• Published 9th Oct 2018
  • 4,976 Views, 884 Comments

Equestria Girls/Spider-man Book 1: Amazing - Equestrian Defender

Flash Sentry tries to balance high school, being Spider-man, and the magical misadventures of Sunset Shimmer and her friends.

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Chapter 4: The Formation of Team Spider

Author's Note:

Okay, so I was looking back through my story and I realized that I wasn't really clear on which version of the Spider-man suit Flash was currently using. And with the cover art I'm using... Yeaaaahhh. :twilightoops: OOPS.
To avoid confusion Flash is currently using the suit from Civil War and Spider-man Homecoming, which the video game appropriately calls "The Stark Suit." He will eventually get the Advanced Suit (the one in the cover art), but not until later. MUCH later.

And I am so sorry it took so long to write this. The reason this time aside from a hectic schedule, is that I was working on my other story, Remnant's Harmony. An MLP/RWBY fanfic, link below:
Feel free to read it if you want. I could use the views.

It was about half an hour later and everybody was sitting at the table enjoying dinner. Shining Armor had arrived a few minutes earlier, getting a hug and a kiss from his wife and a combined tackle-hug from Twilight and Spike.

But then Twilight had called Shining something, which led to the conversation they were now having at the table.

"BBBFF," Flash asked in disbelief.

Twilight shrugged. "It means Big Brother Best Friend Forever."

Chuckling, Flash asked "So, is Spike your LBBFF? Your Little Brother Best Friend Forever?"

"Please don't give her any ideas," Spike groaned while his hand was covering his face, earning a laugh from Twilight, Flash, and even Shining Armor.

"That's enough you three" May said.

Cadance nodded, but also added "Leave the teasing for the adults."

"Last I checked I am an adult" Shining responded.

"Physically, yes," Cadance replied. "Jury's still out on whether or not you're an adult mentally, honey."

"Just because I play Ogres and Oubliettes with Spike does not mean I'm a child. That's like saying you're still a child because you still like watching those Disney Princess movies."

"Leave my Princesses out of this!"

"Then leave my RPGs out of it!"

As they continued their banter, Flash looked at Twilight and Spike and asked "Are they always like this?"

Twilight sighed and nodded while Spike, with a straight face no less, replied "Only on Wednesdays."

May chuckled and asked "So, what do they do on Fridays?"

He cringed and whispered "The less you know the better."

"Jeez," Shining said rolling his eyes "we weren't THAT bad."

"The lifetime ban you two have from the Laser Tag arcade begs to differ."

Wisely deciding to change the subject, Twilight asked Flash "So, your Aunt says you got an internship at Stark Industries?"

Flash nodded. "Yeah. It's not really anything spectacular. Mostly I just help Miss Potts out. You know; grab her coffee, grab reports from certain offices, that kinda stuff. But in the last month I actually got to help out in the labs. Unfortunately since I'm underage and not a full employee, I don't get to help with the 'Impressive' stuff."

That was mostly a lie, which Twilight knew from what Flash during their talk in her workshop. As it was he just used it as an excuse for when he had to be Spider-man. Not that he'd ever tell his Aunt May that, otherwise he'd probably have to hang up the tights for good.

"I'm guessing by 'Impressive' you mean Avengers stuff" Spike asked.

"Yeah. Which sucks because I really wanted to see some of the Iron Man Armors."

Twilight giggled. "Thinking of taking one of them for a test drive?"

Flash thought about it for a second, and then grinned. But before he could answer his aunt said "No, Flash."

"Just a lap around Manhattan?"


"Relax, I'm kidding." Mostly.

"Personally I'd rather be Spider-man than Iron Man," Spike said.

Twilight smiled. "He is pretty cool. And brave considering he fought all those armed men by himself."

"Thirty thugs armed with military grade weapons," Shining stated "and a man with gauntlets that launched shockwaves that could smash through the building. Whoever the guy is, he's got serious guts."

