• Published 30th Sep 2018
  • 5,218 Views, 153 Comments

An Alagaësia Dragon - Silverwolfdemon

I was at work one day, cleaning up to go home when I found this plushy, now I'm a Dragon in a magical land. Wonder how my boss is going to like this?

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I walked around my workplace mopping the floor for closing. Just a typical day for me, other than having to come in early. I mean hey, my afternoon is off, but I have to wake up at 5 am to get to work at 7 am. Living so far from work was a pain, and I was still living with my parents, just learned to drive this year.

Finishing up the dining room I noticed a customer had left what looked like a plushie on a table, and with me being the last one here. “Great, now I need to deal with it and paperwork.” I groaned moving to the table and picking up the dragon plushie. “Who’s kid left this?”

Looking at the plush, I noted it looked like Saphira from the Inheritance Books and movie, though the film was bull, really they cut all the context from it! “Huh, wonder if they’ve read the last book yet, fucking lost my copy years ago.” I chuckled before the world turned black and it felt like I was falling….

“Fuck, my head.” I groaned as I started rubbing my skull, and then a rock pinged off it. “Fuck, what the hell!”

I found myself in what looked to be snowy mountains in someplace very cold. Which in all honesty should be impossible as I live in California during a drought, in one of the hottest summers on record.

“What the fuck,” I said flatly before wondering around finding my movements to be kind of weird. “Need to find some fucking shelter.” I groaned as I passed a huge tree, which looked utterly gigantic to me. The door I was headed towards, also didn’t look so huge until I first walked up to it. It was an open door and found myself about the size of a puppy in comparison. “Uh..what?” I whined.

“Okay Anthony, just think, you picked up a toy and just shrunk…” I complained as I passed a skull nearly my size in what looked to be a fortress. “Or these are giants?” I questioned, I spotting a burning brazier set into the floor. Rushing over to it to get warm and I cried as I shivered, the heat barely kept the cold out with the open door blowing cold wind into here. “Where am I?!” looking left and right rapidly in a panic.

Around the ruins were bits and pieces of barrels, crates and broken furniture, the grey mildew, moss, and other wild plants covered walls and broke through the stone floors, with snow piling up from holes in the walls. It spoke of the ruin’s age that I couldn’t even begin to guess at how long this place had been left to rot. I’m hoping there was better shelter than just a fire, that whoever lit it was nearby.

“Hmmm? Where is that chirping keening coming?” An old haggard voice said from a door deeper in ruins. I noticed what looked backpacks filled with rope, climbing tools, bedrolls laying by his feet; it would have been useful when delving deep into ruins from games, that I used to play like DnD.

“Hello!” I cried out feeling like my limbs were about to fall off as I heard my belly growl and felt it ache in pain. “I’m cold and need food!” I exclaimed, scrambling to the voice as I noticed he was old, bags hung under his eyes, time, covered in wrinkles marred his tan face. One might liken it to leather pulled over a skull. He wore plain moss green robes, and a cloak was covered lightly in the powdered snow. His most striking feature was that he wasn’t human, at least not entirely, he bore equine features with his head and hooved legs, such that he had the reminiscence of a Disney movie character that belonged in Robin Hood or Bedknobs and Broomsticks.

He frowned, looking down at me his eyes wide, looking down at in confusion, “Do you have food to spare?” I begged him.

He tilted his head; he seemed to look at me, examining me. “What kinda beast are ye? You look much akin to dragons, yet ye aren’t one as far as my eyes can tell, An’ they ain’t failed me yet. What are ye? A new lizard or Draco-kin?”

“Please, I need to eat!” I begged him, my belly growled, and his eyes softened. He bent down and opened his backpack and fished out something wrapped in paper; it turned out it was half-eaten bread.

He tore up some of the bread off and held it in his hand; I wasn’t about to complain about the source of the food or what it was. I was too hungry to care. I took it from his hand and ate it chewing it before swallowing.

