause at that. It was true, all married or attached soldiers carried their spouse’s mark upon their arm, with Ford being the sole exception for reasons of protecting his safety. I realized this may be a problem we would have to confront again and again, so long as we were together.

“I feel so stupid,” Auburn muttered, looking utterly dejected. “He was so handsome, and kind, I just thought- I hoped- I really liked him. He was always nice to me.”

Ford, ever the gentleman. He hadn’t meant for this to happen. Auburn was soft in features and nature, this was a wound she would carry for some time by no fault of her own. It was a pity to see such a young girl so despondent. I stayed and talked with her for some time, until the worst of her gloom had come to pass. We worked together on the sheets, a simple task that helped to elevate her mood. She was by no means happy, but her sadness had more or less dissipated.

“Your Majesty, can I tell you something?” Auburn asked me as we set down the comforter.

“Of course,” I replied.

Auburn looked around, almost as if she expected spies at the door. “I think Saber is courting a noblewoman.”

I laughed, knowing full well she had no idea how real that answer was. “Oh? And what makes you say that?”

“He carries no lady’s mark, Your Majesty,” she said. “He may be her secret lover and has to hide it. I would bet it was her idea.”

I laughed again, thinking of the night when Ford first kissed me. He had, by my provocation, certainly brought it all about. “You may be right,” I told her.

“Would you have to do anything about it?” she asked.

“Only if I knew about it,” I said.

“Oh, please leave them be, Your Majesty, they mean no harm against you by it, I’m sure,” Auburn pleaded. “I… I do wish it was me, but their secret love- it’s a fairytale story! So romantic and special. There must be no love like it in the kingdom.”

If I had told her the truth then and there, poor Auburn would have collapsed from shock. Instead, I agreed to keep it hidden for the sake of her friend Saber Ford. As we finished, she bid me farewell and departed, the hint of a smile now upon her face.

She is a sweet girl, and young. Hopefully she will find someone who cares for her.

Author's Note:

I didn't expect inspiration to hit so quickly. Yet here we are, another chapter in.
And yes, the time length is at random. I know.
This story is frustrating to me. I don't know the characters as well as I'd wish. Sunset and Marc in Till the Dawn are older characters to me- I know their motivations, how they act and react to things, mannerisms, all of it. Celestia and Ford are still unfamiliar to me, so it may mean some bumps in the road early on.

As always, comments and corrections below. Enjoy.