"You know, I heard earlier today he stopped a bunch of thugs stealing an armored truck from smashing into a school bus,
Spike said.

"You heard right. I was the officer who arrested those lamebrains."

Flash was about to say something when his phone went off. Seeing a request for a video chat with the name Stark, he said "It's Mister Stark." Looking at Aunt May he asked "You mind if I-" He motioned to the living room.

"Go ahead. But be sure you tell him that he's interrupting dinner."

Rolling his eyes he replied "Sure."

Once he was in the living room, and he was sure no one was eavesdropping, he answered his phone. Tony Stark's face appeared on the screen. "Hey kid. I just heard about what happened at the Oscorp Center."

Flash sighed. "Guess Happy's not such a jerk after all."

"I'm not gonna comment on that. What exactly happened?"

Flash went over all the details from that day, finally finishing with what happened in Twilight's Workshop. "So that's pretty much it."

Tony for the most part listened without saying anything. He did seem kinda shocked about him revealing his identity to Twilight, but when he heard his reasoning behind it he couldn't really fault his logic. "You did pretty good today kid. Though I wasn't expecting you to fight a guy like Shocker. Speaking of which, really?"

"Hey, Thorax was the one who came up with the name, not me."

"Well that aside, do you have any idea where they might be?"

"The tracker on the container went offline around the Financial District. But for all I know they could be anywhere in the city by now." Flash then asked "I don't suppose you have a way to track them?"

Tony sighed. "Normally we would, but ever since the whole Sokovia Accords and Captain America going rogue the U.N. has been constantly on my ass. As it is the only reason you haven't been forced to sign the Accords is because you're a minor and because no one outside of me, Happy, and the other Avengers who aren't wanted by the U.N. know who you are."

"Thank you for that, by the way. So I guess you can't just use one of your satellites to track the cores?"

"Kid if they found out I was secretly helping an, and I'm quoting them here, Undocumented Superpowered Individual, my goose would be cooked and you'd be looking at one of two options."

"Sign the Accords or hang up my tights?"


Flash sighed. "Okay then. Is there any way you can help me? Because I'm gonna need more than Thorax's hacking skills and a gadget that I made from some working parts out of a junkyard to find these cores."

"What about your girlfriend's drone?"

Flash tried and failed to keep the blush off of his face. "One, she's not my girlfriend. And two, her drone only has a scanning radius of ten feet and there's a lot of New York to cover." He sighed and said "Look Tony, I know you want me to stay a 'Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman.' But the truth is the neighborhood's changing. The bad guys are getting more and more dangerous, and if more guys like Shocker keep showing up then I'm gonna need to step up my game. I'm not asking you to hold my hand, I'm just asking for a little help."

Tony thought about it for a few seconds before he asked "What do you think you're gonna need?"

"For starters, a location where we won't have to worry about random passerby walking into. The testing ground Thorax and I have is okay for me and him to test some new gadgets, but pretty much anyone can just walk in there. For some of the things we might be doing, we'll need somewhere with some actual security.

"I can do that."

"We'll also need some new computers. Thorax's current setup is okay for a MacGyver-style homemade system, but we could use something with a bit more processing power. And a lot less duct tape."

Tony chuckled at that. "I have a few ideas that can work."

"Also, I plan on asking Twilight to join this little team-"

"You sure that's a good idea?"

"Thorax is good with computers, but Twilight can help me on the scientific field. I mean come on, she managed to make a scanning drone with a bunch of junk she found in a bunch of junkyards. Just imagine the kinda gadgets she can come up with that I can use as Spider-man. With that in mind, I think she can do a lot better with some, quality parts. Just small stuff, no Arc Reactors or stuff like that."

Tony ran the stuff through his head, thinking about what he'd have to do to make it work, before saying "Give me a few days and I should have something for you."

"Awesome. I can't wait."

"Oh, and tell your Aunt I'm sorry for calling in the middle of dinner."

"I'll be sure to let her know. How's Rhodes doing with the leg braces?"

