• Published 9th Oct 2018
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Equestria Girls/Spider-man Book 1: Amazing - Equestrian Defender

Flash Sentry tries to balance high school, being Spider-man, and the magical misadventures of Sunset Shimmer and her friends.

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Chapter 12: The First Date

-Friday May 5th, 2019-

It was after school that day, and the Rainbooms along with Thorax, Flash and Twilight were helping out at the F.E.A.S.T. Shelter for the afternoon. Why?

Well, a requirement for graduation at both CHS and Crystal Prep were that each student had to have performed at least twenty hours of volunteer work outside of school. And it had to be at a place that is not run by their families and where the students themselves are not employed. Rather than try and do all twenty hours during senior year, most of the students preferred to spread them out over the four years of high school. Some did ten hours over two years, some did five hours over four years, and so on and so forth.

And after hearing Flash say that they were a bit understaffed for the weekend, the Rainbooms decided to volunteer there. His aunt was more than grateful for the help.

So that afternoon, the Rainbooms were at various places in the shelter helping out where they could. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were helping with the delivery trucks, Rarity and Fluttershy were helping distribute clean blankets and bedsheets among the people, Pinkie Pie and Thorax were helping in the kitchen with Aunt May; which left Sunset, Flash, and Twilight to help out wherever they could.

Flash was called away for a moment to help one a woman, which left Sunset and Twilight alone to talk while they were helping to fix one of the TVs.

"So Twilight," Sunset asked while handing her a screwdriver "how have things been going?"

She shrugged. "Fine. Can't complain. What about you?"

"Well, after you asked me about anymore magical threats from Equestria that might be here in this world, I got a little curious. So I asked Princess Twilight to look through Starswirl the Bearded's old notes to see if there were."


She sighed. "Nothing yet. But honestly, I'm hoping it stays that way. Between me and the Sirens, I don't think this world needs anymore incidents involving Equestrian Magic."

Twilight nodded at that. "Well, in case there is another one, I've been developing something to help with that."

Confused, Sunset asked "How so?"

"I've been working on a device. Originally it was just supposed to scan for Equestrian Magic (back when I thought it was just some sort of energy) but I reworked it a bit so that if there's any stray Equestrian Magic or if there's anyone using it with ill intent, it can absorb it."

"You sure that's a good idea," Sunset asked. "I mean, what if someone copies it and tries to use it against me and the girls?"

"I haven't actually built it yet. And the blueprints and schematics for it are locked away on my laptop at my home lab and a backup laptop at my school lab. Both are protected by three different passwords that change daily. Even then they wouldn't be able to get on either of my laptops, since I have both of them hooked up to my homemade fingerprint scanners. Only way someone's going to get past the startup screen is if they have my thumbprint." She smiled. "And besides I'd never use it against you girls. Unless some villain mind-controlled you girls and I'd need to stop you. Needle-nose pliers, please."

Sunset couldn't argue with that logic. "Fair enough." She grabbed the tool and handed it to Twilight, only to notice that she was looking somewhere else and smiling. Looking in the direction she was, she saw Flash juggling some apples much to the amusement of a few children. Sunset smiled and rolled her eyes at Twilight's expression. Just friends, huh? If it were any more obvious you liked him as more than a friend, there'd be a big neon sign above you stating it.

An idea began to form in her mind, and she couldn't help but giggle. Hearing it, Twilight asked "Something funny?"

Handing her the pliers she replied "Oh, nothing." Except I'm about to get two lovebirds together.

An hour later the three of them were in the kitchen snacking on some fresh-baked cookies. "Your Aunt's cookies are awesome," Twilight stated.

Flash nodded. "I've been eating them since I could remember. They were great then and they're great now."

Now to put the plan into motion. Sunset smirked and asked "Hey Twilight, are you free tonight?"

A bit confused, Twilight replied "Um, I guess. I don't think I have any plans."

"I'll take that as a yes." Looking at Flash she asked "What about you, Flash?"

"Yeah, I'm free."

Her smirk turned into a full on grin and she said "Good, because I'm not." As she walked out the kitchen door she continued "You two go on without me. Have fun on your date!"

Flash and Twilight just stood there, frozen from shock at what just happened. Flash finally broke the silence with a rather loud facepalm. "Goddammit Sunset!"

Sunset smirked from her position by the kitchen door, giggling to herself at Flash's exclamation. "What's so funny?"

Turning to see the rest of the Rainbooms she motioned for them to come closer and listen in. They obliged in time to hear Flash say "Sorry about Sunset. I didn't expected her to try something like this."

