• Published 9th Oct 2018
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Equestria Girls/Spider-man Book 1: Amazing - Equestrian Defender

Flash Sentry tries to balance high school, being Spider-man, and the magical misadventures of Sunset Shimmer and her friends.

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Chapter 11: The Oscorp Job

-Friday, April 28th, 2019-

Oscorp Tower towered (Ha ha.) over the other buildings around it; a 100 story behemoth that seemed to nearly touch the sky. Running horizontally on the front side of the tower was the Oscorp logo, purple lights helping to illuminate it so it stood out at night. The whole building of metal and glass stood not only as a testament to Oscorp's money and power, but also to the ambition, vision, and perseverance of one Norman Osborn.

At least, that's what Thorax and Flash heard when they toured the building on that field trip where Flash got his powers.

Right now though, Flash was on the roof of a building across from Oscorp Tower, slipping on his new suit.

The Stealth Suit that Twilight had designed specifically for this mission.

-Wednesday, April 26th, 2019-

Flash looked over the suit Twilight had made. Unlike his usual red and blues with the web designs, this one was mostly black and white with a large black spider on the chest that had slightly longer legs.* "Okay. So how does this thing help me get into Oscorp?"

Twilight smirked, before pushing a button on the suit's right web shooter-

-and suddenly the suit's colors faded away, seeming to blend into the table itself. Flash's jaw dropped at this. "Okay, that is pretty cool."

"THAT is stealth tech I designed with some specific parts from Tony Stark. The suit is designed to make little to no noise when you move, hides your body heat from those pesky thermal sensors, and can even hide your scent if you ever have to sneak past attack dogs. And the cloaking device I built will bend light around you, rendering you almost completely invisible."


"Just two small bugs with the cloaking device. You need to move a lot slower when you're using it, otherwise it won't be able to keep up and you'll start to show up as a human-shaped blur. Along with that, the cloaking field around you is very sensitive to water."

"Kinda like the cloaking devices used by the Predator. A bit of water and that thing'll start shooting off sparks before failing."

She nodded. "That's right. If I had more time than I could probably fix it."

"Sadly we don't have that," Thorax said from over at his computer. "Thanks to that one head scientist at the Research Center blabbing it out and Twilight overhearing it, we know that Friday night Norman Osborn has a business meeting and he'll be out from 8-11(give or take a few hours). Plus with that that suit's water weakness in mind, this Friday will be the last night before we get nailed with some nasty storm systems that the weather guys are saying is going to last until May 5th."

"So Friday's our best chance to pull this job," Flash said. "So what kinds of security am I going to have to sneak past?"

"Depends on which floors. As the you get higher the security gets a lot tighter, because apparently they keep some of the more important research on the higher floors. The first ten floors are going to be the easiest to get past, since it's just going to be the security cameras."

"So I just need to crawl slow. Am I going to have to do that for all one hundred floors?"

"Since they got cameras on the outside of every floor, yes."

Once he got the Stealth Suit on Spider-Man made his way to the tower, Web-Zipping between the tops of the lamp posts so as to avoid the cameras Oscorp had set up on them.

Dropping down into some nearby bushes that hid him from view Spider-Man activated the cloak, waiting until his body was completely invisible before moving out of the bushes and onto the wall.

He then began to slowly crawl his way up the tower, mentally counting the floors as he climbed.

"The 11th Floor is when things change. From that floor up to the top, along with security cameras they'll be adding Thermal Sensors. Fortunately, the Stealth Suit will hide you from those.

'The problem will be once you hit the 26th floor. From that floor up they added pressure sensors that are designed to go off if a pigeon flies into it. And if that happens, the whole building goes into lockdown and activates several Oscorp Security Drones armed with Stun Blasters and capture lines. The only way you'll be able to go up past that floor without triggering it is for me to hack into the security network module on the 25th floor."

"And how the hell are you supposed to do that," Flash asked. "We already established we can't hack into Oscorp's systems from our lair."

"I took care of that," Twilight replied, pulling out a small metal disk with a light on the back, attaching it to the back of the Stealth Suit's right hand. "This thing will lead you to the module. Blinks red when you're getting close, turns green when you're on top of it. Once it's green, Thorax will be able to hack into the module and disable it."

"Not disable. More like trick the system into thinking there's nothing wrong. I'll let you know when you're clear to continue climbing."

Following the blinking red light until it eventually turned green, Spider-Man held his right hand with the disc over the spot and waited until Thorax said "All clear dude. Don't forget-"

"-get the module on the 75th floor. I remember Thorax."

"76th floor adds a rather annoying bit of security. Motion Sensors."

"And unfortunately, the Stealth Suit won't be able to hide you from that. Not even Susan Storm can hide from motion sensors," Twilight said.

"So just like last time, you'll need to find and link me to the module so you can keep going."

As he waited while Thorax hacked into the module, Spider-Man asked "Is Osborn gone yet?"

"Cameras showed him leaving the building just a few minutes ago," Thorax replied. "And with that, I am in. You just got the last one, on the top floor."