"Pretty good. He says thanks for fixing that slight balancing issue."

"Hey, he's an Avenger and one of our troops. How could I say no?"

Tony had to smile at that. "Alright. Just be careful out there kid."

"I try to be" Flash replied before ending the call and heading back to the kitchen.

"So, what was that about" Twilight asked.

Smiling, Flash replied "Just getting some new equipment in a few days that I cannot wait to try out."

Later that night while he was in bed, Flash pulled out his phone and texted Twilight You still awake?

A few seconds later he got a reply. Yeah. Kinda hard to sleep after today.

Which part? The attack on the research center, or when you found out I was Spider-man?

😏Pick one.

Flash chuckled. Well I was wondering, would you be interested in helping out Spider-man?

There was a few minutes of waiting before one question appeared. How can I help?

I have a guy who's good with computers, but I could use some help in the scientific department. You managed to make that drone with some scraps, what do you think you could do with some quality parts from Stark Industries?

I may have a few ideas. And aside from two days a week for my Oscorp Internship, I don't really have much to do after school.

So you're in?

I'm with you to the end of the line. And Codex too.

Flash smiled. Awesome. Tony said it'll take a few days, so try and work on some of those ideas. And maybe a way for us to track those energy cores without having to swing or walk around town with your drone.

I'll see what I can do.

Yawning, Flash typed Well I got school tomorrow, so I'm gonna get some sleep.

After that bout with Shocker, you probably need it. Good night.

Good night.

Three days later Flash Sentry and Thorax stood outside of a small warehouse on near the Brooklyn Bridge. "You sure he sent you the right address" Thorax asked, adjusting his heavily shaded goggles.

Thorax and his older brother Pharnyx both had a condition with their eyes that made them very sensitive to ultraviolet light. So badly that they needed to wear those goggles or else they might burn out their eyes (figuratively and literally.)

Flash nodded, showing Thorax the text from Tony Stark. "Now we just need to wait for Twilight."

"You don't have to wait too long."

They both turned to see Twilight walking towards them, carrying her backpack and a duffel bag. "Hey Flash" she said with a smile before looking at Thorax. "And I'm guessing you must be Codex."

Thorax nodded. "Actually my name's Thorax."

"Well it's nice to meet you Thorax." She then skeptically looked at the warehouse. "This is what Tony Stark set up for you?"

Flash smirked. "Nope. According to the text, this is just the dust cover."

They followed him into the warehouse, Flash looking over his phone as he walked. "Okay, far right corner, fifth brick from the left."

Finding the corresponding brick, he pushed against it and it slid into the wall, a palm scanner taking its place.

"Okay," Thorax admitted "that was pretty cool."

"It's for all of us. This way we'll be the only three who can get in here" Flash stated.

Once they scanned their hands part of the wall slid away to reveal a shiny metal elevator, which they promptly entered. As the wall closed up, Twilight said "There's no buttons on the wall."

"Because there's only one stop" Flash replied.

A few seconds later the door opened again, and the three of them walked into the room.

The room was large and spacious, with several work tables to the one side with various tools. In the center of the room was a serious of computers and two moving chairs, all of which looked like they were top of the line straight from Stark Industries. One wall contained a display case, complete with a spare Spider-man suit, since Flash was currently wearing his underneath his clothes.

Flash smiled. "So guys, what do you think?"

Twilight looked over all the tools and replied "The tools look good. But how exactly am I going to get the parts?"

"Tony said he set it up on one of the computers. Just type in what you need, within reason, and he'll have it shipped here. But he also wanted me to tell you that there's a list of things you can't ask for, so please don't."

"Got it."

Thorax sat down and started going to work on the computers. After a few minutes he whistled. "Tony Stark just became one of my favorite people on the planet. These computers are going to make my job so much easier."

"And hopefully make ALL our jobs easier" Flash added. "So you guys ready to get started."

"Of course" Twilight replied with a smile.

"These punks won't know what hit them" Thorax said.

"Then let's get to work, Team Spider."