"Has she done this before?"

"You mean play matchmaker? Once or twice, but never with me."

Pinkie looked at her and asked "You set Flash and Human Twilight up on a date?"

Sunset nodded, and Rarity had to hold back a squeal so they could continue listening. Sunset herself smirked, remembering when she set up Lyra with Bon-Bon, and Octavia with Vinyl Scratch.* Both couples were happily together after a little "nudge" from Sunset.

"But, we don't have to go on a date if you don't want to."

"No no no," Fluttershy whispered. Seeing everyone look at her she rolled her eyes and replied "Come on. We all know they're both perfect for each other." Everyone nodded at that.

"We can just hang out. Like, normal friends."

There was a bit of silence before Twilight replied "Well..."

"Come on," Rainbow Dash muttered.

"...I actually... well, if you want..."

"Come on, girl. Get on with it," Applejack muttered, rolling her eyes. Only to get an elbow from Rarity, who was clearly enjoying this.

Finally they heard Twilight take a deep breath and say "I would like to go out. On a date. With you."

"Oh. Well, okay then."

Internally, all of the Rainbooms screamed YES!

"So, what do you want to do?"

Apparently overcoming her nervousness, she replied "Well, I have been wanting to see the new Godzilla movie."

"YOU like Godzilla?"

"Yeah. What? Did you think I was one of those girls who like cheesy romance movies?"

"No, last I checked your name wasn't Rarity Belle." They both laughed at that.

All the Rainbooms save for Rarity had to cover their mouths to stifle their laughter. Rarity simply rolled her eyes. Some people just do not appreciate good films.

"So, I'll see you tonight at seven?"

"It's a date."

"Awesome." There was a pause before Flash said "You girls really need to work on your eavesdropping skills. I could hear you breathing."

The Rainbooms groaned, and then Twilight asked "They were eavesdropping?"

"Yeah. Apparently they think our lives are their soap operas." There was a pause before Flash asked "Uh, Twilight? What are you doing with that cast iron skillet?"

An ominous feeling came over the six Rainbooms as they heard Twilight reply "I'm going to teach a lesson to our nosy friends. Be right back."

"Should we run," Fluttershy asked, a bit scared.

The answer came as Twilight came out of the kitchen, and sure enough clutched in her hand was a cast iron skillet. She glared at them and started counting down. "Ten... Nine... Eight..."


The next hour the residents of the F.E.A.S.T. shelter were treated to the bizarre sight of Twilight Sparkle chasing the Rainbooms around the building while holding a frying pan. Flash and Thorax couldn't stop laughing and May just rolled her eyes with a smile and muttered "Kids today."

That night, with ten minutes before Flash was supposed to arrive, Twilight was looking over herself in the mirror. Since they were just going to get a pizza and see a movie, they decided to dress casual. So Twilight was wearing a sky blue blouse with purple stripes, a purple skirt decorated with star designs, and blue shoes. Her hair was now tied in a ponytail as opposed to the usual bun, the ponytail held in a hair-clip that looked like a six-point purple star. She wasn't wearing any makeup, frankly because she hated how it felt on her face. How her sister-in-law and Rarity managed to handle wearing this stuff was beyond her comprehension.

"You look great, Twilight."

She turned to see Cadance standing there, smiling. She smiled back. "Thanks Cadance." Looking back at the mirror, she asked "So, any first-time dating advice?"

She giggled. "Just be yourself. Flash already likes YOU, so don't try to be someone you're not."

"Okay." She noticed her hand was shaking. "And the nervousness I'm feeling?"

"The butterflies in your stomach? Inhale, count to ten. Then exhale, count to ten. I did that on my first actual date with your brother, worked wonders."


"He's early," Twilight stated.

"Only by about three minutes," Cadance replied. "We should probably go before Shining tries to scare him off."

"I'd be more worried about what Spike would do. Fortunately, he's spending the weekend with his friends at Sandbar's house."

"It'll be fine. From what May said and what we've seen, Flash is nothing if not a gentleman. You have nothing to worry about."

Unless something happens and Flash has to suit up, Twilight thought which I really hope does NOT happen.

As they walked downstairs to the entryway they overhead Shining Armor talking to Flash, who was dressed in a pair of clean blue jeans and his usual jacket, both of which looked like they'd been freshly washed. Shining said "I want her back home by eleven tonight. One minute beyond that-"

"And you'll arrest me," Flash asked jokingly.

"Oh, I can do far worse than that."

Cadance lightly bopped him on the head and said "Knock it off, Shiny." She then smiled at them and added "You kids have fun."