Continuing his crawl, Spider-Man looked up and noticed the clouds rolling in. "Uh, guys? Skies aren't looking too good."

"I just checked the radar," Twilight said. "Looks like the storm's gonna be coming in a little early."

"Oh joy. How long do I have?"

"I'd say about half an hour."

Sighing as he kept climbing to the last module, Spider-Man said "Thorax, have our Exit Plan B ready in case we need it."

"Already on it."

"Good boy," he replied as he came upon the last module, just above the helipad attached to Norman's office.

"The last module will disable the cameras, thermal sensors, pressure sensors, motion sensors, and laser tripwires in the vents and Osborn's office."

"And it'll be smooth sailing from there," Flash asked.

Thorax winced. "Not quite."

Spider-Man carefully crawled through the vent, thankful that the Stealth Suit kept his movements quiet. Looking through the grates he eventually found Norman's computer.

Now came the hard part. Pulling out the cord from his left Web Shooter, he readied himself. "I'm in position."

"Okay," Thorax said calmly. "Program's ready. I've studied their patrol routes, you will have a window in five... four... three... two..."

"There's one little hiccup in this. Osborn has about ten security drones in his office that are active whenever he's not in his office. Anyone goes in who doesn't have clearance, they end up stunned and out cold until the next day. And sadly, I can't hack into them as they're not synced to the Module. The only way to do so by voice commands from Norman Osborn himself."

"So, how do I get into his computer without getting blasted?"

"They attack anyone that doesn't have clearance on sight, based on facial recognition I.D. And they only have standard cameras, no thermal or motion sensors. So the Stealth Suit will be able to hide you from them as long as you don't move too fast. So no running."

"So just drop down, cloak, and don't move too much while you're plugged in," Twilight stated. She then smirked. "So, be sure you go to the bathroom before you start the climb up the tower."

Flash rolled his eyes. "Cute. How long will it take for the program to upload?"

"Once it punches through his firewalls, I'd say about thirty seconds tops," Thorax replied.

"Okay then. And if this goes south, we're clear on Escape Plan B?"

"...one. GO!"

Fortunately, Spider-Man started moving the moment Thorax said "...one." His feet touched the floor and he activated the cloak, found the USB port and plugged the cord in. Osborn's screen lit up and a bar appeared, reading Program Uploading.

Nervously, Spider-Man looked around and saw the drones. They looked like those four rotor helicopter drones everyone was talking about on the news. The difference was they all had the Oscorp logo and had a small gun on the bottom. Also a red light over their camera, probably meaning they were armed and active. He stayed absolutely still, barely moving a muscle as two of them looked right at him for a few seconds, before turning and continuing on its patrol route.

Looking back at the computer he saw the bar was at 58% and rising. "Huh, guess you were right about your program," he whispered.

"Uh, dude. Got a problem," Thorax said.

"Oh, come on. That's not what I need right now."

"Osborn must've forgot his keys or something, because he just walked back into the lobby."

Silently cursing, Spider-Man looked at the bar and saw it was now at 72%. "Program's still running. How long until he gets here?"

"He has a personal high-speed elevator in the lobby," Twilight said. "I remember reading a maintenance report that got sent to the scientist I was working with because of a mix up. Once he gets in it he'll be up there in roughly fifteen seconds."

The bar was now at 90% and rapidly filling. "Come on, come on."

Finally the bar was filled, and Spider-Man unplugged it and turned off the monitor. He was about to Web-Zip up to the vent he came in through when he heard the elevator DING! Shit!

As Norman Osborn came into view, Spider-Man was very thankful the cloak was on as Osborn couldn't see him.

Nevertheless, he stayed absolutely still as Norman walked up to the desk,

"Remember Flash," Twilight whispered (even though they both doubted Osborn would hear her. After all the suit was designed to make no sound.) "move slowly."

Keeping his breathing steady, he slowly moved away from the desk, being sure to avoid the drones as he made his way to the door to the helipad, noting the large vent above said door. "Thorax," he whispered "please tell me you've got the code ready?"

"It's ready. Just say the word."

He was right under the vent, no drones looking his way and Osborn still over by his desk. "Word."

"If at any time you get caught and/or need to make a quick escape, kill the lights to the whole building so you can get out of there," Thorax replied. "Fortunately once we're hacked into that first module I'll have access to most of the internal systems. I can mess with the A/C, shut off their Wi-Fi, set off all of the alarms. Turning off their lights'll be easy."

"Let's just hope we don't have to use it before I get the program uploaded," Flash said. "Otherwise it'll all have been for nothing."

The moment he gave the word the lights in Osborn's office, and subsequently all of Oscorp Tower, shut off and plunged the interior and exterior of the tower into total darkness. This only lasted for roughly a minute but by that point Spider-Man had already snuck through the vent out to the helipad and swung away, putting as much distance between himself and Oscorp Tower as possible.

Once he was a few blocks away he stopped and looked back at the Tower, noticing no drones coming after him. "Thorax? What do we got?"

"Well Norman hasn't deployed any drones or reported any break-ins, so obviously he didn't see you. Hopefully he'll think the lights were just some glitch in the electrical system," Thorax replied.