He picked me up and placed me on his shoulder, and began to set out camp in the middle of the ruins, next to his campfire. Once he had finished setting up his single person tent and a cushion next to his fire and set a windbreaker around it keeping much of the warmth nearby and shielded the campfire, he sat down and now and then he’d pass me some bread or dried meat to eat.

Well at least he’s friendly, though I don’t think he can understand me, I hope one day I get to thank him. I looked down at myself inspecting what I had become, blue scales, claws, draconic wings If I have to guess that plushie of Saphira did more than shrink me, it outright turned me into her when she was a hatchling!

I began hyperventilating until I suddenly sneezed. Luckily it was away from my savior, as I sneezed. A gout of fire expelled from my mouth, making him jump and left me blinking in shock when he recovered he glared at me, and I tried to look sheepishly at him,

“Akin to dragons,” he grumbled and took out an old worn journal an ink bottle and a quill, he began writing in the book.

“Probably making a note of his discovery.” I thought to myself.

“What are you doing?” I asked getting on his lap. I blinked as I saw him drawing me. “I look a bit like the German cover and the movie version of Saphria. Huh.” I said pawing at the page.

“Well aren’t you a curious thing.” He chuckled at me as he patted my head. I snorted at him, glaring at him before watching him draw me. This whole thing with the plushy is so, weird; I’m a dragon and one from a book saga I have liked for years. My head had fins on the side of my head, and horns sprouting from the back, and my snout was round to a point, but not in a beak. I had what looked like fur running down my back, or Quiles, with skips down my back towards a pointed tail. My wings were bat-like, with two spikes at the elbow. Every bit of my said infant, smaller, little growth to me.

“I’m a baby?” I said looking at the image in worry. I nosed his hand as he finished drawing, trying to ask for more food, my belly already gurgling again. Gods I was ravenous.

“Hm?” He looked down to me. “Hungry?”

I nodded, which brought a look of surprise upon his wrinkled old face.

“Well, let’s see what I have that would be suitable for you.” He said, going through his bag. I growled as I jumped into it, not sure why I did this, but my hunger was driving me. “Whoa! Hey, wait a minute!” He yelled, grabbing hold of me and pulling me out of his bag.

“I’m hungry!” I cried out, trying to snap at the apple in his bag. I wanted meat, but he had none.

“Okay, calm down. Just calm down.” He said to me, being gentle as he reached for the apple with magic and snapped it in two. “Here.” He gave one half to me.

I chomped down on it feeling my belly finally calming as I belched some fire. Which in retrospect was weird, Saphira could breathe fire for at least a year. “Sorry,” I said trying to look apologetic to the old man as he set me down.

“Well, I hope that calmed you down a bit.” He sighed, petting my head.

I chirped at him prancing about a bit before tripping and stumbling around till I got covered in snow and a ball of limbs.

The old man chuckled as to be picked me up and dusted off the snow from me.

“I can do it myself!” I whined, and he chuckled at me. “This whole situation is so embarrassing with how you are treating me!”

“Star swirl what have you found?” A white mare said as she walked into view. She had a horn and wings on her as she sat down next to the Old man.

“Celestia, what are you doing here?” He asked.

“Looking for you.” She told him.

“I was taking a stroll, and I happened to found this little one up here. No idea how this little dragoness got here though.” He explained to her. “Don’t you have your royal duties to attend to?”

“Yes, but you know how cold it is up here, and after my and Lulu’s experience with Sombra I dislike the cold.” She told him with a shiver as I responded in kind.

“Right.” He said with a sigh. “So, what to do with you?” He asked me.

“Don’t leave me!” I cried out clinging to his arm.

“Well, that settles it.” He said, before picking me up. “Can’t leave you up here all alone. Let’s head back.”

“YEA!” I squealed as we started leaving the mountain. We went, with me perched on his shoulder slowly approaching old style train tracks that looked brand new. I blinked in surprise as brand new relic came into view.