Flash smiled at Twilight and asked "Are you ready to go?"

Twilight nodded. "Yep."

As they walked out the door Shining called "I mean it Sentry. Eleven O'Clock, and not a second past!"

Once the door was closed Flash asked "Is he always like this?"

Twilight shrugged. "I wouldn't know, seeing as how this is my first date."

Flash smiled as he held out his hand. "Well then, I'll just have to make sure this one is pretty awesome. Even if it is just pizza and a movie."

Taking his hand while trying (and failing) to stop the blush from forming on her face, she replied "Well, let's go! I wanna see Godzilla trash King Ghidorah!"

As they walked off they never noticed Cadance and Shining watching them through the window. Cadance's phone rang and she answered. "Hey May. Yes, they just left." She cursed under her breath and added "No, I didn't get any pictures. Don't worry, I'll get some when they-"

Shining could only roll his eyes at that exchange, and his own thoughts were simply You better not break my little sister's heart, Sentry. Otherwise they'll have to fish your body out of the Hudson.

Flash couldn't believe his luck.

Because for once since becoming Spider-Man, it was good.

They made it to the theater on time, got decent seats to watch the movie, and said movie turned out to be pretty good.**

They were now on their way to the pizzeria to grab their dinner, and so far nothing had come up. No muggings, no bank robberies, no crazy super-villains, nothing that would require Spider-Man's assistance.

Flash turned to Twilight, and saw her shiver slightly. "Something wrong?"

"No, I'm fine," she replied, rubbing her exposed arms. "Just a little chilly."

Before she could even blink he had taken off his jacket and held it out to her, revealing his usual t-shirt. "Here you go."

"Flash, I don't-"

"We still have three blocks to get to the shop and the last thing I want is for you to get a cold."

"Aren't you worried you might get cold?"

"I'm used to it. My old Homemade Suit wasn't that warm, especially when winter came around. And while my spider powers made it harder for me to get sick, they didn't stop me from feeling the cold." He shivered and said "I quickly learned the benefit of thermal underwear, and chimneys."

Twilight giggled before slipping on the jacket, noting how it was a few sizes too big for her. Further evidence came when she let her arms hang by her sides and the jacket sleeves covered her hands. "It's a bit big for me," she joked.

Flash chuckled. "Well, to be fair I'm a bit of a big guy. And you're kinda..."

"Short," she deadpanned.

"A little."

She playfully punched his shoulder, made a bit awkward by the sleeve covering her fist, and said "Come on. We got a half Meat Lovers, half Pepperoni pizza waiting for us."

As they resumed walking Flash looked at his watch. "Hmm. Shouldn't take us too long to eat the pizza. Still have about an hour to kill afterwards."

"So, what are we gonna do?"

"Well it's your first date, so is there anywhere you want to go?"

Thinking about it for a few seconds, she eventually said "There is one thing I want to do."

"And that would be?"

She smiled and replied "Pizza first. And then, we'll need to stop at a flower shop."

About thirty minutes later the two of them had stopped at a graveyard outside of a church, Flash carrying a bouquet of white lilies while Twilight led the way. They walked in silence for a bit, until Flash asked "Are we here to see your parents?"

Surprised, Twilight replied "Yeah. How did you-"

"It wasn't that hard to figure out. I haven't seen any pictures displayed of them at your house, I've never met them despite the many times I've been to your house." Flash sighed. "And the fact that you make it a point NOT to talk about them."

"Like you and your parents?"

Flash shook his head. "I was six years old when they left me with Aunt May and Uncle Ben and died in that plane crash. It's not that I don't want to talk about them, it's just that there's not really anything I can remember about them."

She put a hand on his shoulder. "Sorry."

"It's fine."

Eventually they reached their destination; a tombstone that bore two names: Twilight Velvet Sparkle and Night Light Sparkle. Underneath their names were the words: Good Parents, Great Scientists.

Twilight took the lilies from Flash and gently laid them in front of the tombstone. She sighed. "White lilies, Mom. Your favorite. Sorry I haven't visited in a while. I've been kinda busy helping..."

Flash didn't say anything as she spoke to the tombstone. Honestly, he and Aunt May did the same thing whenever they went to visit Uncle Ben's grave. Plenty of people did.

Once she was done talking and they started to leave, Twilight said "You're probably wondering how they died."