"That's good. Did the program go through?"

"Oh yes. The program had already integrated itself into the system. Even with the 'glitch' we caused, it's still in there and linked to our computers."

"So we're in?"

"Yeah. I'm inputting my search program and parameters to find tech that was stolen throughout March. It's going to take about... one day."

"One day?"

"Considering we've got 100 floors worth of servers and countless gigabytes of data to sift through, that's not bad," Twilight stated.

At that moment, the rain started to fall. Feeling the drops landing on his suit, Spider-Man watched as blue sparks start to appear around him as the cloaking field started to fail. Eventually it failed completely, revealing the grey and white suit. "Looks like you weren't kidding about the cloak being sensitive to water."

"You know I don't joke about my tech."

"Right. Well, I'm on my way back. This suit was nice and all, but I miss my red and blue."

"Just run a systems check and make sure we're not going to get anymore mystery blackouts," Norman said over the phone to the Engineering Department. He let the guy on the other end talk for a bit before saying "Let me rephrase that: run the systems check and make sure we don't get anymore mystery blackouts, or you can look for a new job. Good night." Hanging up he sighed. "What the hell do I pay them for again?" His phone then buzzed and a text notification popped up.

It read: Deactivate the drones and security systems in your office. We need to talk.

Norman sighed. Normally he'd argue, but he checked his phone and saw that he still had a bit of time. So begrudgingly he texted back: Make it quick. I can't afford to miss this meeting.

Don't worry about that. The people you're meeting ran into some trouble. Apparently their reservation got pushed back an hour.

"Of course," he muttered. "Drones: Standby."

The lights on the drone's visors all turned blue as they flew to their charging stations. Pushing a button on his desk, the doors to the helipad slid open, revealing the familiar black cloak and silver armored form of Bishop. As she stepped into the office her cloak began to recede into her armor, which then broke apart and opened up to allow Abacus Cinch to walk out, still dressed in her usual business attire.

Watching this, Norman rolled his eyes. "I swear if Tony Stark ever knew that suit of yours existed he'd more than likely sue you."

"Well he doesn't. And hopefully he never will."

Sitting down and gesturing to an empty chair in front of his desk, Norman asked "So, what is so important that you just had to see me and interrupt a very important business meeting?"

Cinch's response was to pull a triangular device from her coat pocket, silver and purple just like the her armor. Flipping it over she revealed a screen that read 100%, along with several buttons. Cinch placed it on his desk and said "You kept your end of the bargain. I believe it's only fair that I keep mine."

Gingerly picking it up as if it would vanish into thin air, Norman asked "Is this-?"

"There should be more than enough there to save your son," Cinch replied. "What you choose to do with the rest is up to you. Just don't ever say I don't hold up my end of my deals."

Norman nodded, stowing the device away in his desk. He then looked back at Cinch and asked "So we're done?"

"As a matter of fact, yes. I have everything I need from you. My project is almost ready. I just need to wait a few weeks before I set the wheels into motion."

"Well, you'll forgive me if I don't pour you some champagne."

"It's fine. I don't drink anyway." Getting up from the chair she smiled and said "It's been a pleasure, Norman."

Not exactly what I would call it he mentally replied.

Once Cinch had put her armor back on and turned to leave, she said "Also, word of warning: should you ever decide to sell me out to the police, I took the liberty of downloading some... leverage, from your computers. Enough to make sure your plans to become mayor will never succeed. Keep that in mind if you suddenly grow a conscience." Seeing his simmering face brought a certain amount of joy to her as she turned and engaged her jet boosters, the vents in her boots and the back of her suit glowing purple as she flew out into the night.

Norman growled as the doors slid shut. "One day, Abacus. You will get what's coming to you. And I'm going to enjoy watching you burn." Picking up the device she gave him, his expression softened and he allowed himself to smile. "But right now, I have more pressing things to worry about."

As she flew to her lab, Cinch activated the comm in her armor to place a call.

Almost immediately she had her answer. "Octavius."

She smiled. "Hello Otto. My deal with Osborn is over and done with. He's a loose end now."

Had it been a video call, she would have probably seen him smile. "Well now, allow me to cut him off."

"Patience, doctor. Give him a few days with his son first. Let him think everything's going to be great. And then-"

"-I will personally remind Norman Osborn of all the lives he has destroyed. Including my own."

Author's Note:

*The Stealth Suit is the Future Foundation Suit from the comics.
Only instead of turning black for the Stealth Mode it turns full on invisible. Because Twilight is a genius who could give Tony Stark a run for his money. (Seriously, we have yet to see him make a stealth armor. You think he would've done that by now.)

Well that's that. Now we just wait for the next chapter and we may very well get a hint into Cinch's endgame.

Naturally you're all probably wondering what Otto Octavius is going to do. Well it won't involve him unleashing Devil's Breath into New York like in the game. I'm actually saving it for further down the line. But rest assured, Doc Ock will be facing off against our favorite webslinger.

But not for a while, as our next villain is going to be a bit more... scaly. :raritywink:

Equestrian Defender, Out!