“You sure the Serpent won’t show up?” Star Swirl asked.

“Yes, the Enchantments Luna and I made should hold,” Celestia said as they boarded the one train car, it was ornate, covered in whites blues and gold, with images of unicorn heads on the four corners. We walked in and found plush velvet seats with gold inlays, and Sapphire gems points from the posts. They sat down as I hopped onto the seat. “She is kinda cute. The little thing would be eating all the gems though.” Celestia sighed.

“She’ll also be needing meat.” Star Swirl pointed out.

“Great.” She sighed. “Well, I can see if we can get a Gryphon hunter.”

“I don’t eat gems?” I said to myself before sniffing one and gagging as I tried biting it. “NOPE!”

“Maybe not gems.” Star Swirl said blinking at me.

“Don’t eat gem!” I huffed at them hoping whatever chips I was making got the point across. “No gems!”

“Well now, a Draco-kin That doesn’t eat gems?” Celestia said as she looked at me. “And her scales are more like gems themselves is she from the Crystal Empire?”

“Where are we going? What’s a crystal empire!” I chirped feeling much warmer. The white mare looked me over before picking me up in her magic. “Hey put me down!” I demanded trying to will her to understand me. I began flailing in her magical grip.

“Celestia. She doesn’t seem to like that.” Star Swirl told the horned and winged pony. I glared at her as she turned me this way and that. “Celestia!”

“I’m taking notes. Want to make sure this dragon is not of Discord’s make.” She told him and ignored my protests. “Wings are connected at different points than normal dragons, feral build, snout shaped with more curves, and spines along with spikes?”

“Let me out!” I shouted feeling something in the back of my mind and s surge of power. It rocked the train cart and made Celestia’s magic stop. I fell to the floor with a thud.

“She can use magic interesting. Dragon is barely figuring out the mail scroll spell, and she isn’t using fire to do it!” Star Swirl said taking more notes as I whined in pain.

“Oh goodness!” Celestia said as she looked me over. I didn’t break anything, but I think I had bruises. “Are you Alright?”

“No!” I huffed, my legs stinging from the high landing. “You dropped me!”

“She’s mad at you!” Star Swirl chuckled as I tried climbing back up the chair to see out the window. I could see rolling plains and so many trees and shrubs pass by as we raced to some forest in the distance. I could also see a small town surrounding a fortress.

“What’s that?” I questioned as the train neared the fortified settlement.

“We’re almost to the Everfree, the last safe place from the Monster Discord.” Celestia sighed with relief. “Mentor you must stop leaving the forest’s protective grace.”

“Bah, it’s a twisted prison just like anything that monster makes. We need to find a way to fight him!” Star swirl huffed.

“With what? If we take the gems, the forest will grow wild and of our efforts to keep Everfree a safe would be for not.” Celestia’s huffed.

“Gems again? Bleh.” I snorted earning a laugh from the stallion.

“I know, but we have to think of something.” He told her.

“I know. Luna and I will think of something.” Celestia sighed.

“Who was Luna?” I questioned as we started entering the forest. The trees were mostly evergreens with some others saplings here or there of other species. Shrubs were harder to find here, and animals scurried away from the train as it approached.

Most of the said animals were strange like Right out of fantasy. Some I had no names for, others were from human myths all over the world. I found the ones that seemed to glow the most memorizing. There also ones who had crystal eyes, and ones that seemed to fade in and out of sunlight. The trees themselves also had similar characteristics throughout as we passed them.

“Pretty!” I giggled.

“Heh, she looks kinda cute marveling at the forest.” Star Swirl chuckled.

“Or trying to pick prey,” Celestia said, laughing herself.

“It’s pretty! I don’t want to eat those beautiful animals!” I protested with a stern look as Celestia chuckled more.

“Oh, Luna is going to love you!” She said trying to calm down.

“Who’s Luna? Well Anthony, whatever happened to you, I guess you’ll find out.” I sighed to myself.