"I am. But I also know from personal experience it's not easy to talk about stuff like this. And I don't wanna push." He gave her a reassuring smile and added "But if you ever need to talk, I'm here."***

Twilight was silent for a moment before she wrapped her arms around Flash in a hug, laying her head against his shoulder. Taken off guard by this, Flash could only slowly (and awkwardly) wrap his arms around her in a return hug. They stayed like that for a few moments until Twilight eventually broke the hug and said "Thanks Flash."

"Anytime Twilight."

Eventually they made it back to Twilight's house, with a full ten minutes to spare. As they stood on the front porch Flash asked "So, on a scale from 1 to 10, how was your first date?"

Twilight giggled and replied "I don't have anything to compare it to yet, but I'd say about a 9."


"The pizza crust was a little overdone." They both laughed at the joke, and Twilight continued "Seriously though? It was pretty great. Thank you."

"You're welcome," Flash replied with a smile.

"So..." Twilight said, leaving the sentence hanging.

"Same time next week," he guessed.

"I might have an opening," she joked. "But we'll need something else to do."

"Got any ideas?"

"A couple hundred."

"Okay then. See you tomorrow?"

She nodded, smiling. "It's a date."

And then she did something that neither of them really expected.

Before Flash could register what was going on, Twilight Sparkle had wrapped her arms around him.

And then she kissed him.

It wasn't a quick peck on the cheek either, this one was right on his lips.

After about a second he closed his eyes and returned it, both of them wishing that this moment would last forever.

But eventually their need for oxygen overran their need to kiss and they separated to breathe, both of them blushing furiously.

Once they got their breath back Flash said "That was... nice."

Twilight nodded. "Yeah. That was my first."

"Could've fooled me. You were great."

Twilight giggled, and began to lean in for another kiss.

Sadly Fate, and lousy timing, had other ideas. "That's enough you two."

Both of them immediately turned to see Shining Armor standing in the doorway. Finding her voice Twilight yelled "SERIOUSLY SHINING!?"

Shining couldn't hide the victorious smirk on his face. "Yes, seriously."

She groaned, before saying "I'll see you tomorrow, Flash."

"Yeah. I should probably get home before Aunt May starts worrying. And before your brother grabs the shotgun."

She nodded before giving Flash one last kiss (this one unfortunately shorter) before walking into the house and being sure to slug Shining in the arm as she did so. Once she was inside, Shining looked at Flash and said "She's happy."

Confused, Flash stated "I can see that. What does that-?"

"I like seeing my little sister happy. So if you do anything to make her unhappy, if you hurt her in any way, shape, or form; and nobody on this Earth will ever find your body. Understand?"

Rolling his eyes, Flash replied "Yes sir."

Shining smiled. "Great. Have a good night."

Once he was inside, Flash smiled as he walked back home. Thankfully tomorrow was Saturday, so he could afford to sleep in a bit tomorrow.

His phone buzzed and he looked at who was calling him.

Surprisingly, it was Twilight. Smirking, he answered "You miss me already?"

He could imagine her rolling her eyes, before she replied "Maybe a little. But I wanted to ask you something."

"Ask away."

"Are we...boyfriend and girlfriend now? I'm only asking because..."

"We kissed?"


Flash smirked and replied "That depends. Do you want us to be boyfriend and girlfriend?"

The response was almost immediate. "Yes."

"Then yes, I'd say we're boyfriend and girlfriend now."

"That's a relief. I didn't know if we were supposed to wait until we've gone on at least two or three dates before making it official or-"


"Yes Flash?"

"Relationships are one of those things that don't have a set pattern or process. And it's definitely not something you're going to be able to learn from a book. It's one of those things where you just gotta go with what your heart tells you. So please stop trying to overthink it."

There was a slight pause before Twilight jokingly replied "I'll try my best." She yawned and added "After a good night's sleep."

"Good night, Twi."

She giggled sleepily. "Good night, Flash."

Hanging up, Flash sighed happily as he looked up at the starry night sky.

Tonight had arguably been the best night ever.

Author's Note:

*Yes, I ship them. No, I will neither confirm nor will I deny that they'll be showing up later in this story or a future one.
**My opinion, and I will not go into spoiler territory since it's not out on Blu-Ray yet and I don't want to spoil it for people who want to see it but haven't yet.
***The exact details of her parents will be revealed in Sci-Twi's own story later on down the road. But don't worry, you'll get some hints at it before this book is over.

On a serious note this is the first time I've ever done a chapter that goes straight into the romance territory, so sorry if this doesn't seem as good as my other chapters. Hopefully it's still passable to you guys.

And with that over, get ready because next chapter we dive back into the Spider-Man work, with the tragic case of Doctor Connors and the Lizard!